N. D'amico
Millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae
An eclipsing millisecond pulsar in the globular cluster Terzan 5
WE HAVE discovered an eclipsing binary millisecond pulsar in the globular cluster Terzan 5. This, the second known eclipsing binary pulsar after PSR1957 + 20, has a pulse period of 11.56 ms and a very short orbital period of 1.8 hours. In contrast to PSR1957 + 20, where the eclipses occupy about 10 per cent of the orbital period1, the eclipse duration in this pulsar is very variable and never less than one-third of the orbital period. The pulsar is in a circular orbit of radius 0.11 light seconds, which implies a minimum companion mass of 0.089 solar masses, about four times the companion mass of PSR1957 + 20. Timing observations suggest an identification of the pulsar with a variable conti…
Observability of γ-ray pulsars
PULSARS seem to play a major role as γ-ray emitters. Of the 13 objects listed in the first COS B catalogue1 the two brightest, CG185-5 and CG263-2, have been identified with the Crab (PSR0531+21) and Vela (PSR0833–;45) pulsars respectively. This privileged role of pulsars as identified γ-ray sources could be simply related to observational reasons: in fact, because of the poor angular resolution intrinsic to the γ-ray telescopes, the only possibility of identification for individual sources is the time structure of the emission, and the periodical pattern of pulsars is particularly suited. On the other hand, for PSR0531+21 and PSR0833−45, the observed pulsed energy release is essentially in…
Pulsed high-energy γ-rays from the radio pulsar PSRI706–44
Gamma radiation above 100 MeV in energy has been detected from the radio pulsar PSR1706-44. The gamma emission forms a single broad peak within the pulsar period of 102 ms, in contrast to the two narrow peaks seen in the other three known high-energy gamma-ray pulsars. The emission mechanism in all cases is probably the same, the differences arising from the geometry of the magnetic and rotation axes and the line of sight. Gamma-ray emission accounts for as much as 1 percent of the total neutron star spindown energy in these pulsars, much more than emerges at optical or radio frequencies. Thus, study of this emission is important in understanding pulsar emission and evolution.
A broadband spectral analysis of 4U 1702-429 using XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX data
Most of the X-ray binary systems containing neutron stars classified as Atoll sources show two different spectral states, called soft and hard. Moreover, a large number of these systems show a reflection component relativistically smeared in their spectra, which gives information on the innermost region of the system. Our aim is to investigate the poorly studied broadband spectrum of the low mass X-ray binary system 4U 1702-429, which was recently analysed combining XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL data. The peculiar value of the reflection fraction brought us to analyse further broadband spectra of 4U 1702-429. We re-analysed the spectrum of the XMM-Newton/INTEGRAL observation of 4U 1702-429 in the…
PSR 1758 – 24 and G5.4 – 1.2, a remarkable pulsar–supernova remnant association
Τiming observations made over an 18-month period using the Parkes radiotelescope show that the pulsar PSR 1758-24 is young and is located at the extreme western edge of the compact nebula G5.27-0.90 which is associated with supernova remnant G5.4-1.2. These results confirm the association of this pulsar with the supernova remnant. They also imply that the pulsar was born with such a high velocity that is has overtaken the supernova remnant shell and now lies outside the shell
Search for radio pulsations in four Anomalous X-ray Pulsars and discovery of two new pulsars
We report on observations of four southern Anomalous X-ray Pulsars, (1RXS J170849.0-400910, 1E 1048.1-5937, 1E 1841-045 and AX J1845-0258), obtained at 1.4 GHz using the Parkes radio telescope. Radio pulsations from these sources have been searched (i) by directly folding the time series at a number of trial periods centered on the value of the spin rate obtained from the X-ray observations; (ii) by performing a blind search; (iii) using a code sensitive to single dedispersed pulses, in the aim to detect signals similar to those of the recently discovered Rotating RAdio Transients. No evidence for radio pulsations with an upper limit of ~0.1 mJy for any of the four targets has been found. T…
GrailQuest: hunting for atoms of space and time hidden in the wrinkle of Space-Time: A swarm of nano/micro/small-satellites to probe the ultimate structure of Space-Time and to provide an all-sky monitor to study high-energy astrophysics phenomena
AbstractGrailQuest(Gamma Ray Astronomy International Laboratory for QUantum Exploration of Space-Time) is a mission concept based on a constellation (hundreds/thousands) of nano/micro/small-satellites in low (or near) Earth orbits. Each satellite hosts a non-collimated array of scintillator crystals coupled with Silicon Drift Detectors with broad energy band coverage (keV-MeV range) and excellent temporal resolution (≤ 100 nanoseconds) each with effective area$\sim 100 \text {cm}^{2}$∼100cm2. This simple and robust design allows for mass-production of the satellites of the fleet. This revolutionary approach implies a huge reduction of costs, flexibility in the segmented launching strategy, …
Spectral analysis of the dipping LMXB system XB 1916-053
Context: XB 1916-053 is a low mass X-ray binary system (LMXB) hosting a neutron star (NS) and showing periodic dips. The spectrum of the persistent emission was modeled with a blackbody component having a temperature between 1.31 and 1.67 keV and with a Comptonization component with an electron temperature of 9.4 keV and a photon index $\Gamma$ between 2.5 and 2.9. The presence of absorption features associated with highly ionized elements suggested the presence of partially ionized plasma in the system. Aims: In this work we performed a study of the spectrum of XB 1916-053, which aims to shed light on the nature of the seed photons that contribute to the Comptonization component. Methods: …
A fast PC-interface for synchronized sampling of digital data
We describe a high-speed interface unit for a PC-like microcomputer used for pulsar observations at the Northern Cross radiotelescope. The unit allows sampling synchronized to a master UTC clock and asynchronous output to a storage device with a peak data rate of about 2.5 MB/sec.
Broadband spectral analysis of MXB 1659−298 in its soft and hard state
The X-ray transient eclipsing source MXB 1659-298 went into outburst in 1999 and 2015. During these two outbursts the source was observed by XMM-Newton, nuSTAR, and Swift/XRT. Using these observations, we studied the broadband spectrum of the source to constrain the continuum components and to verify whether it had a reflection component, as is observed in other X-ray eclipsing transient sources. We combined the available spectra to study the soft and hard state of the source in the 0.45-55 keV energy range. We report a reflection component in the soft and hard state. The direct emission in the soft state can be modeled with a thermal component originating from the inner accretion disk plus…
The parkes Southern pulsar Survey -- I. Observing and data analysis systems and initial results
'Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO, PO Box 76, Epping NSW 2121, Australia Wuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, University of Manchester, lodrell Bank, Macclesfield, Cheshire SKII 9DL 3Istituto di Radioastronomia del CNR, Via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy 4Istituto di Fisica dell'Universita, Via Archirafi 36, 90123 Palermo, Italy 'Research Centre for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia 6Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories, Australian National University, Private Bag, Weston ACT 2611, Australia
An optimized mass storage FFT for vector computers
Abstract The performance of a segmented FFT algorithm which allows the out-of-core computation of the Fourier transform of a very large mass storage data array is presented. The code is particularly optimized for vector computers. Tests performed mainly on a CONVEX C210 vector computer showed that, for very long transforms, tuning of the main parameters involved leads to computation speed and global efficiency better than for FFTs performed in-core. The use of tunable parameters allows optimization of the algorithm on machines with different configurations.
The contribution of the Italian Northern Cross Radiotelescope to the Gamma-Ray Observatory Pulsar Timing Network
The observation of pulsars at gamma-ray energy requires updated pulsar parameters in order to fold the gamma-ray data over time intervals of weeks. The Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory Institute has set up an international agreement including several radiotelescopes and pulsar observers in order to provide a suitable timing support at radio wavelengths. In this paper we describe the system used at the Italian Northern Cross for the pulse timing observations related to the GRO mission.
Gamma-Ray and Radio Observations of PSR B1509-58
Abstract : We report concurrent radio and gamma-ray observations of PSR B1509-58 carried out by the Parkes Radio Telescope and by the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) and the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO-Gamma-ray light curves fitted at several energies between ~ 20-500 keV yield a phase offset with respect to the radio pulse that is independent of energy, with an average value 0.32 plus or minus 0.02. Although this value is larger by 0.07 than that reported by Kawai et al., the difference is not statistically significant (only~2 sigma) when account is taken of the uncertainty associated with their result. We b…
Discovery of ten millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae
IN the past four years a total of 13 millisecond pulsars have been found in 12 different globular clusters. These pulsars are believed to be old neutron stars that have been spun up ('recycled') in low-mass X-ray binary systems1 although some may have been formed by the accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs in binaries2. The globular cluster 47 Tucanae has an especially dense core, and is therefore a likely site for millisecond pulsar formation. Using the Parkes radiotelescope, we have now detected ten addi-tional millisecond pulsars in 47 Tuc, more than half of which are members of binary systems. Almost half of the known millisecond pulsars and more than a quarter of the known binary…
Discovery of 105 Hz coherent pulsations in the ultracompact binary IGR J16597-3704
We report the discovery of X-ray pulsations at 105.2 Hz (9.5 ms) from the transient X-ray binary IGR J16597-3704 using NuSTAR and Swift. The source was discovered by INTEGRAL in the globular cluster NGC 6256 at a distance of 9.1 kpc. The X-ray pulsations show a clear Doppler modulation implying an orbital period of ~46 minutes and a projected semi-major axis of ~5 lt-ms, which makes IGR J16597-3704 an ultra-compact X-ray binary system. We estimated a minimum companion mass of 0.0065 solar masses, assuming a neutron star mass of 1.4 solar masses, and an inclination angle of <75 degrees (suggested by the absence of eclipses or dips in its light-curve). The broad-band energy spectrum of the…
Probing the Equation of State of Ultradense Matter with a Submillisecond Pulsar Search Experiment
Current ideas about the equation of state for the ultradense matter constituting neutron stars provide models with a range of neutron star radii for a given mass. This implies different estimates for the maximum angular velocity that such an object could attain. The fastest and the slowest angular velocity differ by a significant amount, depending on the equation of state adopted. In particular, the identification of a submillisecond pulsar would allow us to constrain the equation of state of dense matter. In this paper, we discuss a possible evolutionary scenario resulting in a submillisecond pulsar, taking into account current ideas about the evolution of the magnetic field of neutron sta…
A high-frequency survey of the southern Galactic plane for pulsars
Results of an HF survey designed to detect young, distant, and short-period pulsars are presented. The survey detected a total of 100 pulsars, 46 of which were previously unknown. The periods of the newly discovered pulsars range between 47 ms and 2.5 ms. One of the new discoveries, PSR 1259-63, is a member of a long-period binary system. At least three of the pulsars have ages less than 30,000 yr, bringing the total number of such pulsars to 12. The majority of the new discoveries are distant objects with high dispersion measures, which are difficult to detect at low frequencies. This demonstrates that the survey has reduced the severe selection effects of pulse scattering, high Galactic b…
XMM-Newton detection of the 2.1 ms coherent pulsations from IGR J17379-3747
We report on the detection of X-ray pulsations at 2.1 ms from the known X-ray burster IGR J17379-3747 using XMM-Newton. The coherent signal shows a clear Doppler modulation from which we estimate an orbital period of ~1.9 hours and a projected semi-major axis of ~8 lt-ms. Taking into account the lack of eclipses (inclination angle of < 75 deg) and assuming a neutron star mass of 1.4 Msun, we estimated a minimum companion star of ~0.06 Msun. Considerations on the probability distribution of the binary inclination angle make less likely the hypothesis of a main-sequence companion star. On the other hand, the close correspondence with the orbital parameters of the accreting millisecond puls…
FIGARO IV: Large-area balloon-borne telescope to study rapid time variabilities in the gamma-ray sources at energies above 50 MeV
We present a new γ-ray telescope based on the Limited Streamer Tube technology, used as tracking chambers to detect photons above 100 MeV. This technique allows to obtain very large sensitive areas (16 m2 in our experiment), together with a good angular resolution for payloads embarcable in high-altitude balloon flights. The capability to collect a large signal in a short exposure time makes the telescope particularly suitable and competitive with respect to satellite-based detectors for studying both periodic and random time variabilities on galactic and extragalactic γ-ray sources.