Hematological and ventilatory responses to a 3900 m altitude sojourn in an elite wheelchair-marathoner.
This case study aimed to report blood markers and resting respiratory rate (RR) oscillations at sea level, during a 5-wk 3900 m altitude sojourn, and after returning to sea level in a 36-year-old professional wheelchair marathoner. Outcome measures plasma erythropoietin (EPO) concentration, hemoglobin, reticulocytes count, erythrocytes and hematocrit as well as RR were measured upon wakening 7-weeks pre-altitude, 7-days pre-altitude, 35 hours after arrival to altitude, on days 8, 15, 21, 28 and 35 at altitude, 6 and 16 days after returning to sea level. EPO increased up to 259 % (31.6 U l-1) 35 hours upon arrival at altitude and decreased below pre-altitude level (12.2 U l-1) on the 21st da…
Actividad cardíaca vagal, volumen e intensidad de entrenamiento en una atleta de fondo keniata. [Cardiac vagal activity, training mileage, and intensity in a Kenyan female distance athlete].
El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las oscilaciones de la actividad cardíaca parasimpática (ACP) en un mesociclo de una atleta keniata. La variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC) se midió durante tres semanas. En la primera semana (W1) el volumen de entrenamiento fue 120,55 km, en la segunda (W2) 96,71 km y en la tercera (W3) 79,45 km. Se analizó la media semanal de los intervalos (R-R), la expresión logarítmica (Ln) del cuadrado de la raíz media de la unión de los intervalos R-R adyacentes (LnrMSSD), la desviación estándar de los intervalos R-R (LnSDNN), la frecuencia cardíaca media (FC) de cada sesión y las fluctuaciones diarias de LnrMSSD (LnrMSSDCV). Se observaron incrementos…
Nutritional strategies in an elite wheelchair marathoner at 3900 m altitude: a case report.
Abstract Background Altitude training is a common practice among middle-distance and marathon runners. During acclimatization, sympathetic drive may increase resting metabolic rate (RMR), therefore implementation of targeted nutritional interventions based on training demands and environmental conditions becomes paramount. This single case study represents the first nutritional intervention performed under hypobaric hypoxic conditions (3900 m) in Paralympic sport. These results may elucidate the unique nutritional requirements of upper body endurance athletes training at altitude. Case presentation This case study examined the effects of a nutritional intervention on the body mass of a 36-y…
Influence of Training Load on Mood Disturbance at Sea Level and 3900 m Altitude: A Case Study of a Wheelchair Athlete
The purpose of this case study was to investigate the influence of a training load (TL), oxygen saturation (SO2) and blood pressure (BP) on mood states in a wheelchair marathoner during (7 weeks at sea level (SL), 5 weeks at 3860 m altitude, 1 week returning to SL). TL was obtained with Foster’s equation while mood states were obtained with the Profile of Mood States Questionnaire (POMS). Furthermore, SO2 and BP were assessed upon wakening. SO2 (%) decreased at altitude, compared to SL (88.31 ± 2.46 vs. 98.52 ± 0.11) and increased until the last week at altitude (92.64 ± 1.12). Systolic pressure (SP) increased at altitude compared to pre-altitude (126.0 ± 5…
Influence of Training Models at 3,900-m Altitude on the Physiological Response and Performance of a Professional Wheelchair Athlete: A Case Study.
Sanz-Quinto, S, Lopez-Grueso, R, Brizuela, G, Flatt, AA, and Moya-Ramon, M. Influence of training models at 3,900-m altitude on the physiological response and performance of a professional wheelchair athlete: A case study. J Strength Cond Res 33(6): 1715-1723, 2019-This case study compared the effects of two training camps using flexible planning (FP) vs. inflexible planning (IP) at 3,860-m altitude on physiological and performance responses of an elite marathon wheelchair athlete with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT). During IP, the athlete completed preplanned training sessions. During FP, training was adjusted based on vagally mediated heart rate variability (HRV) with specific sessions…