John F. Stanton

The route to high accuracy in ab initio calculations of Cu quadrupole-coupling constants.

We report nonrelativistic and scalar-relativistic coupled-cluster calculations of the copper quadrupole-coupling constants for eleven small copper-containing compounds. It is shown to be necessary to treat both electron-correlation and scalar-relativistic effects on the same footing even for a qualitatively correct description, because both effects are significant and are strongly coupled in the case of Cu electric-field gradients. We show that the three scalar-relativistic schemes employed in the present study--the leading order of direct perturbation theory, the spin-free exact two-component theory in its one-electron variant, and the spin-free Dirac-Coulomb approach--provide accurate tre…

research product

Analytic CCSD(T) second derivatives

A general-purpose implementation of analytic CCSD(T) second derivatives is presented. Its applicability is demonstrated by calculations of vibration-rotation interaction constants for the astrophysically important molecule cyclopropenylidene (C3H2) in which the required cubic force constants have been determined by numerical differentiation of analytically evaluated second derivatives of the energy.

research product

Analytic calculation of the diagonal Born-Oppenheimer correction within configuration-interaction and coupled-cluster theory

Schemes for the analytic calculation of the diagonal Born-Oppenheimer correction (DBOC) are formulated and implemented for use with general single-reference configuration-interaction and coupled-cluster wave function models. Calculations are reported to demonstrate the convergence of the DBOC with respect to electron-correlation treatment and basis set as well as to investigate the size-consistency error in configuration-interaction calculations of the DBOC. The importance of electron-correlation contributions to the DBOC is illustrated in the computation of the corresponding corrections for the reaction energy and activation barrier of the F + H2 --FH + H reaction as well as of the atomiza…

research product

Vibrational Energy Levels via Finite-Basis Calculations Using a Quasi-Analytic Form of the Kinetic Energy

A variational method for the calculation of low-lying vibrational energy levels of molecules with small amplitude vibrations is presented. The approach is based on the Watson Hamiltonian in rectilinear normal coordinates and characterized by a quasi-analytic integration over the kinetic energy operator (KEO). The KEO beyond the harmonic approximation is represented by a Taylor series in terms of the rectilinear normal coordinates around the equilibrium configuration. This formulation of the KEO enables its extension to arbitrary order until numerical convergence is reached for those states describing small amplitude motions and suitably represented with a rectilinear system of coordinates. …

research product

Revisitation of Nonorthogonal Spin Adaptation in Coupled Cluster Theory.

The benefits of what is alternatively called a nonorthogonally spin-adapted, spin-free, or orbital representation of the coupled cluster equations is discussed relative to orthogonally spin-adapted, spin-orbital, and spin-integrated theories. In particular, specific linear combinations of the orbital cluster amplitudes, denoted spin-summed amplitudes, are shown to reduce the number of contractions that must be explicitly performed and to simplify the expressions and their derivation. The computational efficiency of the spin-summed approach is discussed and compared to orthogonally spin-adapted and spin-integrated approaches. The spin-summed approach is shown to have significant computationa…

research product

The equilibrium structure of propadienylidene

Abstract A coupled-cluster study of the equilibrium geometry of propadienylidene (C3H2) is presented. Deviations between a recently reported experimental re structure and those computed at the CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ and CCSD(T)/cc-pCVQZ levels are larger than expected. A closer analysis reveals that this discrepancy is due to inaccuracies in the cubic force field that was used to correct the measured rotational constants for vibrational effects. A satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment is obtained if the vibrational effects on the rotational constants are computed from harmonic and cubic force fields determined at either the CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ and CCSD(T)/cc-pCVTZ levels. Revised values…

research product

The first excited singlet state of s‐tetrazine: A theoretical analysis of some outstanding questions

The equation‐of‐motion coupled cluster method for excited electronic states (EOMEE‐CC) is applied to study the structure and selected properties of the first excited singlet state of s‐tetrazine. Adiabatic S1←S0 excitation energies obtained with large basis sets containing up to 270 functions are uniformly somewhat above the experimental 0–0 value of 2.238 eV, but nevertheless are the most accurate calculations reported to date for this quantity. The equilibrium geometry of S1 predicted in this study is in excellent agreement with another high‐level calculation, and moreover is quantitatively consistent with both the intensity of vibrational progressions observed in absorption and measured …

research product

A simple scheme for the direct calculation of ionization potentials with coupled-cluster theory that exploits established excitation energy methods

Vertical ionization potentials can be obtained from existing computer programs for the high-level treatment of excited states by simply including a continuum orbital in the basis set. Exploiting this feature easily allows final state energies for ionized states to be calculated at several previously untested levels of theory that go beyond the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster singles and doubles model. Values obtained for N2, CO, and F2 with the most theoretically complete approximations studied here (those based on the CCSDT-3 and CC3 parametrizations of the neutral ground state) are in excellent agreement with experiment when a large basis set is used.

research product

Towards highly accurate ab initio thermochemistry of larger systems: benzene.

The high accuracy extrapolated ab initio thermochemistry (HEAT) protocol is applied to compute the total atomization energy (TAE) and the heat of formation of benzene. Large-scale coupled-cluster calculations with more than 1500 basis functions and 42 correlated electrons as well as zero-point energies based on full cubic and (semi)diagonal quartic force fields obtained with the coupled-cluster singles and doubles with perturbative treatment of the triples method and atomic natural orbital (ANO) triple- and quadruple-zeta basis sets are presented. The performance of modifications to the HEAT scheme and the scaling properties of its contributions with respect to the system size are investiga…

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Electron-Correlated Approaches for the Calculation of NMR Chemical Shifts

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On the geometry of the HO3 radical

Abstract We discuss the equilibrium structure of the hydrogen trioxy radical (HO3). The CCSD(T) geometry at the approximate basis set limit, in conjunction with the geometry obtained using the CCSDT method and a moderate basis set, suggests an equilibrium HO–OO bond length of approximately 1.59 A.

research product

Frequency-dependent polarizabilities and first hyperpolarizabilities of CO and H2O from coupled cluster calculations

Abstract Frequency-dependent electronic polarizabilities and first hyperpolarizabilities for CO and H 2 O have been investigated in coupled-cluster response theory calculations. Triple excitation effects have been considered by means of the CC3 model which has recently been implemented for frequency-dependent polarizabilities and first hyperpolarizabilities. The final estimates for polarizabilities and first hyperpolarizabilities are in good agreement with experimental results.

research product

Analytic first and second derivatives for the CCSDT-n (n = 1–3) models: a first step towards the efficient calculation of CCSDT properties

Analytic first and second derivatives of the energy are implemented for closed-shell systems described by the CCSDT-n (n=1, 1b, 2 and 3) and CC3 electron correlation models. A detailed discussion of the computational requirements of these calculations is given, along with diagrammatic formulas for all relevant quantities. The method is applied to calculate the nuclear magnetic shielding of H2O, CO and N2O and the structure and properties of propadienylidene.

research product

Analytic UHF-CCSD(T) second derivatives: implementation and application to the calculation of the vibration-rotation interaction constants of NCO and NCS

An implementation of analytic open-shell UHF-CCSD(T) second derivatives is presented. To demonstrate applicability and test the accuracy of the UHF-CCSD(T) approach for the determination of spectroscopical parameters, vibration-rotation interaction constants were calculated for the ground (12Π) and first electronically excited (12Σ) states of the NCO and NCS radicals. In addition, harmonic vibrational frequencies for both states, the Renner-Teller parameter for the ground state, as well as the 12Π→12Σ excitation energy are reported. While the computed values are in good agreement with reliable experimental information for NCO, most of the data presented for NCS are predictions of quantities…

research product

The Equilibrium Structure of Benzene

The re structure of benzene is revised on the basis of high-level quantum chemical calculations at the CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ level as well a reanalysis of the experimental rotational constants using computed vibrational corrections. A least-squares fit to empirically determined Be constants yields re(CC) = 1.3914 ± 0.0010 A and re(CH) = 1.0802 ± 0.0020 A; the latter distance is significantly shorter than the best previous estimate based on experimental data. Comparison of computed rg and rz distances with experiment as well as considerations of bond lengthening due to anharmonicity are consistent with the estimated re distance, indicating that the recommended structural parameters are very accura…

research product

Equation-of-motion coupled-cluster methods for ionized states with an approximate treatment of triple excitations.

The accuracy of geometries and harmonic vibrational frequencies is evaluated for two equation-of-motion ionization potential coupled-cluster methods including CC3 and CCSDT-3 triples corrections. The first two Sigma states and first Pi state of the N2 +, CO+, CN, and BO diatomic radicals are studied. The calculations show a tendency for the CC3 variant to overestimate the bond lengths and to underestimate the vibrational frequencies, while the CCSDT-3 variant seems to be more reliable. It is also demonstrated that the accuracy of such methods is comparable to sophisticated traditional multireference approaches and the full configuration interaction method.

research product

High-accuracy extrapolated ab initio thermochemistry. II. Minor improvements to the protocol and a vital simplification

The recently developed high-accuracy extrapolated ab initio thermochemistry method for theoretical thermochemistry, which is intimately related to other high-precision protocols such as the Weizmann-3 and focal-point approaches, is revisited. Some minor improvements in theoretical rigor are introduced which do not lead to any significant additional computational overhead, but are shown to have a negligible overall effect on the accuracy. In addition, the method is extended to completely treat electron correlation effects up to pentuple excitations. The use of an approximate treatment of quadruple and pentuple excitations is suggested; the former as a pragmatic approximation for standard cas…

research product

Quantum-chemical calculation of spectroscopic parameter for rotational spectroscopy

This review provides a computational chemist’s perspective of rotational spectros- copy and discusses the theoretical background and application of state-of-the-art quantum-chemical methods for the accurate determination of the relevant spectroscopic parameters.

research product

Benchmark Thermochemistry of the Hydroperoxyl Radical

A theoretical estimation of the enthalpy of formation for the hydroperoxyl radical is presented. These results are based on CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pCV5Z calculations extrapolated to the basis-set limit with additional corrections. Anharmonic vibrational zero-point energies, scalar relativistic, spin -orbit coupling, and diagonal BornOppenheimer corrections are further used to correct the extrapolated term energies, as well as various empirical corrections that account for correlation effects not treated at the CCSD(T) level. We estimate that ¢fH° ) 3.66 ( 0.10 kcal mol -1 (¢fH° ) 2.96 ( 0.10 kcal mol -1 ) using several reaction schemes. Significantly, it appears to be necessary to include effects o…

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Introduction to proceedings of Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2013: electron correlation: the many-body problem at the heart of chemistry

research product

Coupled-cluster techniques for computational chemistry: The CFOUR program package

An up-to-date overview of the CFOUR program system is given. After providing a brief outline of the evolution of the program since its inception in 1989, a comprehensive presentation is given of its well-known capabilities for high-level coupled-cluster theory and its application to molecular properties. Subsequent to this generally well-known background information, much of the remaining content focuses on lesser-known capabilities of CFOUR, most of which have become available to the public only recently or will become available in the near future. Each of these new features is illustrated by a representative example, with additional discussion targeted to educating users as to classes of …

research product

Equilibrium structure of LiCCH

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Bond Dissociation Energies for Diatomic Molecules Containing 3d Transition Metals: Benchmark Scalar-Relativistic Coupled-Cluster Calculations for 20 Molecules

Benchmark scalar-relativistic coupled-cluster calculations for dissociation energies of the 20 diatomic molecules containing 3d transition metals in the 3dMLBE20 database ( J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2015 , 11 , 2036 ) are reported. Electron correlation and basis set effects are systematically studied. The agreement between theory and experiment is in general satisfactory. For a subset of 16 molecules, the standard deviation between computational and experimental values is 9 kJ/mol with the maximum deviation being 15 kJ/mol. The discrepancies between theory and experiment remain substantial (more than 20 kJ/mol) for VH, CrH, CoH, and FeH. To explore the source of the latter discrepancies, the …

research product

A comparison of excited state properties for iterative approximate triples linear response coupled cluster methods

Abstract A computational study of the potential energy curves of the 1 Π state of BH, 1 Π state of CH + , 1 Σ u and 1 Π u states of C 2 , 1 Π state of CO, and 1 Π g and 1 Σ − u states of N 2 is carried out with the CC3 and CCSDT-3 corrections to EOMEE-CCSD. Good agreement in structure, vibrational frequencies, and excitation energies of these iterative triples-corrected methods with respect to experiment is found for most of these examples. However, deficiencies in the approximate treatment of triples is evident for BH and CH + .

research product

HEAT: High accuracy extrapolated ab initio thermochemistry.

A theoretical model chemistry designed to achieve high accuracy for enthalpies of formation of atoms and small molecules is described. This approach is entirely independent of experimental data and contains no empirical scaling factors, and includes a treatment of electron correlation up to the full coupled-cluster singles, doubles, triples and quadruples approach. Energies are further augmented by anharmonic zero-point vibrational energies, a scalar relativistic correction, first-order spin-orbit coupling, and the diagonal Born-Oppenheimer correction. The accuracy of the approach is assessed by several means. Enthalpies of formation (at 0 K) calculated for a test suite of 31 atoms and mole…

research product

The effect of triple excitations in coupled cluster calculations of frequency-dependent polarizabilities

Abstract Frequency-dependent polarizabilities have been implemented within the CC3 model. Comparison with full configuration interaction results shows that the triple excitation effects included in CC3 lead to a significantly improved treatment for the dispersion of the polarizability of CH+. For the refractivity and polarizability anisotropy of N2, better agreement with experiment is found for the CC3 results than for those obtained with the coupled cluster singles and doubles model.

research product

Relativistic coupled-cluster calculations on XeF6: Delicate interplay between electron-correlation and basis-set effects

A systematic relativistic coupled-cluster study is reported on the harmonic vibrational frequencies of the O(h), C(3v), and C(2v) conformers of XeF6, with scalar-relativistic effects efficiently treated using the spin-free exact two-component theory in its one-electron variant (SFX2C-1e). Atomic natural orbital type basis sets recontracted for the SFX2C-1e scheme have been shown to provide rapid basis-set convergence for the vibrational frequencies. SFX2C-1e as well as complementary pseudopotential based computations consistently predicts that both O(h) and C(3v) structures are local minima on the potential energy surface, while the C(2v) structure is a transition state. Qualitative disagre…

research product

Electron correlation effects on the calculated 13C NMR spectra of vinyl cations

Abstract A study of calculated 13C NMR chemical shifts in vinyl cations is presented. The sensitivity of predicted isotropic shifts to correlation, basis set and geometry effects is explored. In order to obtain accurate estimates that are reasonably well converged with respect to further improvements in theory, it appears that the CCSD(T) method must be used with a basis of triple-zeta plus polarization quality on the carbon atoms. Second-order many-body perturbation theory performs adequately for all carbons except for that bearing the formal positive charge, while the self-consistent field approximation cannot be relied upon to predict even the correct qualitative ordering in the spectrum…

research product

Anharmonic force fields from analytic CCSD(T) second derivatives: HOF and F2O

The recent implementation of analytic second derivatives for CCSD(T) (coupled cluster theory with single and double excitations augmented by a perturbational treatment of connected triple excitations) has been combined with a numerical finite difference procedure to calculate cubic and semidiagonal quartic force fields. Computational details of this approach are outlined. Applications are reported for HOF and F2O. The CCSD(T) results are in excellent agreement with experiment and represent a substantial improvement over the results obtained from MP2 (Mo/ller–Plesset second-order perturbation theory).

research product

Analytic gradients for the coupled-cluster singles, doubles, and triples (CCSDT) model

The first implementation of analytic gradients for the coupled-cluster singles, doubles, triples (CCSDT) model is described. The relevant theoretical expressions are given in a diagrammatic form together with the corresponding algebraic formulas. The computational requirements of CCSDT gradient calculations are discussed and their applicability demonstrated by performing benchmark calculations for molecular geometries with large correlation-consistent basis sets. A statistical analysis of the data reveals that CCSDT and CCSD(T) in most cases perform equally well. The CCSDT calculations thus provide further evidence for the high accuracy of the CCSD(T) approach.

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A worrisome failure of the CC2 coupled-cluster method when applied to ozone

Abstract The approximate coupled-cluster singles and doubles model CC2 is widely used for calculations of excited states in large molecules. We demonstrate a surprising failure of the CC2 geometry optimization of ozone, whereby the CC2 method predicts a barrierless, exothermic, and symmetric dissociation to three oxygen atoms. This is particularly astonishing since both second-order Moller–Plesset perturbation theory and coupled-cluster singles and doubles give reasonable equilibrium structures. We find that [ [ H , T 1 ] , T 1 ] leads to an unbalanced treatment of T 1 and T 2 in the CC2 equations. Results presented here suggest that considerable caution should be exercised when applying th…

research product

On the photoelectron spectrum ofp-benzoquinone

A high-resolution photoelectron spectrum of p-benzoquinone in the low energy (9.5–11.5 eV) region is reported and analyzed with the aid of simulations based on high-level ab initio calculations. The results generally support the notion that the two prominent spectral features in this region are each due to a pair of final ion states. The lower energy feature beginning near 10 eV is due to oxygen lone-pair ionizations, while that beginning near 11 eV comes from π electron removal. Contrary to previous interpretations of the spectrum, however, the results of this study indicate that the two π states are nearly degenerate, with the strongest peak in the photoelectron spectrum representing a co…

research product

The equilibrium structure and fundamental vibrational frequencies of dioxirane

Complete sets of quadratic and cubic force constants calculated for four isotopomers of dioxirane (CH2OO) are used to estimate vibration-rotation interaction contributions to observed values of rotational constants (B″), thereby yielding empirical estimates of the corresponding equilibrium values (Be). At the highest levels of theory, least-squares refinements of atomic coordinates to both the empirical Be values and the associated isotope shifts yield consistent sets of structural parameters. Recommended values are re(CO)=1.3846±0.0005 A; re(OO)=1.5133±0.0005 A; re(CH)=1.0853±0.0015 A and θe(HCH)=117.03±0.20°. Semidiagonal quartic force constants (in the normal coordinate representation) a…

research product

ChemInform Abstract: Electron-Correlated Approaches for the Calculation of NMR Chemical Shifts

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The electronic spectrum of pyrrole

The electronic spectrum of pyrrole has been investigated by performing calculations using a hierarchy of coupled-cluster models consisting of CCS, CC2, CCSD, and CC3. Basis-set effects have been investigated by carrying out calculations using correlation-consistent basis sets augmented with functions especially designed for the description of Rydberg states. Oscillator strengths, excited state dipole moments, and second moments of the electronic charge distributions have been used to characterize the electronic transitions and final states. Structures and vibrational frequencies have been calculated for a few selected states, and the importance of distinguishing between vertical and adiabat…

research product

Perturbative treatment of spin-orbit-coupling within spin-free exact two-component theory using equation-of-motion coupled-cluster methods.

A scheme is reported for the perturbative calculation of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) within the spin-free exact two-component theory in its one-electron variant (SFX2C-1e) in combination with the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster singles and doubles method. Benchmark calculations of the spin-orbit splittings in 2Π and 2P radicals show that the accurate inclusion of scalar-relativistic effects using the SFX2C-1e scheme extends the applicability of the perturbative treatment of SOC to molecules that contain heavy elements. The contributions from relaxation of the coupled-cluster amplitudes are shown to be relatively small; significant contributions from correlating the inner-core orbitals are …

research product

Triple excitation effects in coupled-cluster calculations of frequency-dependent hyperpolarizabilities

Abstract We describe an implementation of an analytic scheme for the calculation of static and dynamical first hyperpolarizabilities at the CC3 level in the framework of coupled-cluster response theory. Calculations are reported for the static, the second harmonic generation, and the optical rectification hyperpolarizabilities of FH. The results indicate the importance of triple excitation effects for accurate theoretical predictions of hyperpolarizabilities and lend further support to previous contentions that an experimental value for the second harmonic generation hyperpolarizabilities of FH should be reconsidered.

research product

High-accuracy extrapolated ab initio thermochemistry. III. Additional improvements and overview

Effects of increased basis-set size as well as a correlated treatment of the diagonal Born-Oppenheimer approximation are studied within the context of the high-accuracy extrapolated ab initio thermochemistry (HEAT) theoretical model chemistry. It is found that the addition of these ostensible improvements does little to increase the overall accuracy of HEAT for the determination of molecular atomization energies. Fortuitous cancellation of high-level effects is shown to give the overall HEAT strategy an accuracy that is, in fact, higher than most of its individual components. In addition, the issue of core-valence electron correlation separation is explored; it is found that approximate add…

research product

Coupled-cluster methods including noniterative corrections for quadruple excitations

A new method is presented for treating the effects of quadruple excitations in coupled-cluster theory. In the approach, quadruple excitation contributions are computed from a formula based on a non-Hermitian perturbation theory analogous to that used previously to justify the usual noniterative triples correction used in the coupled cluster singles and doubles method with a perturbative treatment of the triple excitations (CCSD(T)). The method discussed in this paper plays a parallel role in improving energies obtained with the full coupled-cluster singles, doubles, and triples method (CCSDT) by adding a perturbative treatment of the quadruple excitations (CCSDT(Q)). The method is tested fo…

research product

On the vertical excitation energy of cyclopentadiene

The vertical excitation energy for the lowest valence pi--pi(*) transition of cyclopentadiene is investigated. Using a combination of high-level theoretical methods and spectroscopic simulations, the vertical separation at the ground state geometry is estimated to be 5.43+/-0.05 eV. This value is intermediate between those calculated with coupled-cluster and multireference perturbation theory methods and is about 0.13 eV higher than the observed maximum in the absorption profile.

research product

Treatment of scalar-relativistic effects on nuclear magnetic shieldings using a spin-free exact-two-component approach.

A cost-effective treatment of scalar-relativistic effects on nuclear magnetic shieldings based on the spin-free exact-two-component theory in its one-electron variant (SFX2C-1e) is presented. The SFX2C-1e scheme gains its computational efficiency, in comparison to the four-component approach, from a focus on spin-free contributions and from the elimination of the small component. For the calculation of nuclear magnetic shieldings, the separation of spin-free and spin-dependent terms in the parent four-component theory is carried out here for the matrix representation of the Dirac equation in terms of a restricted-magnetically balanced gauge-including atomic orbital basis. The resulting spin…

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A Discussion of Some Problems Associated with the Quantum Mechanical Treatment of Open-Shell Molecules

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The re Structure of Cyclopropane

A long-standing controversy regarding the re structure of cyclopropane is resolved by performing high-level quantum chemical calculations and analyzing the experimental rotational constants for C3H6 and C3H4D2 augmented by calculated vibrational corrections. For the latter, a least-squares fit yields the following set of parameters:  re (CC) = 1.5030(10) A, re(CH) = 1.0786(10) A, and αe(HCH) = 114.97(10)°, which compare favorably with both the pure computational result obtained at the CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ level as well as an earlier estimate of the re structure of cyclopropane based on analysis of gas-phase electron diffraction data. Our results are in rather poor agreement with a structure base…

research product

Molecular equilibrium structures from experimental rotational constants and calculated vibration–rotation interaction constants

A detailed study is carried out of the accuracy of molecular equilibrium geometries obtained from least-squares fits involving experimental rotational constants B(0) and sums of ab initio vibration-rotation interaction constants alpha(r)(B). The vibration-rotation interaction constants have been calculated for 18 single-configuration dominated molecules containing hydrogen and first-row atoms at various standard levels of ab initio theory. Comparisons with the experimental data and tests for the internal consistency of the calculations show that the equilibrium structures generated using Hartree-Fock vibration-rotation interaction constants have an accuracy similar to that obtained by a dir…

research product

Nuclear magnetic shielding constants in the CC2 model

Abstract Test calculations of nuclear magnetic shielding constants in the CC2 model are performed using the gauge-including atomic orbital approach. Absolute shielding constants are reported for reprsentative first-row hydrides, a few multiply bonded molecules and some challenging cases. The performance of CC2 is analyzed by comparison with experimental data and results from calculations employing more sophisticated treatments of electron correlation. In most cases, CC2 shieldings and chemical shifts are close to those obtained at second-order perturbation theory, despite the fact that the CC2 model includes an approximate treatment of orbital relaxation effects at the correlated level.

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Electron-Correlated Methods for the Calculation of NMR Chemical Shifts

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The Ã 1Au state and the T2 potential surface of acetylene: Implications for triplet perturbations in the fluorescence spectra of the à state

The cis–trans isomerization reaction on the T2 surface of acetylene and the lowest excited singlet state of acetylene, A 1Au, are investigated by ab initio electronic structure theory. We report optimized geometries, dipole moments, and harmonic vibrational frequencies of stationary points and adiabatic energy differences between them using basis sets as large as triple‐ζ plus double polarization with higher angular momentum functions, TZ(2df,2pd), and theoretical methods up to coupled‐cluster singles and doubles with a perturbative triples correction [CCSD(T)] and the equation‐of‐motion coupled‐cluster method (EOM‐CCSD). Our theoretical predictions should aid the interpretation of observat…

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Equilibrium geometries of cyclic SiC3 isomers

Equilibrium geometries of two isomers of cyclic SiC3 are determined by both large scale ab initio calculation and a procedure involving the use of experimental data from microwave spectroscopy and calculated harmonic and cubic force fields. Internuclear distances corresponding to structures obtained by both procedures agree to better than 0.003 A in all cases, allowing for precise recommendations of equilibrium structures. Rather large residual inertial defects obtained from moments of inertia based on rotational constants adjusted for effects of vibration–rotation interaction were found to be reduced significantly by inclusion of electronic contributions as estimated from calculations of r…

research product

Perturbative treatment of triple excitations in coupled‐cluster calculations of nuclear magnetic shielding constants

A theory for the calculation of nuclear magnetic shielding constants at the coupled‐cluster singles and doubles level augmented by a perturbative correction for connected triple excitations (CCSD(T)) has been developed and implemented. The approach, which is based on the gauge‐including atomic orbital (GIAO) ansatz, is illustrated by several numerical examples. These include a comparison of CCSD(T) and other highly correlated methods with full configuration interaction for the BH molecule, and a systematic comparison with experiment for HF, H2O,NH3, CH4, N2, CO, HCN, and F2. The results demonstrate the importance of triple excitations in establishing quantitative accuracy. Finally, the abil…

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A coupled cluster study of the 1 1A1g and 1 1B2u states of benzene

A theoretical investigation of the equilibrium structures and harmonic frequencies of the 1 1A1g and 1 1B2u states of benzene is presented. The performance of coupled cluster singles (CCS), the recently proposed CC2 model, and coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) is compared. The CC2 ground and excited states frequencies are a significant improvement of the CCS results and are relatively close to the CCSD results. A comparative analysis of the vibrations in the two electronic states of both C6H6 and C6D6 is presented. The reliability of predicted shifts in harmonic frequencies between the two states and isotopic shifts is estimated on the basis of the convergence in the CCS, CC2, and …

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Theoretical study of electronically excited cis- and trans-glyoxal

Abstract The equation-of-motion coupled cluster method for excitation energies in the singles and doubles approximation (EOMEE-CCSD) is applied to an investigation of the structure and harmonic frequencies of planar conformers of glyoxal in their first excited singlet states. For the trans-isomer, agreement between calculated harmonic frequencies and observed fundamentals is generally satisfactory, although the theoretical values are slightly more than 10% too high for the carbonyl stretching modes. Parallel calculations of the corresponding ground state properties allow for an empirical prediction of the excited state frequencies in which calculated differences in normal-mode frequencies a…

research product