ÁGota Figula
Multiplicative loops of 2-dimensional topological quasifields
We determine the algebraic structure of the multiplicative loops for locally compact $2$-dimensional topological connected quasifields. In particular, our attention turns to multiplicative loops which have either a normal subloop of positive dimension or which contain a $1$-dimensional compact subgroup. In the last section we determine explicitly the quasifields which coordinatize locally compact translation planes of dimension $4$ admitting an at least $7$-dimensional Lie group as collineation group.
Steiner Loops of Affine Type
Steiner loops of affine type are associated to arbitrary Steiner triple systems. They behave to elementary abelian 3-groups as arbitrary Steiner Triple Systems behave to affine geometries over GF(3). We investigate algebraic and geometric properties of these loops often in connection to configurations. Steiner loops of affine type, as extensions of normal subloops by factor loops, are studied. We prove that the multiplication group of every Steiner loop of affine type with n elements is contained in the alternating group An and we give conditions for those loops having An as their multiplication groups (and hence for the loops being simple).
The action of a compact Lie group on nilpotent Lie algebras of type {{n,2}}
Abstract We classify finite-dimensional real nilpotent Lie algebras with 2-dimensional central commutator ideals admitting a Lie group of automorphisms isomorphic to SO 2 ( ℝ ) ${{\mathrm{SO}}_{2}(\mathbb{R})}$ . This is the first step to extend the class of nilpotent Lie algebras 𝔥 ${{\mathfrak{h}}}$ of type { n , 2 } ${\{n,2\}}$ to solvable Lie algebras in which 𝔥 ${{\mathfrak{h}}}$ has codimension one.
Multiplicative Loops of Quasifields Having Complex Numbers as Kernel
We determine the multiplicative loops of locally compact connected 4-dimensional quasifields Q having the field of complex numbers as their kernel. In particular, we turn our attention to multiplicative loops which have either a normal subloop of dimension one or which contain a subgroup isomorphic to $$Spin_3({\mathbb {R}})$$ . Although the 4-dimensional semifields Q are known, their multiplicative loops have interesting Lie groups generated by left or right translations. We determine explicitly the quasifields Q which coordinatize locally compact translation planes of dimension 8 admitting an at least 16-dimensional Lie group as automorphism group.
Our Friend and Mathematician Karl Strambach
This paper is dedicated to Karl Strambach on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Here we want to describe our work with Prof. Karl Strambach.