The correlation function of the distribution of matter in the universe shows, at large scales, baryon acoustic oscillations, which were imprinted prior to recombination. This feature was first detected in the correlation function of the luminous red galaxies (LRG) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The final release (DR7) of the SDSS has been recently made available, and the useful volume is about two times bigger than in the old sample. We present here, for the first time, the redshift space correlation function of this sample at large scales together with that for one shallower, but denser volume-limited subsample drawn from the 2dF redshift survey. We test the reliability of the det…
Multiscaling Properties of Large-Scale Structure in the Universe
The large-scale distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters in the universe can be described in the mathematical language of multifractal sets. A particularly significant aspect of this description is that it furnishes a natural explanation for the observed differences in clustering properties of objects of different density in terms of multiscaling, the generic consequence of the application of a local density threshold to a multifractal set. The multiscaling hypothesis suggests ways of improving upon the traditional statistical measures of clustering pattern (correlation functions) and exploring further the connection between clustering pattern and dynamics.
Morphology of the galaxy distribution from wavelet denoising
We have developed a method based on wavelets to obtain the true underlying smooth density from a point distribution. The goal has been to reconstruct the density field in an optimal way ensuring that the morphology of the reconstructed field reflects the true underlying morphology of the point field which, as the galaxy distribution, has a genuinely multiscale structure, with near-singular behavior on sheets, filaments and hotspots. If the discrete distributions are smoothed using Gaussian filters, the morphological properties tend to be closer to those expected for a Gaussian field. The use of wavelet denoising provide us with a unique and more accurate morphological description.
Due to an error in applying the passive evolution to transform Mg (z = 0) magnitudes to Mg (z = 0.3), the values of the magnitude limits for the samples DR7-LRG and DR7-LRG-VL quoted in Table 1 were not correct. The corrected Table 1 is appended below. Note that although the redshift limits of the sample DR7-LRG are the same as in Eisenstein et al. (2005), the magnitude limits are therefore slightly shifted (see Table 1). Once this fact is considered, figures and results are completely unaffected. We are very grateful to Eyal Kazin for pointing out the error.
Toward Understanding Rich Superclusters
We present a morphological study of the two richest superclusters from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (SCL126, the Sloan Great Wall, and SCL9, the Sculptor supercluster). We use Minkowski functionals, shapefinders, and galaxy group information to study the substructure of these superclusters as formed by different populations of galaxies. We compare the properties of grouped and isolated galaxies in the core region and in the outskirts of superclusters. The fourth Minkowski functional $V_3$ and the morphological signature $K_1$- $K_2$ show a crossover from low-density morphology (outskirts of supercluster) to high-density morphology (core of supercluster) at mass fraction $m_f \approx 0.7$.…
The roughness of the last scattering surface
We propose an alternative analysis of the microwave background temperature anisotropy maps that is based on the study of the roughness of natural surfaces. We apply it to large angle anisotropies, such as those measured by COBE-DMR. We show that for a large signal to noise experiment, the spectral index can be determined independently of the normalization. We then analyze the 4 yr COBE map and find for a flat $\Omega=1$ universe, that the best-fitting value for the spectral index is $n = 1.15^{+0.39}_{-0.34}$ and for the amplitude $Q_{rms-PS}= 14.1^{+3.9}_{-3.5}\mu K$. For $n=1$, the best-fitting normalization is $Q_{rms-PS}|_{n=1}= 16.2^{+1.4}_{-1.3}\mu K$.
The best fit for the observed galaxy Counts-in-Cell distribution function
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is the first dense redshift survey encompassing a volume large enough to find the best analytic probability density function that fits the galaxy Counts-in-Cells distribution $f_V(N)$, the frequency distribution of galaxy counts in a volume $V$. Different analytic functions have been previously proposed that can account for some of the observed features of the observed frequency counts, but fail to provide an overall good fit to this important statistical descriptor of the galaxy large-scale distribution. Our goal is to find the probability density function that better fits the observed Counts-in-Cells distribution $f_V(N)$. We have made a systematic stud…
Joint constraints on galaxy bias and σ8 through the N-pdf of the galaxy number density
We present a full description of the N-probability density function of the galaxy number density fluctuations. This N-pdf is given in terms, on the one hand, of the cold dark matter correlations and, on the other hand, of the galaxy bias parameter. The method relies on the assumption commonly adopted that the dark matter density fluctuations follow a local non-linear transformation of the initial energy density perturbations. The N-pdf of the galaxy number density fluctuations allows for an optimal estimation of the bias parameter (e.g., via maximum-likelihood estimation, or Bayesian inference if there exists any a priori information on the bias parameter), and of those parameters defining …
We have determined generalized dimensions of the observed distribution of galaxies. Their different values indicate that this distribution may be described as a multifractal. In order to analyse this distribution further, we have applied local wavelet transforms. Wavelets provide us with an interesting tool to analyse the large-scale structure which can be mathematically quantified and intuitively visualized. Comparing the results of these transforms at different dilation factors helps to visualize more clearly the nearly singular nature of the distribution. This method also allows us to determine the range of the local density power laws
Multifractal fits to the observed main belt asteroid distribution
Dohnanyi's (1969) theory predicts that a collisional system such as the asteroidal population of the main belt should rapidly relax to a power-law stationary size distribution of the kind $N(m)\propto m^{-\alpha}$, with $\alpha$ very close to 11/6, provided all the collisional response parameters are independent on size. The actual asteroid belt distribution at observable sizes, instead, does not exhibit such a simple fractal size distribution. We investigate in this work the possibility that the corresponding cumulative distribution may be instead fairly fitted by multifractal distributions. This multifractal behavior, in contrast with the Dohnany fractal distribution, is related to the re…
Wavelet analysis of baryon acoustic structures in the galaxy distribution
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) are a feature imprinted in the density field by acoustic waves travelling in the plasma of the early universe. Their fixed scale can be used as a standard ruler to study the geometry of the universe. BAO have been previously detected using correlation functions and power spectra of the galaxy distribution. In this work, we present a new method for the detection of the real-space structures associated with this feature. These baryon acoustic structures are spherical shells with a relatively small density contrast, surrounding high density central regions. We design a specific wavelet adapted to the search for shells, and exploit the physics of the process b…