V. A. Stephanovich

Stable topological textures in a classical 2D Heisenberg model

We show that stable localized topological soliton textures (skyrmions) with $\pi_2$ topological charge $\nu \geq 1$ exist in a classical 2D Heisenberg model of a ferromagnet with uniaxial anisotropy. For this model the soliton exist only if the number of bound magnons exceeds some threshold value $N_{\rm cr}$ depending on $\nu $ and the effective anisotropy constant $K_{\rm eff}$. We define soliton phase diagram as the dependence of threshold energies and bound magnons number on anisotropy constant. The phase boundary lines are monotonous for both $\nu=1$ and $\nu >2$, while the solitons with $\nu=2$ reveal peculiar nonmonotonous behavior, determining the transition regime from low to high …

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On the theory of domain switching kinetics in ferroelectric thin films

We investigate theoretically the polarization switching kinetics in ferroelectric thin films. In such substances, the domain walls are pinned by (usually dipole) defects, which are present also in ordered samples as technologically unavoidable impurities. This random interaction with dipole pinning centers results, in particular, in exponentially broad distribution of switching times. Under supposition of low pinning centers concentration, we derive the distribution function of switching times showing that it is not simply Lorentzian (as it was first suggested by Tagantsev et al [\prb, {\bf 66}, 214109 (2002)] ), but is a "square of Lorentzian", which is due to the vector nature of electric…

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The influence of Coulomb interaction screening on the excitons in disordered two-dimensional insulators.

AbstractWe study the joint effect of disorder and Coulomb interaction screening on the exciton spectra in two-dimensional (2D) structures. These can be van der Waals structures or heterostructures of organic (polymeric) semiconductors as well as inorganic substances like transition metal dichalcogenides. We consider 2D screened hydrogenic problem with Rytova–Keldysh interaction by means of so-called fractional Scrödinger equation. Our main finding is that above synergy between screening and disorder either destroys the exciton (strong screening) or promote the creation of a bound state, leading to its collapse in the extreme case. Our second finding is energy levels crossing, i.e. the degen…

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L\'evy flights confinement in a parabolic potential and fractional quantum oscillator

We study L\'evy flights confined in a parabolic potential. This has to do with a fractional generalization of ordinary quantum-mechanical oscillator problem. To solve the spectral problem for the fractional quantum oscillator, we pass to the momentum space, where we apply the variational method. This permits to obtain approximate analytical expressions for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions with very good accuracy. Latter fact has been checked by numerical solution of the problem. We point to the realistic physical systems ranging from multiferroics and oxide heterostructures to quantum chaotic excitons, where obtained results can be used.

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Role of dimensionality in spontaneous magnon decay: easy-plane ferromagnet

We calculate magnon lifetime in an easy-plane ferromagnet on a tetragonal lattice in transverse magnetic field. At zero temperature magnons are unstable with respect to spontaneous decay into two other magnons. Varying ratio of intrachain to interchain exchanges in this model we consider the effect of dimensionality on spontaneous magnon decay. The strongest magnon damping is found in the quasi-one-dimensional case for momenta near the Brillouin zone boundary. The sign of a weak interchain coupling has a little effect on the magnon decay rate. The obtained theoretical results suggest possibility of experimental observation of spontaneous magnon decay in a quasi-one-dimensional ferromagnet C…

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Magnetic-field-induced reentrance of Fermi-liquid behavior and spin-lattice relaxation rates in YbCu_{5-x}Au_x

A strong departure from Landau-Fermi liquid (LFL) behavior have been recently revealed in observed anomalies in both the magnetic susceptibility $\chi$ and the muon and $\rm ^{63}Cu$ nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates $1/T_1$ of ${\rm {YbCu_{5-x}Au_x}}$ ($x=0.6$). We show that the above anomalies along with magnetic-field-induced reentrance of LFL properties are indeed determined by the scaling behavior of the quasiparticle effective mass. We obtain the scaling behavior theoretically utilizing our approach based on fermion condensation quantum phase transition (FCQPT) notion. Our theoretical analysis of experimental data on the base of FCQPT approach permits not only to explain above two…

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Common field-induced quantum critical point in high-temperature superconductors and heavy-fermion metals

High-temperature superconductors (HTSC) and heavy-fermion (HF) metals exhibit extraordinary properties. They are so unusual that the traditional Landau paradigm of quasiparticles does not apply. It is widely believed that utterly new concepts are required to describe the underlying physics. There is a fundamental question: how many concepts do we need to describe the above physical mechanisms? This cannot be answered on purely experimental or theoretical grounds. Rather, we have to use both of them. Recently, in HTSC, the new and exciting measurements have been performed, demonstrating a puzzling magnetic field induced transition from non-Fermi liquid to Landau Fermi liquid behavior. We sho…

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Macroscopic description of the two-dimensional LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interface

We propose a simple analytical model to explain possible appearance of the metallic conductivity in the two-dimensional (2D) LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interface. Our model considers the interface within a macroscopic approach which is usual to semiconductor heterojunctions and is based on drift-diffusion equations. The solution of these equations allows to obtain the positions of band edges as a function of distances from the interface. We show that for the 2D metallic conductivity to appear at the interface, the constituting substances should have the same type (either electronic or hole) of conductivity; in the opposite case the possible transition to metallic phase has a three-dimensional char…

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The nature of an enhanced ferroelectric phase transition temperature in perovskite-based solid solutions

We explain the phenomena of ferroelectric phase transition temperature $T_c$ enhancement beyond the end members in perovskite solid solutions like BiMeO$_3$-PbTiO$_3$ (Me=Sc, In, etc.) is related to nonlinear and spatial correlation effects. The explanation is based on the calculation of $T_c$ in the framework of our random field theory with additional account for nonlinear effects in the above substances. We show that the maximum of $T_c$ for certain PbTiO$_3$ content takes place when coefficient of nonlinearity is positive, the value of this coefficient is found from best fit between theory and experiment. This nonlinearity coefficient is the only adjustable parameter of the theory. We sh…

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On the discreet spectrum of fractional quantum hydrogen atom in two dimensions

We consider a fractional generalization of two-dimensional (2D) quantum-mechanical Kepler problem corresponding to 2D hydrogen atom. Our main finding is that the solution for discreet spectrum exists only for $\mu>1$ (more specifically $1 < \mu \leq 2$, where $\mu=2$ corresponds to "ordinary" 2D hydrogenic problem), where $\mu$ is the L\'evy index. We show also that in fractional 2D hydrogen atom, the orbital momentum degeneracy is lifted so that its energy starts to depend not only on principal quantum number $n$ but also on orbital $m$. To solve the spectral problem, we pass to the momentum representation, where we apply the variational method. This permits to obtain approximate analytica…

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Chaos in two-dimensional Kepler problem with spin-orbit coupling

We consider classical two-dimensional Kepler system with spin-orbit coupling and show that at a sufficiently strong coupling it demonstrates a chaotic behavior. The chaos emerges since the spin-orbit coupling reduces the number of the integrals of motion as compared to the number of the degrees of freedom. This reduction is manifested in the equations of motion as the emergence of the anomalous velocity determined by the spin orientation. By using analytical and numerical arguments, we demonstrate that the chaotic behavior, being driven by this anomalous term, is related to the system energy dependence on the initial spin orientation. We observe the critical dependence of the dynamics on th…

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Ferroelectric thin film properties with account of metallic electrodes and depolarization field influence

Within the framework of the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory influence of metallic electrodes on the properties of thin ferroelectric films is considered. The contribution of the metallic electrodes with different screening length of carriers is included in functional of free energy. The influence of conventional metallic electrodes on the depolarization field and the film properties was shown to be practically the same as for superconductive ones.

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Phase Diagram of Heavy Fermion Metal CeCoIn5

We present a comprehensive analysis of the low temperature experimental H-T phase diagram of CeCoIn5. The main universal features of the diagram can be explained within the Fermi-liquid theory provided that quasiparticles form so called fermion-condensate state. We show that in this case the fluctuations accompanying an ordinary quantum critical point are strongly suppressed and cannot destroy the quasiparticles. Analyzing the phase diagram and giving predictions, we demonstrate that the electronic system of CeCoIn5 provides a unique opportunity to study the relationship between quasiparticles properties and non-Fermi liquid behavior.

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Depolarization field in thin ferroelectric films with account of semiconductor electrodes

Within the framework of the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory influence of semiconductor electrodes on the properties of thin ferroelectric films is considered. The contribution of the semiconductor electrodes with different Debye screening length of carriers is included in functional of free energy. The influence of highly doped semiconductor electrodes on the depolarization field and the film properties was shown to be great.

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Flat bands and the physics of strongly correlated Fermi systems

Some materials can have the dispersionless parts in their electronic spectra. These parts are usually called flat bands and generate the corps of unusual physical properties of such materials. These flat bands are induced by the condensation of fermionic quasiparticles, being very similar to the Bose condensation. The difference is that fermions to condense, the Fermi surface should change its topology, leading to violation of time-reversal (T) and particle-hole (C) symmetries. Thus, the famous Landau theory of Fermi liquids does not work for the systems with fermion condensate (FC) so that several experimentally observable anomalies have not been explained so far. Here we use FC approach t…

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Ferroelectric thin films properties: depolarization field and Landau free-energy coefficients renormalization

The calculation of the polarization in ferroelectric thin films is performed using an analytical solution of the Euler-Lagrange differential equation with boundary conditions with different extrapolation lengths of positive sign on the surfaces. The depolarization field effect is taken into account in the model for a short-circuited single domain film, that is a perfect insulator. It is shown that the calculation of the polarization and other properties profiles and average values can be reduced to the minimization of the free energy expressed as a power series of the average polarization with a renormalized coefficient which depends on temperature, film thickness, extrapolation lengths, an…

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Screened Coulomb interaction in insulators with strong disorder

We study the effect of disorder on the excitons in a semiconductor with screened Coulomb interaction. Examples are polymeric semiconductors and/or van der Waals structures. In the screened hydrogenic problem, we consider the disorder phenomenologically using the so-called fractional Scrödinger equation. Our main finding is that joint action of screening and disorder either destroys the exciton (strong screening) or enhances the bounding of electron and hole in an exciton, leading to its collapse in the extreme case. Latter effects may also be related to the quantum manifestations of chaotic exciton behavior in the above semiconductor structures. Hence, they should be considered in device ap…

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Size effects of pyroelectric coefficient and dielectric susceptibility in ferroelectric thin films

We calculate the pyrocoefficient, static dielectric susceptibility profiles and its thickness dependence of ferroelectric thin films. Also, the temperature dependences of above quantities have been calculated. For the calculations we use Landau phenomenological theory, leading to Lame equations. These equations subject to boundary conditions with different extrapolation length on the surfaces have been solved numerically. The divergency of pyroelectric coefficient and static dielectric susceptibility in the vicinity of thickness induced ferroelectric phase transition (i.e. at $l\approx l_c$ or $% T\approx T_{cl}$) has been shown to be the most prominent size effect in ferroelectric thin fil…

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Anomalous low-temperature magnetoelastic properties of nanogranular (CoFeB)$_{x}$-(SiO$_{2}$)$_{1-x}$

We report magnetostatic measurements for granulated films (CoFeB)$_{x}$-(SiO$_{2}$)$_{1-x}$ with fabrication induced intraplanar anisotropy. The measurements have been performed in the film plane in the wide temperature interval 4.5$��$300 K. They demonstrate that above films have low-temperature anomaly below the percolation threshold for conductivity. The essence of the above peculiarity is that below 100 K the temperature dependence of coercive field for magnetization along easy direction deviates strongly from Neel-Brown law. At temperature lowering, the sharp increase of coercivity is observed, accompanied by the appearance of coercive field for magnetization along hard direction in th…

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Fermion Condensation in Strongly Interacting Fermi Liquids

This article discusses the construction of a theory which is capable to explain so-called non-Fermi liquid behavior of strongly correlated Fermi systems. We show that such explanation can be done within the framework of a so-called fermion condensation approach. In this approach, as a result of fermion condensation quantum phase transition, ordinary Landau quasiparticles do not decay, but reborn, gaining new properties, as Phoenix from the ashes. The physical reason for that is altering of Fermi surface topology. To be more specific, in contrast to standard Landau paradigm stating that the quasiparticle effective mass does not depend on external stimuli like magnetic field and/or temperatur…

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Nonlocal Fractional Dynamics for Different Terminal Densities

We study the effect of confining potentials, generated by different equilibrium (long-time asymptotic or terminal) probability densities, on nonGaussian stochastic processes, described by Lévy–Schrödinger semigroup dynamics. The former densities belong to the family of so-called M-Wright functions of index ν. Using analytical and numerical arguments, we demonstrate that properly tailored confining potentials can generate the Gaussian distribution (which is also a member of M-Wright family at ν = 1/2) at final stages of time evolution. This means that the Gaussian distribution (and other sufficiently fast decaying distributions like exponential one) can emerge in the differential equation wi…

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Fractional quantum oscillator and disorder in the vibrational spectra.

AbstractWe study the role of disorder in the vibration spectra of molecules and atoms in solids. This disorder may be described phenomenologically by a fractional generalization of ordinary quantum-mechanical oscillator problem. To be specific, this is accomplished by the introduction of a so-called fractional Laplacian (Riesz fractional derivative) to the Scrödinger equation with three-dimensional (3D) quadratic potential. To solve the obtained 3D spectral problem, we pass to the momentum space, where the problem simplifies greatly as fractional Laplacian becomes simply $$k^\mu $$ k μ , k is a modulus of the momentum vector and $$\mu $$ μ is Lévy index, characterizing the degree of disorde…

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Comment on "Topological excitations and the dynamic structure factor of spin liquids on the kagome lattice" (Punk, M., Chowdhury, D. &amp; Sachdev, S. Nature Physics 10, 289-293 (2014))

The authors of a recent paper evidently take the view that the whole of progress made toward a theoretical understanding of the physics of quantum spin liquids (QSL) is associated with models of the kind proposed and applied in their present work. As motivation for this work, they observe that in contrast to existing theoretical models of both gapped and gapless spin liquids, which give rise to sharp dispersive features in the dynamic structure factor, the measured dynamic structure factor reveals an excitation continuum that is remarkably flat as a function of frequency. They go on to assert that "so far, the only theoretical model for a spin liquid state on the kagome lattice which natura…

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Theory of domain structure in ferromagnetic phase of diluted magnetic semiconductors near the phase transition temperature

We discuss the influence of disorder on domain structure formation in ferromagnetic phase of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) of p-type. Using analytical arguments we show the existence of critical ratio $\nu_{\rm {cr}}$ of concentration of charge carriers and magnetic ions such that sample critical thickness $L_{\rm{cr}}$ (such that at $L \nu_{\rm {cr}}$ the sample is monodomain. This feature makes DMS different from conventional ordered magnets as it gives a possibility to control the sample critical thickness and emerging domain structure period by variation of $\nu $. As concentration of magnetic impurities grows, $\nu_{\rm {cr}}\to \infty$ restoring conventional behavior of ordere…

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