C. Leitzmann
Nutrient intake of endurance runners with ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet and regular western diet
During an endurance run (1,000 km in 20 days) it was investigated whether an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet (OLVD) could cover the nutritional requirements of endurance athletes. A regular western diet (RWD) was used as reference. Both diets were offered with an energy content of 4,500 kcal per day and an energy percentage of carbohydrate:fat:protein of 60:30:10. The runners were divided into two dietary groups according to their usual dietary habits. The results of the 55 participants who completed the race show that runners from both groups had the same intake of energy, carbohydrate, fat and protein. Runners of the OLVD group consumed more dietary fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids as well…
Effects of an ultra-long-distance (1000 km) race on lipid metabolism
The influence was examined of ultra-long-distance running (1000 km race lasting 20 days) on changes in serum lipids. The 110 participants received two types of diet, a conventional Western diet and a wholesome vegetarian diet. Of the 55 finishers the serum concentration of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and triglycerides decreased significantly during the first 8 days of the run, but rose again towards the end of the race without reaching pre-race levels. The high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol increased initially but decreased in the final days of the run. The values for apolipoprotein A-I were not correlated with HDL-cholesterol. The …
Das Körpermuskelkompartiment und seine Beziehungen zu Nahrungsaufnahme und Blutchemie unter einer extremen Ausdauerbelastung
Untersuchungsgegenstand sind die Veranderungen des anthropometrisch erfasten Muskelkompartiments und seiner Beziehungen zu den korrelierenden blutchemischen und ernahrungsphysiologischen Kenngrosen bei 42 Teilnehmern und 13 Teilnehmerinnen eines 1000-km-Ultralangstreckenlaufs, der in 20 Tagesetappen von jeweils 50 km zu bewaltigen war. Differenziert nach Korperfraktionen folgt auf einen initialen Muskelmasseanstieg eine Abflachung bis zum 12. Tag und bleibt dann stabil. Die aktive Korpersubstanz nimmt zunachst geringfugig ab und steigt nach Laufmitte wieder an. Bei Abnahme samtlicher korrigierter Muskeldurchmesser zeigte lediglich der Oberschenkeldurchmesser eine anabole Entwicklung, dessen…