M. Bernas
Low-energy fission investigated in reactions of 750 AMeV 238U-ions with Pb and Be targets
Charge distributions of fragments from low energy nuclear fission are investigated in reactions of highly fissile238U projectiles at relativistic energies (750 A·MeV) with a heavy (Pb) and a light (Be) target. The fully stripped fission fragments are separated by the Fragment Separator (FRS). Their high kinetic energies in the laboratory system allow the identification of all atomic numbers by using Multiple-Sampling Ionization Chambers (MUSIC). The elemental distributions of fragments observed at larger magnetic rigidities than the238U projectiles show asymmetric break-up and odd-even effects. They indicate a low energy fission process, induced mainly by dissociation in the electro-magneti…
Primary-residue production cross sections and kinetic energies in 1AGeV 208Pb on deuteron reactions
Abstract The production cross sections and the kinematical properties of primary residual nuclei have been studied in the reaction 208 Pb(1 A GeV)+d. Isotopic distributions were measured for all elements from titanium ( Z =22) to lead ( Z =82). The measured kinematical properties of the residues were also used to disentangle the relevant reaction mechanisms, spallation–evaporation and spallation–fission. The fragment separator FRS at GSI, Darmstadt, was used to separate and identify the reaction products. The measured quantities are important for the design and planning of future radioactive-beam facilities and accelerator-driven systems. The measured data of the present work are comprehe…
First spatial isotopic separation of relativistic uranium projectile fragments
Abstract Spatial isotopic separation of relativistic uranium projectile fragments has been achieved for the first time. The fragments were produced in peripheral nuclear collisions and spatially separated in-flight with the fragment separator FRS at GSI. A two-fold magnetic-rigidity analysis was applied exploiting the atomic energy loss in specially shaped matter placed in the dispersive central focal plane. Systematic investigations with relativistic projectiles ranging from oxygen up to uranium demonstrate that the FRS is a universal and powerful facility for the production and in-flight separation of monoisotopic, exotic secondary beams of all elements up to Z = 92. This achievement has …
Measurements of Spallation Residues Using Inverse Kinematics at GSI
The production cross sections and the kinematical properties of primary residual nuclei have been studied in reactions 197Au + p, 208Pb + p, d, 238U + p, d, and 238U + 208Pb at energies around 1 A GeV. The measured kinematical properties of the residues were also used to disentangle the relevant reaction mechanisms, spallation-evaporation and spallation-fission. The fragment separator FRS at GSI, Darmstadt, was used to separate and identify the reaction products. The measured quantities are important for the design and planning of future radioactive-beam facilities and accelerator-driven systems.