Hannele Dufva
Svetlana Rönkkö ja Tove Hansson : vieraan aksentin performanssi mediahuumorin resurssina
The paper deals with foreign accent performance in two popular comedy shows in Finnish television. Two different foreign accents of L2 Finnish – Russian and Swedish – were performed by two fictional characters: Svetlana Rönkkö, a Russian-born woman, and Tove Hansson, a Swedish speaking woman coming from the Åland Islands. Our main focus is on the empirical analysis of the phonetic features in these performances. The features are analysed as such, in relation to the empirically studied, “authentic”, features of L1 Russian and Swedish Finnishes. The performances are looked as folk linguistic (Nieldzielski & Preston 2003) analyses of the most prominent indexes of the social groups in focus, dr…
Koulun kahlitsemat - arjen selviytyjät : näkökulmia kielen oppimiseen
This article discusses written narratives about foreign language learning. The stories were collected in a contest organised by KVS Foundation (Kansanvalistusseura), a Finnish organisation for adult education. Over 500 texts were sent for the contest, representing writers of both sexes, various language backgrounds and many professions. The age of writers varied from 8 to 80. In this article we discuss the nature of the data and the creation of a data base. Some preliminary observations are reported and a case study discussed. The relation between the academic and everyday views of language learning is also dealt with. peerReviewed
Vieraasta kielestä omiksi sanoiksi: Mitä Vološinov sanoi kielen oppimisesta ja opettamisesta?
Toisten ja vieraiden kielten opettamisen perustana ovat mm. erilaiset kieltä ja sen oppimista koskevat käsitykset. Mitä siis opetetaan, kun opetetaan kieltä? Mitä opiskelija kokee oppivansa, kun hän opiskelee kieltä? Mitä arvioidaan, kun arvioidaan kielitaitoa? Usein kieltä – kielenopetuksen keskeisintä käsitettä – tunnutaan pitävän itsestään selvänä. Sitä se ei kuitenkaan ole. Muuttuva maailma ja uudet teoreettiset näkökulmat pakottavat tarkistamaan myös kielikäsityksiä. Tässä artikkelissa esittelen dialogista kielikäsitystä ja keskityn erityisesti Valentin N. Vološinovin antiin. nonPeerReviewed
Hyvän kielenopijan niksit
The term good language learner is used by researchers interested in language learning strategies. The aim of studying the behaviour of such individuals is to dissect the individual and social qualities and situations which lead to successful language acquisition, with the motivation of possibly transferring useful strategies to other learners. In this article, good language learner refers to people who over several decades have studied many languages and are eager and able to describe their ways and paths of learning. The material was collected via a popular magazine which published a request to send in language learning tricks and stories. The most extensive stories are analysed here from …
Mitä ihmiset osaavat, kun he osaavat kieltä? : henkilökohtainen repertoaari ja sen multimodaalisuus
The paper introduces a fresh perspective on individual language skills, or, language proficiency. Based on dialogical thinking, theory of distributed language and cognition and sociolinguistics, it will be argued that ’mental grammar’ is an inappropriate metaphor for describing an individuals’ language skills. To present an alternative view, language is here understood as ’resources’ that will be appropriated by individuals for developing a ’personal repertoire’. Focusing here on the role of embodiment and materiality, the personal repertoire is seen an assemblage of embodied skilled action that helps the learners to act upon different types of affordances in different material environments…
Kieli objektina : miten lapset mieltävät kielen
In this article, children’s views to language are discussed. The data comes from a project called Situated metalinguistic awareness and foreign language learning. It is argued that in children’s conceptualizations, the knowledge and skills that are required at school are separate from the skills of everyday life. For example, the English they learn in everyday life - “Play Station English” - is not identified with the “Classroom English”. It is suggested that the gap between school and everyday life, or, between different school subjects dealing with language (mother tongue and foreign languages) should be better bridged. peerReviewed
Words and images of multilingualism: A case study of two North Korean refugees
Abstract The article analyses the experience of multilingualism in the South Korean context, focusing on the experiences of North Korean refugees. The research participants (N=2) are originally from North Korea, but now live in South Korea, where they face challenges in their adaptation to the new society, its linguistic landscape and its practices and positions with regard to language issues in society and in education. By combining verbal and visual means of data collection, we aim to analyse the multilingual trajectory of the research participants, their experiences of different languages and language learning and, further, the emotions that are attached to these. Our approach is socio-c…
Kielen oppimisen ekologiaa
Arvioitu teos: Minna Intke-Hernandez: Maahanmuuttajaäitien arjen kielitarinat. Etnografinen tutkimus kieliyhteisöön sosiaalistumisesta.Kasvatustieteellisiä tutkimuksia103. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto 2020. Johdanto 112 s. + 4 artikkelia. isbn 978-951-51-6837-5. Johdanto-osa saatavillaverkossa osoitteessa http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-51-6838-2.
Dancing with Alternative Lyrics : Integrating Sociocultural, Dialogical, Distributed and Dynamical Conceptualization of Language and its Development for L2 Studies
This paper sets out to chart underlying assumptions and fundamental axioms of an integrative research edifice for studying language and how it is developed over time as a human- and culture-centered and multifaceted phenomenon. Specifically, invoking Vygotskian sociocultural theory, the Bakhtin circle dialogism, distributed language and cognition and dynamic systems theory, it is argued that language is a purposive, multifaceted, complex, dialogical, and dynamic system that emerges distributively across the interpenetrated web of human somatic and brain activities, socio-cultural umwelt, sociohistorically-fashioned artifacts and realized affordances simultaneously and over time. Suggestions…
The Personal Repertoire and Its Materiality : Resources, Means and Modalities of Languaging
The chapter is a theoretical discussion of the concept of personal repertoire and its application in the context of applied linguistics, particularly in the study of language learning and development. It questions conceptualisations that understand language learning as acquisition of abstract, decontextual and disembodied language knowledge and argues that learners’ know-how is not based on any kind of ‘mental grammar’, but on a personal repertoire of different multimodal semiotic resources. Bringing together ‘old’ and ‘new’ arguments for materialism, personal repertoires are examined focussing on how embodied agentive activity is intertwined with the socially structured environments and th…
Toisen ja vieraan kielen ääntämisen oppimisen haasteet
Katsausartikkelissamme käsittelemme niitä seikkoja, jotka vaikuttavat toisen tai vieraan kielen ääntämisen oppimiseen. Yleisiä oppijaan liittyviä tekijöitä ovat esimerkiksi oppijan ikä ja hänen motivoituneisuutensa. Myös oppimisympäristö vaikuttaa. Kun kieltä opitaan oleskelemalla kohdekielisessä ympäristössä, oppimiseen voivat vaikuttaa mm. maahantuloikä, oleskeluaika ja erilaiset yhteisölliset seikat (esim. asennoituminen vieraaseen aksenttiin), kun taas kielen formaalissa opiskelussa kouluissa ja oppilaitoksissa tärkeitä voivat olla esimerkiksi opetuksen keinot ja oppimateriaalit. Myös oppijan äidinkielen ja opittavan kielen äänteelliset erot ja yhtäläisyydet vaikuttavat oppimiseen. Lisä…
Slipshod utterances : a study of mislanguage
Varhaisessa CLIL-opetuksessa olevien oppilaiden käsityksiä kielitaidosta ja vieraan kielen käytöstä
Tässä artikkelissa paneudutaan varhain alkaneessa CLIL-opetuksessa opiskelleiden oppilaiden käsityksiin kielitaidosta. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet oppilaat (N=41) opiskelivat englannin- ja ranskankielisessä CLIL-opetuksessa 2. vuosiluokalla. Tutkimuksemme aineistona olivat oppilaiden piirtämät kuvat tilanteista, joissa he kertoivat tarvittavan tai käytettävän vierasta kieltä. Lisäksi oppilaat saivat selittää kuviaan kirjallisesti kolmen lisäkysymyksen avulla. Aineisto analysoitiin visuaalisen analyysin ja sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tulokset osoittavat, että oppilaiden kielitaitokäsitykset olivat moniäänisiä ja yhdistelmä perinteisiä ja modernimpia kielikäsityksiä. Yhtäältä oppilaat kuvasivat…
Monikielisyys liikkeessä : monikielisen perheen kielelliset resurssit
This article discusses multilingualism in a family. We introduce a case study of the use and role of different languages in a family of fi ve. The data were gathered with the help of a visual clock activity previously used in literacy studies, and through interviews. Theoretically, we draw on those dialogical and sociolinguistic notions that regard language as a dynamic phenomenon which is heteroglossic in nature, thus stressing the fundamental multilingualism present in language use. The results of this case study show that there is, indeed, a lot of situated variation in the use of different languages and, further, different values and functions given to different languages that also vary…
Perusteos dialogisesta kielentutkimuksesta. (Per Linell: Approaching dialogue)
But who killed Harry?
University Exchange Students’ Practices of Learning Finnish: A Language Ecological Approach to Affordances in Linguistic Landscapes
In linguistic landscape (LL) studies, various projects have demonstrated how language learners benefit from tasks that involve the documentation and interpretation of the LL. In this chapter, we investigate how Finnish as a second language learner exchange students turned the local LL into affordances during their time abroad in Finland. While language awareness and its relation to learning and teaching have been extensively discussed, it has often been regarded as a property of an individual consciousness: a faculty or a tendency of a particular person to perceive, notice and reflect upon the linguistic features present in their environments. In contrast, we argue for an approach that cont…
Harjoituksia toisin ajattelemiseen (Alastair Pennycook: Language as local practices).
Kirja-arvostelu Arvioitu teos: Alastair Pennycook: Language as a local practice. London: Routledge 2010. 176 s. ISBN 978-0-415-54751-2. nonPeerReviewed
Language learning as dialogue and participation
[Introduction] Today, we see how globalization with its cultural flows and technology with its new developments constantly creates new types of contexts and new kinds of language practices. Thus it would not be unreasonable to say that language itself is changing. Also, these large-scale changes create new environments for learning languages, and, these environments, potentially, will influence how we conceptualize learning itself. Thus, as the contexts and usages change, it is possible that the theoretical basis of language learning needs to be rethought. Further, this gives us a reason for rethinking the pedagogical practices of language education. This paper discusses the two central con…
Miten kieltä osataan? : toimintaa kielen verkostoissa
Mitä merkitsee olla puhuva, viittova ja kirjoittava ihminen – eli miten kukin ihminen oppii kieltä ja osaa käyttää sitä? Sijaitseeko kieli ihmisessä, maailmassa vai jossain näiden välillä? Ekologisesta näkökulmasta katsottuna kielen osaaminen on kehollista ja sosiaalista tietotaitoa, jonka avulla ihminen toimii oman kielimaailmansa eri verkostoissa. Näkemys on tullut esiin nykyisessä kielen ja kognition tutkimuksessa, mutta sillä on juurensa myös venäläisessä dialogisessa ja sosiokulttuurisessa ajattelussa. nonPeerReviewed
På väg mot bättre språkundervisning - FOKUS på uttal
Nykytrendi kommunikatiivisuuden painottamiseen kieltenopetuksessa tuntuu tapahtuneen ääntämisen kustannuksella. Koska monet opettajat kokevat ääntämisen opettamisen liian haastavaksi, se jää usein taka-alalle tai kokonaan opettamatta kielten oppitunneilla. Hyvä ääntäminen on kuitenkin tärkeä osa suullista kielitaitoa. Se helpottaa sekä ymmärretyksi tulemista että muiden ymmärtämistä suullisessa vuorovaikutuksessa. Luottamus omaan suulliseen kielitaitoon myös lisää kielenoppijan rohkeutta käyttää kieltä. Sitä paitsi monet oppilaat haluavat oppia ääntämään. Mihin suuntaan kieltenopetusta pitäisi ryhtyä kehittämään ääntämisen osalta, jotta oppilaat osaisivat ja uskaltaisivat käyttää opiskelemi…
Mitä ihmiset osaavat, kun he osaavat kieltä?
The paper introduces a fresh perspective on individual language skills, or, language proficiency. Based on dialogical thinking, theory of distributed language and cognition and sociolinguistics, it will be argued that ’mental grammar’ is an inappropriate metaphor for describing an individuals’ language skills. To present an alternative view, language is here understood as ’resources’ that will be appropriated by individuals for developing a ’personal repertoire’. Focusing here on the role of embodiment and materiality, the personal repertoire is seen an assemblage of embodied skilled action that helps the learners to act upon different types of affordances in different material environments.
Kaksikielinen koulu? Pietarsaaren lukio ja Jakobstads gymnasium saman katon alle
Suomessa on käyty usean vuoden ajan keskustelua kaksikielisistä kouluista. Erityisen kiivaana keskustelu kävi syksyllä 2011, jolloin niin suomen- kuin ruotsinkielisessä lehdistössä esiteltiin mielipiteitä puolesta ja vastaan (Boyd & Palviainen 2015). Onko kaksikielinen koulu uhka vai resurssi? Miten molempien kielten asema koulussa turvataan? Suomessa on tällä hetkellä parikymmentä peruskoulua, joissa kaksi kieltä saman katon alla on arkea. Lukiokoulutuksessa kaksikielistä koulua on ryhdytty vasta kokeilemaan. nonPeerReviewed
Dialogues on Bakhtin : interdisciplinary readings
The ideas of Mikhail Bakhtin have received a great amount of scholarly interest both in his homeland and in the West, giving rise to a special discipline devoted to the study of the legacy of the Bakhtin Circle. Despite the huge amount of material published on Bakhtin, the appropriation of Bakhtin’s ideas has remained a rather controversial issue, and thus, there are competing views, especially between Russian and Western scholars, on what Bakhtin’s project was. Furthermore, the relevance of Bakhtin is not limited to ’Bakhtinology proper’, nor to literary criticism, cultural studies, and philosophy, which are traditionally considered Bakhtin’s home ground. It has become trendy to apply Bakh…
Many languages, many modalities : Finnish Sign Language signers as learners of English
For a multilingual person, language learning is a process which requires and makes use of many varied characteristics that have developed in multilingual environments. This study deals with the learner beliefs of Finnish Sign Language (FinSL) signers who study at the university. The data for this study consist of student interviews and essays collected in connection with an English course at the Language Centre. In this article, we focus on discussing how the linguistic background and learner beliefs of FinSL signers form a basis for exploring features that affect their learning of English. Based on the socio-cultural framework, the learner beliefs these students have formed have been exami…