P De Marco
Il progetto del bianco e la materia dell’architettura
If color is a material that contributes to constructing architecture, white color determines a particular dimension of the project that corresponds to a precise idea of architecture, with specific principles on spatial and form conception, on ways of working with light; in contemporary architecture, white color still refers to ideologies and specific spatial and linguistic research. So it is interesting to understand its values and reasons, to know the products available for this idea, for which traditional technologies are implemented and new applications are developed with innovative expressive effectiveness.
Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery
Ileus is common after elective colorectal surgery, and is associated with increased adverse events and prolonged hospital stay. The aim was to assess the role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for reducing ileus after surgery.A prospective multicentre cohort study was delivered by an international, student- and trainee-led collaborative group. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The primary outcome was time to gastrointestinal recovery, measured using a composite measure of bowel function and tolerance to oral intake. The impact of NSAIDs was explored using Cox regression analyses, including the results of a c…
Persistenza della thòlos nell’architettura contemporanea
La thòlos è una costruzione che può essere assunta come un inizio dell’architettura e che definisce principi che stanno oltre la storia e l’archeologia: rappresenta un archetipo legato al mondo litico, proveniente dall’oriente e diffuso sin dall’età greco-arcaica in tutto il Mediterraneo. Custodisce memorie di epoche mitiche e forme che affiorano con continuità nell’architettura, attraversa la storia e persiste nella modernità soprattutto negli spazi di culto e celebrativi. Lo spazio della thòlos consente di riprendere nel progetto contemporaneo alcuni temi i cui esiti conducono ad una architettura che è in antitesi alla continuità visiva interno-esterno e all’assenza di confini, che all’in…
#Io resto a casa, Nuove forme dell’abitare domestico
Le regolamentazioni igienico-sanitarie hanno influenzato da sempre le teorie urbanistiche, le trasformazioni delle città e le forme dell’abitare. Nell’attesa della soluzione medica, la risposta al Covid19 passa da considerazioni sugli spazi. I cambiamenti più immediati possono avviarsi dalla casa, con un pensiero poietico e in opposizione all’idea che tutto dipenda unicamente dalla tecnologia. Il ragionamento sullo spazio domestico implica la riflessione sui nuovi bisogni (che l’emergenza ha acuito) e sulla ricerca della qualità, con una revisione dei minimi dell’abitare. L’isolamento ha aperto lo sguardo a possibili paesaggi domestici e, se la casa è ancora principio dell’abitare, da essa …
Il tracomatosario di Bivona. Un’architettura per la cura dei bambini nel paesaggio siciliano
Il Tracomatosario di Bivona (costruito intorno al 1950) è stata la più grande struttura sanitaria della Sicilia per la cura del tracoma: una grandiosa architettura bianca immersa nel verde che ancora oggi costituisce una “presenza” notevole nella città e che lo fu (fino a quando ebbe vita) anche per la comunità che ne godette i benefici economici e sociali. Rappresenta un’architettura “imprevista” che ha portato nelle zone più interne dell’Isola un linguaggio architettonico ed una cultura dell’abitare di qualità e di livello europeo. The trachoma hospital in Bivona (built around 1950) was the largest health facility in Sicily for the treatment of trachoma: a grandiose white architecture sur…
Evaluation of appendicitis risk prediction models in adults with suspected appendicitis.
Background Appendicitis is the most common general surgical emergency worldwide, but its diagnosis remains challenging. The aim of this study was to determine whether existing risk prediction models can reliably identify patients presenting to hospital in the UK with acute right iliac fossa (RIF) pain who are at low risk of appendicitis. Methods A systematic search was completed to identify all existing appendicitis risk prediction models. Models were validated using UK data from an international prospective cohort study that captured consecutive patients aged 16–45 years presenting to hospital with acute RIF in March to June 2017. The main outcome was best achievable model specificity (pro…
Is it really useful the Harmonic scalpel in axillary dissection for locally advanced breast cancer? A case series.
Background. The seroma is one of the most common complications in the axillary lymph nodal dissection (different surgical approaches have been tried to reduce the seroma incidence). In our study we evaluate the outcome of patients using or not the ultrasonic scalpel (Harmonic scalpel) according to a standardized surgical technique. Patients and Methods. From January 2011 to December 2015 120 patients underwent axillary dissection for breast cancer. Patients were divided in two groups: patients belonging to the first group underwent Harmonic scalpel dissection and patients belonging to the second group underwent classical dissection. Each group consisted of 60 patients. Quadrantectomy (QUAD)…
Bowel wall thickening: inquire or not inquire? Our guidelines
Introduction Bowel wall thickening is not an uncommon finding among patient undergoing abdomen CT scan. It may be caused by neoplastic, inflammatory, infectious or ischaemic conditions but also be a normal variant. Although specific radiologic patterns may direct to a precise diagnosis, occasionally misidentification may occur. Thus, in the absence of guidelines, further and not always needed diagnostic procedures (colonoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy or capsule endoscopy) are performed. Patients and methods We conducted a retrospective study on data collected from May 2016 to June 2017. We selected 40 adult patients, admitted in Emergency Department with "abdominal pain" and undergone a…
Beyond the screen
The didactic experiences in the field of architectural design, in courses that have always had a strong workshop character, have been varied in recent years and have been carried out in different variants that, when considered as a whole, allow us to reflect on the problems and the challenges faced during the pandemic. Indeed, a didactic normally conducted with compulsory attendance suffered in a sudden andunexpected way from the cancellation of physical presence, the loss of contact with people and the “corporeality” of the project. Moreover, the absence of the physical space of the classroom (a scene inherent to the laboratory) soon led to the search for new tools and appropriate methods …
Preliminary results about a novel technique of mesh positioning in the abdominal wall hernia repair.
INTRODUCTION: The surgical techniques described to approach the incisional hernia repair are various and there is not consensus about which of them to use. The Intra-Peritoneal Onlay Technique (IPOM) with classic mesh positioning is burdened by high post-operative complication rate. The study shows the preliminary results of a novel technique of open IPOM mesh positioning with "percutaneous" approach. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From January 2010 to December 2016 patients with abdominal wall incisional hernia that underwent surgical operation via open mesh technique for abdominal wall hernia repair at the "Policlinico Paolo Giaccone" at Palermo University Hospital were identified and the data col…
Memory and presence of thólos in architecture
Il thòlos, architettura di pietra dall’origine antichissima (probabilmente greco-arcaica, quindi etrusca e poi romana) è diffuso nell’intero bacino mediterraneo in territori anche distanti (Grecia, Armenia, Cappadocia, Iran, Tunisia, Italia); la Sicilia ne conserva più di ogni altro (la Gurfa di Alia, nelle campagne interne dell’Isola, è la più grande del Mediterraneo) e, nel loro insieme, rappresentano la memoria di epoche mitiche e di personaggi favolosi come Dedalo. Nel loro insieme i thòloi costruiscono una trama di città invisibili in cui si coniugano strategie progettuali-costruttive che dall’antichità sono giunte sino a noi: quasi sempre scavate dentro montagne (luoghi di per sé sacr…
Deep SSI after mesh-mediated groin hernia repair: Management and outcome in an Emergency Surgery Department
Aim. Mesh-mediated groin hernia repair is considered the goldstandard procedure. It has low recurrence rate. Rarely a deep Surgical Site Infection (SSI) is seen when a synthetic prosthesis is used. Case report. We describe a rare case of bilateral deep SSI after mesh- mediated groin hernia repair. Diagnosis was performed through the physical examination and radiological exams. Microbiological samples identified a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus responsible of the infection. Target therapy was performed and re-operation performed in order to remove the infected prosthesis and to apply a biological one to create the fibrous scaffold. During follow-up time, right side recurrence wa…
Skin-nipple-sparing mastectomy: The first approach in primary myxoid chondrosarcoma of the breast
Abstract The primary mammary chondrosarcoma corresponds to less than 0,5% of the mammary malignancies. For the period ranging from 1967 to 2014, only 18 cases were reported in the literature. A 41 year old woman found a hard nodule on her external right superior quadrant/axillary prolongation through breast self-examination. The vacuum-assisted core biopsy (VACB) revealed “high grade extra-skeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma”. A skin-nipple-sparing mastectomy with the insertion of a mammary expander was performed. A protocol of adjuvant radiotherapy was also indicated. Until 2013, the gold standard was the radical mastectomy. By 2014, there were two cases of conservative approach to quadrantecto…
The management of the slow transit constipation in the laparoscopic era
The slow transit constipation (STC) is a functional bowel pathology with slow total gut transit time with normal calibre colon in addition to a variety of other systemic symptoms. Patients with an abnormal colonic motility refractory to conservative treatment are regarded as appropriate candidates for surgery. Laparoscopic total colectomy with ileum-rectum anastomosis represents the commonest surgical operation in the treatment of STC, in well selected patients, after failure of conservative treatment. From 2012 to 2016, 8 patients suffering constipation according to Roma III criteria and diagnosed as STC were submitted to a total colectomy in our O.U. We evaluated the long-term post-operat…
Architettura del presente, oltre la storia e l’archeologia
Il saggio affronta il tema di alcune architetture del presente che stanno oltre la storia e l’archeologia. Rimandano a spazi primordiali oltre il tempo e ormai senza tempo. E tuttavia intersecano la storia (dato che traducono principi che si riscontrano in diverse epoche dell’architettura con le specifiche declinazioni dei linguaggi) e incrociano l’archeologia (considerato che questa fornisce le testimonianze e le tracce reali di condizioni che altrimenti resterebbero concetti o sarebbero unicamente espressioni di leggende). Sono architetture che riallineano agli inizi e propongono la ricerca di essenzialità, il bisogno di silenzio, la necessità del vuoto.
Multiparametric evaluation of risk factors associated to seroma formation in abdominal wall surgery
INTRODUCTION: Incisional hernia is one of the main topics in the general surgery since there is not a unanimous consensus concerning to the best surgical methodology to adopt. It seems that prosthetic surgery is the best technique, even if responsible for the development of periprosthetic seroma. The aim of this study is to assess whether the preoperative abnormalities of the bio-humoral parameters may be considered as risk factors for seroma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From July 2016 to July 2017 at the "Policlinico Paolo Giaccone", Palermo, Department of Emergency Surgery, 56 patients included in this study, underwent laparotomic mesh repair. The inclusion criteria were: age > 18 years, inc…