Lucile Marty

When do health and taste drive children’s food choices? The influence of context and weight status

International audience

research product

Energy labelling and availability interventions to promote healthier food choice across socioeconomic position

research product

Les enfants en surpoids seraient-ils moins hédonistes que les enfants normo-pondéraux ?

Poster confidentiel; absent

research product

Reducing the environmental impact of consumers' food choices: what is the effectiveness of a cross-category environmental label?

research product

Pleasure or health: Do children have to choose?

International audience; Pleasure from eating is known to be a strong predictor of children’s food choices. Yet, children’s food preferences generally do not align with dietary recommendations, children rate energy-dense foods as the most liked and vegetables the least liked. In order to incite children to adopt a healthy diet, parents, caregivers, and national campaigns put forward nutritional arguments. However, there is limited research regarding the impact of the level of nutritional concern on children’s food choices, especially compared to pleasure-oriented goals. This talk is an overview of the research work I have conducted during my PhD, and explores the relationships between childr…

research product

« Comment as-tu aimé le plat aujourd'hui ? » Des bornes de satisfaction pour accompagner la transition alimentaire en restauration scolaire

research product

Eating healtly, it is good, but eating happily, it is better!

Plaisir et santé sont deux concepts souvent opposés lorsqu'il est question d'alimentation, en particulier chez l'enfant. A ce jour, les campagnes de santé publique et notamment celles destinées aux enfants portent surtout sur la valeur nutritionnelle des aliments, distinguant des aliments « bons pour la santé » ou « mauvais pour la santé ». Mais santé et plaisir sont-ils vraiment irréconciliables chez les enfants ? Pour répondre à cette question, des chercheurs du CSGA ont mené une étude auprès de 63 enfants âgés de 6 à 12 ans. Les enfants étaient invités au laboratoire pour un goûter. Chacun pouvait choisir cinq portions sur un buffet composé d'aliments de plus ou moins bonne qualité nutri…

research product

Le plaisir de manger chez les enfants : un facteur clef pour des choix alimentaires plus sains

Plaisir et santé sont deux concepts souvent opposés lorsqu'il est question d'alimentation, notamment chez l'enfant. Or, des chercheurs de l'Inra ont montré que les enfants associant plutôt l'alimentation au plaisir font les choix de meilleure qualité nutritionnelle. Ces résultats suggèrent que le plaisir alimentaire pourrait servir de levier dans des interventions visant à encourager la consommation d'aliments « bons pour la santé » chez les enfants. Ces travaux viennent d'être publiés dans la revue International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Dans un contexte d'amélioration de l'état de santé de la population, les campagnes de santé publique – à destination des enfa…

research product

Evaluation des effets d'un dispositif d'éducation au goût déployé en restauration scolaire sur le comportement alimentaire des enfants

research product

Qualité nutritionnelle et émissions de gaz à effet de serre des menus végétariens et non-végétariens en restauration scolaire : analyse des menus de la ville de Dijon

National audience

research product

The negative impact of covid-related stress on eating behaviors and effective, practical interventions

research product

Qualité nutritionnelle et impact environnemental de l'alimentation pendant l'épidémie de COVID-19 : étude longitudinale avant, pendant et un an après le premier confinement de 2020

research product

Qualité nutritionnelle et impact environnemental de l'alimentation des étudiants : mise en évidence de trois typologies de mangeurs

research product

Effect of environmental labelling on food choices: A randomised controlled trial in a virtual supermarket

research product

Effet d'un affichage environnemental sur les choix alimentaires des consommateurs : essai contrôlé randomisé dans un supermarché en réalité virtuelle

National audience

research product

Privilégier la santé ou le plaisir : impact des attitudes envers l’alimentation et du contexte sur les choix alimentaires des enfants normo-pondéraux et en surpoids âgés de 5 à 11 ans

In the food domain, pleasure and health are often viewed as two opposite sides of a coin. However, surprisingly sparse research has examined the relative influence of hedonic versus nutritional considerations on food choices, especially in children. Yet, a better understanding of the factors that underlie healthy or unhealthy eating in children is of particular importance because eating habits are early shaped. To fill this gap, we explored the relationships between hedonic- versus nutrition-based attitudes towards food, pleasure- versus health-oriented eating contexts and children’s food choices. First, our results showed that the relative dominance of nutrition- versus hedonic-based impli…

research product

Hédonisme et durabilité des comportements alimentaires : que nous apprend le confinement ?

National audience

research product

Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and overweight French children

National audience

research product

Attitudes des enfants obèses vis-à-vis de leur alimentation

National audience

research product

Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and over-weight French children

International audience; Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and over-weight French children. 40. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group

research product

'How much did you like the meal today?' Children's liking for vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals at school canteens

research product

The Impact of Stress Level on Food Choice Motives and Nutritional Quality of Diet During COVID-19 Lockdown in France

research product

External, emotional and restrained eating in normal- and overweight French children: do parents and children agree?

The Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire for Children (DEBQ-C; van Strien & Oosterveld, 2008) was developed to assess external eating (EXT), emotional eating (EMO), and restriction (RES) in 7- to 12-years-old. The aim of this study was to compare children and parents' views of children's eating behaviour according to children's weight status in a sample of French participants. Children were asked about their own eating behaviour and parents were asked about their children's eating behaviour using the DEBQ-C in the child- and parent-report forms, respectively. One hundred and thirty families participated (n=55 overweight children, ow; n=75 normal-weight children, nw; children were weighted a…

research product

A new front-of-pack environmental label triggers more environmentally friendly choices: a randomized controlled trial in a virtual reality supermarket

research product

Non-conscious effect of food odors on children's food choices varies by weight status

Open access original research (article number UNSP 16); OBJECTIVE: Food cues are omnipresent in the daily environment and may influence eating behavior even non-consciously. An increased reactivity to food cues, such as food odors, has been shown to be correlated with obesity in children. The objective of this study is to investigate whether the non-conscious influence of food odors on children's food choices varies by their weight status. METHODS: Seventy-four children, of whom 29 were obese, took part in this study. The children performed a food choice intention task presented as a computer game in which 30 pairs of food images (a fatty-sweet food picture vs. a fruit picture) successively…

research product

Le plaisir de manger chez les enfants : peut-on apprendre à aimer les aliments bons pour la santé ?

research product

«Comment as-tu aimé le plat aujourd'hui ?» Appréciation des plats végétariens et non-végétariens en restauration scolaire

research product

Socioeconomic position and the effect of portion size reduction: a 1-day dietary behaviour experimental

research product

Quelle place pour la durabilité de l'alimentation chez les étudiants ? Une revue de la littérature des pratiques alimentaires des étudiants

research product

Le plaisir : un allié pour guider les enfants dans leurs choix alimentaires

Une équipe de chercheurs de Dijon a étudié quelles composantes influencent les choix alimentaires des enfants en opposant les aspects hédoniques aux aspects nutritionnels d’une part, et les attitudes implicites (non-conscientes) aux explicites (délibérées) d’autre part. Des enfants de 6 à 11 ans (n=63) ont participé à des sessions de 90 minutes après l’école pendant lesquelles ils devaient choisir 5 aliments d’un buffet d’aliments sucrés, proposant 5 aliments considérés comme « sains » et 5 comme « peu sains ». Ils mangeaient ensuite ce qu’ils avaient choisi. Leurs attitudes implicites étaient évaluées par une tâche d’appariement dans laquelle les enfants devaient choisir deux aliments qui …

research product

Motivational roots of sustainable diets: food choice motives associated to the different facets of diet sustainability in French adults

research product

Impact of olfactory priming on food choices in normal-weight and overweight children

International audience

research product

Nutritional quality and greenhouse gas emissions of vegetarian and non-vegetarian school canteen meals: a case study in France (Dijon)

research product

Explicit and implicit tasks for assessing hedonic-versus nutrition-based attitudes towards food in French children

Attitudes are important precursors of behaviours. This study aims to compare the food attitudes (i.e., hedonic- and nutrition-based) of children using both an implicit pairing task and an explicit forced-choice categorization task suitable for the cognitive abilities of 5- to 11-year-olds. A dominance of hedonically driven attitudes was expected for all ages in the pairing task, designed to elicit affective and spontaneous answers, whereas a progressive emergence of nutrition-based attitudes was expected in the categorization task, designed to involve deliberate analyses of the costs/benefits of foods. An additional exploratory goal was to evaluate differences in the attitudes of normal and…

research product

Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in American and French children: A cross-cultural study

International audience

research product

Children’s attitudes towards food in childhood obesity

National audience

research product

Effects of olfactory priming on food choices in children: development of a new paradigm suitable for 6 to 11 year-olds

Introduction: The question of the sensory determinants of food choices remains an open question. A better understanding of non-conscious processes impacting food choices could enable to elaborate new strategies to guide eating behaviors towards healthier food choices. Recent studies in adults (Gaillet et al., 2014; Chambaron et al., 2015) showed that a non-attentively perceived olfactory stimulus can impact subsequent food choices. The present study aims at adapting an olfactory priming paradigm to investigate the effects of non-attentively perceived food odours evoking healthy vs. non-healthy foods on food choices in children. Material and method: Recruitment and experiment are currently i…

research product