D. La Cascia
A novel approach for parameters determination in four lumped PV parametric model with operative range evaluations
The paper presents a novel numerical approach for the parameters determination of crystalline silicon PV models four lumped parameters equivalent circuit. The novel approach basically deals with a new method, alternative to the iterative one known in literature, to calculate the series resistance. Particularly, it allows the evaluation of the lumped parameters on the basis of the manufacturer’s datasheet. The new approach has been validated both in the Maximum Power Point (MPP) and close to it by comparing values and curves obtained by means of the model implementation in Matlab/Simulink environment with those related to some five parameters models and manufacturer curves. Results show that…
DE.DU.ENER.T. project: A prototype of a sustainable energy microsystem
The paper presents a prototype of a microsystem for the integration and the optimal management of renewable energy sources in order to attain a reduction of the total energy consumption of a not residential building. The system composed by the building and the prototype is an energy sustainable microsystem and is located in Italy in the city of Valderice. The microsystem has been conceived in the ENPI (European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) cross-border cooperation Italy - Tunisia 2007-2013 DE.DU.ENER.T. (Le DEveloppement DUrable dans la production ENERgetique dans le Territoire) research project framework. In the paper the purposes of the DE.DU.ENER.T. project are presented and …
Wind Electrical energy generating systems EMC. A dedicated experimental simulator for tests
In wind electrical energy generating systems, due to fast voltage and current fluctuations, the power converter represents a source of electromagnetic disturbances. EMI problems of stand alone wind generators are here analysed in order to take into account many different power quality problems which result in voltage fluctuations and harmonics in the net. This paper, moreover, presents a wind turbine experimental simulator (WTES) that moves a wind electrical energy generating system (WEEGS) to carry out EMI measurements and the relative experimental results. The WEEGS here taken into account comprises a wound rotor induction generator (WRIG) in which the frequency transformation from the ro…
Environmental benefits through new distributed on site control actions inside European apartments
Energy management control actions inside apartments and detached houses have to be carried out in order to reduce CO2 emissions. In this work, new control actions turned to the reduction of both electrical energy losses and electrical energy consumptions inside typical European (Italian, French, German and United Kingdom) apartments are proposed. These actions are of the ldquoLoad Shiftingrdquo type, that makes the apartment daily load profile as flat as possible, and of the ldquoDistributed on Site (DoS)rdquo type consisting in heating the water needed by dishwashers and washing machines inside instantaneous gas water heaters (IGWHs) instead of inside the household appliances themselves. T…
The BAC factor method: Application to a real Italian not-residential building
The paper focuses the evaluation of the impact of Building Automation Control (BAC) systems on not-residential buildings. In particular, this work shows how the control, monitoring and automation actions considered by the European Standard EN 15232 can influence the electric and thermal energy consumptions of the University of Palermo DEIM (Department of Energy, Information Engineering and Mathematical Models) building. After evaluating the building energy consumptions, by using the CEI Guide 205-18, the BAC systems are chosen and sized and an economic evaluation of their installation cost is also carried out.
Electrical distribution substation remote diagnosis and control system
This paper presents the conception, design, set up and realization of a prototype system for telemanagement of a MV/LV substation. The prototype has been developed according to the current standards. This system allows to monitor the status of the MV/LV substation box, of the medium voltage equipment, of the transformer and of the low voltage equipment. In particular, the system acts when some specified events occur. The prototype has been realized by using a DAQ; the software that implement the telemanagement system has been developed in LabVIEW environment. The system allows a remote monitoring of the quantities of interest that is carried out using the TeamViewer software able to establi…
A photovoltaic charging system of an electrically assisted tricycle for touristic purposes
In this paper the design, realization and testing of a photovoltaic charging system suitable for the management of an electrically power assisted tricycle are described. This vehicle uses a photovoltaic module as a source of electric energy for the battery recharging. In this work, an overview on the needs of sustainable mobility and on the commercial electrically power assisted velocipedes is presented. The electrical rickshaw prototype, developed in the SDELab laboratory of the University of Palermo, is presented in detail, underlining the design, implementation and developing phases of the photovoltaic charging system assembled on the velocipede. Moreover, tests oriented on the setting u…
Local DoS applications with micro wind generation systems
In this paper a wind electrical power generation system for Distributed on Site (DoS) applications is proposed. This system was developed and conceived in order to guarantee simple installation, use and service, obtaining a product that can be easily industrialized and put into the market with limited costs. The field of application of such an electrical generation system is addressed towards domestic or at the most toward condominium applications concerning moreover the opportunity of working in addition to combined photovoltaic and solar-thermal systems to enhance the renewable energy generation at house level (DoS). The proposed system has its hot spot in the blades shape, in the wind fl…
An electrochemical route towards the fabrication of nanostructured semiconductor solar cells
This work presents our preliminary results regarding an electrochemical process which allows the growth of nanostructured materials by means of nanopore templates. Also we analyze possible applications of this process to fabricate nanostructured semiconductors, such as CIGS, suitable for photovoltaic devices, and we consider the implications from the perspective of characterization techniques and device modelling when using such a technology.
A device for PV modules I-V characteristic detection
In this paper an electronic load suitable for the PV module I-V characteristic curve fast detection is presented. This device is designed in agreement with the IEC 82 Techinical Committee Standard since it allows the detection of the characteristic starting from voltage values even lower than 3% of the PV module open circuit voltage. The device main features are short time characteristc detection (2 s), limited ripple of the detected characteristic and low cost. Its validation is carried out by comparing measured data with data from simulations. Simulations are carried out considering two different commercial PV modules and by implementing in Matlab-Simulink environment the four lumped para…
A mathematical model to determine the electrical energy production in photovoltaic fields under mismatch effect
Among the electrical energy production systems from renewable sources, the photovoltaic one represents today one of the most efficient and technically tested choice. In this paper the authors present a mathematical model that allows the maximization of the generated power of photovoltaic (PV) plants under unequally radiation conditions. In particular, thanks to the model of a PV plant, unequally radiated, developed in Matlab-Simulink environment, in this paper the mismatch problem of PV plants is dealt with. The simulations curried out allow to assert that by putting into action re-configuration techniques of series-parallel connections of PV plants, under unequally radiation, can allow to …
Simulation of photovoltaic installation connected to the grid with storage system
Abstract In the present paper, a new approach for the management of energy resources in a research laboratory is proposed and evaluated. A simulation study for the photovoltaic (PV) installation was conducted under the Tunisian-Italian cooperation project DE.DU.ENER.T, using renewable energy and economic criteria. The aim of the study is to improve the energy efficiency in order to minimize the electricity cost consumed in the laboratory. A Hybrid Renewable Energy System consisting of a photovoltaic field of 12KWc was installed to reduce the exorbitant bills, due to intensive energy equipment such as drying ovens and workstations, using sustainable, green and clean sources. In addition, a s…
Innovative algorithms for the management of combined RES-BESS systems
The issue of the optimal management of the available energy resources also at end-user level is getting more and more attention. The paper deals with the definition of innovative algorithms for managing electrical storage systems in hybrid photovoltaic and wind plants, also taking into account different pricing periods and a grid emergency condition in which the Utility can request an injection of power by the end-user. Application examples for explaining the operation of the algorithms are presented.
CIGS PV Module Characteristic Curves Under Chemical Composition and Thickness Variations
This paper analyzes how the electrical characteristics of a CIGS photovoltaic module are affected by the chemical composition and by the thickness variations of the CIGS absorber. The electrical characteristics here considered are the short circuit current, the open circuit voltage, the efficiency and the power peak. The chemical composition is varied by tuning the ratio between gallium and indium. This analysis has been performed by means of the wxAMPS software, developed by the University of Illinois. The above variations have been taken into account on a PV module made of 72 cells. This analysis has been carried out employing a PV module mathematical model developed and implemented by th…
Experimental study of the combined RES-based generators and electric storage systems for public buildings
Abstract In the present paper, a new approach to the management of energy resources in the Research and Technology Centre of Energy (CRTEn -Tunisia) is proposed and evaluated by the monitoring of a PV installation realized for the cooperation project DE.DU.ENER.T, using renewable energy and economic criteria. The aim of this project is to improve energy efficiency order to minimize the electricity cost consumed at the CRTEn laboratory. According to the bills of electricity received, we noticed that there is a high consumption of electrical current. So, we targeted to install a photovoltaic field of 12KWc to reduce these bills by using the sustainable, green and clean sources. A theoretical …
On the effects of BAC systems and load control programs on the utility grid
The electricity demand increasing for the comfort improvement in residential buildings is nowadays stressing the MV and LV networks in urban areas. In this framework, the Distribution System Operators (DSO) are exposed to the risk of reliability decrease and there is, earlier than expected, the issue of new and substantial investments for enhancing the network infrastructure. Nevertheless, DSOs have a very strong inclination to defer investment in new facilities in favour of more "flexible measures" for improving the life of the existing components. Solutions of this type are primarily based on demand management, i.e. activities aimed at encouraging the end-users to a different/smart electr…
Partial discharges on IGBT modules: Are sinusoidal waveforms sufficient to evaluate behavior?
In recent years, the increasing use of AC-DC converters, especially in the field of renewable energy sources has led to the implementation of new modulation techniques, in particular the ones based on the pulse width modulation. The purpose of the present work is to verify the different behavior that is obtained when the components are subjected to the partial discharge test carried out with a sinusoidal waveform, and when they are subjected to PWM stress-type, similar to the actual signal generated by this type of electronic components. By considering equal rms value of the fundamental sine wave, the comparison has shown different partial discharges patterns.
Demand side management and Distributed on Site actions benefits
Global warming and energy demand are nowadays becoming one of the major issues of the third millennium, mainly because human activities seem to have a clear impact on the raise of CO2 emissions as never it has been experienced in the past. Among the different factors affecting CO2 emissions, energy demand from buildings constitutes one of the most important actors. Energy Management (EM) actions can reduce the energy consumption of the system and minimize peaks-level, by using a distributed control over every house. These local actions can greatly contribute to reduce the impact on the global CO2 emissions. An evaluation of the potential energy saving and CO2 emissions reduction on building…
Independent energetic grids for a smart island: Model and design of a microgrid for a small Italian island
Unlike many Italian peninsular areas, which are increasingly turning to a diverse supply of renewable resources to generate electricity, Italian not-interconnected small islands continue to rely on oil for their electricity and other energy needs (e.g. transports). Small-scale electricity systems, that are not connected to a larger electricity grid, are usually more expensive. The present paper proposes the functional design of an innovative Smart Grid which allows changing an Italian small not-interconnected island, Pantelleria, into a smart island, towards a more sustainable energy model. In detail, a techno-economic feasibility study is performed in order to design a Smart Grid at Pantel…
Parametrical study of multilayer structures for CIGS solar cells
In this paper, a numerical analysis of relevant electrical parameters of multilayer structures for CIGS-based solar cells was carried out, employing the simulation software wxAMPS. In particular, we have focused on thin film cells having a ZnO:Al/ZnO/CdS/CIGS structure with a Molybdenum back contact. The aim of this work is to establish good theoretical reference values for an ongoing experimental activity, where our technology of choice is the single-step electrodeposition. In detail, we have analyzed how the main electrical properties change with the bang gap and the thickness of the absorber layer, for such a type of solar cell structure. Our results show that both efficiency and fill fa…
Study and simulation of photovoltaic installation connected to the grid with storage system
In the present paper, a new approach to the management of energy resources in a research laboratory is proposed and evaluated by a simulation for the PV installation realized for the Tunisian-Italian cooperation project DE.DU.ENER.T, using renewable energy and economic criteria. The aim of this project is to improve energy efficiency order to minimize the electricity cost consumed at the laboratory, because according to the bills of electricity received we noticed that there is a high consumption of electrical current, from the STEG grid, and especially by the energy intensive equipment such as drying ovens and all the workstations. So we targeted to install a photovoltaic field of 12KWc to…
Monitoring of renewable energy prototype for the DEDUENERT research project
In this paper, we present a renewable energy sustainable micro-system installed upon a platform located in the Research and Technology Centre of Energy in Borj Cedria Techno park (Tunisia). This prototype has been conceived within the ENPI (European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) cross-border cooperation Italy-Tunisia 2007–2013 research project framework. This project's overall goal is to develop a common strategy for the deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency by endorsing the cooperation between Italy and Tunisia. The focus is to implement the use of sustainable energy microsystems that generate electricity from various renewable sources (solar thermal, photovoltaic…
Integrated Mathematical Model of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack (PEMFC) with Automotive Synchronous Electrical Power Drive
In this work, the mathematical dynamical model of a PEMFC stack has been developed and implemented in Matlab environment. Lots of simulations have been executed in two different load conditions. Firstly with a resistive load and finally with a synchronous electrical power drive in automotive load conditions. The innovation in this field consists in the integration in PEMFC stack mathematical dynamic model of a synchronous electrical power drive one for automotive purposes. As regards the simulations with a synchronous electrical power drive, the complete mathematical model allows to evaluate the PEMFC stack performances and electrochemical efficiency. This represents a useful design tool.
Experimentation of sustainable energy microsystems: The DE.DU.ENER.T. research project
The paper focuses on an energy sustainable prototype micro-system installed upon a roof of a building in Valderice (Italy). This micro-system has been conceived in the ENPI (European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) cross-border cooperation Italy - Tunisia 2007–2013 DE.DU.ENER.T. (Le DEveloppement DUrable dans la production ENERgetique dans le Territoire) research project framework. The main aim of this project is the construction of a sustainable energy micro-system prototype suitable for the optimal integration and management of renewable energy resources (photovoltaic, wind and solar thermal) and to reduce the building's energy consumption. In the paper the project and the protot…
ICT applications for improving the generation and distribution efficiency of a small mediterranean island
The paper presents a study on the opportunities offered by ICT for improving the efficiency of the generation and distribution system of a small island. The island taken into consideration is the Italian Lampedusa island. In the paper, the power distribution system of the island is described and the summer and winter daily load profiles are examined in order to define the more suitable control actions for improving the generation and distribution efficiency of the power system. Finally the architecture of an idoneous control system for the smart grid is proposed and an evaluation of the purchase and installation costs of components and devices for the transition of a traditional house towar…
Economical Incentives and Systems of Certification for the Production of Electrical Energy from Renewable Energy Resources
In order to succeed in observing the international agreements undertaken in the Kyoto agreement protocol, today it is necessary to increase the electrical energy production from renewables energy resources (RERs). In this paper a complete description of the Italian incentive systems for the production of electrical energy from photovoltaic (PV) and other RERs is done. Moreover, some considerations about the effects of the incentive actions on the wide spread of RERs to produce electrical energy are reported; particular attention is paid in the economical analysis related to PY and wind systems.
Characterization of a small Mediterranean island end-users’ electricity consumption: The case of Lampedusa
Abstract The paper presents the results of a study carried out on Lampedusa Island (Italy) and based on the survey of electricity consumption data. The main outcomes of the study are: • the characterization of the energy demand of private houses and hotels in Italian small islands with significant touristic flows during the summer period; • the identification of inefficient use of the electric loads; • the construction of aggregated load profiles for clusters of homogeneous domestic end-user to be used for implementing Demand Response strategies. The study shows how electricity consumption in Mediterranean small islands are very high with respect to the national average and lays the basis f…
Economic impact of BACS and TBM systems on residential buildings
The paper presents the results of a study on the economic impact of building automation control systems and technical building management systems on residential buildings. The different functions considered by European Standard EN 15232 and having impact on the energy performance of buildings are applied to a test house, varying its energy efficiency class. The economic impact due to the introduction of each BACS or TBM function is evaluated using the BAC factors method, considering the real costs for the purchase and the installation of the components that implement the specific functions and the yearly energy costs of the building before and after their installation.
Energy Consumption/Generation Model: Data collected, architecture conceived and scenarios addressed
The paper provides the data collected, the architecture and the conceived scenarios for the development of an Energy Consumptions/Generations Model. This model is suitable for the modeling, processing, analyzing and forecasting of energy consumption and generation at home, building and neighborhood level. Data are from the Census Returns, Electoral Registers & Council of the real town of Loughborough (U.K.). The architecture conceived describes the real distribution system which supplies the Loughborough geographic area. The scenarios considered take into account both traditional dwellings (equipped with dumb appliances) and new dwellings (equipped with smart networked appliances) © 2014 IE…
Integration of distributed on site control actions via combined photovoltaic and solar panels system
A systematic evaluation of the potential energy saving and CO2 emissions reduction on buildings was carried out, when a renewable energy system is locally installed. The exploitation of a combined solar and photovoltaic system and the integration of suitable energy management actions were deeply investigated. A model of these solar and photovoltaic components has been developed and included within a complete house simulator, capable to precisely figure out the daily electric energy consumptions of typical apartments and to measure the positive actions induced by the added renewable energy. Saving up to 40% on the energy consumptions and even more savings on wiring losses seems to be easily …
Feasibility analysis and study of a grid-connected hybrid electric system: Application in the building sector
This paper represents the feasibility study and analysis of a grid-connected hybrid (PV-Wind) system with battery, realized within the project DE.DU.ENER.T and installed in the research centre CRTEn located in the northern Tunisia in the city of Borj-Cedria. The main objective of this work is to exploit renewable sources of electrical energy production to electrify the desired building. So, to minimize electricity consumption costs, reduce the adverse effects of pollutants products from the diesel power systems and sometimes happen to sell the surplus of energy produced. The HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model of Electric Renewable) software is used to estimate system size and its performance …
A PV plant simulator for testing MPPT techniques
This paper introduces a versatile and reliable photovoltaic systems simulator. It includes the main components of a photovoltaic plant: a PV string and a PWM controlled boost chooper. The key feature of this simulator is the ability to consider different and non-uniform irradiation and temperature conditions (partial shading and partial heating of the strings). All the different I-V and P-V or P-I characteristics can then be determined in such non-uniform irradiation and temperature conditions, with the aim to try different MPPT algorithms. The simulator also allows to verify an enhanced version of the Incremental Conductance algorithm (IncCond) where, in order to reach the real absolute ma…
Energy and Network Models for the Intelligent Control of Distributed Systems
This paper presents detailed energy and network models for the intelligent control of a distributed system which also comprises power generation from renewables. The two models provide interactive energy monitoring, intelligent control and power demand balancing at home, block and neighbor level. Particularly, it is here described how the energy model works and also details of how it has been validated are here given. Moreover, it is shown how the energy model simulation results are transferred to the network simulation software SynerGEE, set up by GL Noble Denton Industrial Services Ltd (UK), in order to fully perform network simulations.
Photovoltaic plant array reconfiguration: Design of a new device
An efficient strategy to improve unequally irradiated PV plants performances is based on the reconfiguration of the connections between the modules. In this paper, an algorithm, for this purpose conceived, is presented. Moreover, the design, realization and finally also the set up of a new reconfiguration system device is fully shown and discussed. The algorithm conceived simulates several possible series-parallel connections under varying irradiation conditions, and determines the optimal modules connection in order to get the maximum output power. In this way, the reconfiguration system may set up the reconfiguration strategy. The reconfiguration system prototype set up, basically consist…
Active power maximizing for Wind Electrical Energy Generating Systems moved by a Modular Multiple Blade Fixed Pitch Wind Turbine
This paper proposes a new solution for wind electrical energy generating system (WEEGS). The system here taken into account is moved by a modular multiple blade fixed pitch wind turbine (MMBFPWT) and foresees a new MPPT algorithm whose main characteristics are low cost, low noise, buildings simplicity and modularity. The mathematical model of the entire WEEGS has been here developed taking into account all the components starting from the wind turbine and ending with the electrical grid. The WEEGS mathematical model has been implemented in Matlab-Simulink in order to carry out the simulations needed to test the effectiveness of the proposed WEEGS. The simulations results show the effectiven…
Design, sizing and set up of a specific low cost electronic load for PV modules characterization
In this paper, the design, sizing and set-up of a specific low cost electronic load, based on a DC-DC step-down converter, suitable for the PV module I - V characteristic curves determination, is described. In particular, for its set up, a low cost and user friendly micro-controller has been employed in order to generate the PWM signal. The measures carried out connecting the electronic load prototype to a commercial PV module are here presented and discussed. The conceived electronic load has allowed the determination of 80% of the PV module characteristic curves in 2 s. This low measurement time, lower than the time intervals in which weather conditions may change, allows to assume as con…
Smart grid integrated green data centres as ancillary service providers
In this paper a review of Green Data Centres facilities to support smart grids operation is proposed. The paper describes the ancillary services a Green Data Centre can provide both in terms of spinning reserve provision and different regulation services. In the application section, a real electrical grid hosting a data centre is considered. The infrastructure is owned by Engineering S.p.A. and is installed in northern Italy. The system has been considered as connected to the MV distribution grid in presence of other renewable energy sources. The impact of possible power management operations over the considered data centre has been studied by means of a simulation software and the spinning…
Speed Control of a two-Degrees of Freedom Induction Motor with Rotor Helical Motion for Industrial Applications
This paper describes the realization of a two-degrees of freedom induction motor prototype with rotor helical motion, suitable for several industrial applications as grinders, augers, drilling and milling spindles, robotic arms and drives for medical tools and prostheses. This prototype was realized by combining a three-phase tubular linear induction motor (TLIM) with the stator of a three-phase rotary induction motor, resulting in a THMIM (Tubular Helical Motion Induction Motor). Moreover, a possible simple electrical drive, capable to control the helical motion, is proposed, simulated and analyzed. In particular, the mathematical model of the THMIM has been initially developed and, then, …
Critical assessment of support for the evolution of photovoltaics and feed-in tariff(s) in Italy
Abstract The feed-in tariff(s) mechanism involves an obligation on the part of an electricity provider to purchase electricity generated by renewable energy sources in its relevant area, paying a tariff determined by public authorities and guaranteed for a specific time period. Feed-in tariff(s) have been the primary mechanism used for supporting the development of renewable energy sources in the EU and, up to date, they are being applied in 20 EU Member Countries. On 6 July 2013, the Italian experience with feed-in tariff(s) for photovoltaic systems finished. During its lifetime of eight years, this incentive mechanism, named “Conto Energia”, was characterized by periods of great success f…
A feasibility study of some DSM enabling solutions in small islands: The case of Lampedusa
Abstract The paper addresses the issue of the transition from a traditional electrical system without automation to a newer active and smart system allowing the possibility of implementing Demand Side Management policies, for little islands not supplied by the main grid. In particular, the paper focuses on two main topics related to the definition of: • an effective control, monitoring and communication system as a tool for the full exploitation of the opportunities given by Demand Response policies; • some solutions for the automation of the end-users’ electrical installations, in order to offer to the utility flexibility to be used for the improvement of the generation and distribution ef…
Effects of the air density value on a wind generator electricity production capability
The paper main issue is the evaluation of the influence of the air density value on the electricity production capability of a wind generator. Two different density air mathematical models, where the density has not a constant value, are here taken into account and compared in terms of reliability, accuracy and computational burden. Evaluations are carried out thanks to a horizontal axis wind generator full model built by the Authors in Matlab/Simulink environment. Simulation results are compared with real data.
Improving the energy efficiency of an islanded distribution network using classical and innovative computation methods
The paper presents the analysis of some potentially suitable actions for reducing the energy losses of an islanded Medium Voltage distribution network, with the aim of improving electricity distribution efficiency. For this purpose, four actions are considered: 1) increasing the network's rated voltage; 2) reactive power compensation through static capacitor banks; 3) reactive power compensation through switchable capacitor banks; 4) installation of distributed photovoltaic (PV) generation. The first two measures are typically taken into account by the distribution system operators and can be examined by means of classical design methods, whereas the latter two more innovative actions are t…