José Vicente Bagán Sebastián

Sjögren’s syndrome of the oral cavity. Review and update

Sjögren´s syndrome is one of the most frequent autoimmune diseases. It is a chronic and systemic disorder predominantly found in women, and is characterized by the appearance of a lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate, with dryness of the oral cavity and eyes, secondary to involvement of the salivary and lacrimal glands. The underlying causal mechanism involves a number of factors and has not been clearly established, though an autoimmune response is known to be triggered, with the accumulation of immune complexes in the gland acini that interfere with gland function. In the oral cavity, xerostomia or hyposialia is the most disabling manifestation for patients, and is accompanied by rapidly p…

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Use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in dental practice : a review

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are drugs commonly prescribed in dental practice for the management of pain and swelling. Of these substances, paracetamol and ibuprofen are the most widely used. Their mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of cyclooxygenase, and therefore of prostaglandin synthesis. All of these drugs present a similar mechanism of action, as a result of which their side effects are also similar. The most frequent range from mild (e.g., nausea or vomiting) to serious gastric problems (such as gastric bleeding or perforation). Other side effects include an increased risk of vascular accidents (particularly acute myocardial infarction), renal toxicity sec…

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Valoración clínica del estado dental y periodontal en un grupo de pacientes oncológicos, previo inicio de la quimioterapia

Objetivos: Valorar el estado bucodental en 88 pacientes con cánceres corporales, previo al inicio de su tratamiento quimioterápico. Diseño del estudio: Estudiamos 88 pacientes con cánceres de diferentes localizaciones corporales y los comparamos con un grupo control. Analizamos la placa dental (mediante el índice de Silness y Löe), el estado dental (mediante el índice CAO.D) y el estado periodontal (índice CPI modificado). Resultados: En el grupo de pacientes oncológicos, la media del índice de placa de Silnness y Löe fue de 1,28±0,11. Los pacientes presentaban múltiples ausencias dentarias, siendo la media de dientes ausentes por caries de 7,55±0,80. También se observó que la media de cari…

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Esclerosis multiple como primera manifestacion en el territorio oral y facial: presentación de cuatro casos

La esclerosis múltiple (EM) es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica del sistema nervioso central de etiología no conocida caracterizada por la aparición de sintomatologia neurológica diversa en forma de brotes o de deterioro progresivo y de lesiones en cualquier localización de la sustancia blanca cerebral que pueden dejar como secuelas la desmielinización definitiva de la zona. Esta enfermedad afecta a gente joven siendo más frecuente su aparición entre los 20 y 40 años, en climas templados y fríos y con una relación hombre-mujer de 0,46 / 0,67. La importancia de esta enfermedad radica en que es la primera causa de invalidez permanente en adultos jóvenes. Presentamos 4 casos de EM cuyo sínt…

research product

Review of temporomandibular joint pathology. Part I : classification, epidemiology and risk factors

Pathology of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) affects an important part of the population, though it is not viewed as a public health problem. Between 3-7% of the population seeks treatment for pain and dysfunction of the ATM or related structures. The literature reports great variability in the prevalence of the clinical symptoms (6-93%) and signs (0-93%), probably as a result of the different clinical criteria used. In imaging studies it is common to observe alterations that have no clinical expression of any kind. Radiographic changes corresponding to osteoarthrosis are observed in 14- 44% of the population. Age is a risk factor, though with some particularities. In elderly patients the…

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Does HIV infection have an impact upon dental implant osseointegration? A systematic review

Background: A systematic review is made to determine whether human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has an impact upon dental implant osseointegration. Material and Methods: A PubMed (MEDLINE) literature search was made of articles published up until 14 April 2014. The systematic review was conducted based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA). The quality of the studies included in the review was assessed using the Methodological Index for Nonrandomized Studies (MINORS) and levels of evidence (based on the University of Oxford's Center for Evidence Based Medicine criteria). Results: The combinations of search terms resulted in a list of 13…

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Documento de consenso sobre la utilización de profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía y procedimientos dentales

La profilaxis antibiótica en Odontología tiene como objetivo prevenir la aparición de infección a partir de la puerta de entrada que produce la actuación terapéutica, por lo que se encuentra indicada siempre que exista un riesgo importante de infección, ya sea por las características mismas de la operación o por las condiciones locales o generales del paciente. Sin embargo, los ensayos clínicos con antibióticos en patologías dentarias responden poco a los criterios metodológicos requeridos, y además no son lo suficientemente numerosos. Se presentan los resultados de una conferencia de expertos integrada por los Presidentes de Sociedades científicas españolas más representativas que han anal…

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Apixaban and oral implications

Background: Thrombotic disorders remain a leading cause of death in the Western world, and in this regard a number of anticoagulation treatment have been used, including heparins, fondaparinux, vitamin K antagonists (warfarin, acenocoumarol), and new oral anticoagulants such as apixaban. For years there has been great controversy regarding the use of anticoagulants in planning dental treatments that imply bleeding. The main concerns about using new oral anticoagulants in invasive dental procedures are bleeding due to the lack of an antidote, and the thrombotic risk of the disease for which anticoagulation was indicated in the first place. Material and Methods: A literature search was conduc…

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Reacción granulomatosa facial por rellenos cosméticos inyectados: presentación de cinco casos

El uso de sustancias para el aumento de tejidos blandos por motivos estéticos puede ocasionar la aparición de granulomas a cuerpo extraño, entre otros efectos indeseables. Las mejoras introducidas en dichas sustancias han conseguido la disminución de la incidencia de reacciones adversas pero no su desaparición. Presentamos cinco casos de reacción a cuerpo extraño por tres productos diferentes, dimetilpolisiloxano (silicona), colágeno bovino, y ácido poliláctico, que habían sido infiltrados en el tejido celular subcutáneo de las pacientes (las cinco eran mujeres) entre dos y dieciséis años antes de la aparición de la reacción a cuerpo extraño. Las cinco presentaron un cuadro de tumefacción f…

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Bisphosphonates and dental implants: current problems

Osteonecrosis of the jaw has been described in patients taking bisphosphonates after oral surgery procedures, including the placement of dental implants. This review is an update of the relationship between bisphosphonates and dental implants.Results obtained by different authors are compared, contrasting earlier studies where an improvement in implant osseointegration using bisphosphonates was observed, with ones where statistically significant differences were found, and more recent studies disagreeing with the use of bisphosphonates for causing necrosis of the jaw. The differing results obtained between animal studies and the situation observed in humans may be due to a short medication …

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Palatal perforations secondary to inhaled cocaine abuse: presentation of five cases

The estimated incidence of complications associated with cocaine abuse is 4.8%. Palatal perforation is a very infrequent condition within the range of complications associated with cocaine abuse. No epidemiological cha- racteristics relating to patient age or gender have been established, and the diagnosis of the disorder requires a detailed clinical history, including antecedents of cocaine abuse. The clinical and radiological studies show palatal bone erosion and perforation of the soft or hard palate. The present study describes five cases of palatal perforation secondary to inhaled cocaine abuse. As a result of the increase in cocaine use in recent years, particularly among young adults…

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Cytological changes in the oral mucosa after use of a mouth rinse with alcohol: a prospective double blind control study

Aim: The aim of this preliminary study was to detect cytological changes in the oral mucosa after using a mouth wash with alcohol. Material and Methods: A prospective double-blind, controlled study was performed, for 6 months. Group 1 consisted of 30 subjects who used a mouth rinse with 26.9% of alcohol [Listerine ® ] and Group 2 consisted of 30 subjects who used a mouth rinse with the same ingredients but with no alcohol. We obtained three cytological samples from the oral mucosa. The presence of cytological atypia, binucleation and karyorrhesis, and type of cells were studied. We also used a fluorescent in situ hybridization technique (FISH) in 15 samples in each group, for the micronucle…

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Drug-induced oral lichenoid reactions: a literature review

The terms oral lichenoid reactions or oral lichenoid lesions refer to lesions histologically and clinically similar to oral lichen planus, though with the particularity that in these cases the underlying cause is identifiable. In addition, these lesions are described according to the causal factor involved, including alterations resulting from direct contact with dental restoration materials, drug-related lesions, and lesions associated to graft-versus-host disease. Drug-induced oral lichenoid reactions or oral lichenoid lesions were first cited in 1971 by Almeyda and Levantine. Since then, many drug substances have been associated with such lesions. The most common agents are nonsteroidal …

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Concept, diagnosis and classification of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws: a review of the literature

Background: Bisphosphonates (BPs) and other antiresorptive agents such as denosumab are widely prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis and are also used in patients with multiple myeloma and metastatic breast or prostate cancer for avoiding bone reabsorption and fractures that result in increased morbidity-mortality among such individuals. Material and Methods: We made a bibliographic search to analyze the concept, diagnosis and the different classifications for bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws. Results: Osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) is an important complication of exposure to BPs or other antiresorptive agents, and although its prevalence is low, it can pose manag…

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Dental management in renal failure : patients on dialysis

Chronic renal failure is an important health care problem throughout the world, with an incidence of 337, 90, 107 and 95 new cases per million inhabitants/year in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, respectively. These figures moreover invariably tend to increase. During the progression of renal damage, clinical manifestations are noted in practically all body organs and systems, and 90% of all affected patients experience oral symptoms. The existing management options range from simple measures based on changes in diet and life style, to different forms of dialysis (hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis), and also kidney transplantation. Given the multiple oral…

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Pseudotumors and tumors of the temporomandibular joint: a review

Objective: To review the pseudotumors and tumors of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) published in journals included in Journal Citation Reports (JCR), and to evaluate whether there are clinical and radiological signs capable of differentiating between pseudotumors and tumors and between malignant and benign tumors. Material and Methods: A systematic Medline search was made of clinical cases of tumors and pseudotumors of the TMJ covering a 20-year period and published in journals included in JCR. Only cases with histological confirmation were included. A description is provided of the general characteristics of TMJ tumors, with comparison of the clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and evoluti…

research product

Osteonecrosis of the jaws in patients treated with bisphosphonates

The literature describes an increasing presence of bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ), characterized by the exposure for over 8 weeks of necrotic bone in the maxillofacial region, after bisphosphonate therapy, in the absence of prior maxillary radiotherapy. The present literature review examines the etiopathogenesis, risk factors, clinical forms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of bisphosphonate-induced ONJ. In addition, a review is made of all the series involving over 15 patients diagnosed with this disorder between 1 January 2011 and 15 May 2011. A PubMed-Medline search was carried out with the following key words: 'bisphosphonates' and 'osteonecrosis'. The appear…

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Granulomatous facial reaction to injected cosmetic fillers : a presentation of five cases

The use of substances to augment soft tissues as aesthetic purpose is associated with, among other undesirable effects, the appearance of foreign body granulomas. The improvements made to these substances have reduced the incidence of adverse reactions, but not eliminated them. We present five cases of foreign body reactions to three different products, dimethylpolysiloxane (silicone), bovine collagen, and polylactic acid, which were injected into the subcutaneous cellular tissue of the patients (all five were women), between two and sixteen years before the appearance of the foreign body reaction. All five presented painless, diffuse facial tumefaction, of firm, elastic consistency. The ma…

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Differences in clinical variables and risk factors between patients with osteoarthritis and osteoarthrosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

Objective: To study differences in risk factors and clinical variables between a group of patients with osteoarthritis and a group with osteoarthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. Material and methods: Thirty-five patients (32 women and 3 men) (mean age 53±18 years), 21 (60%) with a diagnosis of osteoarthrosis (mean age 54.7±20.2 years) and 14 (40%) with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis (mean age 51.7±16.9 years), were studied. The two groups were compared with each other and also with the group of 164 patients with temporomandibular joint pathology from which they were drawn. An evaluation was made of the demographic variables, risk factors (parafunctions, posterior occlusal contacts, slee…

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Treatment of oral mucositis due to chemotherapy

Introduction: The management of oral mucositis is a challenge, due to its complex biological nature. Over the last 10 years, different strategies have been developed for the management of oral mucositis caused by chemotherapy in cancer patients. Material and Methods: An exhaustive search was made of the PubMed-Medline, Cochrane Library and Scopus databases, crossing the key words “oral mucositis”, “prevention” and “treatment” with the terms “chemotherapy” and “radiotherapy” by means of the boolean operators “AND” and “NOT”. A total of 268 articles were obtained, of which 96 met the inclusion criteria. Results: Several interventions for the prevention of oral mucositis, such as oral hygiene …

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Dental treatment of patients with coagulation factor alterations: An update

Hemostasia is a defense mechanism that protects vascular integrity, avoids blood loss, and maintains blood fluidity throughout the circulatory system. The biochemical processes leading to blood clot formation are complex, and alterations can appear at any point within the chain of events. While a range of alterations can affect the coagulation factors, some are more common than others in the general population, including congenital (hemophilia A and B, Von Willebrand’s disease) and acquired disorders (anticoagulant drugs). Such diseases require special consideration in the context of dental treatment, and therefore must be known to dental professionals. Interconsultation with the hematologi…

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Bone necrosis around dental implants: a patient treated with oral bisphosphonates, drug holiday and no risk according to serum CTX

Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) may appear following certain oral surgery procedures in patients treated with oral bisphosphonates (OB). Guidelines for the treatment of these patients were set out in the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) Position Paper on Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of The Jaws (Position Paper) and Approved by the Board of Trustees in September 2006. For the AAOMS the placement of implants in these patients is not contraindicated. In addition, the serum C-terminal telopeptide bone suppressor marker (CTX) test is available to determine the risk of ONJ. A case is presented of ONJ in a patient with 6 months of OB discontinuation ('drug hol…

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Presence of fibronectin peptides in saliva of patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome: a potential indicator of salivary gland destruction

Objective: The purpose of this preliminary study was to monitor the degree of destruction of salivary glands in Sjögren disease by the detection of fibronectin peptides in patients’ saliva. Study design: The sample consisted of 10 subjects divided in 2 groups, one with Sjögren disease and a control group. Saliva samples were submitted to an inmunodetection analysis. In addition, non pathological salivary glands, obtained from 2 subjects who underwent minor oral surgery, were incubated with leukocyte homogenates and analysed to compare the obtained fragments.Results: The inmunodetection analysis of Sjögren saliva revealed multiple protein bands, including fibronectin, that were not present i…

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Graft-versus-host disease affecting oral cavity: a review

Graft versus host disease (GVHD) is one of the most frequent and serious complications of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and is regarded as the leading cause of late mortality unrelated to the underlying malignant disease. GVHD is an autoimmune and alloimmune disorder that usually affects multiple organs and tissues, and exhibits a variable clinical course. It can manifest in either acute or chronic form. The acute presentation of GVHD is potentially fatal and typically affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract and liver. The chronic form is characterized by the involvement of a number of organs, including the oral cavity. Indeed, the oral cavity may be the only affected location i…

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Oral mucosal precancer and cancer: a helpful discriminating clinical tool

The authors have collaborated with many colleagues in several countries in formulating a useful and practical clinical tool for evaluating oral mucosal findings on routine examination. Consideration of several factors including history, evolution of positive findings and clinical information allows placement of examination results into one of three categories which are graded by a color scheme along a spectrum of concerns (green to red, or no concern to serious concern). Afforded to the clinician is a straightforward grading system as a starting point for office end clinic use for all patients.

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Lesiones precancerosas y cáncer oral: Aspectos clínicos

Existen múltiples lesiones precancerosas en la cavidad oral, sin embargo la más frecuente es la leucoplasia. Hay una forma con especial tendencia a la degeneración maligna, la leucoplasia verrugosa proliferativa. En lo referente a las lesiones precancerosas nos centraremos en estas dos formas, mientras que en el caso de las lesiones malignas hablaremos fundamentalmente del carcinoma epidermoide o carcinoma oral de células escamosas, que representa el 90% de todos los cánceres orales.

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