M Mistretta

Life Cycle Assessment of organic apple supply chain in the North of Italy.

The goal of the study is the assessment of the energy and environmental impacts of 1 ton of organic apples cultivated in the North of Italy, by applying the Life Cycle Assessment methodology. The authors examined the supply chain of apples, by including the supply of raw materials and energy sources, and the farming step. In addition, an assessment of apple distribution to the final users was made. The results show that a relevant share of the total impacts is caused by the transport to the final users, assuming that the product is distributed on local, national and international markets. A detailed analysis of the farming step shows that a significant share in the overall energy and enviro…

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Viene presentato uno studio finalizzato alla reda- zione di una Dichiarazione Ambientale di Prodotto (DAP) relativa ad un laterizio porizzato, manufatto edile caratterizzato da buone proprietà termoisolanti e fonoassorbenti. La valutazione delle prestazioni energetico-ambientali del manufatto è stata condot- ta in conformità agli standard internazionali della serie ISO 14040. Sulla base dei risultati dell’analisi sono state individuate alcune soluzioni di migliora- mento dell’eco-profilo del manufatto in esame.

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Valutazione energetico-ambientale dei prodotti EuP e per la definizione dei criteri minimi di ecodesign

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Energy and environmental management protocols of an agrocombined system for biogas production from biomass waste: the experience of the project Italy Tunisia VEDe.R

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Italian experiences in Life Cycle Assessment of olive oil: a survey and critical review

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Refurbishment scenario to shift nearly net ZEBs towards net ZEB target: an Italian case study

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Life cycle GHG and energy balance of organic apples: a case study in Italy

The main household environmental impacts are concentrated in food, transport and building sectors. The food sector is responsible for 20-30% of the various environmental impacts due to the final consumptions, and in the case of eutrophication for even more than 50% (Tukker at al., 2006). Every stage of the production and consumption chain of food, from growing crops, to transportation and storage, manufacturing, distribution, purchasing and consumption, and treatment of waste, has environmental effects. Consumers choices can significantly influence the environmental impacts of production, retail and distribution phases of food (EEA, 2005). In particular, they can choose to consume more orga…

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The Role of Natural Ventilative Cooling in NZE Temporary and Emergency Shelters Design: a Mediterranean Case Study

The paper presents a case-study of a pre-fabricated housing module built in Messina (Sicily, Italy) and the assessment of its energy performances under the net zero energy perspective. The potential of ventilative natural cooling application in the case-study is also investigated. Some particular features of the building - the modularity, the prefabrication, the rapidity of assembly, the possibility of being built on disconnected soils and the absence of maintenance - identify an effective use as a temporary housing solution for e.g. workers in proximity of an isolated working place or in emergency situations such as earthquakes and natural disasters. Monitoring studies were performed durin…

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Integrazione della LCA nella simulazione termofisica degli edifici: un’applicazione in ambiente TRNSYS

I sistemi “edificio-impianto” di nuova costruzione, caratterizzati da migliori prestazioni energetiche, stanno riducendo sensibilmente gli impatti energetico-ambientali connessi alla loro fase d’uso. Per quantificare i costi energetici ed ambientali necessari ad ottenere tali prestazioni è necessario l’utilizzo di un approccio integrato alla progettazione, che coinvolga sia una simulazione termofisica della fase d’uso, che uno studio di Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) applicato all’intero ciclo di vita dell’edificio. L’articolo presenta un componente informatico innovativo integrato in ambiente TRNSYS che permette di integrare uno studio LCA di un edificio alla simulazione termofisica, in accor…

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L'applicazione della Direttiva ErP presso le piccole e medie imprese: punti di forza e criticità

La Direttiva ErP sulla progettazione ecocompatibile dei prodotti connessi all’energia richiede che le imprese applichino dei criteri di eco-design orientati alla riduzione degli impatti energetico-ambientali lungo tutte le fasi del ciclo di vita dei loro prodotti. In tale contesto la Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) rappresenta uno strumento di fondamentale importanza per individuare le “key issues” energetico-ambientali connesse ai processi produttivi. L’articolo presenta i risultati di una LCA applicata ad una caldaia a biomassa prodotta in Sicilia, evidenziando i punti di forza e le criticità connessi all’attuazione della Direttiva da parte delle piccole e medie imprese.

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Energia incorporata negli edifici a energia netta zero

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Life cycle assessment of olive oil: A case study in southern Italy

Abstract The paper describes the results of a specific LCA based analysis of the production of olive oil in the region of Calabria, in southern Italy. The goal of the study is to assess the energy and environmental impacts of different scenarios involving conventional and organic cultivations, plains and hills cultivations and involving different operating techniques. The study also aims at assessing the share of each life cycle step on the total of energy and environmental impacts. The functional unit chosen for the comparative analysis is a glass bottle of 0.75 L of extra virgin olive oil. A “from cradle to gate” perspective was chosen. The analysis was developed according to the LCA stan…

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Impatti energetico-ambientali delle produzioni agricole biologiche: il caso studio delle mele

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Certificazione energetico-ambientale: l’esperienza del Progetto LIFE Sun & Wind sulle tipologie edilizie mediterranee

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