Umberto La Commare

Innovazione e Incubatori Universitari: il caso dell'Università di Palermo

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Assessment of methodologies and data used to calculate desalination costs

Abstract In desalination, similarly with other industries, the cost of the final product is one of the most important criteria that define the commercial success of a specific technology. Therefore, when new projects are planned or new technologies are proposed, the analysis of the expected costs attracts a lot of attention and is compared to (perceived) costs of state-of-the-art desalination or costs of alternative fresh water supply options. This comparison only makes sense if the cost assessment methodologies are based on the same principles and use common assumptions. This paper assesses: (i) the methodologies used to calculate the water cost; (ii) the boundary conditions and (iii) the …

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Analisi di sistemi portuali per la movimentazione di container mediante simulazione

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Il processo di incubazione per la creazione di imprese vitali. Il caso del Consorzio ARCA

Obiettivi . Il processo di creazione di nuove imprese risulta particolarmente complesso qualora parta da idee altamente innovative che trovano difficolta ad essere percepite come valide dai sovra sistemi. Obiettivo del presente lavoro e dimostrare che gli incubatori accademici svolgono un ruolo determinante per la vitalita di queste imprese. Metodologia . Attraverso un caso studio contraddistinto da un embedded design si analizza l’efficacia del processo di incubazione degli spin-off dell’incubatore del Consorzio Arca. Risultati . L’efficacia del processo di incubazione e dimostrata dall’elevato numero di spin-off che, al termine del periodo di incubazione, sono capaci di competere con succ…

research product

Negotiation models in manufacturing e-marketplaces

This chapter describes the negotiation model adopted by the Customer and Supplier Negotiation Agents in the agent based architecture described in Chapter 2. The chapter is structured as it follows: in the first section the use of automated negotiation in modern market scenario is motivated; in the second section, starting form the contributions presented in the scientific literature, automated negotiation will be analysed and a taxonomy will be proposed. The third section is dedicated to the e-market context discussed in this book and in particular the impact of negotiation in manufacturing e-marketplaces will be stressed: its impact is strictly related to the electronic nature of e-marketp…

research product

Between Self-Organizing and Accelerating Networks: Untangling Strategic Networks Cognitive Dynamics

This paper aims to detect the crucial determinants and processes that shape the emergence and evolution of interfirm network cognitive morphology. We pinpoint three relatively distinct but coexistent levels which define the fundamental structure of the network: the microsystemic (or the single firm) level; the mesosystemic (or the groups of firms within the network) level; and the macrosystemic (or the overarching network) level. Then, we integrate the complex system perspective (Morin, 1977; Prigogine & Stengers, 1984; Anderson, 1999) applied to networks with studies regarding theoretical models that elucidate network structuring and dynamics cultivated in the new “science of networks”…

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La performance delle imprese incubate nel Consorzio ARCA nel periodo 2003 – 2011: talune valutazioni sull’efficacia degli incubatori di imprese

The Paper presents an analysis of the performance of the startups promoted by business incubator at the University of Palermo, providing a contribution to the debate on the "third mission" of the university and the creation of favorable conditions for its implementation. Il Paper presenta un'analisi delle performance delle imprese promosse dall'incubatore di imprese dell'Università di Palermo, fornendo un contributo al dibattito sulla "terza missione" dell'università e sulla creazione di condizioni favorevoli alla sua realizzazione.

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Technology standard diffusion and negative network externalities: a lesson from the third Browser War

This paper presents a new model for technology standard diffusion that highlights the importance of negative network externalities in some fields of technology product such as web browsers. Again, as often happened in this research field, motivation and suggestion for such a research has been acquired from the evolution of the web browser war. So, in the paper, the main literature concerning standard diffusion has been reviewed in conjunction with web browser evolution, and the necessity of a new development of technology standard diffusion models is highlighted and supported by empirical evidences.

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Evaluating the Impact of Demand and Inventory Management Policies on Bullwhip Effects in Production Networks

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Innovare e sviluppare l'imprenditorialità. Giovani e nuove prospettive per il lavoro

L'affermazione dei valori della legalità non può prescindere dall'esercizio della libertà dei giovani di poter coronare le proprie aspirazioni contribuendo collettivamente allo sviluppo del territorio. Il riuso, anche a fini educativi, di un bene confiscato alla mafia pensato come laboratorio di innovazione, sviluppo e legalità dedicato ai giovani del territorio è stato uno dei motivi ispiratori della Scuola Livatino-Saetta. La Scuola è stata pensata come un momento di aggregazione giovanile per progettare insieme percorsi per il futuro. Un momento educativo in cui i giovani possano trarre ragioni di fiducia e di speranza dalla possibilità· di condividere con altri giovani un percorso di cr…

research product

Densità, complementarietà e qualità imprenditoriali per lo sviluppo locale

Ricordo che da ragazzo provavo meraviglia quando, unendo con una matita i punti distribuiti su una pagina della Settimana Enigmistica, prendevano forma oggetti o animali. Da una distribuzione di punti, apparentemente casuale, man mano che procedevo unendo i punti, potevo intravedere il risultato finale. Il processo però era guidato da un sistema di numerazione e, infatti, a ogni punto era associato un numero. Unendo i punti seguendo la numerazione in ordine crescente, si vedeva emergere una forma che, a poco a poco, ero in grado di riconoscere. In questi anni mi sono reso conto che l’avvio di un’impresa, e anche la costruzione della nostra vita, è un percorso simile, così ci ha anche detto …

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The Nexus Knowledge-Market and Innovation in University Education: Lessons Learned from University Start Ups

The pace of evolution of the university education lags behind the changes in the labour market and it is necessary to accelerate the innovation in the University education to prepare young people to face a new world order. An empirical search among a relevant sample of the start ups of the University of Palermo has been carried out in order to identify possible guidelines for the innovation of several curricula. The authors selected the founders of the new companies as privileged witnesses of the connection between knowledge and market due to their experience gained in commercialize knowledge acquired through their university education. The empirical search pointed out several regularities,…

research product

The Incubation Process for the Creation of Viable Firms: The Case of ARCA Consortium

Purpose of the study. The process of creation of new firms is particularly complex when it starts from very innovative ideas that may be not understood by the stakeholders of the firm. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that academic incubators play a key role for firms’ viability. Methodology. We analyze the effectiveness of the incubation process that takes place in the incubator of Consorzio Arca, by means of a single case study with embedded design. Findings. The effectiveness of the incubation process is demonstrated by the high number of spin-offs that, after incubation, are able to stand alone in the market and to find the consonance with the relevant supra-systems. Research lim…

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In-process control strategies for friction stir welding of AZ31 sheets with non-uniform thickness

Two different in-process control strategies were developed and compared with the aim to produce AZ31 magnesium alloy joints by friction stir welding on sheet blanks with a non-uniform thickness. To this purpose, sheets with dip or hump zones were welded by either changing the rotational speed or the tool plunging in order to keep constant the value of the vertical force occurring during the welding stage of the process. The influence of the main process parameters on the tool force, the micro- and macromechanical properties, and the joints microstructures in the dip and hump zones were analyzed. The results showed that using the rotational speed change-based approach, the hump zones are sub…

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Industrial waste heat: Estimation of the technically available resource in the EU per industrial sector, temperature level and country

Abstract Industrial waste heat is examined in EU countries, focusing on the amount that can be recovered and exploited, referred to as technical potential of waste heat. An alternative methodology is proposed here, which is based on waste heat fractions derived from a detailed study of the UK industry from the period 2000–2003. These fractions express the part of heat consumption that is wasted and is possible to be recovered. The waste heat fractions have been calculated in this work for each main industrial sector and temperature level. The methodology initially includes the adjustment of waste heat fractions from each industrial sector from the UK industry to the conditions of the differ…

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An Innovative Health Care Management System based on the Virtual Enterprise Paradigm

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Il contributo è orientato a descrivere gli strumenti di conoscenza necessari per il trasferimento dei risultati della ricerca nel mercato. A questo scopo sono state individuate cinque differenti forme di conoscenza che devono simultaneamente far parte dei processi di trasferimento tecnologico e dell'imprenditorialità.

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Nurturing Entrepreneurial Culture and Attitudes in Universities: Experiences at the University of Palermo

The aim of this paper is to contribute in the debate about academic entrepreneurship and the role of universities focusing on the analysis of the long term process of establishing and running an university incubator, and on the relationship between perseverance and results in promoting the exploitation of academic research and contributing to cultural change in an area where entrepreneurial spirit is not part of tradition. The paper focuses on analysing the experience gained at the University of Palermo in promoting and supporting, for the last ten years, the creation of innovative business initiatives and academic start-ups through the incubator run by the Consorzio ARCA. The paper present…

research product

Negotiation Models in Manufacturing E-Marketplaces

This chapter describes the negotiation model adopted by the Customer and Supplier Negotiation Agents in the agent based architecture described in Chapter 2. The chapter is structured as it follows: in the first section the use of automated negotiation in modern market scenario is motivated; in the second section, starting form the contributions presented in the scientific literature, automated negotiation will be analysed and a taxonomy will be proposed. The third section is dedicated to the e-market context discussed in this book and in particular the impact of negotiation in manufacturing e-marketplaces will be stressed: its impact is strictly related to the electronic nature of e-marketp…

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The Use of Simulation in the Shipbuilding Production Process

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Linear friction welding of dissimilar AA6082 and AA2011 aluminum alloys: microstructural characterization and design guidelines

This paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical campaign on Linear Friction Welding of dissimilar AA2011-T8 and AA6082-T6 aluminum alloys. Experimental tests were carried out with constant oscillation amplitude and process time. Varying oscillation frequency, interface pressure, specimen geometry and mutual position were used. Grain size measurements, HV tests and EDX analysis were considered to characterize the microstructure of the joints as a function of the input process parameters. A thermal numerical model was utilized to predict the temperature profiles in the joints during the process. The obtained results allowed the identification of four weld categories: sound jo…

research product

Educare all'imprenditorialità: Esperienze di incubazione d'impresa nell'Università di Palermo

Il contributo prende spunto dalle iniziative recentemente avviate nell'Università degli studi di Palermo in tema di valorizzazione della ricerca scientifica. In particolare il tema qui affrontato riferisce delle esperienze di avvio di start up innovative ad opera di laureati e ricercatori che si sono avvalsi del supporto dell'incubatore d'impresa gestito dal Consorzio ARCA. A partire dai risultati ottenuti in questi anni vengono esposte le finalità di iniziative di educazione all'imprenditorialità promosse dall'Ateneo di Palermo

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Business process oriented design of ERP systems for small and medium enterprises

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La sharing mobility è un approccio alla mobilità sostenibile dal punto di vista dell’impatto ambientale? Alcune considerazioni basate su un’analisi empirica

L'influenza della sharing mobility sulla sostenibilità ambientale non è stata ancora pienamente compresa. Da un lato la sharing mobility consente ai consumatori di assumere comportamenti che portano ad una riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 grazie, per esempio, alla minore produzione di automobili (riduzione dell’acquisto di auto) e alla riduzione dei chilometri percorsi dalle auto (condivisione della corsa e maggiore tasso di occupanti per veicolo). D'altra parte, l'implementazione della sharing mobility porta ad effettuare un numero maggiore di viaggi in automobile. Infatti, un certo numero di chilometri che vengono percorsi oggi dalle auto condivise, erano percorsi prima con mezzi di trasp…

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Imprenditorialità e convergenza tra produzione di pensiero e produzione di cose

Le più qualificate sedi internazionali (ONU, 26 giugno 2013, Thematic Debate on Entrepreneurship for Development) ed europee (Commissione Europea, 9 gennaio 2013, Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan) concordano sulla necessità di accrescere il dinamismo imprenditoriale dei territori attraverso incisive e continuative azioni di educazione all’imprenditorialità dei giovani per il contrasto alla disoccupazione giovanile, alla povertà e per stimolare la crescita economica. Su questo tema la nostra regione è in forte ritardo e finora non ha mai avviato alcuna incisiva azione di sistema a supporto della educazione imprenditoriale dei giovani siciliani. Negli anni recenti della nostra storia, mai co…

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Dinamiche di crescita delle imprese ed evoluzione strutturale del network

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