Claire Prudhomme
Modélisation sémantique et logique pour une simulation multi-agent dans le contexte de gestion de catastrophe
International audience
Vers la conception d'une action de réponse pour la gestion de catastrophe, utilisant la modélisation de connaissances
International audience; Ce travail de positionnement souligne les problèmes actuels liés aux diffé-rents aspects de la collaboration inter agence pendant la réponse à une catastrophe. La coordination et la coopération dépendent de l'usage et du partage d'informations, qui doivent faire face aux problèmes d'interopérabilité, de droits d'accès et de qualité. Le projet de recherche a pour but de fournir une évaluation de l'impact de l'information sur la réponse à une catastrophe afin d'aider la prise de décision concernant l'usage et le partage de l'information en répondant à des questions telles que: quelles informa-tions devraient être partagées ou quelle qualité de données utilisées pour am…
Interpreting Heterogeneous Geospatial Data Using Semantic Web Technologies
International audience; The paper presents work on implementation of semantic technologies within a geospatial environment to provide a common base for further semantic interpretation. The work adds on the current works in similar areas where priorities are more on spatial data integration. We assert that having a common unified semantic view on heterogeneous datasets provides a dimension that allows us to extend beyond conventional concepts of searchability, reusability, composability and interoperability of digital geospatial data. It provides contextual understanding on geodata that will enhance effective interpretations through possible reasoning capabilities. We highlight this through …
Knowledge-driven multi-agent simulation engineering for assessing the effectiveness of disaster management plans
Protecting humans from disasters has been an active mission of governments and experts through the definition of disaster management plans. Defining disaster response strategies is crucial in order to reduce the number of victims and the economic impact. In order to select which response plan is best suited to a specific disaster situation, these plans must be evaluated. However, such evaluation is limited by the high cost of exercises and the specificity of existing simulation models. The approach defended in this thesis combines techniques from Semantic Web and multi-agent simulation to evaluate disaster management response plans. It is composed of four steps : (1) modeling disaster manag…
Detection and Isolation of Switches in Point Clouds of the German Railway Network
In order to obtain an automated system of railway management, it is necessary to automatically detect, isolate and identify all switches in a point cloud which represents the railway. To realize this automated system of detection, a set of pre-processing steps is applied. The system begins by detecting and isolating tracks through application of a mask on each section of the point cloud. Then, it does a denoising through mathematical morphology and a compression in replacing a group of points by their centroid. Finally, it closes tracks holes through extrapolation. After that, the system does a low-level processing to search for all intersections between tracks, and records information on t…
A Framework to Improve the Disaster Response Through a Knowledge-Based Multi-Agent System
The disaster response still faces problems of collaboration due to lack of policies concerning the information exchange during the response. Moreover, plans are prepared to respond to a disaster, but drills to apply them are limited and do not allow to determine their efficiency and conflicts with other organizations. This paper presents a framework allowing for different organizations involving in the disaster response to assess their collaboration through its simulation using an explicit representation of their knowledge. This framework is based on a multi-agent system composed of three generic agent models to represent the organizational structure of disaster response. The decision-makin…
Automatic Integration of Spatial Data into the Semantic Web
International audience
Towards the Design of Respond Action in Disaster Management Using Knowledge Modeling
This position paper highlights current problems linked to the aspects of the multi-agency collaboration during disaster response. The coordination and cooperation depend on the information sharing and use which must face up to interoperability, access rights, and quality problems. The research project aims at providing an assessment of information impact on the disaster response in order to support the decision-making about what information shared or what quality of data used to improve the response efficiency. Our research approach propose to combine an information system able to integrate heterogeneous data and a simulation system to assess different strategies of information sharing, dis…
Modélisation sémantique et programmation générative pour une simulation multi-agent dans le contexte de gestion de catastrophe
La gestion de catastrophe nécessite une préparation collaborative entre les divers intervenants. Les exercices collaboratifs visent à entraîner les intervenants à appliquer les plans préparés ainsi qu’à identifier les problèmes et points d’améliorations potentiels. Ces exercices étant coûteux, la simulation informatique est un outil permettant d’optimiser la préparation à l’aide d’une plus grande diversité de cas. Cependant, les travaux de recherche centrés sur la simulation et la gestion de catastrophe sont spécialisés sur un problème spécifique plutôt que sur l’optimisation globale des plans préparés. Cette limite s’explique par le défi que constitue la réalisation d’un modèle de simulati…
An Agent based model for the transmission and control of the COVID-19 in Dijon
International audience
Semantic and Logic Modeling of Disaster Simulation for Multi-agent Systems
Integration, Bewertung und Nutzung heterogener Datenquellen mittels semantischer Werkzeuge
In diesem Artikel stellen wir unsere Forschung in der Integration von Geodaten in einen Semantic Web Kontext in unserem Projekt Semantic GIS vor. Zunächst möchten wir den Zweck und die Vorteile einer Integration und Interpretation von Daten in das Semantic Web beleuchten und anschließend unseren Integrationprozess bestehend aus Datengewin-nung, automatischer Interpretation, Qualitätssicherung und Provenance sowie den Datenzugriff erklären. Um die Anwendung unserer Forschung zu demonstrieren gehen wir auf zwei Anwendungsfälle in unserem Projekt ein: Die Bewertung von OpenStreetMap Daten und die Verbesserung des Katastrophenschutzes mittels semantischem Reasoning. Wir schließen den Artikel mi…