Pau Sendra Pons
¿De qué hablan las empresas en sus memorias de responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad? Un estudio exploratorio a través del análisis cualitativo de su contenido
El reporte del impacto social y medioambiental de las empresas ha tomado carta de naturaleza como una nueva obligación básica. A consecuencia de presiones institucionales de carácter normativo y de las presiones sociales –especialmente desde el ámbito de sistema financiero y del mercado del talento–, las empresas se ven impelidas a identificar, evaluar, gestionar y cuantificar tanto el impacto del entorno sobre su modelo de negocio, como las consecuencias de su actividad sobre la sociedad y el medioambiente. Así, bien por convencimiento de sus equipos directivos, bien por obligación legal, las empresas han comenzado a publicar de forma periódica sus memorias de sostenibilidad. En este momen…
Experimental macroeconomics: a role-playing experience among bachelor students
This current innovative education project has the main goal of introducing students to experimental economics to help them better understand complex macroeconomic concepts. For this purpose, it is used an online experimental platform to develop a role-playing dynamic with which students become real economic agents. This gamified technique allows students to interact with each other in the goods and production factors markets and, thus, generate a circular flow studied as one of the main macroeconomic principles. The online platform is conceived as a two-sided website: on one hand, students are assigned a role and asked to make decisions; and, on the other, professors can instantaneously acc…
Aprender finanzas conductuales experimentando
[EN] In an ever-changing economic and business environment, it is especially interesting that students learn, and experiment with their own decision-making, about behavioral finance. This experience will provide them with a better understanding of the economic agents’ behavior in different real- life situations (auctions, pricing, negotiations, investing and financing decisions). By experimenting, they acquire solid knowledge about biases, rational and irrational behaviors, and motivations that govern economic life. Controlled economic experiments in the classroom, a gamification learning methodology, allow students to better understand complex economic-financial concepts such as the herdin…
Raising awareness on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Lego Serious Play (LSP)
[EN] In September 2015, world leaders agreed on a new sustainable development agenda based on a set of global goals aimed at eradicating poverty, ensuring planet protection and guaranteeing prosperity for future generations (Stafford-Smith et al., 2017). Since then, the education sector has played a fundamental role, not only raising awareness among young people about the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but also promoting innovative ideas around sustainability (Owens, 2017). SDGs implementation needs of business actors rethinking their understanding of economic growth, taking into consideration not only economic aspects but also social and ecological concerns (Crespo et a…
Entrepreneurship, gender and entrepreneurial fundraising through crowdfunding
Esta tesis, que lleva por título “Entrepreneurship, gender and entrepreneurial fundraising through crowdfunding”, aborda el objetivo global de entender con mayor profundidad el proceso de creación de empresas y recaudación de fondos por parte del ecosistema emprendedor. Este objetivo se articula, desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico, a través de tres capas de análisis: primero, el entorno y su relación con la creación de empresas; segundo, las características y circunstancias de los emprendedores y su influencia en la creación de empresas; y tercero, la divulgación de información en las campañas de micromecenazgo y el éxito en la recaudación de fondos. A su vez, estas tres capas de an…