Laura Inzerillo
Already used in very specific areas such as in military and medical or academic research, in 2009 thanks to improved technology, augmented reality is to reach wider audiences and as information campaigns, advertising-augmented published in newspapers or on the network, and through a growing number of applications for mobile phones, particularly iPhone. "The Augmented Reality on the desktop computer is based on the use of markers, or ARtags, and stylized drawings, which are shown to the webcam, are recognized by the PC, and which are overlaid in real-time multimedia content: video, audio , 3D objects, etc.. Normally, applications of augmented reality are based on Adobe Flash technology and t…
Non sempre si parla di sviluppo sostenibile se visto legato alle tecniche di rappresentazione. Tuttavia si dimostra come le potenzialità della rappresentazione diventano strumento imprescindibile per una valutazione effettiva di uno sviluppo sostenibile monitorato e consapevole
Heritage and technology: novel approaches to 3D documentation and communication of architectural heritage
In the past few years we have seen a drastic increasing of image-based modeling (IBM) techniques to get high quality reality-based 3D models. The low costs of these techniques as well as their attractive visual quality have lead many researchers and professionals to invest their energies and resources in several tests. The use of IMB in the field of cultural heritage is mostly exploited in applications such as documentation, digital restoration, visualization, inspection, planning, AR/VR, conservation and design. One of the strengthen of multi-view stereo techniques is the possibility to capture millions of points in a very short time and to get a 3D textured polygonal model that can be eas…
Abstract. Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been widely adopted in the construction industry as a means of improving project efficiency, reducing errors, and facilitating collaboration among stakeholders. However, its potential for the infrastructure sector has not been fully explored. Infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, tunnels, and airports, are often complex and require the integration of multiple systems and disciplines. BIM has the potential to provide a digital representation of the infrastructure project, allowing for improved design, construction, and maintenance. This paper aims to explore the potential benefits of BIM in the infrastructure sector, examine the c…
Already used in very specific areas such as in military and medical or academic research, in 2009 thanks to improved technology, augmented reality is to reach wider audiences and as information campaigns, advertising-augmented published in newspapers or on the network, and through a growing number of applications for mobile phones, particularly iPhone. "The Augmented Reality on the desktop computer is based on the use of markers, or ARtags, and stylized drawings, which are shown to the webcam, are recognized by the PC, and which are overlaid in real-time multimedia content: video, audio , 3D objects, etc.. Normally, applications of augmented reality are based on Adobe Flash technology and t…
Abstract. Structure from motion (SfM) represents a widespread photogrammetric method that uses the photogrammetric rules to carry out a 3D model from a photo data set collection. Some complex ancient buildings, such as Cathedrals, or Theatres, or Castles, etc. need to implement the data set (realized from street level) with the UAV one in order to have the 3D roof reconstruction. Nevertheless, the use of UAV is strong limited from the government rules. In these last years, Google Earth (GE) has been enriched with the 3D models of the earth sites. For this reason, it seemed convenient to start to test the potentiality offered by GE in order to extract from it a data set that replace the UAV …
Repertorio di cupole palermitane-rilievi, elaborazioni grafiche e fotografiche
L’attenzione viene posta sul ricco repertorio architettonico delle cupole palermitane, indagando operativamente su numerosi esempi che abbracciano un arco temporale che va: dall’età arabo normanna (XI sec.) con le piccole cupole a calotta emisferica in pietra di intaglio rialzata dal piano di imposta e rivestita in coccio pesto; alle cupole delle poche fabbriche quattro-cinquecentesche; a quelle a calotta unica rialzata con o senza nervature preziosamente rivestite da decorazioni superficiali degli edifici di culto dell’architettura barocca (intorno alla prima metà del Settecento); fino ad arrivare alle cupole ottocentesche in struttura di ferro impiegate nella realizzazione dei due teatri …
Uno sguardo sott'acqua
Anamorphic Projection: Analogical/Digital Algorithms
The study presents the first outcomes of a wider research dealing with the theme of “anamorphosis”, a specific technique of geometric projection of a shape on a surface. Anamorphosis represents the synthesis among geometry, art and architecture and is realized in scientific and empirical research approaches. In this study we investigated how new digital techniques allow to simplify the anamorphic applications even in case of projections on complex surfaces. After a short excursus of the most famous historical and contemporary applications, we propose some possible approaches that allow you to manage the geometry of anamorphic curves both in Descriptive Geometry field (by using interactive t…
Rilievo a confronto: il Tempio della Concordia ad Agrigento.
Nelle operazioni di rilevamento diventa indispensabile la conoscenza storico architettonica dell'opera. ecco che le tecniche di rilevamento si mettono a servizio di un fenomeno conoscitivo e divulgativo di più ampio respiro.
A Top-Down Approach Based on the Circularity Potential to Increase the Use of Reclaimed Asphalt
Resource depletion and climate change, amongst others, are increasingly worrying environmental challenges for which the road engineering sector is a major contributor. Globally, viable solutions that comply with the principles of circular economy (CE) are being investigated that can replace conventional asphalt mixtures in a post-fossil fuel society. The use of reclaimed asphalt (RA) is a widely used and well-established method to reduce the environmental and economic impacts of asphalt mixtures while increasing their circularity. However, RA’s market supply and demand have not yet been systematically analyzed and established. Moreover, the actual circularity potential and the opportu…
Architectural library. Dioscuri Temple in Agrigento
This paper presents the synthesis of research about the ICT solution for cultural heritage through the innovative technology of representation and survey. One objective was to identify a method of processing data for knowledge, dissemination and preservation of the asset. Historical analysis, surveying, photogrammetry and laser scanner, the processing of survey data and modelling are all focused to the same final purpose. The methodology developed for this application framework becomes adoptable in General for Cultural Property, which become in turn the protagonists of 3D WebGIS.
Moving towards a new life cycle analysis approach by implementing low cost structural 3d monitoring of historic building safety by means of image based modelling.
Abstract A building’s structural safety is often remit to human life fatalities and the measures of social protection and security often used following the collapse of a portion of the building. It is quite clear that, if it were possible to monitor the increase of static deterioration, it would be easier to prevent the collapse. There are two fundamental aspects closely linked to the building’s collapse: the first concerns the security of lives and the second concerns the well-being and quality of life when it is considered in relation to Cultural Heritage survival. Unfortunately, the high cost of a 3D survey does not usually permit a constant monitoring of the visible instability. The pap…
la comunicazione visiva ed interattiva nel linguaggio contemporaneo finalizzata alla rappresentazione
Laddove c’era l’erba…la rappresentazione come governo delle modificazioni del paesaggio
obiettivo del paper è quello di mostrare come l'opportuno utilizzo delle tecniche di rappresentazione siano indispensabili per la rappresentazione del territorio. Non sempre, infatti, si sanno utilizzare con destrezza ed abilità le nozioni geometriche e le relative ricadute sui software per rappresentare un territorio nella sua modificazione antropologica e sostanziale.
Environmentally Assessing Buildings Characterized by Complex Shape and Innovative Materials
This paper addresses the emerging problem consisting in a correct energy and environmental evaluation of buildings belonging to the new architectural tendency. In fact, innovative buildings are often characterized by new materials that, not rarely, are not contemplated in current environmental databases. Moreover, unconventional shapes of these buildings could require further manufacturing processes that involve additional energy consumption not included in the commercial environmental database. Through the work a spotlighting of the problem is presented with reference to a real innovative building.
A scadere del centenario della targa Florio, evento di eco internazionale, l'Assessorato al turismo ha finanziato tante iniziative, tra quella di analizzare l'influenza del linguaggio aragonese nell'architettura dei Florio. Pertanto, dopo avere individuato il linguaggio precipuo in Sicilia dell'architettura aragonese, attraverso una mappatura a rete su tutto il territorio isolano, si sono analizzate le ricadute degli elementi architettonici rilevati nelle architetture commissionate dalla famiglia Florio nell'800. Un percorso affascinante ed interminabile che disvela l'architettura siciliana del '400 e quella neoclassica di Palermo nelle committenze della potente familgia.
Restituzioni omografiche di finte cupole: la cupola di Santa Maria dei Rimedi a Palermo
Nel vasto repertorio siciliano delle prospettive solide, un ruolo di spicco è ricoperto da un esempio unico di realizzazione di finta prospettiva di cupola sferica su copertura ad arco ribassato, ricavata sull’incrocio del transetto con la navata centrale nella chiesa di Santa Maria dei Rimedi a Palermo. L’unicità di quest’opera sta nella geometria reale della cupola ribassata. Infatti gli esempi più diffusi di finte cupole in Sicilia sono realizzati su soffitti piani lignei o in calcestruzzo. In Appendice 1 si potrà consultare il repertorio delle finte cupole esistenti in Sicilia per la cui stesura ci si è avvalsi degli studi condotti dall’architetto Giuseppe Ingaglio nell’ambito della sua…
In the past few years, there has been a drastic increase in the use of image-based modeling (IBM) techniques to create high quality, reality-based 3D models. The low costs of these techniques, as well as their attractive visual quality, have led many researchers and professionals to invest their energy and resources in several tests. IBM is rarely used in the field of road surface distresses as diagnosis is usually performed using other techniques and devices. Road safety statistics reveal that about a half of the total number of accidents occur mainly due to the deterioration of the pavement. The goal of effective road network management is often incompatible with economic resources design…
Abstract. This paper presents a pipeline that has been developed to acquire a shape with particular features both under the geometric and radiometric aspects. In fact, the challenge was to build a 3D model of the black Stone of Palermo, where the oldest Egyptian history was printed with the use of hieroglyphs. The dark colour of the material and the superficiality of the hieroglyphs' groove have made the acquisition process very complex to the point of having to experiment with a pipeline that allows the structured light scanner not to lose the homologous points in the 3D alignment phase. For the texture reconstruction we used a last generation smartphone.
Exploiting 3D Modelling and Life Cycle Assessment to Improve the Sustainability of Pavement Management
Today road agencies worldwide face difficult decisions for construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of their road infrastructure as they try to balance limited budgets. This is further complicated rising environmental concerns over equipment and techniques used for these practices. This has led agencies to consider alternative approaches for smarter and sustainable pavement asset management systems. This paper considers the use of a low-cost 3D image modelling distress identification and classification proposal for data acquisition and analysis. To establish its environmental friendliness, a case study in Palermo, Italy, is considered wherein a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) exercise is do…
SfM Techniques Applied in Bad Lighting and Reflection Conditions: The Case of a Museum Artwork
In recent years, SfM techniques have been widely used especially in the field of Cultural Heritage. Some applications, however, remain undefined in cases where the boundary conditions are not suitable for the technique. Examples of this are instances where there are poor lighting conditions and the presence of glass and reflective surfaces. This paper presents a case study where SfM is applied, using a DSLR camera (Nikon D5200), to the “Head of Hades” inside a glass theca and under a large number of light sources at different distances and of different intensities and sizes. The geometric evaluation has been made comparing the DSLR camera model against the 3D data acquired with structured l…
Abstract. In these last years, there has been an increasing use of the Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques applied to Cultural Heritage. The accessibility of SfM software can be especially advantageous to users in non-technical fields or to those with limited resources. Thanks to SfM using, everyone can make with a digital camera a 3D model applied to an object of both Cultural Heritage, and physically Environment, and work arts, etc. One very interesting and useful application can be envisioned into museum collection digitalization. In the last years, a social experiment has been conducted involving young generation to live a social museum using their own camera to take pictures and vid…
3D #DigitalInvasions: a crowdsourcing project for mobile user generated content
This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative started in Italy in 2013 with the aim to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage. The paper focuses on two case studies of pilot ‘invasions’ using 3D data capture by students at museums and heritage sites in Sicily.
Abstract. In In the last years there has been an increasing use of digital techniques for conservation and restoration purposes. Among these, a very dominant rule is played by the use of digital photogrammetry packages (Agisoft Photoscan, 3D Zephir) which allow to obtain in few steps 3D textured models of real objects. Combined with digital documentation technologies digital fabrication technologies can be employed in a variety of ways to assist in heritage documentation, conservation and dissemination. This paper will give to practitioners an overview on the state of the art available technologies and a feasible workflow for optimizing point cloud and polygon mesh datasets for the purpose …
UAV experimentation for pavement distresses detection
In recent years, due to the high costs of traditional road failure detection techniques, the research has focused its attention on the use of the drone for the recognition of deterioration by experimenting with lowcost 3D detection techniques. The use of these techniques allows to carry out monitoring operations according to a structured and effective planning to guarantee the safety of users. The purpose of this paper is to verify the gradient that determines the loss of accuracy of the 3D acquisition as the flight altitude changes. in this way, the practitioner will have a handbook through which he can decide the altitude of the flight to obtain that degree of metric accuracy. The applica…
Using dense stereo matching techniques in survey
In recent years there has been an enormous increase in the dissemination of modelling techniques known as dense stereo matching (DSM) or image-based modelling (IBM) using free, low cost, open source software, especially applications involving the survey of cultural heritage (architecture, archaeology, and town planning). The algorithms used by these software programmes process photographic datasets and provide a 3D model of the scene in question. During complex survey and 3D restitution procedures, these techniques save time (processing) and money: these advantages Can he useful to any professional. This is why it is important to identify the real potential and limits of these software prog…
Abstract. In these last years, video games have become one of the most popular entertainment for children/teenagers/adults thanks to their appealing and seductive features and, in this context, the Serious Games (SG) have become an important research field. The most popular SGs in Cultural Heritage (CH) used the historical building like scenario where the game is playing. In this paper we show the procedure to achieve a CH video game where the Cultural Heritage is the main actor and not the scenario of the game. Furthermore, the game is not a SG but an Action-Adventure Game (AAG) or Survival Game (SuG), in a largest heading it can be classified as Entertainment Games (EGs). The novelty of t…
The colour to knows the project ideas. The drawings of Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda
Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda is insert into a historical context in which the issue of colour is living a phase of discovery and awareness. Author of numerous architectural works of international attention, arrives in Palermo in 1859, first like engineering of Civil Engineering to become a professor at the Faculty of Engineering. In the XIX century a lot of researchers of psychology, physics, optics, art and architecture are involved in meticulous research that could explain the reasons of colour, its alteration, the complementary compositions, the diagrams, the optical cones, its applications in the Greek and Roman culture. Thus, high-sounding names such as Thomas Young, James Clerk Maxwell, W…
3D Image Based Modelling Using Google Earth Imagery for 3D Landscape Modelling
In recent years SfM technique experiments have been innumerable and increasingly refined under metric profiles. The techniques rely on photographic datasets of the objects or landscapes which can require in most cases time consuming and expensive surveys. Recently however there have been increases in the available 3D data of sites worldwide on the Google Earth (GE) platform. This paper presents a unique experimentation that considers integrating readily available datasets from GE and images taken during surveys on ground level for 3D replication without the use of expensive aerial surveys. This will enable practitioners the ability to more easily create 3D models of cultural heritage signif…
Low Cost Handheld 3D Scanning for Architectural Elements Acquisition
3D scanning has gone a long way since its first appearance in cultural heritage digitization and modeling. In the recent years some new low cost, fast, accurate emerging technologies are flooding the market. Envisioning the massive use of these cheap and easy to use devices in the next years, it is crucial to explore the possible fields of application and to test their effectiveness in terms of easiness of 3D data collection, processing, mesh resolution and metric accuracy against the size and features of the objects. In this study we focus the attention on one emerging technology, the Structure Sensor device, in order to verify a 3D pipeline acquisition on an architectural element and its …
Una piattaforma sul mare. Rilievo e analisi geometrica
In questo lavoro si intende mostrare la metodologia messa a punto nel rilievo e nella rappresentazione dello Stabilimento balneare di MOndello. Un'opera imponente dove si fonde arte, tecnologia, statica, paesaggio. La difficoltà esecutiva della fase del rilevamento sta proprio nel rilevamento dei piloni sommersi essendo questi immersi in fondale sabbioso e la cui reale dimensione in profondità è solo presumibile. Nel lavoro si prospettano i problemi e le soluzioni.
Dalle Thermae agli stabilimenti balneari. Più di 2000 anni di storia del bagno
L'articolo intende percorrere l'uso del bagno nella storia. Già dai tempi più antichi, quelli del bagno battesimale per arrivare ai nostri giorni. L'individuazione sociale e culturale dell'uso del bagno consente di leggere, attraverso la storia, le motivazioni che fanno da supporto ai grandi fermenti architettonici delle terme romane, del loro declino, e dell'esplosione degli stabilmenti a partire dal '700.
Città balneari del Mediterraneo
La nascita delle città balneari costituisce un fenomeno urbanistico-territoriale-urbanistico di veste internazionale. il lavoro presentato riporta gli esiti di una ricerca incentrata sul tema.
La stretta integrazione tra tematiche umanistiche e tecnologiche, attraverso l'applicazione di metodologie tradizionali e innovative di indagine, quali il rilievo e l'analisi interpretativa dello stesso, ha consentito di raggiungere obiettivi nattesi e quanto mai importanti. GRazie, infatti, all'uso integrato di metodologie di analisi e tecnologie informatiche è stato possibile svelare alcuni dettagli riguardanti una realtà così complessa, come quella del Castello di Erice, dettagli che neanche da un'attenta analisi storica erano prima d'ora emersi. In particolar modo nel paper saranno affrontati ed analizzati quesgli elementi presenti nel castello, che ci ricondurranno ad un'influenza spag…
Image-based 3D reconstruction using traditional and UAV datasets for analysis of road pavement distress
Abstract On local and urban networks, the enduring issue of scarce resources for Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction strategies (MR&R) has led, in many cases, to using unadjusted or poor techniques for road pavement distress detection and analysis, yielding ineffective or even counterproductive results. Therefore, it is necessary to have tools that can carry out quick, reliable and low-cost assessment surveys. This paper aims at validating the use of innovative and low-cost technologies for road pavement analysis, assessing their potentialities for improving the automation and reliability of distress detection. A Structure from Motion (SfM) technique is analyzed at different alt…
The new boundaries of digitization: from bim to parametric modelling
The theme of digitization and documentation, which inevitably affects the fields of surveying and designing architecture and urban areas, is constantly innovated by the new digital technologies and new multimedia communication systems that allow us to acquire, analyze and disseminate the value of our historical heritage. Research in this field pushes us to overcome the limits imposed by tested technologies in order to extend the field of application in the surveying and representation of the increasingly complex challenges imposed by the needs of conservation and maintenance. This volume, which follows on from the three previous conferences of the “Digital & Documentation” cycle that to…
The Ellipsoid in Orthogonal Axonometric: Homology Application
You've long heard about ellipsoid, both from a mathematical analysis that under the geometric representative profile. However, so far no one has ever affronted the problem from the point of the application of descriptive geometry with homology. The use of homology, in fact, can make it extremely simplified and actual use of geometric tools giving the user a graphical mastery of the outcome that would otherwise be dismissed even with the use of innovative technologies of representation. Through the analysis of the proposed methodology, you can use to identify the strengths, the corresponding approvals now required between reality and projection. An ellipsoid is a closed type of quadric surfa…
Exploiting Low-Cost 3D Imagery for the Purposes of Detecting and Analyzing Pavement Distresses
Road pavement conditions have significant impacts on safety, travel times, costs, and environmental effects. It is the responsibility of road agencies to ensure these conditions are kept in an acceptable state. To this end, agencies are tasked with implementing pavement management systems (PMSs) which effectively allocate resources towards maintenance and rehabilitation. These systems, however, require accurate data. Currently, most agencies rely on manual distress surveys and as a result, there is significant research into quick and low-cost pavement distress identification methods. Recent proposals have included the use of structure-from-motion techniques based on datasets from unmanned a…
Le Stazioni balneari in Europa
L'articolo intende mostrare l'incredibile fenomeno balneare che ha coinvolto le più importanti città europee ma anche americane e russe. Un'incredibile carrellata di esempi di architetture, alcune non più esistenti, che hanno costellato la storia culturale e geo-architettonica della nostra terra a partire dal '700 per finire al '900 in Sicilia con l'ultimo esempio di architettura balneare costruita in cemento e che è ancora esistente proprio a Mondello, a Palermo. Grazie alla concessione del più grande collezionista di acartoline antiche del bagno, Ferruccio Farina, un banchiere riminese, è stato possibile rendere esaustiva un'indagine a tutto campo che restituisse la visione globale di un …
Among several goals of the road agencies, one of the most relevant is the maintenance and rehabilitation of the road pavement. The growth of traffic, the longstanding lack of funding and, sometimes, an emergency-based planning of intervention, are common drivers leading to low level of pavement conditions in terms of ride quality and safety. In addition both cost and environmental concerns due to monitoring stage are relevant issues within the management system of local and urban road network, especially. With the purpose of implementing sustainability in the road pavement management, this paper provides an approach based on coupled low- cost 3D image modelling distress identification and L…
Exploiting Data Analytics and Deep Learning Systems to Support Pavement Maintenance Decisions
Road networks are critical infrastructures within any region and it is imperative to maintain their conditions for safe and effective movement of goods and services. Road Management, therefore, plays a key role to ensure consistent efficient operation. However, significant resources are required to perform necessary maintenance activities to achieve and maintain high levels of service. Pavement maintenance can typically be very expensive and decisions are needed concerning planning and prioritizing interventions. Data are key towards enabling adequate maintenance planning but in many instances, there is limited available information especially in small or under-resourced urban road authorit…
Optimization of Cultural Heritage Virtual Environments for Gaming Applications
Serious games are games with a purpose beyond entertainment and are widely acknowledged as fruitful tools for learning and developing skills across multiple domains, including educational enhancement. In the last few years, the world of serious games has widely increased. The use of these types of games can aid in classrooms to not only help the students learn concepts but also to improve their motivation to do so. However, designing games necessitates very specialized personnel and the process can often be costly and slow. The adaptions of the design to the implantation phase are also difficult and the process needs more focus. The challenge of this study was to create a game within the co…
Abstract. This paper presents a pipeline that aims at illustrating the procedure to realize a 3D model of a complex building integrating the UAV and terrestrial images and modifying the 3D model in order to publish to Google Earth in an interactive modality so as to provide better available models for visualization and use. The main steps of the procedure are the optimization of the UAV flight, the integration of the different UAV and ground floor images and the optimization of the model to be published to GE. The case study has been identified in a building, The Eremo di Santa Rosalia Convent in Sicily which hash more staggered elevations and located in the hills of the hinterland and of w…
Finzione o realtà? Un modello tridimensionale di Montepellegrino
Using UAV Based 3D Modelling to Provide Smart Monitoring of Road Pavement Conditions
Road pavements need adequate maintenance to ensure that their conditions are kept in a good state throughout their lifespans. For this to be possible, authorities need efficient and effective databases in place, which have up to date and relevant road condition information. However, obtaining this information can be very difficult and costly and for smart city applications, it is vital. Currently, many authorities make maintenance decisions by assuming road conditions, which leads to poor maintenance plans and strategies. This study explores a pathway to obtain key information on a roadway utilizing drone imagery to replicate the roadway as a 3D model. The study validates this by using stru…
Hyperboloid and Parabolid in Orthogonal Axonometric
This paper presents the issue of a long research on the representation of the complex surface in descriptive geometry. The ability to use the different techniques of representation aims to achieve results that you didn’t image before. In Palermo University, at the Engineering School, the researcher involved the study on the simplify of the so elaborated way to represent the geometry and its applications in architecture buildings and engineering implants. We just report below the application methods to represent two of the most used quadric surfaces in the practice of buildings. We are talking about Hyperboloid and Paraboloid quadric surface represented in axonometric projecting. This method…
Le attività di ricerca e di rilevamento dello stabilimento balneare di Mondello sono iniziate nel 2005 in seguito alla richiesta della Società Italo Belga di avere una documentazione scientifica completa e dettagliata del bene monumentale. Le indagini storiche hanno svelato non soltanto le complesse vicende legate al manufatto come edificio architettonico, ma hanno anche adempiuto al delicato e gravoso compito di raccontare e trasmettere un uso, un costume, una tradizione -quella relativa alla balneazione- tramandata per secoli, dalle origini dei primi impianti termali fino ai nostri giorni. Via via che la ricerca trovava fondamento nei documenti d’archivio, storici, fotografici e iconograf…
Already used in very specific areas such as in military and medical or academic research, in 2009 thanks to improved technology, augmented reality is to reach wider audiences and as information campaigns, advertising-augmented published in newspapers or on the network, and through a growing number of applications for mobile phones, particularly iPhone. The Augmented Reality on the desktop computer is based on the use of markers, or ARtags, and stylized drawings, which are shown to the webcam, are recognized by the PC, and which are overlaid in real-time multimedia content: video, audio, 3D objects, and other information like link, historical or/and geographical elements, relationship betwee…
Crowdsourcing Cultural Heritage: From 3D Modeling to the Engagement of Young Generations
Monitoring, digitizing and archiving museum artworks represent an important socio-cultural accomplishment and an overcoming in digital preservation today. Cultural heritage is constantly under threat of terrorist attacks and natural disaster. The high costs related to documentation task have prevented a constantly and massive survey activity. The low cost 3D image based acquisition and elaboration techniques of an object, allow to carry out a 3D photorealistic model in a short time. Therefore, a lot of museum adopted these techniques for the artworks archiving. Crowdsourcing activities can significantly speed up survey and elaboration procedures. If, on the one hand, these initiatives can h…
Use of new technique of image based aimed to perspective return
The diffusion of Image-based 3D modeling techniques, through image-based free, low cost and open source software, have increased drastically in the past few years, especially in Cultural Heritage domain (Architecture, Archeology, Urban planning) [2, 3]. Computer vision techniques use photographs from dataset collection to rapidly build detailed 3D models. The simultaneous applications of different algorithms (MVS), the different techniques of image matching, feature extracting and mesh optimization are inside an active field of research in computer vision. Computer vision techniques - Structure from Motion (SfM)- allow to fulfill detailed 3D models from photos dataset collections. The resul…
Già dal 2003 è in atto una ricerca condotta in campo nazionale dal Prof. C. Cundari che ha come obiettivo finale quello di realizzare una ricognizione a tappeto su tutto il territorio dell'Italia centro- meridionale, per costituire un catalogo interattivo e multimediale sull'architettura di influenza aragonese. La ricognizione tipologica è stata affiancata dai rilievi e dalle restituzioni grafiche di molti tra i campioni individuati. Si è realizzato un data base di gestione di più di mille schede redatte in campo nazionale secondo parmetri individuati tra i responsabili delle diverse unità locali. Attraverso il lavoro è possibile individuare non solo la tipologia costruttivo- architettonica…
Procedure di costruzione della prospettiva nel progetto del disegno
Una metodologia di intervento Il termine progetto richiama automaticamente alla nostra mente l’idea del disegno di progetto, ovvero l’insieme di quelle informazioni grafiche inerenti al tipo di intervento che si è stabilito di realizzare in un manufatto o in un paesaggio, etc. In realtà il progetto di cui si parla è sempre accompagnato dal progetto del disegno il quale, a sua volta, diventerà disegno di progetto. Il gioco di parole non deve confondere il lettore, al contrario, deve suscitare in lui la curiosità intellettuale di individuare, laddove realmente esistesse, l’esatto confine tra progetto del disegno e disegno di progetto. Non è facile stabilire quale dei due viene per primo: a vo…
Infrastrutture Civili.
Image-based 3D reconstruction using traditional and mobile-phone data-sets for road pavement distress analysis
The issue of road networks being in deplorable conditions is one that is widespread globally. One of the main precursors for this is that when preparing maintenance management systems, many road agencies rely on data which is often outdated or inaccurate. This is due in many cases to insufficient budgets which are unable to adequately address both maintenance and rehabilitation. It is therefore critical that road agencies have better tools at their disposal to help combat these issues. One of the possible techniques that have been identified is the use of structure from motion techniques to adequately identify road pavement distresses. This paper advances previous work in this area and expl…
The application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in infrastructure and structural projects, known as Integrated Structural and Infrastructure Modeling (ISIM), has gained attention in recent years due to its potential to revolutionize the construction industry. By providing a digital representation of the built environment, BIM allows for improved collaboration and communication between project stakeholders, leading to enhanced project outcomes. The ISIM approach is centered on the creation of a digital twin, a three-dimensional model of the infrastructure or structure, which serves as a virtual replica of the physical asset. This digital twin provides a platform for analysis, decision…
Drawings for engineering
In the representation of knowledge can not miss all those geometric, static, functional, and specialized notions in infrastructures that characterize the shape of a Civil Engineer. We take this opportunity to show how complex the representation of a hydraulic overflow, how bold is the company wanting to bring the cross sections, the view from above, the longitudinal section. And, yet how essential is the knowledge of descriptive geometry to determine the intersections of complex surfaces, the application of engineering has great feedback. An engineer must know how to read and know how to make a drawing, must learn to identify the main characteristics, must be able to focus on the goals and …
Erice and its Architectonic Heritage
Towards more sustainable airfield pavements using life-cycle assessment of design alternatives
Airports are critical infrastructures and their success is paramount to development through tourism, trade and connectivity. Within the airport, the runway pavement must always be in a pristine condition. Consequently, pavement design and maintenance decisions are vital. Authorities must make decisions concerning preferred materials for design and maintenance. Decisions should be balanced by both economic and environmental factors. This paper considers a case study at Falcone Borsellino Airport (PMO), Palermo, Italy, where air traffic has been steadily increasing. Different pavements are proposed: flexible Asphaltic concrete designs with both traditional Asphaltic concrete and using reclaim…
The access to information is a right and a duty. An accessible website becomes a universal resource for all people who surf the net, it becomes a powerful tool to spread its message and its information with the conscious and the knowledge that the information will come to anyone who wants to access it. The innovative technologies of graphic communication (ICT) are the means to allow this cultural diffusion. In this paper the goal is to demonstrate that a conscious use of ICT allows the accessibility of the cultural heritage. The case study is on the prisons of the Inquisition in Palermo. A great opportunity has permitted to carry out a cultural, historical, architectural and social research…
Hand Held 3D Scanning for Cultural Heritage: Experimenting Low Cost Structure Sensor Scan
In the last years 3D scanning has become an important resource in many fields, in particular it has played a key role in study and preservation of Cultural Heritage. Moreover today, thanks to the miniaturization of electronic components, it has been possible produce a new category of 3D scanners, also known as handheld scanners. Handheld scanners combine a relatively low cost with the advantage of the portability. The aim of this chapter is two-fold: first, a survey about the most recent 3D handheld scanners is presented. As second, a study about the possibility to employ the handheld scanners in the field of Cultural Heritage is conducted. In this investigation, a doorway of the Benedictin…
123D Catch: efficiency, accuracy, constraints and limitations in architectural heritage field
Today, the accurate and detailed reconstruction of geometric models of real objects has become a common process. The diffusion of Image-based 3D modeling techniques, through image-based free, low cost and open source software, have increased drastically in the past few years, especially in the sector of Cultural Heritage (Architecture, Archeology, Urban planning). Nevertheless, web based software (ARC3D, 123D Catch, Hyp3D, my3Dscanner) offer another opportunity respect the desktop systems: they use the power of cloud computing to carry out a semi-automatic data processing. In this way is overcome the considerably slowing-down of the computer of hardware-heavy approaches. Our research inves…
Image Based Modeling Technique for Pavement Distress surveys: a Specific Application to Rutting
Image-based modeling (IBM) is a well-known technique to obtain high quality 3D models based on multi view images. IBM started being used in several applications such as inspection, identification of objects and visualization, due to the user-friendly approach, the low cost and highly automated technique. This paper focuses on the investigation of the potential application of IBM in the diagnosis of road pavement distresses and in particular rutting. Indeed, the evaluation of the rutting distress is a fundamental step to define the whole state of a pavement as demonstrated by the calculation of Present Serviceability Index (PSI). Currently, the permanent deformation is measured monitoring vi…
Abstract. This article presents the evaluation of a pipeline to develop a high-quality texture mapping implementation which makes it possible to carry out a semantic high-quality 3D textured model. Due to geometric errors such as camera parameters or limited image resolution or varying environmental parameters, the calculation of a surface texture from 2D images could present several color errors. And, sometimes, it needs adjustments to the RGB or lightness information on a defined part of the texture. The texture mapping procedure is composed of mesh parameterization, mesh partitioning, mesh segmentation unwraps, UV map and projection of island, UV layout optimization, mesh packing and mes…
Understanding the current state of practice in the construction and demolition waste sector through the lenses of circular economy: The Italian recycled materials market for the road construction sector
Construction and demolition waste (CeDw) is mainly produced during the construction, demolition, or renovation activities of civil engineering structures and it accounts for a remarkable amount of the total C&Dw generated, as it is estimated to be around 30%. This proportion differs between countries belonging to different types of economies and tends to be greater in countries with developing economies reaching 74% of total annual production. There is a plethora of applications that C&Dw can be used for under a circular economic model and in this research a focus is being given in the exploitation of C&Dw within the pavement engineering sector, and more specifically, in the uti…
Nel volume sono trattati i temi inerenti la rappresentazione in assonometria ortogonale, dove il ruolo dell'omologia è centrale e diviene risolutaore di problematiche il cui superamento grafico è immediato, di facile apprendimento ed esecuzione.
Today’s communication has almost completely entered the digital world as the only system of language, be it graphic, spoken or artistic. It is no coincidence that the architectural and cultural heritage, as well as the urban aspects of the city, could not avoid undergoing significant change caused by the influence of the digital transition which allows them to be safeguarded, documented and handed down. Digital, through all its forms, is, today, not only the representation of the asset but also its management through BIM approaches. The boundaries of representation, digitization and documentation open up and become ever wider, embracing greater goals and responding to growing needs.
BIM e beni architettonici: verso una metodologia operativa per la conoscenza e la gestione del patrimonio culturale. BIM and architectural heritage: towards an operational methodology for the knowledge and the management of Cultural Heritage
The study aims to answer the growing need for virtuously organize informational apparatuses related to Cultural Heritage. We propose a methodology that integrates multidisciplinary processes of interaction with information aimed at survey, documentation, management, knowledge and enhancement of historic artifacts. It is needed to review and update the procedure of instrumental data acquisition, standardization and structuring of the acquired data in a three-dimensional semantic model as well as the subsequent representability and accessibility of the model and the related database. If the use of Building Information Modeling has in recent years seen a consolidation in the procedures and the…
Towards Low-Cost Pavement Condition Health Monitoring and Analysis Using Deep Learning
Governments are faced with countless challenges to maintain conditions of road networks. This is due to financial and physical resource deficiencies of road authorities. Therefore, low-cost automated systems are sought after to alleviate these issues and deliver adequate road conditions for citizens. There have been several attempts at creating such systems and integrating them within Pavement management systems. This paper utilizes replicable deep learning techniques to carry out hotspot analyses on urban road networks highlighting important pavement distress types and associated severities. Following this, analyses were performed illustrating how the hotspot analysis can be carried out to…
La rappresentazione nell'ottica dello sviluppo sostenibile. Un nuovo modo di pensare il disegno.
Le sollecitazioni culturali impartite in questi recenti anni dalla comunità internazionale che si occupa di sviluppo sostenibile hanno avuto ricadute su tutti i settori disciplinari che si vedono investiti da una rivoluzione di pensiero. Anche il nostro settore disciplinare deve fare i conti con una sostenibilità ambientale che assurge ad un ruolo fondamentale nello sviluppo planetario. In che modo, dunque, il disegno deve adeguarsi ad un nuovo modo di pensare, in che modo la rappresentazione va rivista e rinterpretata al fine di risultare all'avanguardia rispetto alle problematiche attuali? Di questo ed altro si affornta nel lavoro trattato.
Assonometria diretta.
Presso la cattedra di “Fondamenti e Applicazioni di Geometria Descrittiva” della Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, grazie ai contributi corali del gruppo di studiosi guidati dal prof. Michele Inzerillo, si sono consolidate metodologie particolari e, può dirsi, innovative sulle procedure del “rappresentare direttamente in Assonometria Ortogonale”. La proiezione su un quadro piano, , da un punto improprio ortogonale ad esso, di una terna trirettangola x, y, z, di origine O, liberamente disposta nello spazio, purché nessuno degli assi risulti ortogonale a , è una terna x’, y’, z’, di origine O’. Solo per comodità di lettura, si preferisce disporre z’ in direzione …
Helicoid and Architectural application
Questo articolo è un risultato parziale di una ricerca riguardante la rappresentazione di superfici complesse in geometria descrittiva. La padronanza e l’abilità nell’uso delle diverse tecniche di rappresentazione, consente di raggiungere risultati che altrimenti non sarebbero perseguibili. La Scuola di Disegno di Ingegneria, dell’Università di Palermo si è da sempre fatta promotrice della scienza della rappresentazione attraverso la sperimentazione di tecniche semplificative ed innovative della geometria descrittiva applicata all’architettura e all’ingegneria. In particolar modo, in questo lavoro, si riporta lo studio di una superficie complessa quale è l’elicoide che trova larga applicazi…
Low cost survey techniques aimed to the Cultural Heritage conservation.
Thanks to SfM (Image Based Modeling) survey techniques, is possible to realize 3D models of every object, in a very short time and with limited economical and training resources, today. These semi-automated SfM software allow users to simply upload photos and follow a mediated workflow, without any complex inner workings of SfM and this can be especially advantageous to users in non-technical fields or to those with limited resources. Every year there is an international Event, #digitalinvasion, that involves the Italian museums and that reckons on to allow to take pictures and video to the whole museum collections. This event is present in Palermo since 2014 and the Engineering first year …
Developing a framework for using structure-from-motion techniques for road distress applications
On Urban road networks, road agencies need to quickly identify road pavement distresses in order to identify appropriate maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. This is integral as agencies are plagued with financial and time constraint issues. There have been several attempts over the last few years to identify new solutions and techniques to solve these issues. Several of these have shown merit and accuracy in identifying distresses. However, the techniques in many instances are not correlated to available distress identification standards. One of the considered techniques is the use of Structure-from-Motion, which tries to recreate 3D distress models for identification and analysis. T…
Super-Resolution Images Methodology Applied to UAV Datasets to Road Pavement Monitoring
The increasingly widespread use of smartphones as real cameras on drones has allowed an ever-greater development of several algorithms to improve the image’s refinement. Although the latest generations of drone cameras let the user achieve high resolution images, the large number of pixels to be processed and the acquisitions from multiple lengths for stereo-view often fail to guarantee satisfactory results. In particular, high flight altitudes strongly impact the accuracy, and result in images which are undefined or blurry. This is not acceptable in the field of road pavement monitoring. In that case, the conventional algorithms used for the image resolution conversion, such as the bilinea…
Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda: design drawings compared
Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda is among the most important designers, architects, engineers and designers at the end of '800. He has participated in numerous architectural competitions, both at Palermo in Sicily and again in Italy. He has conducted numerous studies on the identification of significant types of construction from coffee house to the shrines cemeteries, the decorative detail to the urban study on a large scale. Of course He is remembered in our city, especially as the designer of the Politeama, an imposing structure that dominates the central square of Palermo. Very old city, whose roots, evidenced by the presence dating back to the Punic, have never found a break until the present …