Antonio Piacentino

CHP (combined heat and power) retrofit for a large MED-TVC (multiple effect distillation along with thermal vapour compression) desalination plant: High efficiency assessment for different design options under the current legislative EU framework

Abstract Integrated power plants in “dual purpose” configuration may represent a viable option for energy cost abatement of desalted water produced by MED-TVC (Multiple Effect Distillation along with Thermal Vapour Compression). In this paper an existing large MED-TVC plant with a 36,000 m 3 /day capacity is studied: a plant retrofit is designed, based on a steam power plant with condensation and steam extraction used to drive the steam ejector. As the plant operates in CHP (Combined Heat and Power) mode, the possibility to assess the integrated “CHP + MED-TVC” as high efficiency cogeneration according to Directive 2004/8/EC is discussed. Based on a model developed in Engineering Equation S…

research product

Optimization of trigeneration systems by Mathematical Programming: influence of plant scheme and boundary conditions

The large potential for energy saving by cogeneration and trigeneration in the building sector is scarcely exploited due to a number of obstacles in making the investment attractive. The analyst often encounters difficulties in identifying optimal design and operation strategies, since a number of factors, either endogenous (i.e. related with the energy load profiles) and exogenous (i.e. related with external conditions like energy prices and support mechanisms), influence the economic viability. In this paper a decision tool is presented, that simultaneously optimizes the plant lay-out, the sizes of the main components and their operation strategy. For a specific building in the hotel sect…

research product

Optimization of trigeneration systems by Mathematical Programming: Influence of plant scheme and boundary conditions

Abstract The large potential for energy saving by cogeneration and trigeneration in the building sector is scarcely exploited due to a number of obstacles in making the investments attractive. The analyst often encounters difficulties in identifying optimal design and operation strategies, since a number of factors, either endogenous (i.e. related with the energy load profiles) and exogenous (i.e. related with external conditions like energy prices and support mechanisms), influence the economic viability. In this paper a decision tool is adopted, which represents an upgrade of a software analyzed in previous papers; the tool simultaneously optimizes the plant lay-out, the sizes of the main…

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Assessing the feasibility of cogeneration retrofit and district heating/cooling networks in small Italian islands

Sustainability of energy supply strategies in small islands has been emerging as a severe issue, due to the large margins for improvement and rationalization of the most frequently adopted solutions. In most of the European islands, large amounts of heat are wasted by the operation of engine-based power plants; conversely, heat is produced by boilers (supplied by liquid fuels) or by electric equipment for a number of different uses, like domestic hot water production or space heating in winter. In this paper a techno-economic analysis is proposed to assess the feasibility of CHP-retrofit of the existing power plants and the possible utilization of the recovered heat to supply, via a distric…

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Exergetic and exergoeconomic analysis of a novel hybrid solar-geothermal polygeneration system producing energy and water

Abstract A dynamic simulation model of a novel solar–geothermal polygeneration system and the related exergetic and exergoeconomic analyses are presented in this paper. The plant is designed in order to supply electrical, thermal and cooling energy and fresh water for a small community, connected to a district heating and cooling network. The hybrid system is equipped with an Organic Rankine Cycle fueled by medium-enthalpy geothermal energy and by a Parabolic Trough Collector solar field. Geothermal brine is also used for space heating and cooling purposes. Finally, geothermal fluid supplies heat to a Multi-Effect Distillation unit, producing also desalinized water from seawater. Dynamic si…

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Performance maps for an air-cooled air conditioning system as a preliminary instrument for the diagnosis of evaporator fouling

Abstract During the past few decades, there has been increased interest in the development of automated approaches for detecting and diagnosing faults in air conditioning systems. Among them, thermoeconomic diagnosis is a technique which involves the use of exergy analysis. As a first step towards improving its performance, this work is focused on the thermodynamic and exergy analysis of a direct expansion air conditioning system used in small commercial building applications. The analysis was carried out by means of experimental activities on a 17.5 kW rooftop unit installed at the Herrick Laboratories, Purdue University, Indiana (USA). The system under investigation was equipped with a va…

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Energy saving in airports by trigeneration. Part I: Assessing economic and technical potential

Airports are very energy-intensive areas, because of the large buildings (both terminals and non-passengers areas) equipped with heating and air-conditioning systems, the high power demand for lighting and electric equipment and the energy requests from many facilities within the airport area. The contemporaneous and high demand for power and heat makes cogeneration to represent a viable solution for energy saving; in southern climate zones, however, combined heating, cooling and power (CHCP) systems can lead to even better results. This paper constitutes the first part of a work in two parts; starting from an analysis of typical energy demand profiles in airports, economical and technical …

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Risk reduction by Thermoeconomics for energy systems with probabilistic boundary conditions

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Getting insights into the behavior of variable speed direct expansion air conditioning systems under faulty operating conditions

Direct expansion air conditioning systems, such as rooftop units, are widely adopted in small and medium scale commercial buildings. In order to increase the energy performance of these systems during part-load operation, variable-speed compressors and fans have been adopted in the last two decades. However, profitable energy saving could be achieved not only by optimizing the design and the control of these systems, but also by scheduling a proper maintenance strategy. In fact, if not properly maintained, no benefits would be achieved even when more sophisticated systems are adopted. In order to support plant owners in scheduling cost-effective maintenance program, Fault Detection and Diag…

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The diagnosis of soft faults in vapor compression cooling systems is a crucial activity, since malfunctions may provoke heavy degradation in plant performance and increase the power consumption for space cooling. Among the various Faults Detection and Diagnosis techniques developed over the last two decades, thermoeconomic diagnosis has been playing only a marginal role due to the difficulties encountered when applying the conventional thermoeconomic approaches to vapor compression refrigeration plants. In this paper a critical analysis on capabilities and limits of thermoeconomic diagnosis of refrigeration systems is proposed. The reference plant assumed for this study is a 116 kWc air-con…

research product

Formation structure of optimality by thermoeconomics: disassembling thermodynamic and external influences in energy systems’ design

In this paper an original thermoeconomic approach for the optimization of complex energy systems is presented, based on a revitalized concept of “scope”, and therefore indicated as Scope Oriented Thermoeconomics (SOT). In plants including dissipative components, it allows to formulate non-arbitrary allocation criteria as concerns marginal costs; consequently, the optimization process is disassembled to recognize the Formation Structure of Optimality, i.e. the specific influences of thermodynamic and economic parameters in the path toward the optimal design. The method is applied to a very didascalic example, that is the optimization of the condensation temperature in a vapour compression ch…

research product

Promotion of polygeneration for buildings applications through sector- and user-oriented “high efficiency CHP” eligibility criteria

Abstract The eligibility criteria adopted to assess polygeneration plants as “highly efficient” can play a determinant role in favouring or discouraging the market growth of polygeneration systems, especially for buildings applications where economic viability is often more difficult to achieve. Based on the current European framework, in this paper the opportunity to adopt sector- and user-oriented criteria is discussed. After having identified three buildings with different uses (a large hotel, a hospital and an office building), the optimal lay-out and operation strategy of a polygeneration plant serving each building is determined; then, ex-post processing of economic and energetic resu…

research product

Matching Economical, Energetic and Environmental Benefits: An Analysis for Hybrid CHCP-Heat Pumps Systems

Abstract The optimization of design and operation of combined heat, cooling and power systems usually leads to select different plant lay-outs and size of components, depending on the adopted optimization criterion (maximum profit or energy saving or minimum environmental impact). This occurs when the current energy prices and the normative provisions supporting cogeneration are not able to coincide with the specific customer’s interest and the overall “social interest” for a reduction in energy consumption and in pollutants’ emissions. At EU level, polygeneration is considered to have a large potential for residential and commercial buildings district network, for the tertiary sector and f…

research product

A novel solar trigeneration system integrating PVT (photovoltaic/thermal collectors) and SW (seawater) desalination: Dynamic simulation and economic assessment

Abstract The paper investigates the integration of renewable energy sources and water systems, presenting a novel solar system producing simultaneously: electrical energy, thermal energy, cooling energy and domestic water. Such system is designed for small communities in European Mediterranean countries, rich in renewable sources and poor in fossil fuels and water resources. The polygeneration system under analysis includes PVT (photovoltaic/thermal solar collectors), a MED (multi-effect distillation) system for SW (seawater) desalination, a single-stage LiBr–H2O ACH (absorption chiller) and additional components, such as storage tanks, AHs (auxiliary heaters) and BOP (balance of plant) dev…

research product

Advanced energetics of a Multiple-Effects-Evaporation (MEE) desalination plant. Part II: Potential of the cost formation process and prospects for energy saving by process integration

This paper represents the 2nd part of a paper in two parts. In part I a 2nd Principle analysis of a Multiple- Effects-Evaporation (MEE) process has been proposed. In this Part II perspectives for process improvement will be investigated, along two distinct research lines: the thermoeconomics-aided optimization of a new system and the increase of thermal efficiency for existing systems by a pinch-based plant retrofit. As concerns the first research line, a detailed productive structure for the plant stage (i.e. effect) examined in Part I is presented; the cost formation structure is then used to improve a simplified optimization process, revealing capable to properly reflect the interactions…

research product

Knock Resistance Increase through the Addition of Natural Gas or LPG to Gasoline: An Experimental Study

Bi-fuel spark ignition engines, nowadays widely spread, are usually equipped with two independent injection systems, in order run the engine either with gasoline or with gaseous fuel, which can be Natural Gas (NG) or Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). These gases, besides lower cost and environmental impact, are also characterized by a higher knock resistance with respect to gasoline that allows to adopt a stoichiometric proportion with air also at full load. Gasoline, on the other hand, being injected as liquid, maintains higher volumetric efficiency and hence higher power output. As a compromise solution, it could be desired to exploit the advantages of both gasoline and gas (NG or LPG), thus…

research product

A novel solar trigeneration system integrating Photovoltaic/Thermal collectors and seawater desalination: dynamic simulation and economic assessment

This paper investigates the integration of renewable energy sources and water systems, presenting a novel solar system producing simultaneously: electrical energy, thermal energy, cooling energy and domestic water. The polygeneration system under analysis includes photovoltaic/thermal solar collectors (PVT), a multi-effect distillation (MED) system for seawater desalination, a single-stage LiBr-H2O absorption chiller and additional components, such as storage tanks, auxiliary heaters and balance of plant devices. The PVT produces simultaneously electrical energy and thermal energy, at a maximum temperature of about 100 °C. The electrical energy is delivered to the grid, whereas the thermal …

research product

Optimal design of cogeneration plants for seawater desalination

Multi-stage flash (MSF) and reverse osmosis (RO) are the most common techniques for seawater desalination. A significant difference between these methodologies consists of their different energy requirements, i.e., thermal energy for MSF and mechanical energy for RO plants. The presence of both desalination systems (MSF and RO) appears to be suitable for cogeneration plants. The reject heat from the power cycle can feed an MSF section, while some power feeds the RO section and the MSF auxiliary equipment; the rest is sold to the grid. A criterion for the optimal design of such tri-functional cogeneration plants is proposed, based on exergo-economics and on profit maximization. In particular…

research product

Criteri e metodi per l'ottimizzazione di sistemi di poligenerazione di piccola e media taglia - Criteria and methodologies for the optimization of small/medium scale polygeneration systems

L'Unione Europea ha individuato nella produzione combinata di energia elettrica e calore una delle tecnologie ad alta efficienza di maggior interesse, fissando per il 2010 il target del 18% della produzione elettrica totale dell'Unione da sistemi cogenerativi (COM/97/0514). Dati recenti rivelano la non attualità di tale target (al 2005 si è raggiunto il 12% di penetrazione); rimane tuttavia evidente la volontà, esistente sia a livello comunitario che in molti Stati Membri, di perseguire la via della promozione della poligenerazione. Le ragioni di questo interesse sono evidenti: l'elevata efficienza di conversione garantita dal recupero dei cascami termici di un ciclo diretto consente, a par…

research product

Critical analysis of conventional thermoeconomic approaches to the diagnosis of multiple faults in air conditioning units: Capabilities, drawbacks and improvement directions. A case study for an air-cooled system with 120 kW capacity

Abstract Faults diagnosis in air conditioning systems is a crucial activity, since malfunctions may induce heavy degradation of performance. Among the available techniques, thermoeconomic diagnosis has played a marginal role due to the difficulties encountered when applying the methodology to refrigeration plants. In this paper a critical analysis on capabilities and limits of thermoeconomic diagnosis is proposed. The reference plant is a 120 kWc air-cooled air conditioning system; a simulator is used to evaluate thermodynamic data under normal and faulty conditions, setting up “virtual experiments” to simulate each fault. Five malfunctions are imposed, either individually or simultaneously…

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On the Efficacy of PCM to Shave Peak Temperature of Crystalline Photovoltaic Panels: An FDM Model and Field Validation

The exploitation of renewable energy sources and specifically photovoltaic (PV) devices have been showing significant growth; however, for a more effective development of this technology it is essential to have higher energy conversion performances. PV producers often declare a higher efficiency respect to real conditions and this deviation is mainly due to the difference between nominal and real temperature conditions of the PV. In order to improve the solar cell energy conversion efficiency many authors have proposed a methodology to keep the temperature of a PV system lower: a modified crystalline PV system built with a normal PV panel coupled with a Phase Change Material (PCM) heat stor…

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Analisi degli effetti delle opzioni tariffarie regionali sull'ottimizzazione di μ-grids energetiche alimentate da impianti poligenerativi

L'ottimizzazione di sistemi energetici complessi per la produzione e la distribuzione di fluidi caldi e freddi per utenti civili è un problema molto complesso; due possibili configurazioni possono essere prese in considerazione, ovvero le piccole unità singole per singoli edifici ed i grandi impianti integrati con reti di teleriscaldamento. Affrontare un problema così complesso, che coinvolge un numero molto elevato di variabili, richiede algoritmi e tecniche di risoluzione efficienti. La ricerca svolta ha consentito di sviluppare nuovi metodi di mathematical programming, ed in particolare tecniche di Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), per quanto concerne l’ottimizzazione di sistemi p…

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Thermoeconomic optimization of a renewable polygeneration system serving a small isolated community

During the last years, special attention has been paid to renewable polygeneration technologies, able of simultaneously producing thermal, cooling, electrical energy and desalinated water from seawater. This paper focuses on an innovative polygeneration system driven by renewable energy sources, including the following technologies: hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collectors, concentrating parabolic trough (CPVT), a biomass heater, a single-stage absorption chiller and a multiple-effect distillation desalination system. The system is designed to cover the base load of an isolated small community. In previous papers, the dynamic simulation model about plant operation is discussed. In this paper,…

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Reverse electrodialysis heat engine for sustainable power production

Abstract Reverse Electrodialysis Heat Engine (REDHE) is a promising technology to convert waste heat at temperatures lower than 100 °C into electric power. In the present work an overview of the possible regeneration methods is presented and the technological challenges for the development of the RED Heat Engine (REDHE) are identified. The potential of this power production cycle was investigated through a simplified mathematical model. In the first part of the work, several salts were singularly modelled as possible solutes in aqueous solutions feeding the RED unit and the corresponding optimal conditions were recognized via an optimization study. In the second part, three different RED He…

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Assessing the Robustness of Thermoeconomic Diagnosis of Fouled Evaporators: Sensitivity Analysis of the Exergetic Performance of Direct Expansion Coils

Thermoeconomic diagnosis of refrigeration systems is a pioneering approach to the diagnosis of malfunctions, which has been recently proven to achieve good performances for the detection of specific faults. Being an exergy-based diagnostic technique, its performance is influenced by the trends of exergy functions in the “design” and “abnormal” conditions. In this paper the sensitivity of performance of thermoeconomic diagnosis in detecting a fouled direct expansion coil and quantifying the additional consumption it induces is investigated; this fault is critical due to the simultaneous air cooling and dehumidification occurring in the coil, that induce variations in both the chemical and th…

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Supertargeting-based hierarchic evaluation for setting paths in relaxation of retrofitted Heat Exchanger Networks

The application of pinch analysis to the retrofit of existing heat exchanger networks is a complex task, which can be hardly standardised due to the large number of unquantifiable design considerations. Top-down and bottom-up approaches have been usually pursued, respectively oriented to relax a Maximum Energy Recovery (MER) configuration and to improve the existing network by removing network pinches. In this paper the bottom-up approach is critically examined, considering a well known case study represented by an aromatics plant; a MER design is also obtained and evaluated, to represent a target for process improvement. The final objective of researches in this sector is the identificatio…

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Exergy analysis of reverse electrodialysis

Abstract Reverse electrodialysis in closed loop configurations is a promising membrane technology in the energy conversion and storage fields. One of the main advantages of closed-loop reverse electrodialysis is the possibility of using a wide range of operating concentrations, flow rates and different salts for generating the salinity gradient. In this work, an original exergy analysis of the reverse electrodialysis process was carried out in order to investigate reverse electrodialysis performance in terms of energetic and exergetic efficiency parameters in a wide range of operating conditions. A mono-dimensional model of the reverse electrodialysis process was developed, in which all sou…

research product

A novel solar-geothermal trigeneration system integrating water desalination: Design, dynamic simulation and economic assessment

Abstract In this paper, an innovative solar-geothermal polygeneration system is investigated. The system supplies a small community with electricity, desalinated water and space heating and cooling through a district network. The hybrid multi-purpose plant, based on an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) supplied by medium-enthalpy geothermal energy and by solar energy; this latter is provided by Parabolic Trough Collectors (PTC). The geothermal brine is first used to drive the ORC loop, then to provide space heating at around 85÷90 °C (in the winter), or cooling (in the summer, by means of a single-effect absorption chiller). Finally, the geothermal brine drives a Multi-Effect Distillation (MED) s…

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In consequence of the increasing awareness on the future scarcity of fossil energy sources and the global warming impact of energy conversion processes, the European Union has been planning several actions to enhance the efficiency of energy use and reduce the environmental impact. The declared goals of EU actions are synthetized in the 20-20-20 formula, consisting of an expected 20% increase of energy efficiency, a 20% contribution to the total energy supply by renewable sources and a 20% abatement of pollutant emissions. Applications of cogeneration in process industry can significantly contribute to achieve these targets. In this paper a reciprocate engine-based Combined Heat and Power (…

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Experimental characterization of PEM fuel cells by micro-models for the prediction of on-site performance

This paper presents the results of an experimental analysis performed on a miniaturized, 6 We Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) system, integrated with on-site hydrogen production by electrolysis; in particular, the effects of environmental parameters such as the external temperature and the humidity on the performance of fuel cells are investigated. PEMFC systems are zero-emissions power technologies when they are fed with pure hydrogen (at concentration higher than 97%); also, being the only results of system operation the produced electricity and some pure water, when produced by renewable sources hydrogen can be considered an attractive alternative to fossil fuels and may concu…

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Scope-Oriented Thermoeconomic analysis of energy systems. Part I: Looking for a non-postulated cost accounting for the dissipative devices of a vapour compression chiller. Is it feasible?

Abstract The authors of the main thermoeconomic methodologies developed in the last two decades have recently focused their efforts on the analysis of dissipative devices, i.e. those components whose productive purpose is neither intuitive nor easy to define. Coherent and unanimously accepted cost structures have been identified for dissipative components, while ambiguities still exist as concerns the cost allocation principles to be adopted. Being this aspect evidently cost-influencing, accurate analyses focused on the subjectivity of results are needed. This paper is structured in two parts. In the Part I an in-depth study of some critical issues arising from the thermoeconomic analysis o…

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Optimal sizing and operation of thermal energy storage devices for trigeneration systems

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Analisi sperimentale dell’influenza delle condizioni ambientali sulle prestazioni di un sistema PEMFC di bassa potenza

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Analitic prediction of spread scenarios for small-scale CHP systems

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Robust optimization of trigeneration systems based on linear programming

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A measurement methodology for monitoring a CHCP pilot plant for an office building

Abstract In Mediterranean areas, climate conditions determine quite equal demand both for thermal and cooling energy. The possibility to convert a cooling demand in thermal one through an absorption chiller allows to extend widely the number of running hours of a cogeneration plant. A trigeneration pilot plant for two office building is described, in which an integrated lay-out includes a NG prime mover with heat exchanger, an absorption chiller and a reversible heat pump. The pilot plant is completed and pre-running test were performed. Different fluid dynamics parameters will be monitored, in order to build the actual cumulative curve for thermal power. The measurement methodology is also…

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Salinity gradient engines

Abstract This chapter is devoted to the description of a new class of heat engines based on salinity gradient technology and able to convert low-grade heat into power. The salinity gradient power (SGP) process is employed within a closed loop composed of two different sections: (i) the SGP unit devoted to the energy production, and (ii) a regeneration unit fed by the solutions exiting from the SGP unit and able to restore the initial concentration, thus regenerating the salinity gradient. The main features, limits and perspectives of this novel heat engine are described along with an overview of the state of the art presented in the literature and an example of exergetic analysis of the cyc…

research product


Cogeneration systems represent an effective solution for optimizing energy performance of users with contemporary thermal and electrical energy demand. An energy audit of an industrial pasta factory equipped with a cogeneration system natural gas fuelled has carried out along last two years. This CHP plant, with a 650 kWe capacity, currently covers a relevant fraction of the electric and high-temperature heat loads during peak hours, while it is switched off during off-peak hours because of the much lower electricity price. Heat content of flue gases is recovered by two cascaded gas-diathermic oil and diathermic oil- water heat exchangers; the superheated water obtained is then supplied to …

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A comprehensive tool for efficient design and operation of polygeneration-based energy μgrids serving a cluster of buildings. Part II: Analysis of the applicative potential

Abstract The potential of polygeneration systems, in terms of profitability, energy saving and pollutant emissions reduction, highly depends on several factors such as plant efficiency, local normative and tariff conditions and reference technologies adopted to compare the results. In Part I of this paper a reliable tool was described, capable of optimizing the lay-out, design and operation of an integrated polygeneration system serving a cluster of buildings with their heat, cooling and power demand; the tool represents an excellent instrument to perform sensitivity analyses, thus enabling the analyst to formulate general design criteria and predict the effects of any change in the boundar…

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Exergy analysis and thermoeconomic cost accounting of a Combined Heat and Power steam cycle integrated with a Multi Effect Distillation-Thermal Vapour Compression desalination plant

Abstract In this paper an exergy analysis and thermoeconomic cost accounting of a Combined Heat and Power steam cycle integrated with Multi Effect Distillation-Thermal Vapour Compression plant is performed; the goal of the study is to show how these methodologies provide a rational criterion to allocate production costs on electricity and freshwater in such a dual purpose system. After a brief overview on the methodology and a description of reference plant, exergy analysis is carried out to calculate exergy flows and exergy efficiencies at component level. A detailed description of the adopted thermoeconomic model is given. In a first scenario, cost accounting is performed assuming that th…

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Sustainable and cost-efficient energy supply and utilisation through innovative concepts and technologies at regional, urban and single-user scales

Abstract The environmental impact of the energy sector and the security and economics of energy supply and utilisation have been raising increasing concerns, stimulating the search for innovative solutions for a sustainable use of resources. This article provides an overview of published research in this area, with a focus on papers contributed in special issues of leading journals dedicated to the series of Conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), including the articles in the current special issue. Based on this review, research trends are identified and achievements supporting the energy transition are highlighted. The studies that focused…

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Ottimizzazione di impianti poligenerativi con accumulo termico tramite algoritmi ibridi basati su programmazione lineare ed analisi energetica

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A novel thermoeconomic analysis under dynamic operating conditions for space heating and cooling systems

Abstract Thermoeconomic analysis allows for a deep understanding of the cost formation process within an energy system, providing insights into the possible routes for improvement. Several thermoeconomic approaches are well-established for application in systems with steady operating conditions, such as power plants, while a limited number of applications to air-conditioning systems in buildings have been proposed, due to the difficulties in dealing with very irregular load profiles and unsteady plant operating conditions. This study investigates the potential of Thermoeconomics as a support for decision making in building energy systems, proving its capability to identify trade-offs betwee…

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Analysis and optimization of fuel cell cogeneration systems for application in single-family houses

The world’s demand of energy is projected to double by 2050 in accordance with population growth and with the industrialization of developing countries. The supply of fossil fuel could be limited and even worse is concentrated in a few regions of world, while demand is growing everywhere. One promising alternative to fossil fuel is hydrogen which is abundant and generously distributed through the world without regard for national boundaries. The aim of this paper is to explore this early market opportunity for fuel cell cogeneration systems in buildings and to determine the conditions under which they might compete with the alternative of purchased power. It is suitable to identify and to p…

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The eligibility criteria adopted to assess polygeneration plants as “highly efficient” can play a determinant role in favouring or discouraging the market growth of polygeneration systems, especially for buildings applications where economic viability is often more difficult to achieve. Basing on the current European framework, in this paper the opportunity to adopt user- and context-oriented criteria is discussed. After having identified three buildings with different uses (a large hotel, a hospital and an office building), the optimal layout and operation strategy of a polygeneration plant serving each building is determined; then, ex-post processing of economic and energetic results is u…

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Finite difference thermal model of a latent heat storage system coupled with a photovoltaic device: Description and experimental validation

Abstract The use of photovoltaic (PV) systems has been showing a significant growth trend but for a more effective development of this technology it is essential to have higher energy conversion performances. Producers of PV often declare an higher efficiency respect to real conditions and this deviation is mainly due to the difference between nominal and real temperature conditions of the PV. To improve the solar cell energy conversion efficiency many authors have proposed a methodology to keep lower the temperature of a PV system: a modified PV system built with a normal PV panel coupled with a Phase Change Material (PCM) heat storage device. In this paper is described a thermal model ana…

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Recent advances in methods, policies and technologies at sustainable energy systems development

Following the 2015 Paris Agreement and other agreements which have been signed after, sustainable energy development is becoming the major goal in many countries. EU have set the targets to reduce the annual greenhouse gas emission by 40% in 2030 and 80% for 2050 compared with 1990 levels. For achieving this ambitious energy policy, three major technological changes are available: energy savings on the demand side, efficiency improvements in the energy production, and replacement of fossil fuels by various sources of renewable energy. Also, for realization cited three major technological changes the support of the multi-disciplinary scientific knowledge is needed. Therefore, from the beginn…

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Brief description of current research activities on energy saving by cogeneration and thermoeconomic analysis and diagnosis of energy systems

In the last decades the severe issues related with fossil fuels depletion, increasing energy prices and global warming impact of energy conversion systems have attracted the efforts of scientists toward efficient technologies and methodological improvements for a rational use of energy both in the civil and the industry sectors. Among the numerous research lines developed, the combined production of multiple energy vectors and the process integration are widely considered very promising solutions to achieve more sustainable scenarios as concerns the use of energy. While polygeneration in industry represents a well-established practice to reduce the production cost of energy and material str…

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A Validation Methodology for a Combined Heating Cooling & Power (CHCP) Pilot Plant

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Exergy analysis and thermoeconomic cost accounting of a CHP steam cycle integrated with MED-TVC desalination

In this paper exergy analysis and thermoeconomic cost accounting of a CHP steam cycle integrated with MED-TVC plant is performed; the purpose is to show how this methodology provides a rational criterion to allocate production costs on electricity and freshwater. After a brief overview on methodology and a description of reference plant, exergy analysis is carried out in order to calculate exergy flows and plant exergetic performance. A detailed description of the adopted thermoeconomic model is given. Cost accounting is performed considering two scenarios: in the first, the concentrated brine is disposed back to sea, thus being its exergy content definitively wasted; in the second, convers…

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Characterization of cooling loads in the wine industry and novel seasonal indicator for reliable assessment of energy saving through retrofit of chillers

Abstract The food sector is a major consumer of energy and growing efforts are being made in the search for solutions that will guarantee the efficient and sustainable use of energy resources. Among the different sectors, wineries are attracting particular interest due to the continuous growth of the global market and production. Surveys conducted in the winemaking sector have highlighted the importance of performing accurate energy audits and have identified the installation of efficient refrigeration systems as a promising solution in a variety of cases. Unfortunately, the savings achievable by efficient cooling technologies are often estimated using simplified approaches which do not tak…

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Penetration Scenarios of Cogeneration in the Liberalised Energy Market

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"Thermal penalty factors" accounting for site topological characteristics in pinch design of Heat Exchanger Networks

Pinch analysis allows to determine targets and solutions for minimum energy requirements in process plants, basing on innovative tools like composite curves and table problem formulation, which ultimately allow generating an optimized heat exchanger network design. On another hand, this technique does not account directly for a number of factors which could play a primary role for the practical feasibility of the network. What if, for instance, once identified an optimal lay-out, we realize that some matches are hardly feasible in practice? Could we adapt the conventional pinch approach to keep into account site topological features since the preliminary design phase? In this paper the auth…

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Il progetto SAVE-DABASI, parte II Ottimizzazione di impianti CHCP mediante simulazione oraria

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Assessing the Energy-Saving Potential of a Dish-Stirling Concentrator Integrated into Energy Plants in the Tertiary Sector

Energy consumed for air conditioning in residential and tertiary sectors accounts for a large share of global use. To reduce the environmental impacts burdening the covering of such demands, the adoption of renewable energy technologies is increasing. In this regard, this paper evaluates the energy and environmental benefits achievable by integrating a dish-Stirling concentrator into energy systems used for meeting the air conditioning demand of an office building. Two typical reference energy plants are assumed: (i) a natural gas boiler for heating purposes and air-cooled chillers for the cooling periods, and (ii) a reversible heat pump for both heating and cooling. For both systems, a dis…

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Development of “Design of Experiments” for modelling direct expansion air-conditioning systems under variable cooling loads and faulty operating conditions

Air conditioning systems are widely adopted in the building sector and are generally responsible for high energy consumption. Part of this consumption is related to the poor maintenance adopted by plant owner over time, which causes energy performance degradation. Typical faults, such as fouling or improper refrigerant charge have been shown to heavily impact on energy consumption of these systems. In order to support cost-effective maintenance schedule, Fault Detection and Diagnosis Technique are under investigation in the world. However, in order to devise a diagnostic method a preliminary modelling of air conditioning system is due. To this aim, a test procedure which requires the least …

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A novel hybrid polygeneration system supplying energy and desalinated water by renewable sources in Pantelleria Island

Abstract In this paper a thermoeconomic analysis of a novel hybrid Renewable Polygeneration System connected to a district heating and cooling network is presented. The plant is powered simultaneously by solar and geothermal sources, producing electricity, desalinated water, heat and cooling energy. System layout includes Parabolic Through Collector (PTC) field, geothermal wells, Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) unit and a Multi-Effect Desalination (MED) system. Cooling and thermal demands are calculated by suitable building dynamic simulation models, calibrated for Pantelleria Island. Electrical demand is obtained by measured data. A detailed control strategy has been implemented in order to pr…

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Optimal design of CHCP plants in the civil sector by Thermoeconomics

The optimization of design and operation of trigeneration plants for civil applications is a very complex task, because of the large number of internal and external variables affecting the energetic and economic results that may be achieved. Further, energy-saving and profit-oriented optimization processes usually lead to different solutions, in terms of plant lay-out, optimal size of components and operation strategy. Thermoeconomic methodologies are very effective theoretical structures for the optimization of industrial energy-systems characterised by regular energy-demand profiles; however, they are hard to use when approaching civil applications and energy systems in unsteady operating…

research product

A Validation Methodology for a Combined Heating Cooling and Power (CHCP) Pilot Plant

A great number of variables significantly influence the energetic, environmental and economic results of CHP (Combined Heating and Power) and CHCP (Combined Heating Cooling and Power) plants operation, and as a consequence their project activity is rather complex. In order to select the best layout and properly size the machines, detailed data on hourly electric, thermal, and cooling demand are necessary, so that a series of plant life cycle simulations may have to be carried out. Unfortunately, such detailed data are rarely available, because energy consumptions data for existing buildings are usually derived from aggregated monthly or bimonthly gas and electricity bills. Even more difficu…

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Reverse electrodialysis with NH4HCO3-water systems for heat-to-power conversion

Abstract A Reverse ElectroDialysis Heat Engine (REDHE) system operating with “thermolytic” ammonium hydrogen-carbonate (NH4HCO3) aqueous solutions as working fluids is studied. The engine is constituted by (i) a RED unit to produce electric power by mixing the solutions at different salinity and (ii) a thermally-driven regeneration unit including a stripping and an absorption column to restore the initial salinity gradient thus closing the cycle. In the present work only the RED unit and the stripping column are taken into account. In particular, a simplified integrated process model for the whole cycle was developed: it consists of (i) a lumped parameter model for the RED unit validated wi…

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Modello energetico ed aspetti critici nell’analisi termoeconomica di un impianto di dissalazione ad effetti multipli (MEE)

research product

Advanced energetics of a Multiple Effects Evaporation (MEE) desalination plant Part I: 2nd principle analysis by a zooming representation at single-effect level

This paper represents the Part I of a paper in two parts, aimed at proposing a 2nd principle and thermoeconomic analysis for a Multiple Effects Evaporation (MEE) process and discussing solutions for optimization and energy saving. After a brief analysis of the thermochemical fundamentals of desalination, the minimum theoretical work of separation is introduced to represent a reference condition for the assessment of plants' efficiency. A forward feed MEE configuration is then analysed, abandoning the conventional approach to “at overall plant-level”-analysis; a zooming strategy, based on focusing on the physical model of a generic stage (i.e. effect), is preferred to best recognize the marg…

research product

Editorial: Sustainable development of energy, Water and Environment Systems

In 2018 the Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) was held in three different locations and periods, so as to offer to the scientific community working in the field several opportunities to share and discuss new ideas and disseminate results of research activities. The 1st Latin American SDEWES Conference was held in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) in January 28–31 and attracted 180 scientists from 35 countries, with a high number of contributions mainly from Southern American and European academics and professionals, who reciprocally enriched about emerging issues in the field of sustainable development in these continents. Also, the participants a…

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Zooming on the exergetic cost formation process of a Multiple-Effects-Evaporation (MEE) desalination plant

In this paper an advanced energetic and thermoeconomic analysis of a Multiple Effect Evaporation (MEE) process is proposed. Starting from the thermochemical fundamentals of desalination processes, a minimum theoretical work of separation is introduced, to be used as reference condition to assess the efficiency of desalination units. The attention is then focused on a forward feed MEE configuration; by abandoning the usual perspective oriented to analyse the system at an “overall plant” level, a zooming strategy is proposed to understand in depth the margins for systems’ improvement. Focusing on a single effect, different subprocesses and their mutual interactions are correctly recognized to…

research product

Reverse electrodialysis heat engine with multi-effect distillation: Exergy analysis and perspectives

Abstract The increasing worldwide energy demand is rising the interest on alternative power production technologies based on renewable and emission-free energy sources. In this regard, the closed-loop reverse electrodialysis heat engine is a promising technology with the potential to convert low-grade heat into electric power. The reverse electrodialysis technology has been under investigation in the last years to explore the real potentials for energy generation from natural and artificial solutions, and recent works have been addressing also the potential of its coupling with regeneration strategies, looking at medium and large energy supply purposes. In this work, for the first time, a c…

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Progettazione e gestione di impianti CHCP con gruppi modulari

research product

Dynamic simulation of a 4th Generation District Heating network with the presence of prosumers

District Heating Network is identified as a promising technology for the decarbonization of urban areas. Thanks to the surplus of heat available from distributed renewable energy plants, a typical heat consumer of the network could become an energy producer during the day (typically referred to as “prosumer”). Models for thermal grids developed during the years usually assumed a centralized heat production. The increasing presence of prosumers will require accurate dynamic modeling to monitor the changes induced in the thermohydraulic variables of the network. To fill this knowledge gap, this paper aims at developing a model of a thermal grid with prosumers in TRNSYS environment. The model …

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Experimental characterization of regenerative PV-PEMFC systems by micro-models for performance preliminary analysis

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On the Reliability of Optimization Results for Trigeneration Systems in Buildings, in the Presence of Price Uncertainties and Erroneous Load Estimation

Cogeneration and trigeneration plants are widely recognized as promising technologies for increasing energy efficiency in buildings. However, their overall potential is scarcely exploited, due to the difficulties in achieving economic viability and the risk of investment related to uncertainties in future energy loads and prices. Several stochastic optimization models have been proposed in the literature to account for uncertainties, but these instruments share in a common reliance on user-defined probability functions for each stochastic parameter. Being such functions hard to predict, in this paper an analysis of the influence of erroneous estimation of the uncertain energy loads and pric…

research product

Exergetic and exergoeconomic analysis of a renewable polygeneration system serving a small isolated community

A great interest has been arising in the last decade for the sustainable supply of energy and fresh water, also due to the rapidly growing demand from developing countries. Facing this demand by traditional technologies and fossil energy sources implies evident difficulties and risks, because of the scarcity and high cost of fuels and their relevant environmental impact in terms of local pollution and global warming emissions. Then, the efforts of researchers have been focusing on alternative solutions, either based on the use of renewable energy sources and on innovative plant schemes for the combined and efficient production of several energy and material flows. In this paper an innovativ…

research product

Scope Oriented Thermoeconomic analysis of energy systems. Part II: Formation Structure of Optimality for robust design

This paper represents the Part II of a paper in two parts. In Part I the fundamentals of Scope Oriented Thermoeconomics have been introduced, showing a scarce potential for the cost accounting of existing plants; in this Part II the same concepts are applied to the optimization of a small set of design variables for a vapour compression chiller. The method overcomes the limit of most conventional optimization techniques, which are usually based on hermetic algorithms not enabling the energy analyst to recognize all the margins for improvement. The Scope Oriented Thermoeconomic optimization allows us to disassemble the optimization process, thus recognizing the Formation Structure of Optimal…

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Coupling salinity gradient heat engines with power generation systems and industrial processes

Abstract This chapter presents some potential applications of salinity gradient power-heat engines (SGP-HEs) in power generation systems and industrial processes, where low-temperature waste heat flows could be available. In order to show this concept, five case studies are proposed. In the first case study, a thermoelectric power plant is considered. The analysis evaluates the possibility to convert the low-grade heat content of flue gases into additional electricity via SGP-HEs. In the second case study, an SGP-HE is coupled with an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) plant to enhance the amount of electricity produced from a medium-temperature waste heat flow released by an industrial process. I…

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Dimensionamento ottimale di moduli di accumulo termico per impianti cogenerativi e trigenerativi

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A dynamic model for MED-TVC transient operation

Abstract The Multi Effect Distillation (MED) process is often proposed as a key technology for the construction of new thermal desalination plants, especially within solar-powered cogeneration schemes. With this respect, the need for transient behaviour analysis requires the development of dynamic models for the MED process. Only a few have been presented so far in the literature, in which, however, several simplifying assumptions and constrains are still limiting their potential use. The model here proposed addresses most of the aspects still limiting previous models formulations. The powerful equation-based process simulator gPROMS® was chosen for the implementation of the model, develope…

research product

On Thermoeconomic Diagnosis of a Fouled Direct Expansion Coil: Effects of Induced Malfunctions on Quantitative Performance of the Diagnostic Technique

Thermoeconomic diagnosis represents a promising technique for the detection of common faults in refrigeration systems, which are responsible of degradation in their energetic performance. Recently, the authors have carried out a sensitivity analysis of the performance of this method to the thermodynamic conditions of inlet air and to the geometry of the direct expansion coil, in case of degradation induced by evaporator fouling. The analysis showed that the method is able to detect this fault, but sometimes its quantitative assessments are not satisfactory. In order to understand more in-depth the origin of such results and identify margins for refinement of the technique, this paper is aim…

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Integrated optimization of synthesis, design and operation in CHCP-based μgrids -Part I. Description of the method

research product

Paving the way for the Paris Agreement:Contributions of SDEWES science

Today, coal is responsible for 40% of annual CO2 emissions. At the same time, global warming causes climate changes accompanied with catastrophic meteorological phenomena all over the world. After the 2015 Paris Agriment many countries set ambitious energy policy to reduce the annual greenhouse gas emission. The 2021 UN Climate Change Conference, COP26 - Glasgow, ended with the adoption of a less stringent resolution than some anticipated: countries only agreed to “phase down” rather than “phase out” coal. Is possible the realization of the Paris Agreement after COP-26? For achieving this ambitious targets in such conditions, the support of the multi-disciplinary scientific knowledge is nee…

research product

Thermodynamic-based cost allocation in low-temperature thermal grids in presence of distributed energy producers

Thermal grids are well-established technologies that can cover the thermal demands of buildings in a more sustainable way. The lower operating temperature will allow not only for the integration of heat produced by thermal renewable energy sources but also for the storage of surplus electricity from the grid using power to heat technologies. To ensure a wider diffusion of this technology, it is important to propose a method for the cost allocation among producers connected to the grid. In this regard, this paper proposes Exergoeconomics as a possible solution. To show the capabilities of the method, some operating scenarios are compared for a cluster of five buildings in the tertiary sector…

research product

A new approach for exergoeconomic analysis of variable demand energy systems

Exergoeconomics is an attractive research field regarding the optimisation of design and operability where complex energy systems are concerned. The different approaches to thermoeconomics can easily achieve optimal or near-optimal solutions for the design of energy systems in industrial applications, characterised by regular energy demand profiles; for applications in buildings, however, the great number of components operating at unsteady conditions due to the demand variability make these methodologies hard to use. Furthermore, in project phases of complex plants such as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or Combined Heat Cooling and Power (CHCP), energy demand can be satisfied with different…

research product

Impianti di trigenerazione per il risparmio energetico nel settore alberghiero in aree mediterranee

Il settore alberghiero presenta prospettive particolarmente favorevoli alla diffusione degli impianti di cogenerazione, grazie alla simultanea presenza di una domanda elettrica e di una termica a bassa temperatura, che consentono, in particolare per gli alberghi che funzionano durante tutto l’anno, significativi risparmi di energia primaria e notevoli benefici sia economici che ambientali. Nei paesi del bacino Mediterraneo, in particolare, la diffusione dei frigoriferi ad assorbimento presenta grandi vantaggi per l’opportunità di integrare, nei cosiddetti impianti di trigenerazione o CHCP, la domanda di energia frigorifera all’interno del processo di “sfruttamento in cascata” del potenziale…

research product

Advanced energetics of a Multiple Effects Evaporation (MEE) desalination plant

This paper represents the Part I of a paper in two parts, aimed at proposing a 2nd principle and thermoeconomic analysis for a Multiple Effects Evaporation (MEE) process and discussing solutions for optimization and energy saving. After a brief analysis of the thermochemical fundamentals of desalination, the minimum theoretical work of separation is introduced to represent a reference condition for the assessment of plants' efficiency. A forward feed MEE configuration is then analysed, abandoning the conventional approach to “at overall plant-level”-analysis; a zooming strategy, based on focusing on the physical model of a generic stage (i.e. effect), is preferred to best recognize the marg…

research product

Potential applications of Salinity Gradient Power-Heat Engines for recovering low-temperature waste heat in cogeneration plants

Abstract Salinity Gradient Power-Heat Engine is an innovative technology able to convert very low-temperature heat into electricity. Energy and economic benefits could be achieved by integrating this technology into cogeneration plants, where the exploitation of waste heat available during the operation could increase the revenues arising from “High-Efficiency” labels. For the first time, this paper proposes two potential applications in this field, and three illustrative case studies are purposely investigated. In the first case study, a salinity gradient-heat engine converts the waste heat available from a cogeneration plant serving an industrial process. In the second case study, a salin…

research product

Optimization of polygeneration plants and μ-grids for civil applications

The problem of combined energy production and distribution of warm and cold fluids is very complex because it includes two possible configurations, the small single unit for individual buildings and the large plant integrated with district heating networks. Dealing with such a complex problem, involving a very large number of variables, requires efficient algorithms and resolution techniques. The present study illustrates a MILP approach to the optimization of synthesis, design and operation for CHCP-based μ-grids including thermal energy storages. The proposed approach develops a method for designing and optimizing district energy systems, starting with the information available for the di…

research product

Modelling the transient behaviour of a MED-TVC plant for coupling with CSP

In this paper a dynamic model for the MED-TVC process has been developed and valided by a comparison with data from a real plant situated in Trapani, Italy, composed by 12 effects with parallel-feed configuration and equipped with a medium-pressure steam vapour ejector.

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Performance evaluation of CHCP hybrid seawater desalination plants

There are many ways to improve efficiency and reduce fresh water cost in desalination plants, like the integration of two or more desalination systems into a hybrid mechanical/thermal lay-out. Most common results that could be achieved by hybrid systems are savings in pretreatments, overall cost reduction and significant primary energy savings, especially when cogeneration unit are concerned. In this paper a small size (2000 m 3 /day) thermal desalination system (MEE) is coupled with a single-stage seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) system; the system is fed by a natural gas (NG) reciprocate engine, where heat is recovered both from exhaust gases and from the cooling jacket water circuit. Tech…

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Il progetto SAVE-DABASI. Parte I. Dimensionamento di impianti di trigenerazione

research product

Energy saving with MSF-RO series desalination plants

Two major techniques are commercially used in different parts of the world: distillation and membrane processes. The dominant distillation process is multi-stage flash (MSF), and the main membrane process is reverse osmosis (RO). Although cost factors vary by site, the total cost of producing potable water from seawater with the RO process is today usually less than thermal desalting processes and the economic advantages of RO vs. evaporation process, such as MSF, are responsible for the rapid increase in use of seawater RO. In many countries both RO and MSF processes are operating. Reduction in product water cost could be achieved when a hybrid MSF-RO system is used, instead of a parallel …

research product

Exergetic and exergoeconomic analysis of a renewable polygeneration system and viability study for small isolated communities

Abstract A great interest has recently arisen for the sustainable supply of energy and fresh water, due to the growing demand from developing countries. Facing this demand by traditional technologies implies evident risks related with the high cost of fossil fuels and their environmental impact. Then, alternative solutions based on the use of renewable sources and innovative technologies must be considered. In this paper a renewable polygeneration system is examined, which includes a solar field based on parabolic trough photovoltaic/thermal collectors, a biomass heater, an absorption chiller and a Multiple Effect Distillation desalination unit. Plant operation under dynamic conditions has …

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An original indicator to predict spread scenarios for small scale poligeneration in the liberalised energy market

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Addressing the main challenges of energy security in the twenty-first century – Contributions of the conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems

Abstract Climate change and fossil fuel reserve depletion both pose challenges for energy security and for wellbeing in general. The top ten among them include: Decarbonising the world economy; Enhancing the energy efficiency and energy savings in buildings; Advancing the energy technologies; Moving towards energy systems based on variable renewables; Electrifying the transport and some industrial processes; Liberalizing and extending the energy markets; Integrating energy sectors to Smart Energy Systems; Making the cities and communities smart; Diversifying the energy sources; and Building more biorefineries. Presenting the contributions of selected conference papers published in the speci…

research product

An integrated approach based on Life Cycle Assessment and Thermoeconomics: Application to a water-cooled chiller for an air conditioning plant

Abstract A large number of methods for energy systems analysis were developed in the last decades, aimed at acquiring an in-depth understanding of plant performances and enabling analysts to identify optimal design and operating conditions. In this work an integrated approach based on Life Cycle Assessment and Thermoeconomics is proposed as a method for assessing the exergo-environmental profile of energy systems. The procedure combines the capabilities of these two techniques, to account simultaneously for aspects related to thermodynamics of energy conversion processes and to the overall impacts along the plant life cycle related to other phases, i.e. from raw material extraction to the d…

research product

Application of advanced thermodynamics, thermoeconomics and exergy costing to a Multiple Effect Distillation plant: In-depth analysis of cost formation process

Abstract The high thermal energy consumption per m3 fresh water is one of the main barriers to the spread of thermally driven desalination processes and has limited their use to applications in countries with high reserves of fossil fuels or to specific technological solutions like dual purpose cogeneration plants and solar desalination systems. Being energy conversion efficiency a major issue to improve the performance of thermally driven desalination plants, thermoeconomic analysis has been attracting the efforts of researchers for the identification of margins for process improvement. In this paper a rigorous exergy and thermoeconomic analysis is presented for an 8 effect forward feed Mu…

research product

Exergoeconomic analysis as a tool for supporting the design and operation of multiple chiller systems in air conditioning applications.

Multiple-Chillers systems represent viable solutions for medium/large-scale air conditioning applications. In these systems, however, design and energy savings are highly affected by the configuration and operation strategies adopted. For instance, when considering multiple chillers of same size, “symmetric” or “sequential” load sharing strategies are two viable options. Conversely, when considering chillers of different sizes, a wide combination of chillers cooling capacities may be adopted. It is apparent that an integrated analysis of the design and operation of these systems should be carried out in order to achieve profitable energy saving. With this respect, Exergoeconomics, which res…

research product

Thermodynamic, Exergy, and Thermoeconomic analysis of Multiple Effect Distillation Processes

Abstract Multiple effect distillation (MED) is nowadays the preferred technology for the construction of new plants based on thermal processes in the growing desalination market. MED technology, in fact, presents a number of advantages with respect to the more traditional multistage flash technology, among all the lower energy consumption achievable in MED plants. However, a large potential for improvement in terms of lowering production costs still exists, which stimulates further efforts on process optimization from companies and researchers involved in the field. Thermodynamic and exergy analysis provides useful insights regarding the identification of main inefficiencies and the margins…

research product

A thermoeconomics-based approach to the integrated optimization of design and operation for decentralised energy systems and variable load conditions

The many comprehensive approaches formulated for the optimization of large industrial energy systems have been rarely applied to small and medium scale units, because of the difficulties in handling a continuously variable energy demand and of the lower margins for energy and emissions saving. Today, the growing interest for decentralised energy systems in the civil sector stimulates major efforts for the optimization of such plants, with a particular focus on the control system and on a management strategy able to exploit the opportunities existing in the free energy market. In this paper a methodology is proposed for the optimization of design and operation of variable demand systems supp…

research product

Exergoeconomics as a Cost-Accounting Method in Thermal Grids with the Presence of Renewable Energy Producers

Thermal grids are efficient, reliable, and sustainable technologies for satisfying the thermal demands of buildings. The capability to operate at a low temperature allows not only for the integration of heat produced by renewable energy sources but also for the storage of surplus electricity from the grid via “power to heat” technologies. Besides, in the future, heat consumers are expected to behave increasingly as “prosumers”, supplying in some periods heat produced by renewable energy plants on site. In this scenario, it is important to propose a method for the cost allocation among producers connected to the grid. In this regard, this paper proposes Exergoeconomic…

research product

A methodology for sizing a trigeneration plant in mediterranean areas

Combined heat and power production is an old and well-known technique for the rational use of energy and, thanks to more than fifty years of experience, the state of art can be considered very advanced from a technological point of view. Trigeneration, that is combined electric, heat and cooling energy production, is however a quite recent technology and is becoming economically viable thanks to the commercial spread of absorption chillers. In fact, a well-projected trigeneration plant can achieve better results than a cogenerative one. The CHCP plant benefits over CHP will be underlined, showing the effects of regularisation of annual thermal load curves generated by consumption for feedin…

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A novel renewable polygeneration system for a small Mediterranean volcanic island for the combined production of energy and water: Dynamic simulation and economic assessment

Abstract This paper investigates the integration of solar and geothermal energy in a novel polygeneration system producing simultaneously: electricity, thermal energy, cooling energy and fresh water. The polygeneration system under analysis includes concentrating photovoltaic/thermal solar collectors (CPVT), a Geothermal Well (GW) a multi-effect distillation (MED) system for seawater desalination, a single-stage LiBr–H2O absorption chiller and additional components, such as: storage tanks, heat exchangers and balance of plant devices. The CPVT produces simultaneously electrical energy and thermal energy, at a maximum temperature of about 100 °C. The electrical energy is delivered to the gri…

research product

Innovative thermoeconomic diagnosis of multiple faults in air conditioning units: Methodological improvements and increased reliability of results

Abstract Thermoeconomic faults diagnosis of air conditioning units is a pioneeristic approach to detect single or multiple faults and quantify their impact in terms of additional energy consumption. The poor reliability of conventional thermoeconomic approaches has been limiting the interest for practical applications of this technique. In this paper an improved thermoeconomic diagnosis is proposed and applied to a reference 120 kW c air-cooled air conditioning system; a simulator is used to evaluate thermodynamic data under normal and faulty conditions. Four faults are individually or simultaneously imposed: fouling at condenser and evaporator, refrigerant undercharge and compressor valve …

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Energy saving in two-stage reverse osmosis systems coupled with ultrafiltration processes

In this paper the optimization of the main design parameters is performed for a double-stage seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) system coupled with an ultrafiltration process; the minimal energy consumption is the goal of the optimization process. The energetic benefits for the membrane process are calculated, deriving from the use of a hybrid two-stage/two-pass lay-out with ultrafiltration pre-treatment, which is a typically a low energy consumption process. Also the benefits on membranes’ efficiency and duration are assessed by examining the very low Silt Density Index (SDI) of the water exiting the ultrafiltration section. The analysed system includes a SWRO membrane in the high pressure st…

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Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems

The Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) in 2015 returned to its hometown, Dubrovnik, and once again served as a significant venue for scientists and specialists in different areas of sustainable development from all over the world to initiate, discuss, share, and disseminate new ideas.At the 10th SDEWES Conference, about 500 participants from 64 countries delivered total 541 contributions - 5 invited lectures, 3 panels, 49 regular sessions, 17 special sessions and 5 poster sessions, aimed at deepening the knowledge body and scientific understanding, improvement of long-term scientific assessments, strengthening of scientific capacities aro…

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The optimization of combined energy systems for the production and distribution of warm and cold fluids to civil users is very complex; two possible configurations, i.e. the small single units for individual buildings and the large plants integrated with district heating networks, can be essentially considered, especially in cold climates. Dealing with such a complex problem, involving a very large number of variables, requires efficient algorithms and resolution techniques. The present chapter illustrates a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP)1 approach to the optimization of synthesis, design and operation for CHCP-based μ-grids including thermal energy storages. A novel approach is presen…

research product

A new approach to exergoeconomic analysis and design of variable demand energy systems

Exergoeconomics is an attractive research field regarding the optimisation of design and operability where complex energy systems are concerned. The different approaches to thermoeconomics can easily achieve optimal or near-optimal solutions for the design of energy systems in industrial applications, characterised by regular energy demand profiles; for applications in buildings, however, the great number of components operating at unsteady conditions due to the demand variability make these methodologies hard to use. Furthermore, in project phases of complex plants such as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or Combined Heat Cooling and Power (CHCP), energy demand can be satisfied with different…

research product

Promoting the Flexibility of Thermal Prosumers Equipped with Heat Pumps to Support Power Grid Management

The increasing share of renewable energy sources in energy systems will lead to unpredictable moments of surplus/deficit in energy production. To address this issue, users with heat pumps can provide support to power grid operators through flexible unit operation achieved via Demand Response programs. For buildings connected to low-temperature heating networks with ensured third-party access, further room for flexibility can be explored by investigating the production of surplus heat that can be sold to the network. A key aspect lies in the identification of the energy pricing options that could encourage such flexible operation of a heat pump by “thermal prosumers”. To this aim…

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Cogeneration: a regulatory framework toward growth

Abstract After having defined the general rules for the European liberalised energy market, new actions are needed to improve the energy system. In the rising common framework, the environmental policies and particularly the cost-internalising actions are being empowered, in order to favour improvements in conversion efficiencies and to promote low environmental impact technologies. The emerging EU policy for the promotion of cogeneration and trigeneration plants that fixes the eligibility criteria for high conversion efficiency plants is here discussed. On the basis of thermodynamic remarks and of a comparative analysis of the evaluation criteria applied to most industrialised countries, t…

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Thermal analysis and new insights to support decision making in retrofit and relaxation of heat exchanger networks

International audience; Pinch analysis offers a rational framework for identifying energy saving targets and designing efficient heat recovery networks, especially in process industry. Several scientists have contributed to improve and automate the original pinch method over the last decades, increasing its capability to deal with a number of specific issues; the expertise of the analyst, however, remains determinant in achieving optimal results. In this paper a procedure for retrofit of existing networks is proposed, based on an integrate use of several techniques (either existing or innovative). The diagnosis of the existing network and of a "Minimum Energy Requirement" configuration emer…

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Integrated thermodynamic and electrical modelling of a variable-speed reversible heat pump: analysis of the cooling mode operation

Variable-speed reversible heat pumps are increasingly adopted for space heating and cooling in residential and tertiary sectors. It is recognized that these systems will play a key role in medium- and small-scale 4th generation district heating and cooling networks. Indeed, with the high penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources, such technology could help reduce issues related to the surplus of electricity from renewable energy sources by converting it into heat or cold. To reliably assess the benefits achievable in these emerging applications, it is necessary to develop models which can simulate not only the steady-state operation but also the dynamic response of the system wit…

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Exergoeconomic analysis as support in decision-making for the design and operation of multiple chiller systems in air conditioning applications

Abstract Multiple-chillers systems represent viable solutions for medium/large-scale air conditioning applications characterized by variable cooling demand. The energy efficiency of such systems is influenced by the number of chillers, the combination of cooling capacities, and the load-sharing among the units. Large efforts have been devoted to developing efficient operation strategies for these systems, but rules of thumb are usually adopted for selecting cooling capacities thus leaving room for energy and economic savings. In this paper, exergoeconomic analysis is proposed as a promising method to identify near-optimal design and operation strategies, due to the capability of exergoecono…

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Modelling of a prosumer’s substation in a district heating network: validation and dynamic analysis

Thermal grids will play a key role in the development of local energy communities and the achievement of 100% renewable societies. However, challenges are related to the capability of dealing with the increasing number of producers which could supply heat to thermal grids. Indeed, as in the case of the electricity grid, heat could be available for some hours in a day from RES plants installed at user level and distributed in the network (also referred to as “prosumers”). To achieve more reliable results when performing energy analyses of these innovative applications, there is a need to rely on accurate models of each component. For instance, substations are of paramount importance in the i…

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An original multi-objective criterion for the design of small-scale polygeneration systems based on realistic operating conditions

The optimal design and operation of cogeneration and trigeneration systems for buildings applications is a complex issue, which has been investigated by several different approaches. Both the two basic management strategies, namely heat-tracking and electricity-tracking, have advantages and drawbacks in terms of operating results and may lead the plant designer either to undersize or oversize the CHP unit with respect to the optimal lay-out. Experimental works have demonstrated how the actual on-site performance of small-scale polygeneration systems significantly differs from their expected operation, due to the need for a regular plant operation and the effects of outages for scheduled or …

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EABOT – Energetic analysis as a basis for robust optimization of trigeneration systems by linear programming

Abstract The optimization of synthesis, design and operation in trigeneration systems for building applications is a quite complex task, due to the high number of decision variables, the presence of irregular heat, cooling and electric load profiles and the variable electricity price. Consequently, computer-aided techniques are usually adopted to achieve the optimal solution, based either on iterative techniques, linear or non-linear programming or evolutionary search. Large efforts have been made in improving algorithm efficiency, which have resulted in an increasingly rapid convergence to the optimal solution and in reduced calculation time; robust algorithm have also been formulated, ass…

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Il progetto SAVE-DABASI: dimensionamento di impianti di trigenerazione, parte II

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An Approach to Heuristic Optimitation of design and Operation for trigeneration Systems Based on Profit Formation Process

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Trigeneration and Polygeneration Configurations for Desalination and Other Beneficial Processes

Abstract The integration of renewable energy sources (geothermal, biomass, and solar) and desalination systems into novel polygeneration plants is investigated. Two main arrangements are considered: geothermal (GP) and biomass (BP) polygeneration. Both systems include concentrating photovoltaic/thermal solar collectors, a multieffect distillation system for seawater desalination, a single-effect LiBr-H2O absorption chiller, storage tanks, heat exchangers, balance-of-plant devices; a biomass auxiliary heater and geothermal wells are also included, in BP and GP, respectively. The systems can provide electricity and hot water, used for space heating, cooling, domestic hot water production, and…

research product

A comprehensive tool for efficient design and operation of polygeneration-based energy μgrids serving a cluster of buildings. Part I: Description of the method

Polygeneration systems with thermal energy storage represent promising solutions to achieve energy saving and emissions reduction in the civil sector. The definition of customer-oriented design and operation strategies represents a most challenging task, in order to maximize the profitability and make the investment attractive. A large potential is often recognized for the installation of centralized plants serving a cluster of buildings located over a small area; in such cases the design problem becomes extremely complex and the analyst needs reliable instruments to identify the optimal solution. This paper in two parts presents a scientific tool for the optimization of design and operatio…

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Energy saving in airports by trigeneration. Part II: Short and long term planning for the Malpensa 2000 CHCP plant

With reference to the feasibility analysis for CHCP applications in airports performed in Part I of this work, the optimal strategy for repowering and operation of the Malpensa 2000 CHCP plant is here discussed. The analysis starts from experimental energy demand data, available on hourly basis for an entire operational year. After a description of the CHCP lay-out, the optimal management strategy was determined keeping into account the articulated energy tariff system and the technical characteristics of components. A profit-oriented optimization of the repowering actions to take up to 2010 is presented, based on the expected growth of energy consumption due to the scheduled increases in t…

research product

On thermoeconomics of energy systems at variable load conditions: integrated optimization of plant design and operation

Abstract Thermoeconomics has been assuming a growing role among the disciplines oriented to the analysis of energy systems, its different methodologies allowing solution of problems in the fields of cost accounting, plant design optimisation and diagnostic of malfunctions. However, the thermoeconomic methodologies as such are particularly appropriate to analyse large industrial systems at steady or quasi-steady operation, but they can be hardly applied to small to medium scale units operating in unsteady conditions to cover a variable energy demand. In this paper, the fundamentals of thermoeconomics for systems operated at variable load are discussed, examining the cost formation process an…

research product