G Gullo
Tree and orchard variability of Silver King nectarine(Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit quality components
The variability of crop quality accounts for most of seasonal variation of farmers’ incomes, since fruit growth and quality components may greatly change according to various environmental and within-tree factors. Canopy architecture and orchard layout are mainly responsible for fruit size, quality and its variability. A positive relationship was measured in peach between intercepted radiation and PAR and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC). This study was carried out to measure within tree and orchard variability of fruit of the early ripening cv. Silver King nectarine (Prunus persica (L.), Batsch) 8-years-old peach trees trained to a Y-shape and Delayed vase. Fruit were picked t…
Il Progesterone e la minaccia d'aborto: rationale, pratica ed evidenza.
Variazioni dei parametri qualitativi dei frutti, nella chioma di piante di Actinidia deliciosa, cv Hayward, allevate a tendone
PCOS and infertility. Metformin administration and ovulation induction in patients with reproductive failures. Preliminary data
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the metformin administration in patients with previous reproductive failures. Inclusion criteria: 13 patients with chronic anovulation and PCOS, age < 38 years old, sterility not less than 2 years, C.C. resistance, conception failure in previous cycles with only r-FSH and negativity to the multiple miscarriages tests, absence of others infertility factors. Metformin administration started 2 months before the ovulation induction. Alternatively a spontaneous menstruation it was induced by progestin. Ovulation was performed with r-FSH and patients were invited to have sexual intercourse during the 48h after the HCG trigger. Luteal support …
Il progesterone e la minaccia d'aborto: razionale, pratica ed evidenza
Xª In questo lavoro abbiamo rivisto ilpossibile ruolo della somministrazione di progesterone nella minaccia d’aborto, attraverso la disamina della funzione dell’ormone nel periodo pe-riconcezionale, del razionale della somministrazione, della pratica clinica attuale e della Medicina Basata sull’Evidenza.