Vincent Canova
Short-term impact of a Western diet on the physiology of the peripheral olfactory system
Current feeding behaviors contribute to the epidemic levels of obesity and diabetes observed in Europe and worldwide. Both the quantity and the quality of ingested food are incriminated. Together with other sensory modalities, olfaction is involved in the control of food intake. Olfactory cues can influence eating behaviors, yet the nutritional status and diet can also alter olfactory abilities. Patients with metabolic disorders present impaired olfactory sensitivity which could in turn worsen their eating behaviors.Here we examined the short-term impact of a Western diet enriched in fat and sugar (High Fat High Sugar, HFHS) on the anatomy and physiology of the olfactory epithelium of postn…
Short-term impact of a Western diet on the physiology of the peripheral olfactory system
CA-139: Impact précoce d'un régime gras et sucré sur la perception olfactive
Introduction L'odorat est un sens primordial pour guider les choix alimentaires. Certains patients diabetiques presentent une alteration de leurs capacites olfactives. De nombreuses interactions existent entre les hormones impliquees dans la regulation de l'homeostasie energetique et le systeme olfactif. Cependant, les consequences du diabete sur le systeme olfactif sont peu connues. Nous avons ici etudie les effets precoces d'un regime diabetogene enrichi en gras et sucre sur le systeme olfactif de souris. Materiels et Methodes Des souris mâles ont ete alimentees pendant 8 semaines avec un regime diabetogene enrichi en graisse et en sucre (HFHS). L'etat metabolique des animaux a ete caract…