Stefano Boca
L'altruismo tra scienze sociali e vita quotidiana
Stili di comunicazione, soddisfazione ed efficienza in gruppi di lavoro on line
Euristiche affettive e percezione del rischio nella scelta di una destinazione turistica
On the ideological consistency between right-wing authoritarianism and social domince orientation.
Abstract The authors argue that cross-national variation in the association between right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO) depends upon the degree to which political systems are organized along a single explicitly ideologically articulated left–right dimension. In societies where the political system is ideologized along a single dimension, RWA and SDO should be strongly positively correlated, and the magnitude of this association should be moderated by political identification. This hypothesis was tested in Italy, a society where the political system is highly ideologized, using analyses of concurrent data from student (N = 148) and community samples (N = …
Fuzzy gender categories: How emotional expression influences typicality *The authors would like to thank Fieke Harinck for her help in conducting Study 3 and an anonymous reviewer for his helpful suggestions.
Social categories are conceived of as broad classes in which some instances are better exemplars than others, and non-necessary features are assumed to modulate typicality. This research investigated how various emotional expressions impact on gender categorization. Two concurrent measures - response latencies and prototypicality judgments - were collected and compared in three experiments. The results showed that emotional expressions of any kind are highly relevant in modulating females' category membership, while they are of less relevance in making a male more or less prototypical. These findings provide new insights into the relation between gender and emotional expressions.
The functioning of social network in computer mediated communication
Empirically-derived subgroups of Facebook users and their association with personality characteristics: a Latent Class Analysis
Abstract In recent years, considerable research effort has been directed at the identification of relationships between psychological variables and Facebook usage indicators. However, the identification of homogeneous subgroups of individuals based on similar Facebook usage characteristics still presents a challenge. This study aims: (1) to empirically determine homogeneous groups of Facebook users based on variables regarding their personal experience on Facebook, by using a Latent Class Analysis; and (2) to examine the association between an individual's personality and interpersonal characteristics and the empirically-derived profiles of Facebook usage. Eight hundred and eleven Facebook …
The Effect of Perspective-Taking on Linguistic Intergroup Bias
In this experiment, we examined the effect of perspective-taking—actively contemplating others’ psychological experiences—on linguistic intergroup bias. We asked some participants to adopt the perspective of a character (an Italian or a Maghrebian), while others did not receive similar instructions, and complete a short dialogue comprised of a series of vignettes, resulting in a 2 (perspective-taking: presence vs. control) × 2 (group: ingroup vs. outgroup) between-participants design. We analyzed the texts produced on the basis of the linguistic category model. As expected, participants were more likely to describe the outgroup member using less abstract terms when we asked them to take th…
The effect of prosocial priming in the presence of bystanders.
This study investigated the influence of priming and bystander apathy on helping behavior. After priming prosociality through a scrambled sentences test, participants encountered a woman who dropped the books she was carrying. Helping behavior in bystander and no-bystander conditions was tested. The results showed that people in a prosocial-prime condition were more likely to help than people in a neutral-prime condition, and that the effect of priming persists even in the presence of bystanders.
L’e-learning per la didattica della psicologia sociale
Multilingualism and Ethnic Prejudice
Abstract. This study explored the relationship between the ability to talk to others in more than one language and ethnic prejudice, considering the quality and quantity of intergroup contact. A structural equation model analysis was carried out on a sample of 631 Italian citizens. The results showed that multilingualism led to an increase of acceptance of intergroup differences and positive attitudes toward Moroccans and that the quality (but not quantity) of intergroup contact-mediated those relationships. The mediating role of the quality of intergroup contact extends previous results on the relationship between multilingualism and positive attitudes toward ethnic out-groups. These find…
Automatic Influences of Priming on Prosocial Behavior
Literature on the automaticity of social behavior indicates that, in some circumstances, priming a concept automatically activates related behavioral schemas. Previous research studies have used priming techniques to increase willingness to help, but most of these have simply measured intention to engage in prosocial behavior rather than real helping behavior. Two different studies investigated the effect of priming the concept of prosocial behavior on real helping behavior. After priming prosociality through a scrambled sentences test, participants were shown to increase their donation rate after a direct request coming from an experimenter's confederate (Study 1) and to spontaneously help…
Minaccia indotta dallo stereotipo: contributi sperimentali
At the Roots of Product Placement: The Mere Exposure Effect
The present study aims to analyze the effect of product placement on attitude change and takes into consideration psychological models of the mere exposure effect. A sample of high school students watched an excerpt from two widely-distributed movies in which several products were shown by using the technique known as product placement. The results indicate that students who saw the commercial brand liked the products more than those who didn’t see it. This effect, in line with the literature on the product placement effect, seems to be independent from the recognition of the brand in the movie excerpt. This study also shows that, in the high involvement condition, one exposure is enough to…
Una misura breve del test multidimensionale dell’autostima di Bracken.
The Influence of an Enriched Sport Program on Children’s Sport Motivation in the School Context: The ESA PROGRAM
Purpose: Besides the evident positive effect on body development, physical activity has proven to boost executive functions, especially if the exercises are enriched with cognitive stimuli. Previous studies have shown that introducing challenging exercises in the physical activity routine can also enhance motivation. Therefore, enriching a physical education program with cognitively challenging exercises may also foster children’s motivation during physical education classes, where the motivation is high at the beginning of the school year and low at the end of it. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to test if a sport program enriched by cognitive stimuli may improve kids’ motivation o…
Il linguaggio della rete. Il Modello delle Categorie Linguistiche e i contesti del Web 2.0
Obiettivo del presente contributo è stato di analizzare gli stili comunicativi all'interno dei nuovi contesti del Web 2.0, mediante l'utilizzo del Modello delle categorie linguistiche. I risultati hanno evidenziato come strumenti diversi (blog, Facebook, Twitter) orientino e condizionino la comunicazione in modo differente, ed inoltre come il grado di astrazione linguistica sia scarsamente in relazione con la capacità di generare repliche e condivisioni per ogni messaggio.
Imprenditorialità ed aziende familiari
In Italia, le imprese familiari sembrano ancora essere saldamente il cuore pulsante dello sviluppo economico. Nel contesto degli studi dedicati al tema dell'imprenditorialità, la specificità espressa delle imprese familiari appare evidente, in particolare per quel che riguarda il tema del passaggio generazionale, vero punto debole di molte realtà del nostro Paese. Tale passaggio va ovviamente considerato bidirezionale, in quanto processo dinamico inserito in un contesto socio-economico in continua evoluzione: i processi psicologici implicati sono spesso considerati meno importanti delle procedure formali che vengono messe in atto nei momenti di passaggio, creando le condizioni per un peggio…
The prevalence of eating disorders in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis
This study examines the hypothesis of an association between adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and eating disorders (EDs). A population of young females affected by AIS has been interviewed for a possible diagnosis of EDs. The proportion of individuals with EDs resulted significantly larger than normative epidemiological data: Prevalences were 9.2% for anorexia nervosa (AN), 7.7% for bulimia nervosa (BN) and 5.3% for eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). The relationship between EDs and AIS was further tested through a second analysis. Severity of the rachides pathology was correlated with the presence of AN. Our study supports the hypothesis of a comorbidity between AIS and…
Stereotypes in Persuasive Communication: Influence Exerted by a Disapproved Source
The present paper examines how someone's use of stereotypes can exert influence over others’ judgments. In the 2 studies reported here, participants were presented with messages containing information provided by a source. In Study 1, the source was an in-group member. The messages were manipulated in a between-subjects design so that participants were either given stereotypical or counterstereotypical information. After being given a hint regarding the source's estimate, participants were asked to provide their own estimates about a number of points displayed on a computer screen. Results indicate that participants tended to use as an anchor the estimate provided by the source that made us…
Social stigma and self-esteem as mediators of the relationship between Body Mass Index and Internet addiction disorder. An exploratory study
The present study aimed at investigating the mediational effects of social stigma and self-esteem on the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Internet addiction disorder. A total of 413 participants aged between 18 and 26 years old (M = 20.94 SD = 2.95) were assessed with self-report standardized questionnaires exploring self-esteem (i.e. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale - RSES), Internet addiction (i.e. Young Internet Addiction Test- YIAT), and social-stigma (i.e. Perception of Teasing Scale - POT), and with objective measures related to BMI. Results showed a partial direct association between BMI and Internet addiction. Specifically, our mediation model revealed a good fit to data sh…
Dalla Computer Mediated Communication all'ergonomia sociale
Sport Against Violence and Exclusion
Il presente manuale è frutto di un’attenta analisi da parte di esperti del settore sportivo a livello internazionale (Austria, Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Croazia, Lituania, Serbia, Spagna). Esso rappresenta il punto di partenza per una riflessione profonda riguardo tematiche quali violenza ed esclusione sociale, in contesti sportivi e scolastici. Il suo intento è quello di essere una guida pratica per tecnici ed operatori che si trovano quotidianamente a formare ed educare i ragazzi sulla gestione delle relazioni all’interno del gruppo (sportivo e non), sulla presenza di fenomeni frequenti (ad es., il pregiudizio) e di eventuali conflitti. Inoltre, il manuale fornisce conoscenze aggiuntive per g…
L’ergonomia sociale
Il ruolo speciale degli aspetti sociali all’interno dei contesti di Comunicazione Mediata dal Computer è sempre più evidente. Lo scritto analizza come si giunge a una concettualizzazione dell’ergonomia sociale a partire da modelli teorici consolidati e da prospettive diverse, al fine di giungere a una proposta volta a ricercare la migliore progettazione dei sistemi formativi al fine di avere un apprendimento efficace.
Self-awareness, Perspective-taking, and Egocentrism
AbstractThe present experiment examined the effect of self-awareness on adult perspective-taking and egocentrism. After having indicated their own opinion on an ecology-related topic, university students estimated a fellow student’s opinion on the same matter. Participants did so either in front of a mirror or not, and either after having received a cue for the fellow student’s most probable opinion—his perspective—or not, resulting in a 2 (self-awareness: Low vs. high) × 2 (cue: Yes vs. no) between persons design. As expected, self-aware participants were more likely to correctly estimate the fellow student’s most probable opinion, reflecting perspective-taking, if a cue for his/her perspe…
An Evaluation of HCI and CMC in Information Systems within Highly Crowded Large Events
Pervasive systems are composed of a large variety of networked smart devices that supposedly enrich the environment they are deployed in. The access to services provided by a pervasive system should be as natural and “unconscious” as possible. In a large number of cases, the available interaction modality seems to be more oriented towards showing off technological wonders rather than to the actual usability of the interface. In this paper we evaluate and compare two different versions of an information provision system deployed in two editions of a large fair. In particular, we will focus on the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer-Mediated-Communication (CMC) points of view. The a…
Automatic Influences of Priming on Prosocial Behavior
Literature on the automaticity of social behavior indicates that in some circumstances, priming a concept automatically activates related behavioral schemas. Previous research studies have used priming techniques to increase willingness to help, but most of these have simply measured intention to engage in prosocial behavior rather than real helping behavior. Two different studies investigated the effect of priming the concept of prosocial behavior on real helping behavior. After priming prosociality through a scrambled sentences test, participants were shown to increase their donation rate after a direct request coming from an experimenter's confederate (study 1) and to spontaneously help …
Appartenenza etnica e stereotipi in Sicilia: l’influenza della minaccia indotta dallo stereotipo sulle prestazioni scolastiche e sull’autovalutazione dei bambini immigrati.
Il funzionamento psicosociale dei gruppi che interagiscono via web
Il funzionamento psicosociale dei gruppi che interagiscono attraverso forme di comunicazione mediata dal computer è l’oggetto della presente rassegna. Dopo avere brevemente illustrato le principali teorie formulate a riguardo, vengono evidenziate somiglianze e differenze tra le modalità di funzionamento di questo tipo di gruppi con i più tradizionali gruppi in cui l’interazione tra i membri avviene in presenza. Quest’analisi viene condotta separatamente per i principali ambiti di indagine della psicologia sociale dei gruppi: identità, norme, struttura e prestazioni. La rassegna si chiude illustrando i principali problemi aperti nello stato dell’arte di questo settore di ricerca.
The Effect of an enriched sport program on children's executive functions: the ESA program
Purpose: The effects of physical exercise on executive functions (EFs) are well documented. EFs are involved in daily activities, and their development determines the quality of people’s future life, both in terms of mental health and quality of life. The purpose of the current paper is to evaluate the effects of a physical education program, elaborated within the Enriched Sports Activity Program (ESA Program), an Erasmus + Project, on EFs, namely, visuospatial working memory, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, and task switching. Method: Data were collected on November 2017 (t1) and May 2018 (t2). At t1, a sample of 357 children from four European countries (Italy, Germany, Lithuan…
The Behavioural Assessment to improve School Environment (BASE) European Erasmus+ project responses to the European requirement of reforming the whole scholastic disciplinary system identifies in the proven US-born concept of the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) one possible solution, and tries to adapt its practical and evidence-based principles to the heterogeneous European school settings. Recently, scientific studies (Sugai, Horner, 2016) have emphasized the promising role of PBS in reducing the occurrence of behavioural problems by setting up a preventive, proactive and multilevel system based on the direct involvement of the entire school team: starting from teachers, school leaders u…
A field experiment on perspective taking, helping, and self awareness
The present field experiment examines the effect of self-awareness on adult perspective-taking and on prosocial behavior. University students at an Italian university were interviewed briefly on their campus, and for half of them self-awareness was induced by asking them to hold a mirror before their faces. In the same context they then had to choose between a postcard written in Italian and 1 written in English, to be sent to England. This led to a measure of perspective-taking, and their actual readiness to mail the postcard was taken as an index of prosocial or helping behavior. Both perspective-taking and helping behavior were boosted considerably by self-awareness.
The effect of perspective taking on the mediation process
Stefano Boca, Maria Garro, Isabella Giammusso, Costanza Scaffidi Abbate Department of Psychology, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy Background: Previous research demonstrated several benefits of strategic perspective taking in the field of intergroup relations and, more specifically, in the negotiation processes aimed at conflict resolution. The present study, which analyzes the effect of perspective taking and mediation in a conflict setting, corroborates the psychological models that hypothesize the positive effects of the assumption of the competitor’s perspective on having intergroup conflict and lessening of negative consequences. Materials and methods: After being involv…
Priming Effects on Commitment to Help and on Real Helping Behavior
Years of research on bystander apathy have demonstrated that the physical presence of others can reduce the tendency to help individuals needing assistance. Recent research on the implicit bystander effect has suggested that simply imagining the presence of others can lead to less helping behavior on a subsequent unrelated task. The present study was designed to contribute to previous findings on the implicit bystander effect by demonstrating these effects on commitment to help and on real helping behavior, rather than simply on intentions to help. Studies 1a and 1b demonstrate that merely priming participants with the construct of being in a group at Time 1 created significantly less commi…
‘You play like a Woman!’ Effects of gender stereotype threat on Women's performance in physical and sport activities: A meta-analysis
Abstract Objectives The purpose of this quantitative review was to provide an estimation of the effect of stereotype threat on women's performance in sport. Design This review employed a meta-analytic technique. Method a meta-analysis with random effects model was performed on 24 effects. Publication bias was tested through funnel plots and Egger's regression test. Results Findings show a symmetric distribution of effects, making it possible to conclude that no file-drawer problem affected the collected sample of effects. Aggregating the results of the reviewed studies, a medium effect of stereotype threat manipulation on women's sport performances emerged (d = 0.33). Collected studies were…
Appartenenza etnica e stereotipi in Sicilia: l’influenza indotta dallo stereotipo sulle prestazioni scolastiche e sull’autovalutazione dei bambini immigrati
The Mediational Role of Coping Strategies in the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Risk of Internet Addiction
The aim of the present study is to explore, through a mediation model, the relationship among self-esteem, coping strategies, and the risk of Internet addiction in a sample of 300 Italian university students. We submitted the data to a descriptive, mediational comparison between variables (t-test), and correlational statistical analyses. The results confirmed the effect of self-esteem on the risk of Internet addiction. However, we found that the introduction of coping strategies as a mediator gives rise to partial mediation. A low level of self-esteem is a predictor of avoidance-oriented coping that, in turn, affects the risk of Internet addiction.
A single bout of physical exercise does not affect young adults’ executive functions
Summary Study aim. The purpose of the current study is to determine the impact of single bouts of physical exercise of different duration and intensity on young adults’ executive functions. Material and methods. The study employed 81 participants (37 females, 44 males) ranging between 19 and 39 years (mean age: 24.6 ± 4.08 years; mean height: 168 ± 9.67 cm; mean weight: 67.2 ± 13.0 kg). The executive functions were assessed through the Stroop task, the Tower of London test, and the Corsi block test. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three experimental conditions (30-second Wingate test condition, an incremental intensity exercise test, and a submaximal constant-intensity tes…
Effetti di Priming sul comportamento d'aiuto
Previous research studies have used priming techniques to increase willingness to help, but most of these have simply measured intention to engage in prosocial behavior rather than real helping behavior. Two different studies investigated the effect of priming the concept of prosocial behavior on real helping behavior. After priming prosociality through a scrambled sentences test, participants were shown to increase their donation rate after a direct request coming from an experimenter's confederate (Study 1) and to spontaneously help to a greater extent a girl whose books had fallen on the floor (Study 2). The implications of this automatic behavior priming effect are discussed within the …
An Exploratory Analysis of Factors Associated with Health-Related Physical Fitness in Adolescents. The ASSO Project
Monitoring physical fitness (fitness) and identifying, since the beginning, possible determinants in youth could be useful to preserve health and avoid morbidities in adulthood. The main objective of this study is to provide details on the fitness levels of a sample of adolescents living in the Southern area of Italy and describe its associations with biological/genetic, socio-cultural/environmental, and lifestyle (physical activity/sedentariness, alcohol/smoking, meal patterns/habits) factors. The study was conducted within the Adolescence Surveillance System for Obesity Prevention (ASSO) project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health and examining adolescents&rsquo
Minacce all'autostima nelle relazioni intergruppi
L'e-learning 2.0 e i social network
Future Orientation and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Italian University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Resilience and the Perceived Threat of COVID-19
Several studies have already examined the psychological impact of COVID-19 on psychological well-being in samples of the general population. However, given the importance of future orientation for university students’ mental well-being, it is important to explore whether and how COVID-19 affected this vulnerable population. Therefore, the current study aims to investigate the protective role of future orientation and the mediating effect of resilience on negative emotional symptoms (anxiety and depression). An online questionnaire was administered to a sample of 244 non-infected Italian university students. The mediation analysis results indicated that resilience fully mediated the relation…
Willingness to Donate Organs After Death
Abstract: Background: Despite the growing number of organ transplants, there is still a significant difference between the number of donated organs and the number of people waiting for them. Knowing the reason people decide to donate is the first step to increasing organ donation rates. Aims: The main aim of the present study was to develop and validate a new scale for organ donation. Method: In three studies, 3,585 participants ranging in age between 14 and 89 years were selected through systematic random sampling. In the first study, we created a scale following the organ donation model theoretical framework and submitted the scale to exploratory factor analysis. In the second study, we …
Introduzione alla psicologia sociale
il volume contiene lo stato dell'arte della disciplina esposto in termini accessibili agli studenti. in particolare vengono trattati gli argomenti relativi alla percezione sociale, agli aspetti psicosociali del Sé, agli atteggiamenti, al pregiudizio e agli stereotipi, il conflitto intergruppi, l'influenza sociale, l'aggressività e l'altruismo
Il comportamento altruistico tra scienze sociali e vita quotidiana
La comunicazione sui social network. Una analisi mediante il modello delle categorie linguistiche
Introduzione L'avvento di Internet, ed in particolare dei Social Network Site e del Web 2.0, ha rivoluzionato le interazioni sociali tra gli individui nel corso dell'ultimo decennio. I blog, Facebook e Twitter sono i tre principali strumenti che hanno contribuito a trasformare il nostro modo di comunicare, sempre meno visto come un processo passivo, e sempre più orientato lungo la dimensione dell'interazione. Numerose sono infatti le ricerche che hanno analizzato il fenomeno del passaparola all'interno di questi contesti. Obiettivi e Metodi Obiettivo del presente studio è l'analisi delle comunicazioni all'interno dei contesti virtuali del Web 2.0. In particolare, sono stati raffrontati gli …
Scegliere una meta di viaggio: influenza delle euristiche affettive nella percezione del rischio.
Metodologia della ricerca psicosociale
Come si formula un’ipotesi di ricerca e quali caratteristiche deve possedere per poter essere sottoposta a verifica. Cosa vuol dire, per uno psicologo sociale, misurare una caratteristica osservabile e quali errori si possono commettere. Quali sono i mezzi di cui lo psicologo sociale dispone per scandagliare la realtà, dal disegno sperimentale ai disegni quasi sperimentali, all’approccio correlazionale e osservativo. Com’è strutturato il sistema delle pubblicazioni scientifiche psicosociali, come orientarsi al suo interno, in che modo utilizzarle come base di conoscenza per impostare una ricerca. Quali sono le norme deontologiche che devono guidare una ricerca di psicologia sociale. Il manu…
A Field Experiment on Perspective-Taking, Helping, and Self-Awareness
The present field experiment examines the effect of self-awareness on adult perspective-taking and on prosocial behavior. University students at an Italian university were interviewed briefly on their campus, and for half of them self-awareness was induced by asking them to hold a mirror before their faces. In the same context they then had to choose between a postcard written in Italian and 1 written in English, to be sent to England. This led to a measure of perspective-taking, and their actual readiness to mail the postcard was taken as an index of prosocial or helping behavior. Both perspective-taking and helping behavior were boosted considerably by self-awareness.
The serial mediation effects of body image-coping strategies and avatar-identification in the relationship between self-concept clarity and gaming disorder: A pilot study
Gaming disorder (GD) has been recognized as a mental health problem, resulting in adverse and psychosocial consequences. Although previous evidence suggests poorer self-concept clarity (SCC) and avatar identification are associated with GD, less is known about the mediating role of body-image coping strategies (appearance- fixing and avoidance, a form of escapism) in this relationship. A total of 214 Italian online gamers (64 % males) were anonymously recruited online by posting the survey link on social media gaming forums and other online sites. The participants’ ages ranged from 18 to 59 years (M = 24.07 years, SD = 5.19). The results of the correlational analysis showed that SCC was neg…
Modelli psicologici di helping behavior
Metodologia della ricerca psicologica: l'indagine sul comportamento umano
Lo scopo di questo volume è quello di mettere in grado anche coloro che si avvicinano per la prima volta alla metodologia della ricerca psicologica di trascendere dalle rigorose formule applicative e di saper fare a meno di ricette preformate. Nella ricerca scientifica ciò che è importante è avere chiaro il significato di ciò che si fa, interrogandosi sul ruolo che la scienza riveste nel campo della conoscenza e percependosi come attori creativi di un sapere in movimento, piuttosto che come esecutori passivi di sequenze fi sse che si basano su regole condivise. Benché questo libro fornisca un contributo che può defi nirsi “tecnico” nell’ambito della ricerca psicologica, non è nato per esser…
Il presente manuale è frutto di un’attenta analisi da parte di esperti del settore sportivo a livello internazionale (Austria, Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Croazia, Lituania, Serbia, Spagna). Esso rappresenta il punto di partenza per una riflessione profonda riguardo tematiche quali violenza ed esclusione sociale, in contesti sportivi e scolastici. Il suo intento è quello di essere una guida pratica per tecnici ed operatori che si trovano quotidianamente a formare ed educare i ragazzi sulla gestione delle relazioni all’interno del gruppo (sportivo e non), sulla presenza di fenomeni frequenti (ad es., il pregiudizio) e di eventuali conflitti. Inoltre, il manuale fornisce conoscenze aggiuntive per g…
Introduzione. Le imprese familiari sono i maggiori contributori allo sviluppo economico, alla crescita in tutte le economie mondiali. Diversi studi sulle imprese familiari riportano risultati ricchi di contraddizioni, di certo, una delle peculiarità delle imprese familiari riguarda la sovrapposizione tra le istituzioni “famiglia” e “impresa”. Alcuni studi mostrano che essere lavoratore e membro della famiglia al contempo, può configurarsi come punto di forza o di debolezza, può inasprire la percezione delle domande lavorative oppure rappresentare una risorsa, soprattutto in termini di supporto sociale. Obiettivi e Metodi. Il presente studio si propone di esplorare le percezioni delle caratt…