Barbara Cappuzzo
"Il proposito principale di questa Opera è quello di fornire una fonte di informazioni per aiutare l’uomo ad avere cura di sé e a raggiungere l’integrazione della sua personalità, e, infine, for- mare una società sana, etica e coerente. Questa Opera mira anche ad illuminare gli studenti di Yoga, impegnati in vari corsi universitari, riguardo alle fonti di letteratura a disposizione sull’argomento, e ad aiutarli fornendo loro le conoscenze di cui hanno bisogno nel percorso di crescita formativa. Sebbene i capitoli di questa Opera presentino finalità specifiche proprie, essi si completano gli uni con gli altri." Tradurre e scrivere sono processi mentali e linguistici diversi, sebbene le due a…
Accuracy and Transparency in Medical English Terminology. A Focus on Suffixes, with Particular Reference to the Use of -itis
The prominent position of English in medical research makes term accuracy a very important feature in the successful transmission of meanings. Accuracy refers to the correctness of a term; it represents a very important feature of medical communication together with other principles, such as transparency. The latter is the possibility of immediately decoding the meaning of a term through an analysis of its surface form. Transparency does not always overlap with accuracy. In this respect, medical English terminology shows terms that, despite being transparent, are not used with the meaning an analysis of their form would suggest but are referred to different concepts. Starting from Tanchev’s…
Eponyms or Descriptive Equivalent Terms? The Question of Scientific Accuracy in Medical Discourse
A large part of medical lexicon is made up of eponymous terms. These have often been an object of debate and disagreement among specialists and linguists. More precisely, some claim that eponyms should be maintained, while others are inclined to substitute them with descriptive equivalent terms. The aim of this work is to highlight the importance of linguistic accuracy in medical communication through the analysis of the main advantages and disadvantages involved in both the use of eponyms and descriptive terms. The work is divided into four main parts. The first part provides a classification of the various types of medical eponyms, according to the types of names they can include. The sec…
Virtual Medical Communication in English. A Corpus-based Analysis of Inclusive we, us and our in the Intercultural Clinical Blog
Blogs play a very important role in web-based communication as they represent ever-increasing worldwide tools in both everyday and professional interaction (Crystal 2007; Herring 1996, 2007). Similarly to all writers in general, bloggers use persuasive techniques to attract readers’ attention and make them share their points of views and opinions. The use of inclusive pronouns and possessives fulfils pragmatic persuasive functions. The aim of this work was to investigate how the first-person plural personal pronouns we and us and the first-person plural possessive adjective our were used in an intercultural blog in the medical field, namely Clinical blog, of the British Medical Journal (BMJ…
Medical Academic Speech. A Corpus-based Investigation of Same-Speaker Most Frequent Content Key Word Repetition in Non-Native English Discourse
Studies on repetition in ELF interactions have been carried out in several domains, but medical academic discourse still remains under-researched. This paper explores same-speaker repetition in a 31,153-word corpus of lectures included in the 100,135-word medical section of the 1 million-word ELFA (English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings) corpus. More specifi cally, the corpus was searched for the most frequent same-speaker content key word repetition and corresponding functions, with both immediate and delayed repetition being scrutinized. The results confi rmed the initial hypothesis according to which same-speaker repetition was expected to be pervasive in the data, not only as a…
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terms into English. Linguistic Considerations on the Language of TCM
The growing diffusion of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) in the Western world on the one hand, and the major role of English as the language of scientific communication and international exchange on the other, have led to the need for accuracy and standardization in the English terminology of Chinese medical concepts. The complexity of Chinese medical language, not only due to the innumerable quantity of ideograms1, but above all to their correct interpretation and to the philosophical foundations which TCM is based upon, has raised several debates among linguists, translators and physicians. One of the main issues concerns the approach to be adopted in the translation of Chinese terms i…
Anglicisms and Italian Equivalents in the Era of Covid-19: A Corpus-Based Study of Lockdown
The whole globe has been going through an unprecedented historical moment since World War II. COVID-19, the disease against which we have all been trying to defend ourselves for several months now, has spread worldwide with a significant impact in all spheres of life. With the pandemic outburst and English the language of globalization, several Anglicisms have entered the lexicon of other languages, especially Italian, traditionally open to foreign words. COVID-19-related Anglicisms are used in Italian to such an extent that we can reasonably refer to them as the ‘language of pandemic’. The English words and expressions employed in Italian to refer to the current disease are numerous. Some …
Patterns of Use of English Synonymous Medical Terms: the Case of Disease and Illness. A Corpus-Based Study
It often happens that terms defined by dictionaries as synonyms have different patterns of use. An example of this phenomenon is represented by the terminological pair disease/illness in medical discourse. The behaviour of these commonly used terms will be an object of discussion in this study. The work is divided into two main sections. The first part takes into account the information included in conventional dictionaries, both bilingual and monolingual, generic and specialized, in order to see if the terms in question are described as perfectly interchangeable or as having different uses depending on the context. Some dictionaries highlight the use, both specific and generic, respectivel…
The Importance of Multilingual Information and Plain English in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Health is a common issue for all human beings. As a consequence, everyone in the world has in some way to cope with the language of medicine. This is true now more than ever due to the global health crisis caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic, which has introduced a great amount of terms, previously mostly used by epidemiologists and statisticians, but which now have entered the daily lexicon of many languages. As the medium of international scientific communication, English is the language of worldwide information about the pandemic, and the main source of terms and expressions for other languages. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on English lexicon has been so deep that the Oxford E…
Calques and Loanwords from English in Italian Specialized Press. An Investigation on the Names of Sports.
Within specialized discourse in the Italian language sports journalism communication is certainly one of the richest in anglicisms. This study investigates the influence of English on Italian sports newspaper lexicon with particular reference to the denominations of sports disciplines which are loanwords and calques from English. The corpus studied is made up of the three main Italian sports dailies - “La Gazzetta dello Sport”, the “Corriere dello Sport” and “Tuttosport” - which have been observed in their on line version through the second sixth-month period of 2006. The attention will be focused on the terminological aspects of Italian sports language with respect to: types of borrowings …
Medical English textbooks for Italian university students. Do they meet the Miur educational instructions about scientific English learning? Three works under investigation
The ever increasing diffusion of English as the language of communication and scientific literature worldwide has made EMP (English for Medical Purposes) learning an integral part of medical students’ syllabuses. In medical English courses, teachers generally make use of textbooks which through a variety of activities usually involve all linguistic skills and provide students with the necessary means to communicate effectively and properly in their professional field. If we agree that a basic knowledge of general English should be assumed when undertaking any EMP course, then it follows that this specialist learning requires familiarity with a) specialised lexis and b) the morphosyntactic s…
Medical English Translation into Italian. The Case of Netter's Work
Of the various specialized languages, that of the medical sciences undergoes, perhaps, the fastest changes. Medical innovations, whether new drugs or devices, therapies or advanced technologies, are quickly shared at a global level. For this reason, there is constant activity of medical translation. The latter is generally associated with the concept of terminological accuracy. However, if lexical precision is a fundamental feature in medical discourse, a good translation is also the result of compliance with the stylistic and syntactical rules that are typical of the language of medicine in the target language (TL). This paper investigates the linguistic characteristics of a 151,121-word c…
Aspetti del lessico specialistico medico: italiano e inglese a confronto
Dei diversi linguaggi specialistici, ciascuno dei quali ha caratteristiche proprie si è prescelto per questo studio, quello della comunicazione medica della quale si osserveranno, in una prospettiva essenzialmente comparatistica, taluni importanti aspetti, il più delle volte terminologici.
Prefazione alla versione italiana
Tradurre e scrivere sono processi mentali e linguistici estremamente diversi, sebbene le due attività richiedano entrambe conoscenze, impegno e dedizione. Scrivere significa portare alla luce concetti e significati nuovi, mentre tradurre significa trasportare concetti e significati già scritti, da una lingua ad un’altra. Quando abbiamo pensato di intraprendere un progetto di ricerca e di studio quale è una traduzione, ci siamo chieste cosa ci sarebbe piaciuto tradurre e ci siamo imbattute nel testo Formare allo Yoga contemporaneo: trasformare il corpo, la mente e l’anima. Io, Barbara, in quanto docente di inglese nel Corso di Studi in Scienze Motorie dell’Università di Palermo, e io, Franca…
Tradurre lo Yoga
Il presente articolo descrive in maniera dettagliata il lavoro svolto e le tecniche traduttive utilizzate per tradurre dall’inglese all’italiano il testo Contemporary Yoga Education: Transforming the Body, Mind and Soul. In particolare, è stata applicata la teoria della ‘naturalizzazione’, in cui il processo traduttivo non viene visto come un mero passaggio dalla lingua di partenza alla lingua di arrivo, ma come un meccanismo più ampio in cui la lingua di partenza su- bisce una trasformazione per adattarsi alla lingua di arrivo e la lingua di arrivo, a sua volta, va incontro a cambiamenti per accogliere e incorporare, attraverso le proprie risorse, quelle cioè sue naturali, la lingua di par…
Medical English in Italian University Courses in Sports Sciences: Some Issues in Focus
Over the last few decades, the increasingly rapid progress of medical science and technology, together with the growing importance of English as the language of international communication, has made the study of medical English a crucial segment in the curriculum of medical undergraduates. In Italy, medical topics are studied not only in medical degree courses but also in those of sports sciences. This paper focuses attention on some medical English-related issues in sports sciences degree courses in Italian universities. More precisely, the work is divided into four main parts. The first part raises the terminological question concerning the denomination of the discipline “lingua inglese”/…
Using Parallel Corpora for Translation Activities in L2 Medical English Undergraduate Teaching, with Specific Reference to Italian Sports Sciences Courses
English is the international language of science and, as such, it is also the international language of medicine. L2 English undergraduates do not generally have particular difficulties in translating from English into their mother tongue; by contrast, they do not perform very well when asked to translate into English. The aim of this report is to show the results of a study obtained by using parallel corpora in scientific English classes in the Italian sports sciences study course of the University of Palermo. The students were provided with a corpus of English texts taken from a well-known medical text with pedagogical purposes, and their corresponding Italian translations, which were car…
Il linguaggio informatico inglese e italiano: considerazioni su alcuni aspetti lessicali dal confronto tra le due lingue.
Nel corso di quest'ultimo ventennio lo studio dei linguaggi specialistici ha ricevuto un'attenzione sempre maggiore, parallelamente alla rapida espansione della letteratura tecnico-scientifica in diversi campi del sapere. Uno degli ambiti specialistici in costante evoluzione è senza dubbio quello informatico. Proprio la terminologia connessa con lo sviluppo di questo specifico settore sarà qui assunta a oggetto di analisi e di riflessione. Più precisamente, taluni aspetti terminologici del linguaggio informatico inglese verranno messi a confronto con i corrispondenti aspetti del linguaggio informatico italiano così che emergano sia certi tratti peculiari dell'uno e dell'altro, sia rilevanti…