Raffaella Finocchiaro

Indagine preliminare sul polimorfismo lattoproteico in diverse popolazioni caprine allevate in Sicilia.

La consistenza del patrimonio caprino in Italia ha subito negliiltimi anni un aumento considerevole. Significativo è stato l’incremento del 6,6% della produzione di latte tra il 2000 e il 2002. Il recente sviluppo dell’allevamento caprino è dovuto in gran parte al crescente interesse dei consumatoru sia verso i prodotti caseari tipici sia verso il consumo diretto del latte. Le caseina caprine sono caratterizzate da un elevato polimorfismo genetico, sia a livello qualitativo che quantitativo, diventato oggetto di un generale interesse scientifico per le importanti relazioni con la qualità e le caratteristiche nutrizionali e tecnologiche del latte. Il patrimonio caprino siciliano è rappresent…

research product

Chromosomal assignment of the ovine hairless (hr) gene by fluorescence in situ hybridization.

Congenital hypotrichosis in mammalian species consists of partial or complete absence of a hair coat at birth. Affected individuals having a partial hair coat at birth may loose it subsequently.The aim of this paper was to physically map the ovine hr gene using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).A preliminary study on an internet data bank (http://www.informatics.jax.org) showed that the regions of the hr gene on murine chromosome 14 and human chromosome 8 present homology with ovine chromosome 2.

research product

Initial allele frequencies for the prp gene of Valle del Belice pilot farms

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Effect of heat stress on production of Mediterranean dairy sheep.

A study on heat stress in Mediterranean dairy sheep was undertaken with the objective to examine the relationship between milk production and heat stress, to estimate the additive genetic variances of milk production traits and heat tolerance, and to investigate the possibility of future selection for increased heat tolerance. Production data included 59,661 test-day records belonging to 6624 lactations of 4428 lactating ewes from 17 flocks collected from 1994 through 2003. The traits investigated were daily milk yield, fat and protein percentage, and daily yield of fat-plus-protein. The pedigree file consisted of 5306 animals; in addition to the 4428 animals with records, 188 male and 690 …

research product

Missense and nonsense mutations in melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene of different goat breeds: association with red and black coat colour phenotypes but with unexpected evidences

Abstract Background Agouti and Extension loci control the relative amount of eumelanin and pheomelanin production in melanocytes that, in turn, affects pigmentation of skin and hair. The Extension locus encodes the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) whose permanent activation, caused by functional mutations, results in black coat colour, whereas other inactivating mutations cause red coat colour in different mammals. Results The whole coding region of the MC1R gene was sequenced in goats of six different breeds showing different coat colours (Girgentana, white cream with usually small red spots in the face; Maltese, white with black cheeks and ears; Derivata di Siria, solid red; Murciano-Granad…

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Energy intake effects at pasture on milk production and coagulation properties in girgentana goats with different as1-cn genotypes

The aim of this study was to investigate whether proerties of milk from Girgentana goats of different as1-CN genotypes were affected by the energy intake at pasture. Thirty six goats were genotyped at as1-CN locus using several genomic techniques and milk protein analysis. Eight genotypes associted with low (FF, 2 goats), medium (AF, AN, BF, BN, 21 goats) and high (AA, AB, BB, 13 goats) as1-CN level have beed typed. The increase in energy intake (E) of goats from low (2.0 Mcal/d) corresponded to an increasing dry matter intake, diet CP percentage, milk yield and clotting parameters, and a reduction in milk fat. Depending on genotypes linked to increasign as1-CN, milk was higher in casein, c…

research product

Haplotypes of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in casein loci of Girgentana goats explain isoelectrofocusing results.

Goat milk, cheese and yoghurt offer an alternative to cow milk products. In Sicily one of the important goat breeds reared is the Girgentana. Traditionally the milk from Girgentana goats was used for nourishment of infants and elderly. Recently, the Girgentana breed has been in decline. This of concern, as the Girgentana may carry unique milk protein genetic variants. If health benefits of Girgentana goat milk is proven, then increasing production from this population will be of great interest. The most abundant proteins in goat milk, as in other milks, are the caseins, αS1-, β-, αS2- and κ-casein, coded by the loci CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN1S2 and CSN3 respectively. In other goat breeds, the casei…

research product

Analysis of the melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) gene in Sicilian goat breeds

AbstractMammalian coat colour is mainly determined by the distribution of two different types of melanins: pheomelanin (red/yellow pigments) and eumelanin (black pigments). Their synthesis is regulated by the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R/Extension locus) that binds the α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) and the agouti signalling protein (ASIP, coded by the Agouti locus). In mammals, several studies have reported that loss-of-function mutations in MC1R lead to red/yellow pigmentation, while gain-of-function mutations lead to black/dark colours. Mutations at the Agouti locus exert, in general, epistatic interactions on the Extension locus. In goats, classical genetic studies have indic…

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Effect of heat stress on production in Mediterranean dairy sheep

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Test-Day Model Heritabilities for somatic cvell score and production traits in primiparous Valle del Belice sheep

A repeatability test-day animal model was used to investigate heritabilities of somatic cell score (SCS) and milk production traits in Valle del Belice sheep. The heritability estimate for SCS falls within the range reported in literature (0.14±0.03), while estimates for milk production and composition traits were below those obtained by others, 0.12±0.03, 0.09±0.02, 0.14±0.03, 0.14±0.03, and 0.12±0.03, respectively, for milk yield, fat %, fat yield, protein %, and protein yield. Flock-test-day had a substantial effect on milk production traits but not on SCS. These results provide the basic parameters required for discussion of selection strategies and objectives in Valle del Belice sheep.

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Effect of weather conditions on somatic cell score in Sicilian Valle del Belice ewes

Mastitis susceptibility of Valle del Belice ewes from the south of Sicily to temperature, humidity, precipitation, solar radiation, sun hours, air pressure, wind-speed and wind-direction measured by a public weather station was investigated using 65,848 test-day somatic cell score (SCS) records of 5,237 ewes. All weather parameters had an effect on SCS in a regression approach. Extreme values of maximum and minimum temperaturehumidity indices resulted in increased SCS. Higher precipitation, solar radiation and sun hours resulted in increased SCS, whereas higher air pressure and wind speed resulted in reduced SCS.

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Pedigree verification with multiple candidate parents using Pedverif software

Species like sheep and beef cattle are commonly raised in large herds and often on pasture with multiple sires joining the females for unrecorded natural insemination. This leads to offspring with multiple candidate parents and therefore uncertain parentage. Twins or triplets can be from multiple sires as well. Pedigrees from such populations are often problematic and need proper verification. The Pedverif computer program is able to verify normal pedigrees as well as pedigrees with multiple candidate parents.

research product

Beta-lactoglobulin polymorphism in Girgentana goat breed

Beta-lactoglobulin (b-lg) is a globular protein belonging to the lipocalin family. It is the major whey protein in the milk of ruminants. It is also present in the milk of most mammals but is lacking in rodents, lagomorphs and humans. A large number of variants have been reported for cow and sheep milk. Several studies have shown association between b-lg variants and milk production and composition, even if the results are not always concordant. In goat, no b-lg variants related with amino acid change have been characterized at DNA level, but some authors described the presence of polymorphisms in the 3’UTR and in the proximal promoter region. Mutations in the promoter region could be those…

research product

Mutations of the MC1R gene in Sicilian goat breeds, relationships with coat colours and perspectives for their use in breed traceability systems of goat products

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Parentage assignement-its relationships with heterozigosity and molecular coancestry

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La Messinese risorsa autoctona tutta siciliana

Scopo del presente lavoro è la presentazione della situazione attuale e delle prospettive future di sviluppo e valorizzazione della capra Messinese, che tra le popolazioni autoctone siciliane, presenta buone caratteristiche produttive. La capra Messinese è largamente diffusa nella zone dei monti Nebrodi dove prevale l’allevamento brado. Il fabbisogno alimentare è dato da pascoli naturali con integrazione di fave e fieno polifita. La mungitura è manuale. La stagione di monta ha inizio a giugno quando i becchi vengono immessi nelle greggi. Dal punto di vista fenotipico, gli individui mostrano un mantello che nella maggior parte dei casi è nero ma può anche presentarsi grigio, marrone e rossic…

research product

Effect of the PRP gene on milk production in Valle del belice sheep

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Demographic characterization and genetic variability of the Girgentana goat breed by the analysis of genealogical data

The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the actual Sicilian Girgentana population structure by the analysis ofgenealogical data. Statistics show that in 1983 the population consisted of 30,000 Girgentana goats; ten years lateralmost 98% of the entire Girgentana population disappeared. The remaining population consists of 461 individuals (134males and 327 females), with 368 living animals. The effective population size is 380 individuals. The inbreeding rate pergeneration was equal to 0.13%. The average estimated inbreeding level within the living male population was equal to0.8% (0-15%); and the average inbreeding level within the living female population was equal to 0.7% (0-31%…

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Comparison of PrP allele frequencies of non-infected Valle del Belice and infected cross-breed dairy sheep flocks

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Genetic parameters for early lamb survival and growth in Scottish Blackface sheep1

The objectives of this study were 1) to estimate the heritability of lamb survival and growth in the Scottish Blackface breed; 2) to examine the relationship between lamb survival and live BW; and 3) to investigate the possibility of using lamb survival in a breeding program for this breed. The data used for the analyses contained information about survival and live BW at different ages on 4,459 animals. The records were collected from 1988 to 2003 in a Scottish Blackface flock. Live BW was recorded every 4 wk from birth to 24 wk. Survival was defined either by perinatal or postnatal mortality (up to weaning at 12 wk), or as cumulative survival to 1, 4, 8, and 12 wk. The pedigree file compr…

research product

Genetic parameters for early lamb survival and growth in Scottish Blackface sheep.

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Prion protein gene frequencies in three Sicilian dairy sheep populations

The objective of this paper was to investigate the prion protein (PrP) genotype and haplotype frequencies in three Sicilian dairy sheep populations. The three populations were: (1) 1096 Valle del Belice animals, (2) 1143 Comisana animals, and (3) 1771 individuals from 5 flocks with scrapie outbreaks, in which the animals were crossbreds derived from indigenous Sicilian dairy breeds. PrP genotypes are described for the three codons 136 (Alanine or Valine; A, V), 154 (Histidine or Arginine; H, R), and 171 (Glutamine, Arginine or Histidine; Q, R, H) which represent polymorphisms known to be linked with scrapie susceptibility. The Valle del Belice haplotype frequencies were 32.3% ARR, 6.5% AHQ,…

research product

Evaluation of in-farm versus weather station data for use as heat stress indicator in dairy sheep

AbstractHeat stress is a limiting factor in dairy production in hot climates impairing growth, milk production and reproduction. The most widely investigated climatic factors related with heat stress are: air temperature and relative humidity. Previously dairy sheep studies of heat tolerance depended on measurements of physiological functions on individual animals such as rectal temperatures, respiration rates or volumes of air inhaled; unfortunately, such measurements are costly and not feasible on a large scale. This study aims to evaluate in-farm (IF) versus weather station (WS) data to be used as heat stress indicator in dairy sheep. Data were collected in three farms in November 2002 t…

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Comparison of selection criteria for milk yield traits of Valle del Belice dairy sheep.

Abstract The objectives of this work were to investigate alternative selection criteria for milk yield traits in the Valle del Belice sheep breed, which are either corrected for lactation length or not affected by lactation length, to estimate genetic parameters for these alternative selection criteria and to compare the estimated breeding values. The genetic correlations show that corrected milk yield (CMY), maximum test-day yield (MTY) and milk yield at hundred days (MYH), are moderately or weakly correlated with lactation length (LL) ( r g  = 0.58, 0.16 and 0.39, respectively). Higher genetic correlation was found between total milk yield (TMY) and LL ( r g  = 0.73). Rank correlations be…

research product

Effect of heat stress on production in Mediterranean dairy sheep

European Mediterranean countries are characterized by exposure to considerable heat between three and six months annually. High ambient temperature, solar radiation, wind speed and relative humidity, cause the effective temperature of the environment to be above the thermo-neutral zone of the animals (5 to 25ºC; McDowell, 1972) and therefore heat stress occurs (Bianca, 1962).

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Stima delle componenti della (co)varianza per il contenuto in cellule somatiche (CCS) in pecore di razza Valle del Belice

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Genetic and protein polymorphism at CSN1S1 locus in two goat breeds.

Genetic polymorphisms of casein have received a considerable research effort for many years because of its potential effect on milk composition. Milk composition, specifically protein content, differs quantitatively and qualitatively among species and also among breeds and individuals. Sicilian goat breeds seem to be an interesting model since they have never been under a selection program, and therefore may carry unique casein polymorphisms. Moreover, the importance of goat milk in infant diets is growing probably because goat milk in some cases is less allergenic than cow milk. It is important to evaluate the genetic polymorphisms at the CSN1S1 locus in the populations of interest, like t…

research product

Chromosomal assignment of the ovine hairless (hr) gene by fluorescence insitu hybridization

Finocchiaro, F., Castiglioni, B., Budelli, E., van Kaam, J.B.C.H.M., Portolano, B., Caroli, A., Pagnacco, G. 2008.Chromosomal assignment of the ovine hairless (hr) gene by fluorescence in situ hybridization *Hereditas 145: 258 261.Lund, Sweden. eISSN 1601-5223. Received February 25, 2008. Accepted May 26, 2008E-mail: raffaellafinocchiaro@anafi.it

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Mastitis susceptibility in Valle del belice ewes related to weather conditions

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Time-to-event analysis of mastitis at first-lactation in Valle del Belice ewes

A time-to-event study for mastitis at first-lactation in Valle del Belice ewes was conducted, using survival analysis with an animal model. The goals were to evaluate the effect of lambing season and level of milk production on the time from lambing to the day when a ewe experienced a test-day with a recorded SCC greater than or equal to 750,000 cells/ml, and to estimate, for this trait, its heritability and the percentage of variation explained by the flock-year of lambing effect. A dataset with 2468 first-lactation records, collected from 1998 to 2003 in Valle del Belice ewes allocated in 17 flocks, was used. The Cox model used included lambing season and total milk yield adjusted for lac…

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PrP allele frequencies in non-infected Valle del Belice and infected cross-bred flocks

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Genetic analysis of early lamb survival in extensively reared lambs

In sheep production, lamb survival is an important economic trait (Conington et al., 2004). Therefore, this trait has been studied by many scientists, especially in countries with an extensive husbandry system. In the United Kingdom, the number of lambs dying before weaning has been estimated ranging from 5 to 40% (Eales et al., 1983).

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Phylogenetic analysis of Sicilian goats reveals a new mtDNA lineage.

The mitochondrial hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) sequence of 67 goats belonging to the Girgentana, Maltese and Derivata di Siria breeds was partially sequenced in order to present the first phylogenetic characterization of Sicilian goat breeds. These sequences were compared with published sequences of Indian and Pakistani domestic goats and wild goats. Mitochondrial lineage A was observed in most of the Sicilian goats. However, three Girgentana haplotypes were highly divergent from the Capra hircus clade, indicating that a new mtDNA lineage in domestic goats was found.

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La messinese una risorsa autoctona tutta siciliana

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Genetic and Environmental components of susceptibility to heat stress in mediterranean dairy sheep

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Comparison of casein haplotypes between two geographically distant European dairy goat breeds.

The aim of this paper was to characterize the diversity among haplotypes based on 22 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and one deletion within four casein genes in two geographically distant goat populations, the Sicilian Girgentana breed and the Norwegian goat breed. Forty Girgentana goats were genotyped for the aforementioned polymorphisms and the resulting data set was compared with 436 goats from the Norwegian population previously genotyped for these markers. Several casein gene polymorphisms were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium either in Girgentana, or in the Norwegian breed. The SNP haplotype frequencies for the four casein genes were calculated and despite the large geographi…

research product

GeneticParameters for Milk Somatic Cell Score and Relationships with Production Traits in Primparous Dairy Sheep

A total of 13,066 first-lactation test-day records of 2,277 Valle del Belice ewes from 17 flocks were used to estimate genetic parameters for somatic cell scores (SCS) and milk production traits, using a repeatability test-day animal model. Heritability estimates were low and ranged from 0.09 to 0.14 for milk, fat, and protein yields, and contents. For SCS, the heritability of 0.14 was relatively high. The repeatabilities were moderate and ranged from 0.29 to 0.47 for milk production traits. The repeatability for SCS was 0.36. Flock-test-day explained a large proportion of the variation for milk production traits, but it did not have a big effect on SCS. The genetic correlations of fat and …

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