J. Navarro Muñoz
Tarsal coalitions as a cause of pain in the foot of children: Therapeutic options
Background and objective: The tarsal coalition can be a cause of mid-hindfoot pain in older children. The objective is to analyze the types of coalition treated in our hospital from 2010 to 2019 as well as the treatment carried out. Material and method: Observational, descriptive and retrospective study of 18 patients with tarsal coalition, 8 women and 10 men, aged 11.9±2.6 years. Epidemiological data, clinical findings and imaging tests, and treatment performed were collected. Results: Twenty-five feet (38.8% bilateral) were reviewed. The main symptom was pain. Sixty-four percent were associated with flat-valgus foot. Fifty-two percent were located in the calcaneal-scaphoid joint, and 40% …
Las coaliciones tarsianas como causa de dolor en el pie infantil: opciones terapéuticas
Resumen Antecedentes y objetivo La coalicion tarsiana puede ser causa de dolor de medio-retropie en ninos mayores. El objetivo es analizar los tipos de coalicion tratados en nuestro centro hospitalario de 2010 a 2019 asi como el tratamiento realizado. Material y metodo Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo de 18 pacientes con coalicion tarsiana, 8 mujeres y 10 hombres, de 11,9 ± 2,6 anos de edad. Se recogieron datos epidemiologicos, hallazgos clinicos y de pruebas de imagen y tratamiento realizado. Resultados Se revisaron 25 pies (38,8% bilaterales). El principal sintoma fue el dolor. Un 64% se asociaba a pie plano-valgo. El 52% se localizaba en la articulacion calcaneo-escafoi…
Osteoporosis en alcoholismo crónico : un problema infravalorado. Incidencia y complicaciones de las fracturas en el paciente alcohólico
Main goal. To estimate the incidence of pathologic fractures and associated complications in patients in follow-up for moderate to severe chronic alcoholism by the Unidad de Conductas Adictivas (UCA) of our health area. To highlight the importance of recognizing osteoporosis in patients with chronic alcoholism in order to establish strategies for prevention of both primary and secondary fractures. Material and methods. Retrospective analysis of patients in follow-up for chronic alcoholism by the UCA between 2014 and 2018 that required assessment by the Orthopedics Unit for fractures during that period, excluding fractures in the context of politraumatism. In addition, the complications deri…