Giuseppe Agnello

Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis associated with risperidone: case report

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Malignant colorectal obstruction. Palliative endoscopic treatment with self-expanding metallic stents

The Authors report their experience in the palliative management of malignant colorectal obstruction. Between June 2000 and April 2003 sixteen patients (11 men and 5 women, age range 63-82) were found suffering from malignant colorectal obstruction. In these patients it was not possible to perform definitive surgical treatment because of the old age, advanced neoplastic disease and poor health condition, colostomy was the only therapeutic option. Endoscopic self-expanding stents placement was performed as a definitive palliative method to treat colorectal obstructions caused by advanced and unresectable tumours. This procedure was performed under endoscopic and fluoroscopic control and neit…

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protesi coliche in casi di occlusione intestinale.Il rationale alla luce della nostra esperienza

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trattamento sequenziale endoscopia-chirurgia in casi di calcolosi colecisto-coledocica.Utilità del drenaggio nasobiliare

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Digital ulcer, Raynaud phenomenon and osteomyelitis of the fifth finger in patient with systemic sclerosis: personal experience

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Myotomy of cricopharungeal muscle in the therapy of dyskinesia of upper esophageal sphincter: personal experience

Dyskinesia of the esophagus includes the entire esophagus from the upper esophageal sphincter to the lower esophageal sphinc - ter together with a wide spectrum of physi - opathological and clinical variations. Related to functional diseases such as Dyskinesia of UES (Upper Esophageal Sphincter), myo- tomy is an excellent procedure for patients with cervical dysphagia. In our experience, the surgical treatment is the only procedure to treat UES dyskinesia. For a successful in - tervention is mandatory: a pharyngeal pump efficiency, hypertension of UES and conservation of esophageal peristalsis in the absence of GERD (Gatroesophageal Reflux Disease). From January 2006 to December 2011, the A…

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gli autori riortano il caso di una donna obesa affetta da cistoadenoma mucinoso gigante dell'ovaio. nonostante la presenza di una massa addominale voluminosa, la paziente non accusava sintomatologia degna di rilievo.

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Detection and clinical relevance of free-circulating tumor DNA in blood of patients with colorectal cancer

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A3 mutational analysis of BRCA1 gene in sicilian patients at rik fpr inherited breast and/or ovarian cancer:experience of reference center for the biomolecular characterization of neoplasms and genetic screening of hereditary tumors

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Clinical and imaging findings of rare symptomatic giant killian-jamieson diverticulum (KJD)

Describe the clinical and imaging findings of rare symptomatic giant Killian-Jamieson diverticulum (KJD) detected in a 97 year old female patient and discuss diagnostic and therapeutic protocols to be implemented. Methods. The clinical history began implementing anamnesis and physical examination, followed by laryngoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, sonographic examination and subsequently a double-contrast pharyngoesophagram evaluations, to our symptomatic old patient with results of typically KJD, with maximal dimension of 5 cm. The KJD was successfully treated with a surgical approach, esophagomyotomy in addition to a diverticulopexy; these techniques were used for adequate visualizatio…

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la colangiografia i.o.in corso di colecistectomia VLP nella nostra esperinza

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Analysis of Ki-Ras mutations in stage I rectal carcinomas and respective regional lymph nodes.

In this work we show that the percentage of Ki-RAS mutations in codons 12 and 13 in rectal cancer are sensibly lower than in colon cancer, providing further evidence that these two kinds of tumors should be considered two different entities. Moreover, we show that the detection in regional lymph nodes of the same mutation of primary tumor might represent an indicator of lymph nodes metastasis in rectal carcinoma not detected in routine histologic examination.

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Detection of free-circulating tumor DNA in plasma of patients with gastrointestinal cancer.

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La colangiografia intraoperatoria in corso di colecistectomia videolaparoscopica: quale ruolo?

The routine use of intraoperative cholangiography during laparoscopic cholecystectomy remains controversial. Mirizzi was the first to recommend the use of intraoperative cholangiography in 1931 based on the high incidence of unsuspected common bile duct stones. The use of intraoperative cholangiography before common bile duct exploration reduced the incidence of unnecessary common bile duct explorations from 66% to less than 5%. With the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, an increase of incidence of bile duct injury two to four times that seen in open cholecystectomy was witnessed. The vast majority of the injuries were a direct result of the surgeon misidentifying the anatomy. T…

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AA. report an extremely rare case of anorectal melanoma s imul a t ing an hemor rhoida l ma s s in a s ixty- four ye a r old woman. The first symptom was anal pain attributed to an anal fissure, easily bleeding, unsuccessfully treated with ointments. It was confused with hemorrhoids andthe patient a underwent to operation. Dur ing thi s proc edur e , us ing Liga sur e™ (Va l l e y l a b , California, S.U.A.) the surgeon suspected the presence of malignancy togheter too rmorroidal mass. Extemporaneous istological exam shos the presenceof the melanoma. Instrumental examination to staging disease demonstred bilateral inguinal linfoadenectomy. The linfonodes excised veren’t metastatic.

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