J.p. Farine
Defensive secretions of nymphs and adults of five species Pyrrhocoridae (Insecta : Heteroptera)
International audience
Chemical and sensory effects of the intense sweeteners aspartame acesulfame k, sodium saccharinate and cyclamate orange flavours soft drinks
International audience
Volatile components of ripe fruits Morinda citrifolia and their effects on Drosophila
International audience
Calling behaviour of female Periplaneta americana : Behavioural analysis and identification of the pheromone source
56 ref.; International audience
4 hydroxy-5-methyl-3furanone and 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone, two components of the male sex pheromone of Eurycotis floridana (Walker) (Insecta, Blattidae, Polyzosteriinae)
45 ref.; International audience