J. C. Guirado

Simulations of Array Configurations for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a new generation radio telescope for the next decades, working at metre to centimetre wavelengths. The SKA will be operational at the same time than other new optical, X-ray and Gamma-ray telescopes. It is of extreme importance that the SKA becomes competitive and complementary to those instruments. An extensive study of technologies and possible configurations involved is needed to ensure the SKA will reach the design specifications. To compare imaging capabilities between different SKA configurations or between the SKA and other instruments, we have implemented figures of merit based on several characteristics of these instruments. In this work we are p…

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New constraints on the presence of debris disks around G 196-3 B and VHS J125601.92-125723.9 b

We obtained deep images of G 196-3 B and VHS J1256-1257 b with the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) at 1.3 mm. These data were combined with recently published Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) and Very Large Array (VLA) data of VHS J1256-1257 b at 0.87 mm and 0.9 cm, respectively. Neither G 196-3 B nor VHS J1256-1257 b were detected in the NOEMA, ALMA and VLA data. At 1.3 mm, we imposed flux upper limits of 0.108 mJy (G 196-3 B) and 0.153 mJy (VHS J1256-1257 b) with a 3-sigma confidence. Using the flux upper limits at the millimeter and radio wavelength regimes, we derived maximum values of 0.016 M$_{\rm Earth}$ and 0.004 M$_{\rm Earth}$ for the mass of any cold dust that mig…

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VLTI-PIONIER imaging of the red supergiant V602 Carinae

Context. Red supergiant stars possess surface features and extended molecular atmospheres. Photospheric convection may be a crucial factor of the levitation of the outer atmospheric layers. However, the mechanism responsible is still poorly understood. Aims. We image the stellar surface of V602 Carinae (V602 Car) to constrain the morphology and contrast of the surface features and of the extended atmospheric layers. Methods. We observed V602 Car with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) PIONIER instrument (1.53-1.78 $\mathrm{\mu}$m) between May and July 2016, and April and July 2019 with different telescope configurations. We compared the image reconstructions with 81 temporal sna…

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A dynamical calibration of the mass–luminosity relation at very low stellar masses and young ages

Mass is the most fundamental parameter of a star, yet it is also one of the most difficult to measure directly. In general, astronomers estimate stellar masses by determining the luminosity and using the 'mass-luminosity' relationship, but this relationship has never been accurately calibrated for young, low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. Masses for these low-mass objects are therefore constrained only by theoretical models. A new high-contrast adaptive optics camera enabled the discovery of a young (50 million years) companion only 0.156 arcseconds (2.3 au) from the more luminous (> 120 times brighter) star AB Doradus A. Here we report a dynamical determination of the mass of the newly resol…

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Absolute kinematics of radio source components in the complete S5 polar cap sample

We observed the thirteen extragalactic radio sources of the complete S5 polar cap sample at 15.4 GHz with the Very Long Baseline Array, on 27 July 1999 (1999.57) and 15 June 2000 (2000.46). We present the maps from those two epochs, along with maps obtained from observations of the 2 cm VLBA survey for some of the sources of the sample, making a total of 40 maps. We discuss the apparent morphological changes displayed by the radio sources between the observing epochs. Our VLBA observations correspond to the first two epochs at 15.4 GHz of a program to study the absolute kinematics of the radio source components of the members of the sample, by means of phase delay astrometry at 8.4 GHz, 15.…

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Discovery of shell-like radio-structure in SN1993J

The radio-luminous supernova SN 1993J in M81 offers an unprecedented opportunity to study with high linear resolution the details of the growth of a supernova radio structure by means of the VLBI technique.

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Detection of jet precession in the active nucleus of M81

(See the complete and formatted abstract in the paper). We report on VLBI monitoring of the low-luminosity AGN (LLAGN) in M81 at 1.7, 2.3, 5, and 8.4GHz. These observations are phase-referenced to the supernova SN1993J (located in the same galaxy) and cover from late 1993 to late 2005. The source consists at all frequencies of a slightly resolved core and a small jet extension towards the north-east direction (position angle of ~65 degrees) in agreement with previous publications. We find that the position of the intensity peak in the images at 8.4GHz is very stable in the galactic frame of M81 (proper motion upper limit about 0.010 mas per year). We confirm previous reports that the peaks …

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High-resolution observations of SN 2001gd in NGC 5033

We report on 8.4 GHz VLBI observations of SN2001gd in the spiral galaxy NGC5033 made on 26 June 2002 and 8 April 2003. Our data nominally suggests a relatively strong deceleration for the expansion of SN2001gd, but we cannot dismiss the possibility of a free supernova expansion. From our VLBI observations on 8 April 2003, we inferred a minimum total energy in relativistic particles and magnetic fields in the supernova shell of E_min =(0.3-14) 10^{47} ergs, and a corresponding equipartition average magnetic field of B_min = (50--350) mG. We also present multiwavelength VLA measurements of SN2001gd, which are well fit by an optically thin, synchrotron spectrum, partially absorbed by thermal p…

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Deceleration in the Expansion of SN 1993J

A rarity among supernova, SN 1993J in M81 can be studied with high spatial resolution. Its radio power and distance permit VLBI observations to monitor the expansion of its angular structure. This radio structure was previously revealed to be shell-like and to be undergoing a self-similar expansion at a constant rate. From VLBI observations at the wavelengths of 3.6 and 6 cm in the period 6 to 42 months after explosion, we have discovered that the expansion is decelerating. Our measurement of this deceleration yields estimates of the density profiles of the supernova ejecta and circumstellar material in standard supernova explosion models.

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High Precision Differential Astrometry in Large Angular Separation Pairs of Radiosources

We show preliminary results of three of the four radiosource pairs with angular separations ranging from 0.01° to 6° where we have determined such a separation with a typical fractional precision of 10-8using phase delays corrected for structural and ionospheric contributions. In the radiosource 4C39.25 we measure a motion with respect to an external radiosource which is compatible with previously reported internal superluminal motion.

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Radio detection of the young binary HD 160934

Precise determination of dynamical masses of pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars is essential to calibrate stellar evolution models that are widely used to derive theoretical masses of young low-mass objects. Binary stars in young, nearby loose associations are particularly good candidates for this calibration since all members share a common age. Interestingly, some of these young binaries present a persistent and compact radio emission, which makes them excellent targets for astrometric VLBI studies. We aim to monitor the orbital motion of the binary system HD 160934, a member of the AB Doradus moving group. We observed HD 160934 with the Very Large Array and the European VLBI Network at 8.4 an…

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VLTI/AMBER observations of cold giant stars: atmospheric structures and fundamental parameters

The main goal of this research is to determine the angular size and the atmospheric structures of cool giant stars and to compare them with hydrostatic stellar model atmospheres, to estimate the fundamental parameters, and to obtain a better understanding of the circumstellar environment. We conducted spectro-interferometric observations of epsilon Oct, beta Peg, NU Pav, and psi Peg in the near-infrared K band (2.13-2.47 microm), and gamma Hya (1.9-2.47 microm) with the VLTI/AMBER instrument at medium spectral resolution. To obtain the fundamental parameters, we compared our data with hydrostatic atmosphere models (PHOENIX). We estimated the Rosseland angular diameters of epsilon Oct, beta …

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Radio emission in ultracool dwarfs: the nearby substellar triple system VHS 1256$-$1257

Aims. With the purpose of investigating the radio emission of new ultracool objects, we carried out a targeted search in the recently discovered system VHS J125601.92-125723.9 (hereafter VHS 1256-1257); this system is composed by an equal-mass M7.5 binary and a L7 low-mass substellar object located at only 15.8 pc. Methods. We observed in phase-reference mode the system VHS 1256-1257 with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array at X band and L band and with the European VLBI Network at L band in several epochs during 2015 and 2016. Results. We discovered radio emission at X band spatially coincident with the equal-mass M7.5 binary with a flux density of 60 μJy. We determined a spectral index α …

research product

Evidence of a radiation belt around a brown dwarf

Radio observations of ultracool dwarfs, objects comprising brown dwarfs and the very lowest mass stars, have mainly focused on analyzing their light-curve and spectral energy distributions providing valuable insights into their magnetic fields. However, spatially-resolved studies of such magnetospheres have been elusive so far. Radio interferometric observations of the brown dwarf LSR J1835+3259 reveal an extended magnetosphere with a morphology compatible with the presence of a radiation belt, similar to that of Jupiter and Earth, consisting of energetic particles confined via magnetic mirroring. Our finding suggests that radio emitting ultracool dwarfs may behave as scaled up versions of …

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Multi-beam capabilities for high precision astrometry at low frequencies using VLBI

We are carrying out a simulation study to characterise the advantages of VLBI with multiple beams, which will be a feature of the next generation of instruments. We will focus on VLBI astrometric measurements at lower frequencies (1.4 GHz and below). For our simulations, we have selected a network consisting of ASKAP, the Australian SKA precursor, plus existing Australian antennas from the LBA (Long Baseline Array) and the new antenna in New Zealand (figure 1a). We have used different models to represent the ionospheric turbulences and frequencies. The preliminary results show an improvement of an order of magnitude in the astrometric precision achieved using multiple calibrators with angul…

research product

Atmospheric turbulence in phase-referenced and wide-field interferometric images: Application to the SKA

Phase referencing is a standard calibration procedure in radio interferometry. It allows to detect weak sources by using quasi-simultaneous observations of closeby sources acting as calibrators. Therefore, it is assumed that, for each antenna, the optical paths of the signals from both sources are similar. However, atmospheric turbulence may introduce strong differences in the optical paths of the signals and affect, or even waste, phase referencing for cases of relatively large calibrator-to-target separations and/or bad weather. The situation is similar in wide-field observations, since the random deformations of the images, mostly caused by atmospheric turbulence, have essentially the sa…

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Differential astrometry over 15°

Abstract We observed the pair of radio sources 1150+812 and 1803+784 in November 1993 with a VLBI array, simultaneously recording at 8.4 and 2.3 GHz. We determined the angular separation between the two sources with submilliarcsecond accuracy by using differential techniques. This result demonstrates the feasibility of high precision differential astrometry for radio sources separated in the sky by almost 15°, and opens the avenue to its application to larger samples of radio sources.

research product

Astrometric detection of a low-mass companion orbiting the star AB Doradus

International audience; We report submilliarcsecond-precise astrometric measurements for the late-type star AB Doradus via a combination of VLBI (very long baseline interferometry) and HIPPARCOS data. Our astrometric analysis results in the precise determination of the kinematics of this star, which reveals an orbital motion readily explained as caused by gravitational interaction with a low-mass companion. From the portion of the reÑex orbit covered by our data and using a revised mass of the primary star (0.76 M _) derived from our new value of the parallax (66.3 mas \ n \ 67.2 mas), we Ðnd the dynamical mass of the newly discovered companion to be between 0.08 and 0.11 If accurate photom…

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Young, active radio stars in the AB Doradus moving group

Context. Precise determination of stellar masses is necessary to test the validity of pre-main-sequence (PMS) stellar evolutionary models, whose predictions are in disagreement with measurements for masses below 1.2 M. To improve such a test, and based on our previous studies, we selected the AB Doradus moving group (AB Dor-MG) as the best-suited association on which to apply radio-based high-precision astrometric techniques to study binary systems. Aims. We seek to determine precise estimates of the masses of a set of stars belonging to the AB Dor-MG using radio and infrared observations. Methods. We observed in phase-reference mode with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 5 GHz and with the Eur…

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Space-VLBI phase-reference mapping and astrometry

We present 5 GHz space-VLBI observations of the quasar pair B1342+662/B1342+663 that demonstrate the feasibility of phase-reference techniques using an antenna in space. The space-based data were taken by the satellite HALCA, of the space-VLBI mission VSOP. From residual (referenced) phases we derive an upper bound of 10 meters to the uncertainty of the spacecraft orbit reconstruction. An analysis of the phase-reference maps of the sources additionally suggests that the above mentioned uncertaintyis likely not larger than 3 meters. With errors of this magnitude, HALCA is a useful tool for astrometric studies of close pairs of radio sources.

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High-Precision Radio Astrometry: The Search for Extrasolar Planets

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Radio Emission from Binary Stars in the AB Doradus Moving Group

AbstractPrecise determination of dynamical masses of pre-main-sequence stars is essential for calibrating stellar evolution models, that are widely used to derive theoretical masses of young low-mass objects. We have determined the individual masses of the pair AB Dor Ba/Bb using Australian Long Baseline Array observations and archive infrared data, as part of a larger program directed to monitor binary systems in the AB Doradus moving group. We have detected, for the first time, compact radio emission from both stars. This has allowed us to determine the orbital parameters of both the relative and absolute orbits and, consequently, their individual dynamical masses: 0.28±0.05 M⊙ and 0.25±0…

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A distorted radio shell in the young supernova SN1986J

We report here on 5 GHz global very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of SN 1986J, 16 yr after its explosion. We obtained a high-resolution image of the supernova, which shows a distorted shell of radio emission, indicative of a deformation of the shock front. The angular size of the shell is $\sim4.7 {\rm mas}$, corresponding to a linear size of $\sim6.8 \times 10^{17} {\rm cm}$ for a distance of 9.6 Mpc to NGC 891. The average speed of the shell has decreased from $\sim$7400 \kms in 1988.74 down to about $6300 {\rm km s^{-1}}$ in 1999.14, indicative of a mild deceleration in the expansion of SN 1986J. Assuming a standard density profile for the progenitor wind ($\rho_{\rm c…

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Multi-epoch VLTI-PIONIER imaging of the supergiant V766 Cen

Context. The star V766 Cen (=HR 5171A) was originally classified as a yellow hypergiant but lately found to more likely be a 27-36 M red supergiant (RSG). Recent observations indicated a close eclipsing companion in the contact or common-envelope phase. Aims. Here, we aim at imaging observations of V766 Cen to confirm the presence of the close companion. Methods. We used near-infrared H-band aperture synthesis imaging at three epochs in 2014, 2016, and 2017, employing the PIONIER instrument at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). Results. The visibility data indicate a mean Rosseland angular diameter of 4.1 ± 0.8 mas, corresponding to a radius of 1575 ± 400 R. The data show an ex…

research product

High-Resolution Radio Observations of Supernova SN1986J

We present high-resolution observations of the supernova SN1986J in the galaxy NGC891 at the frequency of 5 GHz, more than 15 years after its explosion. The image shows a highly distorted shell of radio emission, suggesting that the shock front has been strongly deformed. The brightness distribution within the shell is also highly asymmetric, and we propose that such asymmetry could be due to the collision of the supernova ejecta with an anisotropic, clumpy medium. The average speed of the shell has decreased from about 7400 km s−1 in 1988.74 down to ~ 6300 km s−1 in 1999.14, pointing to a mild deceleration in the expansion of SN 1986J. Assuming a standard density profile for the progenitor…

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Searching for low mass objects around nearby dMe radio stars

Nearby M-dwarfs are best suited for searches of low mass companions. VLBI phase-referencing observations with sensitive telescopes are able to detect radio star flux-densities of tenths of mJy as well as to position the star on the sky with submilliarcsecond precision. We have initiated a long-term observational program, using EVN telescopes in combination with NASA DSN dishes, to revisit the kinematics of nearby, single M dwarfs. The precision of the astrometry allows us to search for possible companions with masses down to 1 Jupiter mass. In this contribution we report preliminary results of the first observation epochs, in which we could detect some of the radio stars included in our pro…

research product

Atmospheric turbulence in phase-referenced and wide-field interferometric images

Phase referencing is a standard calibration procedure in radio interferometry. It allows us to detect weak sources by using quasisimultaneous observations of closeby sources acting as calibrators. However, atmospheric turbulence may introduce strong differences in the optical paths of the signals of the target and calibrator and affect, or even waste, phase referencing in cases of relatively large calibrator-to-target separations and/or bad weather. The situation is similar in wide-field interferometric observations. We present the results of a Monte Carlo study of the astrometric precision and sensitivity of an interferometric array (a realization of the Square Kilometre Array, SKA) in pha…

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VSOP monitoring of the Quasar 1928+738

One limitation of the VSOP (VLBI Space Observatory Program) mission is that several famous superluminal sources such as 3C273 cannot be monitored with good uv-coverage throughout the lifetime of the VSOP Mission at regular intervals that are spaced closely enough to follow the evolution in the fine-scale source-structure. The reason for this is that the HALCA spacecraft cannot#observe sources outside certain restricted ranges of sun angle, defined to be the time variable angle between the source and the sun. However sources that lie within 10 degrees of the ecliptic poles can be observed throughout the year and observations are not restricted to narrow temporal windows. Furthermore, the bes…

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Differential Astrometry over 15 degrees

We observed the pair of radio sources 1150+812 and 1803+784 in November 1993 with a VLBI array, simultaneously recording at 8.4 and 2.3 GHz. We determined the angular separation between the two sources with submilliarcsecond accuracy by using differential techniques. This result demonstrates the feasibility of high precision differential astrometry for radio sources separated in the sky by almost 15 degrees, and opens the avenue to its application to larger samples of radio sources.

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The complete S5 polar cap sample: en route to phase-delay global astrometry

We report on the present status of our S5 polar cap phase-connected astrometry program. We observe 13 radio sources in the northernmost 20deg of the sky at the wavelengths of 3.6cm and 2cm, and we plan to extend the program to 0.7cm. We phase-connect jointly all our data successfully. We image the radio sources and some of them show morphological changes, in which astrometric registration is needed to determine the kinematics of the source components. We aim at unprecedented astrometric accuracy and at a check of the jet standard model at the 5-10 microarcsec/yr level.

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High-resolution radio imaging of young supernovae

The high resolution obtained through the use of VLBI gives an unique opportunity to directly observe the interaction of an expanding radio supernova with its surrounding medium. We present here results from our VLBI observations of the young supernovae SN 1979C, SN 1986J, and SN 2001gd.

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On the coherence loss in phase-referenced VLBI observations

Context: Phase referencing is a standard calibration technique in radio interferometry, particularly suited for the detection of weak sources close to the sensitivity limits of the interferometers. However, effects from a changing atmosphere and inaccuracies in the correlator model may affect the phase-referenced images, leading to wrong estimates of source flux densities and positions. A systematic observational study of signal decoherence in phase referencing, and its effects in the image plane, has not been performed yet. Aims: We systematically studied how the signal coherence in Very-Long-Baseline-Interferometry (VLBI) observations is affected by a phase-reference calibration at differ…

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The large trans-Neptunian object 2002 TC 302 from combined stellar occultation, photometry, and astrometry data

All authors: Ortiz, J. L.; Santos-Sanz, P.; Sicardy, B.; Benedetti-Rossi, G.; Duffard, R.; Morales, N.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Fernández-Valenzuela, E.; Nascimbeni, V.; Nardiello, D.; Carbognani, A.; Buzzi, L.; Aletti, A.; Bacci, P.; Maestripieri, M.; Mazzei, L.; Mikuz, H.; Skvarc, J.; Ciabattari, F.; Lavalade, F. Scarfi, G.; Mari, J. M.; Conjat, M.; Sposetti, S.; Bachini, M.; Succi, G.; Mancini, F.; Alighieri, M.; Dal Canto, E.; Masucci, M.; Vara-Lubiano, M.; Gutiérrez, P. J.; Desmars, J.; Lecacheux, J.; Vieira-Martins, R.; Camargo, J. I. B.; Assafin, M.; Colas, F.; Beisker, W.; Behrend, R.; Mueller, T. G.; Meza, E.; Gomes-Junior, A. R.; Roques, F.; Vachier, F.; Mottola, S.; Hellmich, S.; Campo …

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On the way to global phase-delay astrometry

The use of the phase-delay improves substantially the accuracy obtained in VLBI astrometry with respect to the group-delay observable. Recently, Ros et al. (1999) have extended the related phase-connection technique to a triangle of radio sources with relative separations up to 6.8deg (the S5 sources BL1803+784/ QSO1928+738/ BL2007+777). This technique has also been extended for separations up to 15deg in the studies of the pair of S5 radio sources QSO1150+812/ BL1803+784 (Perez-Torres et al. 2000). We are carrying out a long-term astrometric programme at 8.4, 15, and 43 GHz to determine the absolute kinematics of radio source components in the 13 members of the complete S5 polar cap sample…

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On the dynamics of the AB Doradus system

We present an astrometric analysis of the binary systems ABDorA /ABDorC and ABDorBa / ABDorBb. These two systems of well-known late-type stars are gravitationally associated and they constitute the quadruple ABDoradus system. From the astrometric data available at different wavelengths, we report: (i) a determination of the orbit of ABDorC, the very low mass companion to ABDorA, which confirms the mass estimate of 0.090Msun reported in previous works; (ii) a measurement of the parallax of ABDorBa, which unambiguously confirms the long-suspected physical association between this star and ABDorA; and (iii) evidence of orbital motion of ABDorBa around ABDorA, which places an upper bound of 0.4…

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23 GHz VLBI Observations of SN 2008ax

We report on phase-referenced 23 GHz Very-Long-Baseline-Interferometry (VLBI) observations of the type IIb supernova SN 2008ax, made with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) on 2 April 2008 (33 days after explosion). These observations resulted in a marginal detection of the supernova. The total flux density recovered from our VLBI image is 0.8$\pm$0.3 mJy (one standard deviation). As it appears, the structure may be interpreted as either a core-jet or a double source. However, the supernova structure could be somewhat confused with a possible close by noise peak. In such a case, the recovered flux density would decrease to 0.48$\pm$0.12 mJy, compatible with the flux densities measured with…

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The AB Doradus System Revisited: The Dynamical Mass of AB Dor A

International audience; We report new radio interferometric observations of the quadruple pre-main-sequence (PMS) system ABD oradus. From these observations, combined with existing VLT near-infrared relative astrometry, we have refined the estimates of the dynamical masses of the system. In particular, we find component masses of 0.86 ± 0.09M&sun; and 0.090 ± 0.003M&sun; for ABD or A and ABD or C, respectively. These dynamical masses, coupled with temperatures and luminosities, allow for comparison with theoretical stellar models. The case of ABDorC, in terms of calibration of evolutionary models of low-mass young stars has been widely reported in previous studies. In this contribution, we …

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Radio emission of SN1993J. The complete picture: II. Simultaneous fit of expansion and radio light curves

We report on a simultaneous modelling of the expansion and radio light curves of SN1993J. We have developed a simulation code capable of generating synthetic expansion and radio light curves of supernovae by taking into consideration the evolution of the expanding shock, magnetic fields, and relativistic electrons, as well as the finite sensitivity of the interferometric arrays used in the observations. Our software successfully fits all the available radio data of SN 1993J with an standard emission model for supernovae extended with some physical considerations, as an evolution in the opacity of the ejecta material, a radial drop of the magnetic fields inside the radiating region, and a ch…

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Absolute kinematics of radio source components in the complete S5 polar cap sample

We observed the thirteen extragalactic radio sources of the complete S5 polar cap sample at 15.4 GHz with the Very Long Baseline Array, on 27 July 1999 (1999.57) and 15 June 2000 (2000.46). We present the maps from those two epochs, along with maps obtained from observations of the 2 cm VLBA survey for some of the sources of the sample, making a total of 40 maps. We discuss the apparent morphological changes displayed by the radio sources between the observing epochs. Our VLBA observations correspond to the first two epochs at 15.4 GHz of a program to study the absolute kinematics of the radio source components of the members of the sample, by means of phase delay astrometry at 8.4 GHz, 15.…

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Precise measurement of the dynamical masses in AB Doradus

AbstractThe radio stars ABDor A and ABDor B (=Rst137B) are the main components of the ABDoradus system. Both stars are double (ABDor A/ABDor C and ABDor Ba/ABDor Bb) and usual targets of astrometric instruments at optical (Hipparcos), infrared (VLT), and radio (VLBI) wavelengths. From a combination of all astrometric data available, we have obtained precise limits to the dynamical mass of both binaries in AB Doradus. The determination of the mass of ABDor C (0.090±0.003 M⊙) is important, since this object constitutes one of the few calibration points used to test theoretical evolutionary models of low-mass young stars. Follow-up observations both in radio (VLBI) and optical wavelengths (VLT…

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Absolute kinematics of radio source components in the complete S5 polar cap sample I. First and second epoch maps at 8.4 GHz

We observed the thirteen extragalactic radio sources of the S5 polar cap sample at 8.4 GHz with the Very Long Baseline Array, on 1997.93 and 1999.41. We present the maps from those two epochs and briefly discuss the morphological changes experimented by some of the radio sources in the 1.4 yr elapsed. These results correspond to the first two epochs at 8.4 GHz of a program directed to study the absolute kinematics of the radio source components of the members of the sample by means of phase delay astrometry at 8.4, 15 and 43 GHz.

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The milliarcsecond-scale radio structure of AB Dor A

Context: The fast rotator, pre-main sequence star AB Dor A is a strong and persistent radio emitter. The extraordinary coronal flaring activity is thought to be the origin of compact radio emission and other associated phenomena as large slingshot prominences. Aim: We aim to investigate the radio emission mechanism and the milliarcsecond radio structure around AB Dor A. Methods: We performed phase-referenced VLBI observations at 22.3 GHz, 8.4 GHz, and 1.4 GHz over more than one decade using the Australian VLBI array. Results: Our 8.4 GHz images show a double core-halo morphology, similar at all epochs, with emission extending at heights between 5 and 18 stellar radii. Furthermore, the seque…

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A Decade of SN1993J: Discovery of Wavelength Effects in the Expansion Rate

We have studied the growth of the shell-like radio structure of supernova SN1993J in M81 from September 1993 through October 2003 with very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations at the wavelengths of 3.6, 6, and 18cm. For this purpose, we have developed a method to accurately determine the outer radius (R) of any circularly symmetric compact radio structure like SN1993J. The source structure of SN1993J remains circularly symmetric (with deviations from circularity under 2%) over almost 4000 days. We characterize the decelerated expansion of SN 1993J through approximately day 1500 after explosion with an expansion parameter $m= 0.845\pm0.005$ ($R \propto t^{m}$). However, from tha…

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A GPS-based method to model the plasma effects in VLBI observations

Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites broadcast at frequencies of 1,575.42 MHz (L1) and of 1,227.60 MHz (L2). The dispersive property of the ionosphere can be used to combine independent measurements at the two frequencies to estimate the total electron content (TEC) between a GPS receiver site and a broadcasting satellite. Such measurements, made at sites near to Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) sites, can be used to estimate the ionospheric contribution to VLBI observables. For our 1991.9 astrometric VLBI experiment in which we obtained group-delay observations in the 8.4 and 2.3 GHz bands simultaneously, we found that the GPS and VLBI determinations of the ionosphere delays …

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High precision astrometry with closure constraints: The triplet 1803+784/1928+738/2007+777

Abstract Improvements in the technique of high precision differential astrometry in VLBI based on the use of triangles of radio sources are reported. Such geometry provides new constraints by taking advantage of “closure”. Results on the relative separations (ranging from 4.6 to 6.8°) of the sources in the triangle 1803+784/1928+738/2007+777 from ionosphere-free delays are shown and “sky closure” verified. A comparison with previous results on the pair 1928+738/2007+777 is also presented.

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Expansion of SN 1993J: New λλ6 and 13 cm images

Abstract Radio supernovae are rare events among supernovae, usually taking place in distant galaxies. In recent years, great progress has been made in the study of radio supernovae with high angular resolution, due to advances in the VLBI technique and to the lucky occurrence of the powerful supernova SN 1993J in M81 only 3.6 Mpc distant. Its spatial structure has been unveiled and its expansion rate determined at 3.6 cm. Here we present new preliminary VLBI results on the expansion of this supernova at 6 and 13 cm. We resolve the shell at both wavelengths. The size estimates at 6 cm indicate a lower expansion rate than previously estimated. This may be the first evidence of deceleration.

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The size of AB Doradus A from VLTI/AMBER interferometry

The pre-main sequence (PMS) star ABDorA is the main component of the quadruple system ABDoradus. The precise determination of the mass and photometry of the close companion to ABDorA, ABDorC, has provided an important benchmark for calibration of theoretical evolutionary models of low-mass stars. The limiting factor to the precision of this calibration is the age of the system, as both the mass and luminosity of ABDorA and C are well monitored by other ongoing programs. In this paper we present VLTI/AMBER observations of ABDorA which provide a direct measurement of the size of this star, 0.96+/-0.06 Rsun. The latter estimate, combined with other fundamental parameters also measured for this…

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A large rotating structure around AB Doradus A at VLBI scale

AbstractWe report the results of three VLBI observations of the pre-main-sequence star AB Doradus A at 8.4 GHz. With almost three years between consecutive observations, we found a complex structure at the expected position of this star for all epochs. Maps at epochs 2007 and 2010 show a double core-halo morphology while the 2013 map reveals three emission peaks with separations between 5 and 18 stellar radii. Furthermore, all maps show a clear variation of the source structure within the observing time. We consider a number of hypothesis in order to explain such observations, mainly: magnetic reconnection in loops on the polar cap, a more general loop scenario and a close companion to AB D…

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VSOP monitoring of the quasar 1928+738

Abstract In the paper we describe the first results from a campaign to monitor the relatively low redshift (z=0.3) circumpolar superluminal quasar 1928+738 with VSOP. The three epochs of data that we have analyzed show that there have been substantial structural changes in this source near the core on the time-scale of a few months.

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The 2017 May 20 stellar occultation by the elongated centaur (95626) 2002 GZ32

Full list of authors: Santos-Sanz, P.; Ortiz, J. L.; Sicardy, B.; Benedetti-Rossi, G.; Morales, N.; Fernández-Valenzuela, E.; Duffard, R.; Iglesias-Marzoa, R.; Lamadrid, J. L.; Maícas, N.; Pérez, L.; Gazeas, K.; Guirado, J. C.; Peris, V.; Ballesteros, F. J.; Organero, F.; Ana-Hernández, L.; Fonseca, F.; Alvarez-Candal, A.; Jiménez-Teja, Y. Vara-Lubiano, M.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Camargo, J. I. B.; Desmars, J.; Assafin, M.; Vieira-Martins, R.; Alikakos, J.; Boutet, M.; Bretton, M.; Carbognani, A.; Charmandaris, V.; Ciabattari, F.; Delincak, P.; Fuambuena Leiva, A.; González, H.; Haymes, T.; Hellmich, S.; Horbowicz, J.; Jennings, M.; Kattentidt, B.; Kiss, Cs; Komžík, R.; Lecacheux, J.; Marciniak, …

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1.6 GHz VLBI observations of SN 1979C: almost-free expansion

We report on 1.6 GHz Very-Long-Baseline-Interferometry (VLBI) observations of supernova SN 1979C made on 18 November 2002. We derive a model-dependent supernova size. We also present a reanalysis of VLBI observations made by us on June 1999 and by other authors on February 2005. We conclude that, contrary to our earlier claim of strong deceleration in the expansion, SN 1979C has been undergoing almost-free expansion ($m = 0.91\pm0.09$; $R \propto t^m$) for over 25 years.

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High Precision Astrometry Over Large Angular Scales with Closure Constraints: The Triplet 1803+784/1928+738/2007+777

The technique of differential astrometry using the phase-delay VLBI observable promises fractional precisions of ~2 × 10−9 in the determination of the separation of sources 5° or 6° apart on the sky (Guirado et al. 1995a; Lara et al. 1996). In our present research we seek further improvement in this technique through using triplets of radio sources, which provide a closure constraint in the determination of relative angular positions. This constraint not only eases the resolution of the phase-cycle ambiguities (a major problem in the least-squares approach to astrometry with phase delays), but it also strongly constrains the space of allowable parameter values.

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A decade of SN 1993J : discovery of radio wavelength effects in the expansion rate

We studied the growth of the shell-like radio structure of supernova SN 1993J in M 81 from September 1993 to October 2003 with very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations at the wavelengths of 3.6, 6, and 18 cm. We developed a method to accurately determine the outer radius (R) of any circularly symmetric compact radio structure such as SN 1993J. The source structure of SN 1993J remains circularly symmetric (with deviations from circularity under 2%) over almost 4000 days. We characterize the decelerated expansion of SN 1993J until approximately day 1500 after explosion with an expansion parameter m = 0.845 ± 0.005 (R ∝ tm). However, from that day onwards the expansion differs whe…

research product

Expansion of SN 1993J

A sequence of images from very long baseline interferometry shows that the young radio supernova SN 1993J is expanding with circular symmetry. However, the circularly symmetric images show emission asymmetries. A scenario in which freely expanding supernova ejecta shock mostly isotropic circumstellar material is strongly favored. The sequence of images constitutes the first “movie” of a radio supernova.

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Absolute kinematics of radio source components in the complete S5 polar cap sample

We report on the first wide-field, high-precision astrometric analysis of the 13 extragalactic radio sources of the complete S5 polar cap sample at 15.4 GHz. We describe new algorithms developed to enable the use of differenced phase delays in wide-field astrometric observations and discuss the impact of using differenced phase delays on the precision of the wide-field astrometric analysis. From this global fit, we obtained estimates of the relative source positions with precisions ranging from 14 to 200 $\mu$as at 15.4 GHz, depending on the angular separation of the sources (from $\sim$1.6 to $\sim$20.8 degrees). These precisions are $\sim$10 times higher than the achievable precisions usi…

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The size, shape, density and ring of the dwarf planet Haumea from a stellar occultation

Ortiz, José Luis et. al.

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Absolute kinematics of radio-source components in the complete S5 polar cap sample: IV. Proper motions of the radio cores over a decade and spectral properties

We have carried out a high-precision astrometric analysis of two very-long-baseline-interferometry (VLBI) epochs of observation of the 13 extragalactic radio sources in the complete S5 polar cap sample. The VLBI epochs span a time baseline of ten years and enable us to achieve precisions in the proper motions of the source cores up to a few micro-arcseconds per year. The observations were performed at 14.4 GHz and 43.1 GHz, and enable us to estimate the frequency core-shifts in a subset of sources, for which the spectral-index distributions can be computed. We study the source-position stability by analysing the changes in the relative positions of fiducial source points (the jet cores) ove…

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Core-shifts and proper-motion constraints in the S5 polar cap sample at the 15 and 43 GHz bands

We have studied a complete radio sample of active galactic nuclei with the very-long-baseline-interferometry (VLBI) technique and for the first time successfully obtained high-precision phase-delay astrometry atQband (43 GHz) from observations acquired in 2010. We have compared our astrometric results with those obtained with the same technique atUband (15 GHz) from data collected in 2000. The differences in source separations among all the source pairs observed in common at the two epochs are compatible at the 1σlevel betweenUandQbands. With the benefit of quasi-simultaneousUandQband observations in 2010, we have studied chromatic effects (core-shift) at the radio source cores with three d…

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VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry of the late-type supergiants V766 Cen (=HR 5171 A), σ Oph, BM Sco, and HD 206859

Aims. We add four warmer late-type supergiants to our previous spectro-interferometric studies of red giants and supergiants. Methods. We measure the near-continuum angular diameter, derive fundamental parameters, discuss the evolutionary stage, and study extended atmospheric atomic and molecular layers. Results. V766 Cen (=HR 5171 A) is found to be a high-luminosity (log L/L = 5.8 ± 0.4) source of effective temperature 4290 ± 760 K and radius 1490 ± 540 R, located in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram close to both the Hayashi limit and Eddington limit; this source is consistent with a 40 M evolutionary track without rotation and current mass 27-36 M. V766 Cen exhibits Na i in emission a…

research product

How is really decelerating the expansion of SN1993J?

SN1993J is to date the radio supernova whose evolution has been monitored in greatest detail and the one which holds best promise for a comprehensive theoretical-observational analysis. The shell-like radio structure of SN1993J has expanded in general accord with models of shock excited emission, showing almost circular symmetry for over 8 years, except for a bright feature at the south-eastern region of the shell that has been observed at every epoch. The spectrum of SN1993J has flattened from alpha =-1 to alpha =-0.67 (S_(\nu) propto nu**(alpha)). The decelerated expansion can be modeled well with a single slope but apparently better with two slopes. There are also intriguing hints of str…

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AMBER observations of the AGB star RS Cap: extended atmosphere and comparison with stellar models

We report on K-band VLTI/AMBER observations at medium spectral resolution ($\sim$1500) of RS Capricorni, an M6/M7III semi-regular AGB star. From the spectrally-dispersed visibilities, we measure the star diameter as a function of observing wavelength from 2.13 to 2.47 microns. We derive a Rosseland angular diameter of $7.95 \pm 0.07$ mas, which corresponds to an effective temperature of $3160 \pm 160$ K. We detect size variations of around 10% in the CO band heads, indicating strong opacity effects of CO in the stellar photosphere. We also detect a linear increase of the size as a function of wavelength, beginning at 2.29 microns. Models of the stellar atmosphere, based on the mass of the s…

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Strongly decelerated expansion of SN 1979C

We observed SN1979C in M100 on 4 June 1999, about twenty years after explosion, with a very sensitive four-antenna VLBI array at the wavelength of 18cm. The distance to M100 and the expansion velocities are such that the supernova cannot be fully resolved by our Earth-wide array. Model-dependent sizes for the source have been determined and compared with previous results. We conclude that the supernova shock was initially in free expansion for 6 +/- 2 yrs and then experienced a very strong deceleration. The onset of deceleration took place a few years before the abrupt trend change in the integrated radio flux density curves. We estimate the shocked swept-up mass to be about 1.6 solar masse…

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Coherence loss in phase-referenced VLBI observations (Corrigendum)

fat = K ν √ Δt sin θ, (2) where K ∼ 0.012 h0.5 GHz−1. This new equation implies a different value of the constant k1 in Eq. (4). The original value reported for k1 was ∼63, while the correct value is ∼1.3 × 104. Although Eq. (3) (together with the constants K and k1) was incorrectly written in the text, we emphasize that all the figures in the paper were generated, indeed, using the correct equations and constants.

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On the SN 1993J Radio Shell Structure

An accurate measurement of the expansion deceleration of SN 1993J depends on how well the shell size and its emission structure are known. With the goal of determining the emission structure of the shell, we have developed a new approach, which we call “Green Function Deconvolution” (GFD), based on iterative use of Green functions on the sky plane to reconstruct the radial emission profiles of spherically symmetric sources. This approach works reasonably well in the case of optically thin emitting sources, which is not the case for SN 1993J since, as we find, the emission from the central part of SN 1993J further away from us is strongly or totally absorbed. We describe the GFD method and p…

research product

Coherence loss in phase-referenced VLBI observations

Context. Phase-referencing is a standard calibration technique in radio interferometry, particularly suited for the detection of weak sources close to the sensitivity limits of the interferometers. However, effects from a changing atmosphere and inaccuracies in the correlator model may affect the phase-referenced images, and lead to wrong estimates of source flux densities and positions. A systematic observational study of signal decoherence in phase-referencing and its effects in the image plane has not been performed yet. Aims. We systematically studied how the signal coherence in Very-Long-Baseline-Interferometry (VLBI) observations is affected by a phase-reference calibration at differe…

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A VLBI study of the wind-wind collision region in the massive multiple HD 167971

Context. Colliding winds in massive binaries are able to accelerate particles up to relativistic speeds as the result of the interaction between the winds of the different stellar components. HD 167971 exhibits this phenomenon which makes it a strong radio source. Aims. We aim at characterizing the morphology of the radio emission and its dependence on the orbital motion, traced independently by near-infrared (NIR) interferometry of both the spectroscopic binary and the tertiary component comprising HD 167971. Methods. We analyze 2006 and 2016 very long baseline interferometric data at C and X bands. We complement our analysis with a geometrical model of the wind-wind collision region and a…

research product

Evidence of a substellar companion to AB Dor C

Studies of fundamental parameters of very low-mass objects are indispensable to provide tests of stellar evolution models that are used to derive theoretical masses of brown dwarfs and planets. However, only objects with dynamically determined masses and precise photometry can effectively evaluate the predictions of stellar models. AB Dor C (0.090 solar masses) has become a prime benchmark for calibration of theoretical evolutionary models of low-mass young stars. One of the ambiguities remaining in AB Dor C is the possible binary nature of this star. We observed AB Dor C with the VLTI/AMBER instrument in low-resolution mode at the J, H and K bands. The interferometric observables at the K-…

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8.4GHz VLBI observations of SN2004et in NGC6946

We report on 8.4GHz Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of the type II-P supernova SN2004et in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946, made on 20 February 2005 (151 days after explosion). The Very Large Array (VLA) flux density was 1.23$\pm$0.07 mJy, corresponding to an isotropic luminosity at 8.4GHz of (4.45$\pm$0.3)$\times10^{25}$ erg s$^{-1}$ Hz$^{-1}$ and a brightness temperature of (1.3$\pm$0.3)$\times10^{8}$ K. We also provide an improved source position, accurate to about 0.5 mas in each coordinate. The VLBI image shows a clear asymmetry. From model fitting of the size of the radio emission, we estimate a minimum expansion velocity of 15,700$\pm$2,000 km s$^{-1}$. This velocity…

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The jet of the Low Luminosity AGN of M81

In this contribution, we summarize our main results of a big campaign of global VLBI observations of the AGN in M81 (M81*) phase-referenced to the radio supernova SN 1993J. Thanks to the precise multi-epoch and multi-frequency astrometry, we have determined the normalized core-shift of the relativistic jet of M81* and estimated both the magnetic field and the particle density at the jet base. We have also found evidence of jet precession in M81* coming from the systematic time evolution of the jet orientation correlated with changes in the overall flux density.

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Polarimetric VLBI observations of 0735+178

We present a new centimeter polarimetric VLBI image of the BL Lac object 0735+178. This source exhibits one of the most pronounced curvatures observed in jets of AGNs, with two sharp apparent bends of 90 degrees within the inner 2 milliarcseconds from the core. Through the analysis of the data gathered over the past decades we study whether this curvature is produced by precession of the jet with ejection of ballistic components, or a precession in such a way that components' velocity vector are always parallel to the jet axis. These possibilities are also studied by comparison with 3D hydrodynamic relativistic simulations of precessing jets.

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Multi-wavelength VLBI phase-delay astrometry of a complete sample of radio sources

AbstractWe report on the first global high-precision (differential phase-delay) astrometric analyses performed on a complete set of radio sources. We have observed the S5 polar cap sample, consisting of 13 quasars and BL Lac objects, with the VLBA at 8.4, 15, and 43 GHz. We have developed new algorithms to enable the use of the differential phase-delay observable in global astrometric observations. From our global analyses, we determine the relative positions between all pairs of sources with typical precisions ranging from 10 to 200 μas, depending on observing frequency and source separation. In this paper, we discuss the impact of this observable in the enhancement of the astrometric prec…

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Radio emission of SN1993J: the complete picture. I. Re-analysis of all the available VLBI data

We have performed a complete re-calibration and re-analysis of all the available VLBI observations of supernova SN1993J, following an homogeneous and well-defined methodology. Observations of SN1993J at 69 epochs, spanning 13 years, were performed by two teams, which used different strategies and analysis tools. The results obtained by each group are similar, but their conclusions on the supernova expansion and the shape and evolution of the emitting region differ significantly. From our analysis of the combined set of observations, we have obtained an expansion curve with unprecedented time resolution and coverage. We find that the data from both teams are compatible when analyzed with the…

research product

Changes in the trajectory of the radio jet in 0735+178?

We present multi-epoch 8.4 and 43 GHz Very Long Baseline Array images of the BL Lac object 0735+178. The images confirm the presence of a twisted jet with two sharp apparent bends of 90$^{\circ}$ within two milliarcseconds of the core, resembling a helix in projection. The observed twisted geometry could be the result of precession of the jet inlet, but is more likely produced by pressure gradients in the external medium through which the jet propagates. Quasi-stationary components are observed at the locations of the 90$^{\circ}$ bends, possibly produced by differential Doppler boosting. Identification of components across epochs, since the earliest VLBI observations of this source in 1979…

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On the Age, Spectral Type, Orbit, and Comparison to Evolutionary Models of AB Dor C

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AB Doradus C: age, spectral type, orbit, and comparison to evolutionary models

We expand upon the results of Close et al. 2005 regarding the young, low-mass object AB Dor C and its role as a calibration point for theoretical tracks. We present an improved spectral reduction and a new orbital solution with two additional epochs. Our improved analysis confirms our spectral type of M8 (+/- 1) and mass of 0.090+/-0.003 solar masses for AB Dor C. Comparing the results for AB Dor C with other young, low-mass objects with dynamical masses we find a general trend where current evolutionary models tend to over-predict the temperature (or under-predict the mass) for low mass stars and brown dwarfs. Given our precision, there is a ~99% chance that the mass of AB Dor C is underes…

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We report deep EVN and eMERLIN observations of the Type Ia SN 2014J in the nearby galaxy M 82. Our observations represent, together with JVLA observations of SNe 2011fe and 2014J, the most sensitive radio studies of Type Ia SNe ever. By combining data and a proper modeling of the radio emission, we constrain the mass-loss rate from the progenitor system of SN 2014J to $\dot{M} \lesssim 7.0\times 10^{-10}\, {\rm M_{\odot}\, yr^{-1}}$ (3-$\sigma$; for a wind speed of $100\, {\rm km s^{-1}}$). If the medium around the supernova is uniform, then $n_{\rm ISM} \lesssim 1.3 {\rm cm^3}$ (3-$\sigma$), which is the most stringent limit for the (uniform) density around a Type Ia SN. Our deep upper lim…

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High-Resolution Radio Imaging of Young Supernovae: SN 1979C, SN 1986J, and SN 2001gd

The high resolution obtained through the use of VLBI gives an unique opportunity to directly observe the interaction of an expanding radio supernova with its surrounding medium. We present here results from our VLBI observations of the young supernovae SN 1979C, SN 1986J, and SN 2001gd.

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The AB Doradus system revisited: The dynamical mass of AB Dor A/C

We report new radio interferometric observations of the quadruple pre-main-sequence (PMS) system ABD oradus. From these observations, combined with existing VLT near-infrared relative astrometry, we have refined the estimates of the dynamical masses of the system. In particular, we find component masses of 0.86 ± 0.09M⊙ and 0.090 ± 0.003M⊙ for ABD or A and ABD or C, respectively. These dynamical masses, coupled with temperatures and luminosities, allow for comparison with theoretical stellar models. The case of ABDorC, in terms of calibration of evolutionary models of low-mass young stars has been widely reported in previous studies. In this contribution, we compare the measured properties …

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