Rosa Maria Lupo

L'ombra di Salamanca. Lo statuto trascendentale della metafisica in Lowe, Armstrong e van Inwagen

Contemporary analytic metaphysics insists on the transcendental status which has always characterized metaphysics since its Aristotelian origin. As soon as metaphysics has to declare its topic, it also has to expound the conditions of possibility of its own knowledge. Hence, metaphysics is at the same time a “meta-metaphysics”. Following such a classic proceeding, contemporary analytic metaphysics promotes a strong recovery of Aristotle’s ontology (Lowe, Armstrong), but it seems to be also very close to the Suarezian turn by an author like van Inwagen.

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Adolfo Faggi

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Creazione e decreazione. La dialettica corporale di trascendenza ed immanenza in Simone Weil

Weil's reflection on the theme body and transcendence involves, on one hand the awareness of the meaning of suffering, and on the other a rethiking of God's creative act. Ii is only the body, and the body bound to souffering, place of abandonment and maximum distance from God, the place in which the Father's love in creation reveals itself to man. It is only a particular way to understand the body devoured by pain, which allows man to establish contact with Transcendence and to experience the peculiar movement of the Creator's lovefor the creature: creation as de-creation.

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Editors��� Introduction: Morphology, Organism, Evolution

In biology, interest in form was the prerogative of developmental biology, while it was practically neglected by evolutionary biology. This situation has changed a lot in recent decades and has led to a reinterpretation of the concept of evolution and evolutionism focusing more on the problem of form and morphology. In Italy, especially Alessandro Minelli, one of the editors of this issue, has dedicated his studies to the need to communicate form to structure, to reconnect morphology and evolution. This theme is a highly relevant one for philosophy, inasmuch as the question of form and morphology, since the days of Goethe and Bergson, has always been considered as the starting point for a p…

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Metafisica e pensiero dell'essere

Indagine sulla lettura heideggeriana dell'ontologia greca e implicazioni di essa nella struttura della Seinsfragde heideggeriana

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Dal divino all'umano: percorso per un dialogo interreligioso nell'epoca post-secolare

In its phenomenological and hermeneutic declination philosophy of religions is today in a fruitful dialogue with theology of religions as concerns the investigation of the conditions of possibility of the interreligious dialogue and its praxis. The subjective opening to the otherness gives an interesting perspective in order to think the interreligious dialogue as a kind of agapic relationship between the subjects that are strangers for each other and in which a honest use of logos is necessary. Following this perspective we note not only a philosophical correction of transcendental subjectivity, but also an elaboration of the concept of God which subverts the onto-theological tradition acc…

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Materia e metamorfosi. A partire dalla morfologia goethiana

Goethe’s fundamental principle of his morphology, according to which what is must also show itself, allows a phenomenogical reading of his ontology, which considers reality in a plastic way as something which is always subject to continuous metamorphosis. The essay aims at elucidating Goethe’s perspective as concerns the relationships between form and matter as essential principles of nature. At the same time, the essay focus on some epistemological problems which arise from Goethe’s morphological conception.

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Recensione a G. Cusinato, "Periagoge. Teoria della singolarità e filosofia come cura del desiderio", QuiEdit, Verona 2014, in Giornale di Metafisica 2/2015

Recensione al volume di G. Cusinato, "Periagoge. Teoria della singolarità e filosofia come cura del desiderio", QuiEdit, Verona 2014, in Giornale di Metafisica 2/2015, pp. 538-542

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La vita esiliata. Per una filosofia ermeneutica dell'esistenza a partire dal pensiero di Marcia Sa' Cavalcante Schuback

Il saggio propone una lettura della filosofia dell'esilio, secondo le coordinate fenomenologico-ermeneutiche offerte dalla riflessione filosofica della pensatrice brasiliana M. Sa' Cavalcante Schuback, focalizzando la questione di una soggettività che fa continua esperienza di sé come una soggettività sospesa, fragile, in bilico fra alienazione di sé, estraneazione, interruzione, aporia, incondizionata apertura all'alterità, che le si dona gratuitamente.

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Metafisica ed eidetica: su un particolare aspetto della funzione meta

Contemporary research on the meta-function, closely associated with names like Breton, Ricœur, Greisch, is continuous with the traditional question on metaphysics, which metaphysics itself raised in its historical development starting from Aristotle, followed by the exegetical readings in late antiquity, in Arabic philosophy and in Scholasticism. The analysis of meta-function as a peculiar characteristic of metaphysics highlights the double movement of transcendence and immanence, of going beyond and coming back. It shows how metaphysics overcomes physis to rediscover it in a formal way on a deeper ontological level by posing the question about “being as being”, which is not a natural objec…

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Dalla parte dei fenomeni

Nello scoprire i fenomeni l´esistenza umana ha la caratteristica di scoprirsi essa stessa in quanto fenomeno dato. In questo volume l´autrice indaga il rapporto fra soggetto e mondo fenomenico tentando una ricollocazione della soggettività in relazione ad una realtà fenomenica di cui essa non può riconoscersi origine. Riguadagnarsi a partire dalla sua relazione con i fenomeni significa per la soggettività scoprirsi capace di porsi dalla parte dei fenomeni. Significa difendere radicalmente i diritti della datità dei fenomeni in quanto realtà ostensive di sé. Ciò non può darsi, però, senza recuperare il riferimento ad un destinatario che si faccia custode di quella natura manifestativa dei fe…

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Do Phenomenological Heresies Exist?

Should contemporary phenomenology be considered as a series of heresies or is it still possible to follow the direction of classical phenomenology to renw it? Does a classical phenomenology exist at all? We can already observe in Husserl's work a kind of stratification of phenomenology which makes it possible to affirm that from its beginning phenomenology has been already deconstructed and revised, never closed in a specific ontological field. Rather it is an indication of a method, of a cognitive praxis with a transcendental status. That opens phenomenology up to continuous revisions according to the object to which consciousness is addressed. This methodological essence of phenomenology …

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Metafisica e teologia: un passo indietro

In the understanding of metaphysics from its origins woth the Greeks, Heidegger's onto-theological paradigm plays a central role. His position can help to discuss the relationship between metaphysics and theology too, because it shows how and why at its birth and in its development metaphysics was structurally connected with theology, where within theology it is necessary to think notonly and specifically about confessional theology but about rational theology too. While one part of philosophical thought after Heidegger follows Heidegger's proposal to overcome metaphysics (Marion, Westphal), antoher part declares the need for a critical revision of the onto-theological paradigm (Courtine, B…

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Dal divino all'umano. Percorso per un dialogo interreligioso nell'epoca post-secolare

In its phenomenological and hermeneutic declination philosophy of religions is today in a fruitful dialogue with theology of religions as concerns the investigation of the conditions of possibility of the interreligious dialogue and its praxis. The subjective opening to the otherness gives an interesting perspective in order to think the interreligious dialogue as a kind of agapic relationship between the subjects that are strangers for each other and in which a honest use of logos is necessary. Following this perspective we note not only a philosophical correction of transcendental subjectivity, but also an elaboration of the concept of God which subverts the onto-theological tradition acc…

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Il soggetto dell'annuncio

The pictorial topic of “Annunciation” gives the possibility of an understanding of Heidegger’s masterful reading of announcement as Erscheinung in its distinction from Phänomen as self-manifestation. In particular, three paintings – L’annunciazione di Recanati by Lorenzo Lotto, Ecce Ancilla Domini by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Annunciation by John William Waterhouse – allow in the analysis of announcement a reference to subjectivity as receiver which is grasped in its primordial passivity, but also in its capacity of answering and self-positioning in front of announcement.

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L'opacità abbagliante di Dio.Sull'ermeneutica diacritica del divino di Richard Kearney

Phenomenological philosophy of religion (Söderblom, van der Leeuw and Otto at the beginning) stresses the impossibility of a conceptual definition of God and considers the sacred as the very object of religion. The sacred is an oxymoronic reality, because it is at the same time opaque and glaring, in the sense that it escapes an eidetic objectifying intuition, but is felt in the body in an immediate and also upsetting way. As Richard Kearney shows, on the level of feeling through the body subjectivity works on the Otherness, which is the phenomenon of its carnal Erlebnis, activating hermeneutical diacritical operations thanks to the role of imagination and under the condition of confidence …

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L'idea di fenomeno fra Kant ed Husserl

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L'altro a fianco e la distensione del tempo

Jean-Luc Nancy’s deconstruction of Christianity implies a revision of the classical phenomenological paradigm of otherness. The other is not what is in front of the self, but what is sideways. The self opens itself up for such an other without removing the mediation and the difference which structure the relationship between selfness and otherness. Deconstruction of Christianity means a new qualitative determination of the time of the world, a metamorphosis of the self as distension towards the otherness, and a reconfiguration of the relationship divine/human as a dialogue, in which the divine gives up its ontological supremacy in favor of the human being.

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Quando il timore è amore?

Fear and love appear as contradictory conditions in a relationship. Following the biblical tradition Augustine distinguishes timor servilis and timor castus and elaborates the topic of the fear of God as a way of love between man and God. This helps us to rethink the meaning of fear of God in its historical origin as a human-conceived concept. At the same time, it allows us to rediscover a different sense of fear compared to that refuted by the post-metaphysical laicism as an expression of a worthless subjection for man and God.

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Dalle ontologie alla metafisica

Going from the definition of ontology as question of what there is and metaphysics as question of the essence of what there is, the text aims to express some considerations about the relationship between ontology and metaphysics referring to Aristotle and Husserl's perspectives. The purpose is to show that this relationship is founded on the same scientific structure of both ontology and metaphysics. It opens nevertheless the possibility of catching the relationship between ontology and metaphysics rather as passage from singular ontologies or regional ontologies to the metaphysics as question about the first principle.

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What metaphysics today?

The renewed interest in metaphysics in the areas of both analytic and conti-nental philosophy and the plurality of metaphysics arising from the different conceptions of metaphysics worked out in the various investigative fields make it necessary to ask what metaphysics can be practised today. In its origin from Aristotle metaphysics has an eidetic essence which makes metaphysics highly compatible with phenomenology. Such an eidetic structure supports the project of a phenomenological metaphysics which is able to respond to the needs of philosophical research of today in both the ontological and gnose-ological spheres.

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Desiderio metafisico e natura umana fra Aristotele e Heidegger

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Sanningens smärta

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La solitudine della natura. Natura vivente e tecnica oltre una semplice dicotomia

The essay focus on the relationship between art and nature departing from the Aristotelian conception of this relation. Discussing the idea of nature as living nature from a morphological point of view, the essay uses the relationship between matter and form in order to read the ontological structure of the living nature with the aim of defending the necessity of its autonomy from art and from the logic of the productive sphere.

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Sospensioni del sé

Rethinking metamorphosis as rebirth of the Self opens the possibility of conceiving the subjectivity according to its plasticity, as the new perspectives of the morphological and morphogenetic investigations suggest. The ontological trait of the plasticity of the subject shows us that the Self is a continuous metamorphic activity, which is properly an activity of individualization of the identity of the Self. Following its natural metamorphic way of being and searching for its identity, the Self is revealed to be a transindividual form of life, constituting in the relationship with other transindividual forms of life and their counter-intentionality.

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Questioni di metodo. Sullo statuto fenomenologico della metafisica

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God-Love-Revelation. God as Saturated Phenomenon i Jean-Luc Marion’s Phenomenology of Givenness

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Beyond the eidetics of living beings: contingency, plasticity, individuality

Saving living phenomena means saving their contingency, their plasticity, their individuality. A fruitful dialogue between metaphysics, phenomenology and morphology can be of help to investigate the ontological question of form, giving us the possibility to investigate the question of form and its epistemological significance providing a revision of that eidetic approach which instead is in danger of losing the sense of the continuous plastic morphogenesis of living beings.

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Stratificazione ontologica e fluidità del reale

The question of reality implies the necessity of declaring a principle of reality. Thus, it means the necessity of declaring a principle of existence. Through the adoption of a wide criterion like that of intentional existence following up on Quine’s accounts, the question is reformulated as a question concerning not what but how being is. Using Bauman’s concept of liquidity in an ontological manner and discussing Malabou’s notion of plasticity, the form as essence is seen in its possibility of being receptive and fluid and not ontologically static or stiff. Facing a stratified reality, we need to insert phenomenology and hermeneutics into metaphysics or rather rediscover the originary phen…

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La gratuità del divino e la contingenza del mondo fra weak theology e teodicea

As the relationship between God's gratuitousness and the contingecy of the world is concerned, Leibnizian modern theodicy and weak theology seem to radically contradict each other. Nevertheless, both perspectives are able to preserve the simultaneous presence of gratuity and unconditioned givenness of theophany together with the contingency of reality in its heteronomy from the rules of the creationist order, since it is also determined by fortuity. In this way both positions are much more closer than waht they might seem at a first sight.

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God-Love-Revelation. God as Saturated Phenomenon in Jean-Luc Marion's Phenomenology of Givenness

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Crepe ontologiche della comunità

Referring to the so-called Böckenförde’s “dilemma” and following Guglielminetti’s analysis, the ontological inhomogeneity of community is presented as the condition for the existence of community itself. It marks an ontological drama which calls upon both the subject and the community as poles of an inalienable and responsible relationship. Thus, the model of community as an ontologically compact reality has to be replaced by a different paradigm according to which community is characterized by ontological splits which are necessarily unavoidable in order to meet the constant tensions menacing the empirical existence of the “communitary being”.

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Aristotele dopo Heidegger. Per una riabilitazione dell´onto-teologia

La questione dell´obiettivo e dei fondamenti epistemologici della filosofia prima aristotelica è oggi al centro di un dibattito particolarmente intenso. La diffusione del paradigma onto-teologico heideggeriano, che rimette prepotentemente in gioco il problema della determinazione della metafisica in Aristotele, legandolo alla questione dell´essenza della metafisica tout court, segna un vero e proprio punto di svolta rispetto alla lunga tradizione esegetica della "Metafisica". Il volume propone un´analisi sistematica di questo dibattico ed insieme prospetta un´ipotesi interpretativa, guadagnata attraverso una puntuale ricostruzione critica del percorso esegetico heideggeriano. Nel far questo…

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Maria Antonietta Giganti, in F. Armetta (a c. di), Dizionario Enciclopedico dei Pensatori e Teologi di Sicilia. Secc. XIX-XX (5 voll.), Sciascia Editore, Roma-Caltanissetta 2010, v. 4, pp. 1463-1467

Voce di enciclopedia in cui si illustra la figura della pensatrice Maria Antonietta Giganti

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Il sonno ermeneutico. Letture aristoteliche sul sonno

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Recensione a S. L. Brock, "Tommaso d'Aquino e l'oggetto della metafisica", in Giornale di Metafisica, 3/2005, pp. 845-847

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Recensione a F. Camera, “L’ermeneutica fra Heidegger e Lévinas”, Giornale di Metafisica, XXV (2003), 2, pp. 430-434

Recensione al volume di F. Camera dedicato all'analisi dell'ermeneutica con un percorso di comparazione fra la posizione heideggeriana e quella levinassiana

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Recensione a P. Gilbert, "Sapere e sperare. Percorso di metafisica", in Giornale di Metafisica, 1/2004, pp. 198-201

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Renato Composto, in F. Armetta (a c. di), Dizionario Enciclopedico dei Pensatori e Teologi di Sicilia. Secc. XIX-XX (5 voll.), Sciascia Editore, Roma-Caltanissetta 2010, v. 2, pp. 694-697

Voce di enciclopedia in cui si illustra la figura del pensatore Renato Composto

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Il campo della metafisica. Studi in onore di Giuseppe Nicolaci

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Recensione a F. Cassinari, "Tempo e identità. La dinamica di legittimazione nella storia e nel mito", in Giornale di Metafisica, 1/2006, pp. 197-200

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Recensione a A. U. Sommer, "Geschichte als Trost, Isaak Iselins Geschichtsphilosophie", in Giornale di Metafisica, 2/2004, pp. 410-412

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Recensione a J. L. Nancy, "All'ascolto", in Giornale di Metafisica, 2/2004, pp. 387-390

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Recensione a G. Sala, "Kant, Lonergan und der christliche Glaube", in Giornale di Metafisica, 1/2006, pp. 193-197

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Recensione a L. Tengelyi, Erfahrung und Ausdruck. Phänomenologie im Umbruch bei Husserl und seinen Nachfolgern, in Giornale di metafisica,Giornale di Metafisica, XXXI (2009), 2, pp. 381-385

Si recensisce il vol.L. Tengelyi, Erfahrung und Ausdruck. Phänomenologie im Umbruch bei Husserl und seinen Nachfolgern, in cui si indaga fenomenologicamente la questione dell´esperienza come momento originale di donazione di senso e formazione di senso

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Recensione a E. Guglielminetti, La commozione del Bene. Una teoria dell´aggiungere

recensione del volume di E. Guglielminetti, La commozione del Bene. Una teoria dell´aggiungere, Jaca Book, Milano 2011

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Filosofia e critica del dominio. Studi in onore di Leonardo Samonà

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