

Creazione e decreazione. La dialettica corporale di trascendenza ed immanenza in Simone Weil

Rosa Maria Lupo


Creazione de-creazione Weil Cristo Incarnazione Trascendenza Immanenza Mediazione MetaxySettore M-FIL/01 - Filosofia Teoretica


Weil's reflection on the theme body and transcendence involves, on one hand the awareness of the meaning of suffering, and on the other a rethiking of God's creative act. Ii is only the body, and the body bound to souffering, place of abandonment and maximum distance from God, the place in which the Father's love in creation reveals itself to man. It is only a particular way to understand the body devoured by pain, which allows man to establish contact with Transcendence and to experience the peculiar movement of the Creator's lovefor the creature: creation as de-creation.
