Gilles Bossuet
Recherches archéologiques dans le quartier d’Autun-La Genetoye (71). Premiers résultats obtenus en 2012 grâce aux prospections géophysiques
National audience
Caractérisation des changements environnementaux dans la basse vallée du Doubs (Neublans, Jura) durant le 1er millénaire après J.-C. Le rôle de l'Homme et de la rivière
International audience
Nouvelles recherches sur le complexe du temple de Janus à Autun (Saône-et-Loire)
National audience
Recherches sur le quartier périurbain de la Genetoye à Autun (Saône-et-Loire). Résultats de la campagne 2013
International audience
les recherches dans le quartier de la Genetoye à Autun (71), bilan de la campagne 2013
International audience
Approche géoarchéologique de la vallée de la Laigne
The conclusions from the research project in the Laigne Valley show the relevance of the geoarchaeological approach conducted on two scales of investigation. The first, over the entire alluvial plain, allows general data to be collected which characterise the specific functions of each catchment basin during the Holocene period : determination of sedimentary sequences, evolution of specific functions of each catchment basin during the Holocene period : determination of sedimentary sequences, evolution of vegetation and phases of human occupation. The second is a geoarchaeological approach on the scale of a test site: it demonstrates and dates as precisely as possible, interactions between n…
Journée d'Actualité Archéologique en Autunois et en Bourgogne, 18 avril 2014, Autun
International audience; Cette brochure vous permettra de redécouvrirl’ensemble des interventions visant àprésenter les résultats des prospections,fouilles préventives et programmées à Autunmais également dans de nombreux chantiersréalisés en Bourgogne.
Le sanctuaire suburbain d'Augustodunum à la Genetoye, Autun (Saône-et-Loire). Approche de l'apport combiné de données spatialisées à la restitution du théâtre antique du Haut du Verger
International audience
Mandeure une ville antique sur le Doubs
Anthropisation des zones humides : « fenêtre » sur le cas de la basse vallée du Doubs
This study concerns a «window» of approximately 40 km², opening on to two different landscapes : the lower Doubs Valley and the Bresse plateau, both very humid zone. The interaction of man with his environment is studied from Antiquity to the Middle Ages by comparing archaeological evidence of human settlements with paleoenvironmental reconstruction of land dynamics. There is dense occupation throughout all periods, which proves the attractiveness of the area. However, local factors, both natural and anthropic, seem to have influenced spatial implantation along the river.
Quantification de l’ablation d’un bassin versant marno-calcaire alpin durant le Petit Age Glaciaire par l’étude d’un système lacustre (cas du lac du « Claps » de Luc-en-Diois Drôme, France)
Measurements of present-day erosion may give heterogeneous results according to the methods used. This article proposes an approach to erosion during the Little Ice Age by the quantitative analysis of detritical materials trapped in a dammed lake. This infill is recognized through two drillings, and these specific observations are supplemented by a seismic reflexion survey which provided a reliable estimate of the geometry of the lake infill. The sedimentary production is calculated from three pieces of data: (1) the surface of the drainage area, (2) duration of the lake system activity and (3) the volume of trapped sediments. From the three determined variables, we propose a detritical product…
Journée d'Actualité Archéologique en Autunois et en Bourgogne, 22 mars 2013, Autun
Pour sa cinquième édition à Autun, la Journée d’actualité Archéologique en Autunois et en Bourgogne s’est tenue le 22 mars 2013 sous la conduite de Yannick Labaune, archéologue municipal, et du Service d’Archéologie de la Ville d’Autun.
Evidence of tephra reworking in loess based on 2D magnetic susceptibility mapping: A case study from Rocourt, Belgium
Abstract In this article, a new and original approach to characterize tephra layers based on high resolution magnetic susceptibility (MS) mapping is applied to the tephra deposits of Rocourt (Belgium). A series of MS maps of selected sections show the 3D morphology of tephra horizons, including local dip and reworked structures of the Rocourt and Eltville tephras, proven by chemical analyses of phenocrysts. At Rocourt, tephras are observed in loess which is an excellent material for testing the efficiency of the magnetic susceptibility mapping of tephra deposits. We also attempted to locate the volcanic source of the Eltville tephra based on the spatial analysis of the thickness of deposits…
Contribution of geophysical prospecting to the restitution of the ancient theater of “Haut du Verger” (Autun, Sâone-et-Loire)
International audience
Magnetic Prospecting of Diachronic Structures (Antiquity to First World War) on the Site of the Sanctuary of Ribemont-sur-Ancre (Somme, France)
International audience; The site of the sanctuary of Ribemont-sur-Ancre (Somme, France) is of major scientific interest for the knowledge of the Celtic civilization in Europe. It also presents other peculiarities: two clearly identifiable periods of occupation-the first one as early as third century BC-to the second century AD and the second one from 1914-1918. In the area disrupted through military operations, the remains of several epochs are intermingled. In order to obtain a precise knowledge of the space time organisation of each occupation, a magnetic survey was carried out. The comparison of geophysical results with the aerial photographs shot during the war allows an exact determina…
Nouvelles recherches sur le temple de Janus à Autun (Saône-et-Loire)
International audience
Quantification of the ablation of an Alpine Marno-Calcareous catchment during the Little Ice Age by analysis of a lacustrine system (case of the Claps Lake in Luc-en-Diois Drome France)
International audience
Intérêts de la prospection géophysique extensive dans le cadre de programmes de recherches archéologiques : le cas du quartier monumental de la Genetoye, Autun (71)
International audience
Land use change, soil erosion and alluvial dynamic in the lower Doubs Valley over the 1st millenium AD (Neublans, Jura, France)
International audience; Geochemical and particle size analyses, surface scanning magnetic susceptibility, microscopic charcoal counting and pollen analysis, have been carried out on two cores from the lower Doubs valley in order to reconstruct the land use history. The interpretation of anthropogenic pollen indicators and micro-charcoal deposits is discussed in relation to the lithological variation of sedimentary accumulation and evolution of the settlement. The environmental changes which occurred during the 1st and the 6th century AD reflect the impact of human activities on the landscape in the immediate surroundings of the site. Multiproxy indicators indicate that soil erosion as a con…
recherches archéologiques dans le quartier d'Autun - La Genetoye (71). Premiers résultats obtenus en 2012 grâce aux prospections géophysiques
International audience