Aslaug Kristiansen
On Teachers' Interpretations of Responsibility in a Norwegian Language Training Programme
This study aims to investigate how teachers carry out their professional responsibility in daily teaching. It is conducted at a school that offers language training programs for adult immigrants and refugees. The data is based on participant observation in classrooms and interviews with the teachers. The findings indicate that a clear consciousness of the role of a teacher seems to be a “governing principle” for the practice of professional responsibility, whether the role concerns being accountable regarding the teacher’s contract with the greater society or moral considerations in the daily student and teacher interaction. On Teachers' Interpretations of Responsibility in a Norwegian Lang…
Moments of Goodness: An Analysis of Ethical and Educational Dimensions of the Terror Attack on Utøya, Norway (July 22, 2011)
Published version of an article in the journal: Studies in Philosophy and Education. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11217-014-9452-1 The analysis is based on some moral experiences taking place during a terrorist attack on the Norwegian Labor Party’s youth camp on the island of Utøya (outside of Oslo) July 22, 2011, where 69 young people were killed and several seriously injured. After the attack many of the survivors told stories of how strangers spontaneous had helped and cared for each other. In the midst of the horror there occurred sudden “moments of goodness” or “points of light” that revealed hope for the persons involved, as well as for the society.…
Normativitet: utfordring i psykoterapeutisk og pedagogisk arbeid. Den profesjonelle mellom tvang og frihet
In this article we wish to discuss different normative dilemmas that teachers and psychotherapists meet in their work with the student and the patient. We argue that crucial for a good practice is not the actual choice between normativity and freedom, between generalized or authorized standards and individual dialogue. Rather it is the professional’s continuous reflection on the form and quality of the interactions with the pupil and the patient, and the preservation of the balance between personal ethos and professional responsibilities that best safeguard respect for the other's autonomy and self-determination. By illustrating psychotherapeutic malpractice and systematic mistreatment of c…
Building bridges – between the pre-service teachers’ school experiences and the teaching of an educational content. A narrative approach
Pre-service teachers carry with them various school experiences when attending a teacher education programme. Often teacher educators tend to ignore these first-year-student’s previous knowledge an...
Trusting Trust in the Context of Higher Education: The Potential Limits of the Trust Concept
There is a convincing body of empirical evidence supporting the benefits of trust. A number of recent publications have paid a great deal of attention to possible negative consequences of the trusting process, but there has been little interdisciplinary focus on the potentially unconstructive aspects of the trusting process between learners and teaching authorities. The authors argue here that unmonitored student trust in a teacher's expertise in the context of higher education might sabotage the use and development of higher cognitive skills (for example, the ability for critical thinking), and that the direct consequence of this is a further amplification of the existing asymmetrical dis…
Toward a More Sustainable Pre-service Teacher Education: A Study in Progress
In this chapter, Toward a more sustainable pre- service teacher education: a study in progress, Claire Vaugelade Berg, Barbro Grevholm, Ase Haraldstad, Bente Velle Hellang, Annbjorg Haoy, Aslaug Kristiansen and Gro-Renee Rambo argue that: “A sustainable teacher education includes developing pre-service teachers’ awareness of the advantages and consequences of adopting a critical stance: a stance where one looks critically and self-critically at everyday-teaching practice, and aim at improving it in order to achieve pupils’ meaningful understanding of the subject matter.” The aim is to supply teachers with relevant skills that make them become well-qualified teachers. The role of developing …