Marcantonio Ruisi

The "didactic farm" as a demonstration of school tourism from a relational point of view: an aim of business definition

The article suggests different items to define the tourist service of didactic farm; moreover it compares the didactic farm with other similar services, such as: agriturism, rural tourism, ethnographic museum, etc.

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Attività e biodiversità microbica in sedimenti marini

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Le virtù "cardinali" del "revenue manager". Spunti di riflessione sulla misurazione della performance aziendale

The article considers the role of managerial virtues for a revenue manager, by starting from the definition and the role of the revenue management in the hotel sector.

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L'educazione alle virtù per la formazione di aziende orientate al successo

L'articolo riflette sul ruolo che l'esercizio delle virtù della prudenza, giustizia, fortezza e temperanza può ricoprire nella maturazione di un efficace ruolo imprenditoriale ed in ultima analisi per uno sviluppo economico del mercato responsabile.

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Reconceptualizing business models in light of the Covid-19 experience: Insights from the world of startups for a renewed corporate finalism

This contribution builds upon the intense debate that developed in the media and the academic world through numerous webinars, during the months of the quarantine imposed in Italy by the Covid19 Health Emergency. Experts from different fields and subject areas discussed the issue of the consequences of the pandemic on economic and social systems, in particular in the more industrialized countries, and primarily in Italy, starting from 2020 and, in perspective, for the years to come, as well as on possible recovery paths and, therefore, on the economic policies to be undertaken and the business strategies to be implemented.

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Measure entrepreneurial virtues: towards a new perspective for the indicators of corporate success

Il paper si propone si evidenziare il ruolo critico delle virtù "cardinali" nell'esercizio dell'azione imprenditoriale, della quale si vuole misurarne il successo proprio a partire dalla valutazione della virtuosità dei comportamenti posti in essere. Si tenta, di fatto, di allargare l'orizzonte degli indicatori del successo aziendale secondo una prospettiva di etica delle virtù.

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La nautica da diporto come risorsa del Destination Management per lo sviluppo turistico della Sardegna e della Sicilia

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Relational perspective for the hospitality offered by artist residencies

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The role of social report for performance measurement of museums: an Italian survey from the web

This paper aims to explore the concept of performance in the museum field, in particular whether and how it could find an adequate representation through social reporting tools. The social reports, indeed, in non-profit and public sector organisations are typically considered the main tools for institutional communication. To investigate on this topic, we analyse the social reports of some Italian museums using the content analysis in order to understand how the performance is evaluated and communicated. The empirical findings show how the reports are not fully able to represent the performance of the museums.

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Presentazione. Prospettive relazionali intra- ed inter-aziendali nelle nuove tendenze della ricettività turistica

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La prospettiva relazionale della ricettività offerta dalle "residenze per artisti"

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Turismo relazionale. Logiche di sviluppo reticolare ed etica dell'ospitalità per le aziende turistiche di piccola dimensione

The book considers the concept of "relational tourism", in other words it suggests a tourist perspective regarding the combination of relationships in which, on one hand suppliers (entrepreneurs) develop a depth attitude of sincere and shared hospitality beyond a mere orientaion to the sale, in order to retrieve the feeling to let customers rediscover the beauty and the the peculiarity of historical, artistic, folkloristic, gastronomic and especially human patrimony in terms of goods and traditions; on the other hand, users (tourists) invert the usual role of final consumers to become pratagonists, value-generators actively involved into the life-cycle of the tourist offer. In the business …

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Per un turismo relazionale: opportunità e criticità di sviluppo

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The promotion of tourism in Italian regions from a sensorial perspective: a website content analysis

Recent tourism literature has identified the sensory dimension as key to understanding, planning and marketing tourist experiences. This paper aims to understand to what extent Italian regions consider the sensorial perspective in tourist communication, focusing the analysis on their institutional websites. We used the content analysis method considering two different periods to investigate the evolution of Italian tourism promotion. The results show that for all institutional websites, over time, attention engages only some of the five sensorial dimensions. That is, the communication does not appear balanced. Furthermore, the promotional communication in several regions is more oriented to…

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Recreational Boating as a Key Asset for Destination Management in Sardinia Island,

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La strategia aziendale: valori, pensiero, strumenti, azione.

Il volume offre una sistematizzazione delle principali fasi del processo strategico che chiama in causa: i presupposti valoriali della strategia da ricercarsi negli attori chiave dell’azienda, in primis, del soggetto (singolo o plurimo) imprenditore e a seguire del management; un momento di attenta analisi dell’ambiente economico esterno, insieme ad uno di indagine “introspettiva” sulla realtà aziendale, così indagando fattori esogeni (macro-variabili ambientali, caratteri strutturali del settore e dinamiche competitive) e fattori endogeni (risorse, capacità e competenze); la formulazione di obiettivi – in linea con la mission e la vision – contemperando risorse e metodiche da mettere in ca…

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Il Bed & Breakfast

bed & breakfast

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The Exercise of 'Civic' Virtues for Family Firms Characterized by a Strong Link with their Territory: some Italian Experiences

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Per un dibattito in tema di Business Ethics a partire dalle riflessioni promosse da EBEN Italia

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La speranza quale virtù propriamente imprenditoriale

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Per una funzione imprenditoriale generativa del bene e del bello declinata nella gestione dei beni culturali. Una prospettiva relazionale

Informazione non disponibile

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The paper describes San Vito Lo Capo – a tourist destination on the west cost of Sicily – by considering its human and not human (material and immaterial) elements. To depict this tourist destination, so to map and analyze the different involved elements and to understand the inner mechanisms of its functioning, the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is exploited. A special focus is on the “Cous Cous Fest” and the role it’s played in the last seventeen years for the tourist (economic) development of the destination.

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Quali finalità nella progettazione della fruizione turistica del patrimonio culturale delle città d’arte?

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Respect and hope a binomial relationship supporting the creation of a true entrepreneurial model

Il paper riflette sul ruolo delle virtù del rispetto e della speranza rispetto all'efficacia dell'azione imprenditoriale e quindi con riferimento alla funzione specifica esercitata

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I festival gastronomici come “driver” del Destination Management. Il Cous Cous Fest e lo Sherbeth.

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Antropologia ed etica aziendale.

Il volume dibatte sui presupposti antropologici ed etici del fare impresa. Dal punto di vista antropologico, in termini analogici prima e metaforici dopo, declina il concetto di "trascendentale" alla realtà del soggetto imprenditore e dell'azienda; specificamente si sofferma sui trascendentali dell'"uno", "vero", "bene", "bello" e "valore". Dal punto di vista etico, approfondisce il ruolo delle virtù imprenditoriali in vista del successo aziendale, in particolare con riferimento alle virtù della prudenza, giustizia, fortezza e temperanza.

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Le strategie di legittimazione in contesti complessi: il caso delle aziende operanti su terreni confiscati alla criminalità organizzata

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La sfida competitiva nelle destinazioni turistiche minori. Rinvii alla responsabilità socioculturale e ambientale

This contribution considers the socio-economic development of small tourist destinations. Attention is mainly paid to identifying the customer segments and the entrepreneurial dynamics that qualify the supply chain of the tourist industry by analysing the relations among operators who satisfy similar needs (not only direct competitors but also indirect ones) and even those among suppliers and complementors. Further considerations regard the socio-environmental responsibility - and not only that - which the subjects called to promote the development mentioned above must assume. The study commitment limited to small-scale destinations considers the "morphological" characteristics in these spa…

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The Role of Business Plan Competitions in the Processes of Defining and Launching a New Venture. Cases of Companies Involved in the ‘StartCup’ Palermo and Developed Inside the ARCA Academic Incubator

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L'attenzione al marchio nelle strategie di Destination Management

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La "fattoria didattica" come manifestazione di turismo scolastico in ottica relazionale: una proposta di business definition

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How the Love of Truth Affects the Role of the Researcher : References to the “Third Mission” of Universities and References to the Field of Business Economics Studies

This chapter discusses and highlights the role and, therefore, the responsibility of the researcher, of the scholar, in the context of a university institution, which is not usually limited to knowledge, but also to its transfer into the sphere—in primis—of the universitas studiorum, as well as scolarium (in addition to magistrorum), starting with the concept of “truth” and, subsequently, that of “love”1. Certain prescriptive considerations, which could involve the aforementioned role and, therefore, the ethics of the modus operandi of the researcher in question, with inevitable references to the purposes of their work and their goal of progress for mankind and society, will tendentially be…

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Come l'amore per la verità interpella la funzione imprenditoriale e quella di docente universitario

L'articolo propone alcune riflessioni stimolate dall'enciclica Caritas in veritate. Si cerca di considerare in che termini la verità opportunamente specificata al contesto in oggetto contraddistingue la funzione imprenditoriale con evidenti richiami alla dimensione etica degli affari.

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La "fattoria didattica" come manifestazione di turismo scolastico in ottica relazionale: una proposta di business definition

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Into the development of relational tourism: opportunity and threats

The article starting from the concept of "relational tourism" (Ruisi, 2004) suggests the use of two matrices ("complementarity" and "compatibility") for a better selection of the partners of a network of tourist firms (i.e. hotel companies). Moreover, the article presents an example of best practice in relational tourism: the cous cous fest in San Vito Lo Capo (Sicily)

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Nurturing Entrepreneurial Culture and Attitudes in Universities: Experiences at the University of Palermo

The aim of this paper is to contribute in the debate about academic entrepreneurship and the role of universities focusing on the analysis of the long term process of establishing and running an university incubator, and on the relationship between perseverance and results in promoting the exploitation of academic research and contributing to cultural change in an area where entrepreneurial spirit is not part of tradition. The paper focuses on analysing the experience gained at the University of Palermo in promoting and supporting, for the last ten years, the creation of innovative business initiatives and academic start-ups through the incubator run by the Consorzio ARCA. The paper present…

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L'esercizio consapevole delle virtù in azienda. Verso una prospettiva di riqualificazione degli indicatori del successo per "capire e fare il bene dell'azienda".

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The promotion of a tourist destination through the definition of the "concept" in a sensorial perspective

According to Anholt, the brand of a tourist destination expresses and sustains its identity; it should depict the main characteristics of the territory and its contents and for this reason it should represent the synthesis, the result rather than the starting point of its promotion. At the operational level there is a widespread tendency of the policy makers to develop the brand strategy of a destination by launching advertising campaigns that enlighten the territorial attractors, aiming to stress the tourist appeal of some geographical areas. In this case the main strategic efforts are usually oriented to develop and support a “comparative" advantage rather than a “competitive” one. An inn…

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La governance dei distretti turistici in ottica di Destination Management

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La riscoperta dei Trascendentali dell'essere per un rinnovato umanesimo imprenditoriale

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L'esercizio consapevole delle virtù in azienda

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Deregulation and re-regulation of the economy as key ways to support new start up companies and develop ease of doing business. International experience

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Per un turismo relazionale: opportunità e criticità di sviluppo

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Il Business Plan del "Balarm Hotel"

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Intorno ai fini dell’impresa: riflessioni anche alla luce dello Statement on the purpose of a Corporation del 2019

Marcantonio Ruisi sottolinea come il profitto operi nell’impresa come fine-mezzo in vista di obiettivi ampi nello spazio e nel tempo: nello spazio dei bisogni umani da soddisfare e nel tempo di una prospettiva proiettata verso il futuro. In questo senso la pandemia Covid-19 ha fatto riflettere sulla responsabilità sociale sollecitando un’idea di entrepreneurship sempre più corrispondente ai caratteri della social entrepreneurship. Lo Statement della Business RoundTable a sua volta rappresenta una svolta sul piano culturale, magari di lento trasferimento nella prassi, da incentivare e consolidare con adeguati framework e KPI di controllo.

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Bene comune e Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa in Carlo Masini.

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Controllo di gestione nelle PMI e consulenti esterni

L'articolo considera, a partire da un'indagine di campo su un campione di professionisti, il loro ruolo, in particolare quello degli esperti contabili e dei dottori commercialisti, nella diffusione degli strumenti e delle metodiche del controllo di gestione nell'ambito delle PMI. Management control in SMEs and external consultants. The issue of management control in small and medium-sized enterprises has long been the subject of scientific debate, as well as a key point of professionals’ interest. Starting from the recognition of the role played by the latter, this paper aims to investigate the type and level of dissemination of management control tools in SMEs by adopting the perspective o…

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La ridefinizione del sistema di prodotto a supporto della redditività dei beni/servizi periferici al core business: spunti di riflessione dal management dell'azienda alberghiera

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Misurare le virtù in azienda. Verso una prospettiva di riqualificazione degli indicatori del successo aziendale

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Imprese e reti per lo sviluppo imprenditoriale del territorio

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Per una definizione di turismo responsabile bilanciata tra motivazioni di viaggio e aspettative della comunità locale: l'analisi dell'intermediazione offerta da taluni operatori siciliani

Recently in the tourism sector there is the tendency of some practitioners and local actors, sensitive to issues of social responsibility, environmental sustainability, economic equity and solidarity, to organize forms of tourism for travellers equally sensitive to the impact of their presence on the territory of destination. This phenomenon is often called «responsible tourism», emphasizing the “responsibility” that characterizes the action of all actors involved in the journey. This paper aims to study the setting process of the business offer and the underlying strategy of specific forms of responsible tourism. Employing the multiple case studies method, it analyses three different assoc…

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M. hominis ed U. urealyticum: prevalenza e sensibilità agli antibiotici

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Analisi strategica. Per una ricerca delle determinanti del successo aziendale

Il volume approfondisce gli strumenti di analisi strategica, in particolare con rierimento agli ambiti della Strategia competitiva (business) e di quella aziendale (corporate).

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The promotion of a tourist destination by its sensorial perspective definition

In the last years there has been a special attention towards sensory marketing and experiential economy (Hulten, Broweus & Dijk, 2009). Some related contributions (Kim, Ritchie & Tung, 2010; Volo, 2010) in tourism have payed attention to a possible service customization in terms of sensorial stimuli that can be effective for the customers (Scott, Laws & Boksberger, 2010). The literature has recently emphasized the importance of the senses through which to perceive and know an area for a more complete tourist experience (Cherifi, 2015; Liu, Wang, Liu & Deng, 2005). Considering that the brand of a tourist destination expresses its identity and it should represent the synthesis of its promotio…

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