C. Giordano

Valutazione dell’insulino-sensibilità tramite clamp euglicemico iperinsulinemico in bambini in terapia sostitutiva con GH.

Background I dati sugli effetti della terapia sostitutiva con ormone somatotropo (GH) sull’insulino-sensibilità sono variabili e talora discordanti tra loro e per gran parte ricavati dall’utilizzo di indici surrogati basali, come Homa-IR, o derivati dall’OGTT, come ISI Matsuda. Scopo Valutare la variazione dell’insulino-sensibilità in un gruppo di pazienti affetti da deficit di GH (GHD) pediatrico confrontando i suddetti indici con il clamp euglicemico iperinsuliemico. Materiali e Metodi In 20 bambini affetti da GHD idiopatico isolato alla diagnosi e dopo 12 mesi di terapia con GH e in 10 controlli con bassa statura costituzionale, oltre ai classici parametri clinico-auxologici (statura, BM…

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Neck liymph nodes in chronic autoimmune thyroiditis: the sonographic pattern.

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Adherence to growth hormone (GH) therapy in naïve to treatment GH-deficient children: data of the Italian Cohort from the Easypod Connect Observational Study (ECOS)

Background: With the use of non-objective measurement, adherence to growth hormone (GH) therapy has been reported suboptimal in a large proportion of patients, and poor adherence has been shown to affect short-term growth response in patients receiving GH treatment. Objective: The Easypod™ electronic device allows objective measurement of adherence. In this study, we report 3-year prospective adherence data of the Italian cohort of naïve GH deficient (GHD) children extrapolated from the Easypod Connect Observational Study (ECOS) database. Patients and methods: Seventy-three GHD children naïve to GH treatment were included in the analysis. 22 Italian centers participated in the study. Result…

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Visceral Adipose function, insulin sensitivity and secretion in active acromegaly.

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“Me lo offre un caffè?”: Una ricerca qualitativa sulla ‘collusione di strada’ a Palermo [“Would you offer me a coffee?”: A qualitative research on ‘street collusion’ in Palermo].

Il presente lavoro si propone come studio pilota sulla collusione in terre di mafia. I suoi oggetti di interesse sono Palermo e i “suoi” posteggiatori “abusivi”, figure oggi aggrovigliate al panorama geo-politico della città di cui parlano le strade, gli accadimenti mediatici e la cronaca giudiziaria del capoluogo siciliano. Ci siamo in tal senso chiesti: chi sono questi soggetti sociali? E quali sono le motivazioni della loro presenza ipertrofica in una città come Palermo? Grazie ai dati raccolti attraverso 21 “interviste da strada”, possiamo affermare che il problema è complesso e, come afferma Leoluca Orlando, riguarda posteggiatori e posteggianti, in uno stretto intreccio di collusioni …

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Visceral adiposity index is associated with significant fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Background: Metabolic factors have been associated with liver damage in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Aims To test a new marker of adipose dysfunction, the visceral adiposity index (VAI), in NAFLD patients to assess whether or not it is associated with host factors, and to investigate a potential correlation with histological findings. Methods One hundred and forty-two consecutive NAFLD patients were evaluated by liver biopsy, and clinical and metabolic measurements, including insulin resistance with the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA), and VAI by using waist circumference, body mass index, triglycerides and HDL. Serum levels of TNFα, IL-6, adiponectin and lep…

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Diversa efficacia clinica e biochimica della terapia con liraglutide in una popolazione di diabetici di tipo 2 in relazione ai valori basali di HbA1c

Background: I criteri AIFA di rimborsabilità dei farmaci ad azione incretino-mimetica limitano notevolmente l’utilizzo degli stessi ad un range molto ristretto di HbA1c alla prima prescrizione(7,5-8,5%), escludendone quindi dal loro utilizzo i pazienti con più severo scompenso glicometabolico. Obiettivi: Valutare la diversa efficacia di liraglutide durante i primi 12 mesi di terapia in relazione ai valori di HbA1c di partenza. Metodi: Sono stati retroattivamente valutati i dati clinici e metabolici di 62 pazienti diabetici di tipo 2 (38 M, 24 F, range età 29-74 aa, range durata di malattia 0-30 aa) trattati in un periodo antecedente l’entrata in vigore dei limiti di rimborsabilità AIFA, in …

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Comparison of clinical and metabolic effects of pasireotide and pituitary surgery in Cushing disease

Pituitary surgery represents the first-line treatment for most patients with Cushing’s disease (CD). In the case of surgery failure, additional treatment options are required. Pasireotide has shown favourable results in the first-line treatment of patients with CD, who are not candidates for surgery or in the second-line when surgery has failed. The aim of the current study is to compare the effects of surgery and pasireotide treatment in a cohort of patients with CD, and to evaluate the differences in response rate in terms of hormonal and clinical control, and improvement of metabolic complications.

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Sviluppo del metodo urea glass-route per la preparazione di nanoparticelle di Ce:YAG

I materiali a base di yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) drogato con ioni lantanidi hanno suscitato negli ultimi anni notevole interesse per le loro importanti applicazioni tecnologiche nel campo dei dispositivi optoelettronici quali laser, LED, display e scintillatori per i raggi X. In particolare, lo YAG drogato con ioni Ce(III) è utilizzato, in combinazione ai semiconduttori di nitruro di gallio (GaN) o indio e gallio (GaInN), per la realizzazione di LED a luce bianca1. Il miglioramento delle performance di questi dispositivi è vincolato all’ottimizzazione, in termini di proprietà, dei materiali che lo compongono. Una delle strategie consiste nel preparare nanoparticelle (np) di Ce:YAG con di…

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Predictors of early discontinuation of dapagliflozin versus other glucose-lowering medications: a retrospective multicenter real-world study

Background and aims: In routine clinical practice, early discontinuation of newly initiated glucose-lowering medications (GLM) is relatively common. We herein evaluated if the clinical characteristics associated with early discontinuation of dapagliflozin were different from those associated with early discontinuation of other GLM. Methods: The DARWIN-T2D was a multicenter retrospective study conducted at diabetes specialist outpatient clinics in Italy. We included 2484 patients who were initiated on dapagliflozin in 2015–2016 and 14,801 patients who were initiated on other GLM (DPP-4 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists, or gliclazide) in the same period. After excluding patients who had no…

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Physicochemical investigation of surfactant-coated gold nanoparticles synthesized in dry reversed micelles

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L’insulino-resistenza è il principale fattore indipendente correlato con l’aumentato rischio metabolico nelle donne affette da PCOS

Background La sindrome dell’ovaio policistico (PCOS) è associata ad un aumentato rischio metabolico, sebbene una relazione diretta con le singole componenti caratterizzanti la PCOS è stata valutata in pochi studi. Scopo Valutare l’influenza dei principali parametri clinico-biochimici caratterizzanti la PCOS su due indici di rischio metabolico, il visceral adiposity index (VAI), associato a disfunzione adiposa viscerale e aumentato rischio cardiometabolico nella popolazione generale, e l’hepatic steatosis index (HSI), indice clinico di steatosi epatica. Materiali e Metodi Abbiamo valutato gli indici VAI e HSI in 202 pazienti con PCOS alla diagnosi, confrontate con 101 controlli sani appaiati…

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Similar effectiveness of dapagliflozin and GLP-1 receptor agonists concerning combined endpoints in routine clinical practice: A multicentre retrospective study

Abstract Aims According to cardiovascular outcome trials, some sodium‐glucose contransporter‐2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) and glucagon‐like peptide‐1 receptor agonists (GLP‐1RA) are recommended for secondary cardiovascular prevention in type 2 diabetes (T2D). In this real‐world study, we compared the simultaneous reductions in HbA1c, body weight and systolic blood pressure after initiation of dapagliflozin or GLP‐1RA as second or a more advanced line of therapy. Materials and methods DARWIN‐T2D was a retrospective multi‐centre study conducted at diabetes specialist clinics in Italy that compared T2D patients who initiated dapagliflozin or GLP‐1RA (exenatide once weekly or liraglutide). Data were c…

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Physico-chemical Investigation of the Solubilization of Ytterbium Nitrate in Solutions of Dry AOT Reversed Micelles

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Physicochemical investigation of cobalt-iron cyanide nanoparticles synthesized by a novel solid-solid reaction in confined space

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Association of kidney disease measures with risk of renal function worsening in patients with type 1 diabetes

Background Albuminuria has been classically considered a marker of kidney damage progression in diabetic patients and it is routinely assessed to monitor kidney function. However, the role of a mild GFR reduction on the development of stage ≥3 CKD has been less explored in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic role of kidney disease measures, namely albuminuria and reduced GFR, on the development of stage ≥3 CKD in a large cohort of patients affected by T1DM. Methods A total of 4284 patients affected by T1DM followed-up at 76 diabetes centers participating to the Italian Association of Clinical Diabetologists (Associazione Medici D…

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Sviluppi e validazione di uno strumento per l’analisi del campo terapeutico di gruppo

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Impact of obesity, insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism on steatosis and fibrosis risk in young females with PCOS

Obesity and insulin resistance (IR) represent a common pathogenic background of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We evaluated whether PCOS is a risk factor for steatosis, and subsequently, the impact of IR and hyperandrogenism on steatosis and fibrosis. We considered 202 consecutive non diabetic PCOS patients and 101 age-matched controls. PCOS was diagnosed applying the Rotterdam diagnostic criteria. Steatosis was diagnosed if hepatic steatosis index (HSI) >36, while fibrosis by using the FIB-4 score. As surrogate estimate of insulin sensitivity we considered the insulin sensitivity index (ISI). Free androgen index (FAI) was calculated as estima…

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Clinical and metabolic impact of three-times-weekly versus daily growth hormone (GH) treatment in naïve GH-deficient children

OBJECTIVE: Growth hormone treatment (GHT) is commonly administered daily, although pulsatile GH secretion is unlikely to be achieved. The auxological effect of a three-injections-per-week (TIW) regimen is controversial, while the metabolic effects have been never evaluated in children. The objective was to evaluate whether two different regimens of weekly injections could lead to similar auxological and metabolic effects in children with GH deficiency (GHD). DESIGN: 32 GHD children (25 males, mean age 10.5 ± 2.2 yr) were randomly assigned to receive daily (group A, No 16) or TIW (group B, No 16) GHT for 12 months. METHODS: Auxological parameters, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), glucos…

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Modificazioni di insulino-secrezione, insulino-sensibilità e funzione adiposa durante terapia con pasireotide in un gruppo di pazienti con malattia di Cushing

Background: La terapia con pasireotide (PAS) è efficace nel miglioramento del quadro clinico e biochimico dei soggetti con Malattia di Cushing (MC) da adenoma ipofisario ACTH-secernente, ma una della principali cause di interruzione della stessa è l’insorgenza di eventi avversi, tra i quali l’iperglicemia è il più frequente. Obiettivi: Valutare l’effetto della terapia con PAS su metabolismo glucidico, insulino-secrezione e sensibilità. Metodi: Abbiamo valutato in 8 pazienti con MC recidivata post-chirurgia durante un follow-up terapeutico di 12 mesi, oltre ai parametri clinici ed ormonali, l’insulino-secrezione tramite HOMAβ e area sotto la curva del C-peptide (AUC2hc-peptide) durante MMTT,…

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Dangerous effects induced on power MOSFETs by terrestrial neutrons: A theoretical study and an empirical approach based on accelerated experimental analysis

This paper investigates the effects that terrestrial neutrons can induce on power MOSFETs when they are biased during their normal working conditions especially in inverters for photovoltaic applications. After a brief review of power MOSFETs failure phenomena caused by neutron irradiation (with emphasis on so called “Single Event Effects” (SEE)), the results of an accelerated test performed with the Am-Be source at the University of Palermo are discussed.

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Psicologia clinica e crimine intercettato

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Rivalutazione delle caratteristiche cliniche e metaboliche di bambini con deficit isolato di ormone della crescita durante il trattamento con GH secondo la modifica alla nota 39 AIFA

Questo studio retrospettivo ha voluto valutare le caratteristiche cliniche e metaboliche di bambini con deficit di ormone della crescita (GHD) isolato, raggruppati secondo i nuovi criteri suggeriti dall’ Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA) regolamentanti l’appropriatezza dell’uso e della rimborsabilità del trattamento con GH.

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Identification and enrichment of thyroid cancer stem cells in anaplastic cell lines

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Gender-specific soluble α-klotho levels as marker of GH deficiency in children: a case-control study.

Abstract Purpose To evaluate circulating soluble α-klotho (sαKL) levels in GHD children before and after 12 months of GH treatment (GHT). Methods Auxological and basal metabolic parameters, oral glucose tolerance test for glucose and insulin levels, insulin sensitivity indices and klotho levels were evaluated before and after 12 months of follow-up in 58 GHD children and 56 healthy controls. Results At baseline, GHD children showed significantly lower growth velocity standard deviation score (SDS) (p < 0.001), bone/chronological age ratio (p < 0.001), GH peak and area under the curve (AUC) after arginine test (ARG) (both p < 0.001) and glucagon stimulation test (GST) (p < 0.001 …

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Glycometabolic control in Acromegalic patients with Diabetes: a study of the effects of different treatments for GH excess and for hyperglycaemia.

Background. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is frequently observed in patients with acromegaly. Current therapies for acromegaly may impact glucose regulation, influencing insulin sensitivity and secretion. The question whether these therapies modify control and progression of diabetes once present is still open. Aim. Aim of our study is to analyse glucose control in acromegalic patients with diabetes, evaluating the relation with treatments for GH excess and for diabetes. Methods. Seventy patients with acromegaly and diabetes were studied. Duration and treatments of acromegaly and DM were recorded, together with clinical and metabolic parameters. Results. Most patients (92.8%) were treated with som…

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Synthesis and Reactivity of Inorganic Salt Nanoparticles Confined in Dry Reversed Micelles

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Alterazioni del metabolismo glucidico determinate da eccesso di ormoni controregolatori: ruolo del GH

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Circulating adipokine levels in diabetic patients with Cushing disease on pasireotide treatment compared with patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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Physico-chemical investigation of inorganic salt nanoparticles confined in dry reversed micelles

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Valutazione del C-peptide come migliore indice di insulino-secrezione in bambini affetti da deficit di GH

Background: La terapia con GH determina iperinsulinemia sia per effetto diretto del GH sulla β-cellula, sia per effetto controregolatorio indiretto. I dati in letteratura sulla valutazione dell’insulino-secrezione durante terapia con GH, basati prevalentemente su indici surrogati derivati da livelli basali o stimolati di insulinemia, sono piuttosto discordanti tra loro e pochissimi studi hanno considerato i livelli di C-peptide, che sia nei soggetti sani che diabetici rappresentano una stima più accurata della funzione β-cellulare rispetto all’insulinemia. Obiettivi: Valutare l’utilità del C-peptide nello studio dell’insulino-secrezione in bambini GHD durante terapia con GH. Metodi: Abbiamo…

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Biological activities of AgNPs-EPS on breast cancer cells in vitro

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Assessment of the awareness and management of sleep apnea syndrome in acromegaly. The COM.E.TA (Comorbidities Evaluation and Treatment in Acromegaly) Italian Study Group

In 2007 the Italian COM.E.T.A. (COMorbidities Evaluation and Treatment in Acromegaly) study group started to assess the application in a clinical setting of the Versailles criteria for management of acromegaly complications by a first questionnaire focusing on cardiovascular co-morbidities. A further questionnaire on sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) was delivered by the COM.E.T.A. study group to 107 endocrine centers in Italy. The results of our survey suggest that SAS is a well-known comorbidity even if its estimated prevalence is lower than in the literature. Polysomnography is the preferred tool for diagnosis. Control of SAS is considered relevant both for quality of life and co-morbidities. C…

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Diabete e complicanze materno-fetali in gravidanza: confronto tra pazienti con diabete tipo 1 e tipo 2 pregravidico.

Background La gravidanza in pazienti con diabete mellito è gravata da un maggior rischio di complicanze sia materne che fetali rispetto alle donne non diabetiche, anche se pochi studi hanno confrontato direttamente le caratteristiche clinico-metaboliche e gli outcomes gravidici in pazienti affette da DM1 e DM2. Scopo Valutare in modo retrospettivo in una coorte di 135 pazienti affette da diabete pregravidico, suddivise in DM1 (n.73, età media 29 ± 5 aa) e DM2 (n. 62, età media 33 ± 6 aa), in trattamento insulinico intensivo durante tutta la gravidanza, la differenza in outcomes materno-fetali. Materiali e Metodi Oltre ai classici parametri clinici e di compenso metabolico (incremento ponder…

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Studio randomizzato controllato, della durata di 2 anni, sugli effetti e la sicurezza di differenti dosaggi di r-hGH, titolati sulla base dei livelli di IGF1 in pazienti con bassa statura in trattamento: considerazioni terapeutiche e farmacoeconomiche

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1H-NMR and FT-IR study of the state of melatonin confined in membrane models: location and interactions of melatonin in water free lecithin and AOT reversed micelles

The state of melatonin confined either in dry lecithin or bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate sodium salt (AOT) reversed micelles has been investigated by H-1-NMR and FT-IR spectroscopies as a function of the melatonin to surfactant molar ratio (R). The analysis of experimental results leads to hypothesize that, independently of R and the surfactant nature and as a consequence of anisotropic melatonin/surfactant interactions, melatonin is totally solubilized in reversed micelles and mainly located by opportune orientation in the nanodomain constituted by the surfactant head groups. The absence of significant spectral changes related to the protons linked to the first carbon atoms of surfactant…

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Miglioramento clinico e metabolico in pazienti affetti da diabete mellito tipo 1 associato ad altre endocrinopatie (APS) dopo shift della terapia insulinica basale con glargine a degludec

Background L’utilizzo di insulina degludec, rispetto ad altre insuline basali, sembra associato ad una ridotta incidenza di episodi ipoglicemici e di conseguenza ad una maggiore stabilità glicemica con miglioramento del compenso glicometabolico. Materiali e Metodi Abbiamo analizzato i parametri clinico-metabolici e i profili glicemici di 51 consecutivi pazienti affetti da diabete tipo 1 associato ad altre endocrinopatie (APS) in stabile terapia basale con glargine (in baseline) e suddivisi in 2 gruppi: gruppo A (n.21) a cui è stata confermata la terapia con glargine e gruppo B (n.30) a cui è stata sostituita glargine con degludec per un periodo di 6 mesi. A tutti i pazienti è stato chiesto …

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Analysis Code of Style in therapeutic fields: the development and validity of an instrument for analysis, in the field of group therapy

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Janus kinase (JAK) 2 V617F mutation as the cause of primary thrombocythemia, severe visceromegaly and divergence between growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations in acromegaly due to a therapeutically resistant pituitary GH-secreting macroadenoma

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Sex differences in food choices, adherence to dietary recommendations and plasma lipid profile in type 2 diabetes

Background and aims Diabetic women have a more adverse plasma lipid profile than men. Sex differences in dietary habits may play a role, but are little investigated. The study evaluates the quality of diet, adherence to the nutritional recommendations of the Diabetes and Nutrition Study Group and their relation with plasma lipid in men and women with diabetes. Methods and results We studied 2573 people, aged 50–75, enrolled in the TOSCA.IT study (clinicaltrials.gov; NCT00700856). Plasma lipids were measured centrally. Diet was assessed with a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Women had a more adverse plasma lipid profile than men. Women consumed significantly more legumes, veg…

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CCDC 883024: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: A.Terenzi, L.Tomasello, A.Spinello, G.Bruno, C.Giordano, G.Barone|2012|J.Inorg.Biochem.|117|103|doi:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2012.08.011

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Sistemi microeterogenei per la sintesi di nanoparticelle

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