Andres De Virgiliis
Properties of the Ising magnet confined in a corner geometry
Abstract The properties of Ising square lattices with nearest neighbor ferromagnetic exchange confined in a corner geometry, are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Free boundary conditions at which boundary magnetic fields ± h are applied, i.e., at the two boundary rows ending at the lower left corner a field + h acts, while at the two boundary rows ending at the upper right corner a field − h acts. For temperatures T less than the critical temperature T c of the bulk, this boundary condition leads to the formation of two domains with opposite orientation of the magnetization direction, separated by an interface which for T larger than the filling transition temperature T f ( h ) …
Study of the dynamical approach to the interface localization–delocalization transition of the confined Ising model
Confined magnetic Ising films in a L ? D geometry (), with short-range competing magnetic fields?(h) acting at opposite walls along the D-direction, exhibit a slightly rounded localization?delocalization transition of the interface between domains of different orientations that runs parallel to the walls. This transition is the precursor of a wetting transition that occurs in the limit of infinite film thickness () at the critical curve Tw(h). For T Tw(h)) such an interface is bounded (unbounded) to the walls, while right at Tw(h) the interface is freely fluctuating around the centre of the film. Starting from disordered configurations, corresponding to , we quench to the wetting critical t…
From capillary condensation to interface localization transitions in colloid-polymer mixtures confined in thin-film geometry.
Monte Carlo simulations of the Asakura-Oosawa (AO) model for colloid-polymer mixtures confined between two parallel repulsive structureless walls are presented and analyzed in the light of current theories on capillary condensation and interface localization transitions. Choosing a polymer to colloid size ratio of q=0.8 and studying ultrathin films in the range of D=3 to D=10 colloid diameters thickness, grand canonical Monte Carlo methods are used; phase transitions are analyzed via finite size scaling, as in previous work on bulk systems and under confinement between identical types of walls. Unlike the latter work, inequivalent walls are used here: while the left wall has a hard-core rep…
Confinement effects on phase behavior of soft matter systems.
When systems that can undergo phase separation between two coexisting phases in the bulk are confined in thin film geometry between parallel walls, the phase behavior can be profoundly modified. These phenomena shall be described and exemplified by computer simulations of the Asakura-Oosawa model for colloid-polymer mixtures, but applications to other soft matter systems (e.g. confined polymer blends) will also be mentioned. Typically a wall will prefer one of the phases, and hence the composition of the system in the direction perpendicular to the walls will not be homogeneous. If both walls are of the same kind, this effect leads to a distortion of the phase diagram of the system in thin …
Properties of the interface in the confined Ising magnet with competing surface fields
Abstract A two-dimensional magnetic Ising system confined in an L × D geometry ( L ⪡ D ) in the presence of competing magnetic fields (h) acting at opposite walls along the D -direction, exhibits an interface between domains of different orientation that run parallel to the walls. In the limit L → ∞ , this interface undergoes a wetting transition that occurs at the critical curve T w ( h ) , so that for T T w ( h ) such an interface is bound to the walls, while for T w ( h ) ⩽ T T cb the interface is freely fluctuating around the center of the film, where T cb is the bulk critical temperature. By considering both short- and long-range magnetic fields acting at the walls, we study the diverg…
Study of the confined Ising magnet with long-range competing boundary fields
We present extensive Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising film confined in an L × M geometry () in the presence of long-range competing magnetic fields h(n) = h1/n3(n = 1,2,...,L) which are applied at opposite walls along the M-direction. Due to the fields, an interface between domains of different orientations that runs parallel to the walls forms and can be located close to one of the two surfaces or fluctuate in the centre of the film (localization–delocalization transition). This transition is the precursor of the wetting phase transition that occurs in the limit of infinite film thickness () at the critical curve Tw(h1). For T<Tw(h1) (T≥Tw(h1)) such an interface is bound to (unbound fr…
Study of the dynamic growth of wetting layers in the confined Ising model with competing surface fields
A two-dimensional magnetic Ising system confined in an L × D geometry () in the presence of competing magnetic fields (h) acting at opposite walls along the D-direction exhibits an interface between domains of different orientation that runs parallel to the walls. In the limit of infinite film thickness () this interface undergoes a wetting transition that occurs at the critical curve Tw(h), so that for T<Tw(h) such an interface is bound to the walls, while for Tw(h)≤T≤Tcb the interface is freely fluctuating around the centre of the film, where Tcb is the bulk critical temperature. Starting from a monodomain structure with the interface bound to one wall, we study the onset of the interface…