Keijo Mäntykoski
Microbial toxicity and impacts on soil enzyme activities of pesticides used in potato cultivation
In the conventional cultivation of potatoes, weed control and the control of potato late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans are carried out by the application of herbicides and fungicides. We investigated the impacts of the herbicides metribuzin and linuron and the fungicide fluazinam on soil microbiota in microcosms, in mesocosms and in the field. The toxicity of each pesticide in solution was assessed using the luminescent bacteria test and in soil by a solid phase modification. In microcosm tests, the microbial activity and biomass were estimated by measuring several soil enzyme activities together with soil ATP content. In the mesocosm tests, the separate addition of each pesticide…
Gas—liquid chromatographic analyses
Abstract The retention (I), dispersion (IM) and selectivity (I*) indices of sixteen polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and fourteen polychlorinated dibenzofurans were determined on a low-polarity HP-5 capillary column using a gas chromatograph connected with an ion-selective detector. IM and I* values were also calculated for all 73 dibenzo-p-dioxins from the di- to the octachloro isomer and for all possible 135 chlorinated dibenzofurans based on the predicted retention index data reported earlier. The effect of the position of chlorination is shown and the results are compared with those for several series of chlorinated aromatics.
Estimation of the environmental hazard of organochlorines in pulp mill biosludge used as soil fertilizer
Abstract Contents of total organic chlorine and polychlorinated phenols, guaiacols, catechols, benzenes, cymenes, cymenenes, naphthalenes, toxic dibenzodioxins, toxic dibenzofurans, toxic PCB congener 77, alkylated dibenzofurans, alkylated bibenzyls and alkylated phenanthrenes in spent biosludges from activated sludge treatment plants of chlorobleaching kraft pulp mills are reported. Some estimations of hazard caused by these organochlorines to humans and wildlife from the use of biosludge as soil fertilizer are constructed and discussed.
Environmental history of an urban lake: a palaeolimnological study of Lake Jyväsjärvi, Finland
Sedimentary diatom frustules and chironomid remains, in addition to the chemical stratigraphy of 32 elements and organic pollutants such as resin acids, PCB, DDT and its metabolites, were studied from core samples taken from Lake Jyvasjarvi in Central Finland (64° 14′ N, 25° 47′ E). The sediment profile covered over 200 years, with the oldest samples representing a period of very low human interference. The town of Jyvaskyla was established on the lake shore in 1837, and the lake received untreated municipal wastewater from the town up until, 1977. A paper mill started operations in 1872 and began discharging effluent into Lake Jyvasjarvi. In recent years this effluent loading has been redu…
POPs and organic polysufides in sediments of Lake Ladoga
Abstract The study included one station close to a pollution source (depth 59 m) and another far from polluted areas (depth 40 m). Samples were analysed for organic chlorine, bromine and sulfur compounds. Samples taken with a corer were sliced to the layers of 0–1, 1–4, 4–7 cm etc. down to the depth of 34 cm. The dating was made with two independent methods, the 210Po method and with the soot particle counting method. The analyses were made with a multiresidue method. Gas chromatography was connected to low resolution mass spectrometry (LRMS) or to high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). A different extraction was applied to screen the possible occurrence of polysulfides. Typical chloroph…