José María Ramada

Process evaluation of a complex workplace intervention to prevent musculoskeletal pain in nursing staff: results from INTEVAL_Spain

Abstract Background INTEVAL_Spain was a complex workplace intervention to prevent and manage musculoskeletal pain among nursing staff. Process evaluations can be especially useful for complex and multifaceted interventions through identifying the success or failure factors of an intervention to improve the intervention implementation. Objectives This study performed a process evaluation of INTEVAL_Spain and aimed to examine whether the intervention was conducted according to the protocol, to investigate the fulfilment of expectations and the satisfaction of workers. Methods The intervention was a two-armed cluster randomized controlled trial and lasted 1 year. The process evaluation include…

research product

Procedimento estratégico em três estágios de seleção de variáveis para a obtenção de resultados equilibrados na pesquisa em saúde pública

Multidisciplinary research in public health is approached using methods from many scientific disciplines. One of the main characteristics of this type of research is dealing with large data sets. Classic statistical variable selection methods, known as “screen and clean”, and used in a single-step, select the variables with greater explanatory weight in the model. These methods, commonly used in public health research, may induce masking and multicollinearity, excluding relevant variables for the experts in each discipline and skewing the result. Some specific techniques are used to solve this problem, such as penalized regressions and Bayesian statistics, they offer more balanced results a…

research product

0450 Preventing and promoting musculoskeletal health at the workplace through the design and evaluation of an innovative multicomponent intervention: the inteval_spain project

Objectives Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are main cause of work absence, reducing sustainability of working trajectories. The objective of INTEVAL_Spain project is to assess the effectiveness of a multifactorial intervention at the workplace to prevent MSD. Methods The intervention comprises evidence-based primary (participatory ergonomics-PE), secondary and tertiary prevention (case management-CM), and health promotion targeted to MSD. All components are integrated and require full coordination. A cluster randomized trial with a late intervention control group is being implemented to evaluate its effectiveness. Quantitative and qualitative information is being obtained from databases of …

research product

Dietary Assesment of Free-Living Elderly Spanish People with Disabilities.

Nutritional research in elderly disabled is difficult in noninstitutionalized people. The dietary intake of a noninstitutionalized disabled population of the eastern region of Spain was evaluated to detect possible nutritional deviations. A total of 329 participants aged 65 and over were recruited. Most participants were overweight. Carbohydrates did not reach 50% of total Kcal/day. Insufficient micronutrient intakes and high consumption of simple carbohydrates and saturated fats (SFA) were found. A decreasing trend of water intake (p < .05) as well as an increasing trend of alcohol consumption (p < .05) with increasing age was found. The area of residence had a relevant impact on nutrition…

research product

Professional counseling in women with serious mental illness: achieving a shift toward a more effective contraceptive method.

Mental disorders in reproductive-aged women have significant implications for the risk of unintended pregnancies. The objective of this study is to assess the professional counseling in clinical practice based on motivational interview in women with serious mental illness (SMI) in order to achieve a change to a more effective contraceptive method.A prospective observational cohort study (2012-2017) was conducted in a convenience sample of women with severe-moderate psychiatric disorders (After evidence-based counseling, 51.6% of participants changed their contraceptive method to a more effective one. This change was associated with gender violence (β coefficient = 1.58,Evidence-based contra…

research product

What is meant by case management for the return-to-work of workers with musculoskeletal disorders? A scoping review.

BACKGROUND: Case management interventions have shown to be effective to prevent musculoskeletal pain and disability, but a single definition has not been achieved, nor an agreed profile for case managers. OBJECTIVE: To describe the elements that define case management and case managers tasks for return-to-work of workers with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). METHODS: A comprehensive computerized search of articles published in English until February 16, 2021 was carried out in several bibliographic databases. Grey literature was obtained through a search of 13 key websites. A peer-review screening of titles and abstracts was carried out. Full text in-depth analysis of the selected articles…

research product

Nutrients associated with diseases related to aging: a new healthy aging diet index for elderly population

espanolIntroduccion: suelen usarse diversos indices dieteticos para medir la calidad de la nutricion en edades avanzadas. Sin embargo, ninguno de ellos fue disenado para evaluar la nutricion con el objetivo de evitar discapacidades en la poblacion anciana. Objetivos: identificar en la literatura cientifica los “nutrientes e ingestas” involucrados en el envejecimiento, asi como proponer un nuevo indice, considerando esta informacion, que sirva para evaluar la calidad de la nutricion con objeto de prevenir enfermedades relacionadas con el envejecimiento. Metodos: se realizo una revision bibliografica, obteniendo informacion sobre los nutrientes asociados con el envejecimiento. Todos estos nut…

research product

Effect of cost on early removal of contraceptive implants: a prospective cohort study

OBJECTIVES To evaluate the effect of the cost of subdermal etonogestrel implant (SEI) on the continuation rate one year after insertion, and to assess the reasons given by users to remove the implant before the expiration date. METHODS Prospective cohort study conducted among 265 women who chose the SEI as a contraceptive method in a sexual and reproductive health center in the eastern region of Spain, between October/2012 and October/2017. The sample was divided into two cohorts depending on the cost of the implant for the user (free-of-charge or requiring partial payment). Kaplan-Meier survival curves were used to compare the cumulative removal rates of free implants with partially paid i…

research product

Prevention and management of musculoskeletal pain in nursing staff by a multifaceted intervention in the workplace: design of a cluster randomized controlled trial with effectiveness, process and economic evaluation (INTEVAL_Spain).

Musculoskeletal pain (MSP) is the leading cause of years lived with disability. In consequence, to reduce MSP and its associated sickness absence is a major challenge. Previous interventions have been developed to reduce MSP and improve return to work of workers with MSP, but combined approaches and exhaustive evaluation are needed. The objective of the INTEVAL_Spain project is to evaluate the effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention in the workplace to prevent and manage MSP in nursing staff. The study is designed as a two-armed cluster randomized controlled trial with a late intervention control group. The hospital units are the clusters of randomization and participants are nurses an…

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