Pierina Richiusa

Editorial: Recent Advances in Thyroid Surgery

Thyroid surgery has been, since its earliest application, one of the most notable fields in medicine, illustrated by the fact that the Nobel Prize in Medicine was won, for the first time, for thyroid surgery by Emil Theodor Kocher (1841–1917) in 1909, for his contributions to thyroid physiology, pathology, and surgery [...]

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Ultrasound Parameters Can Accurately Predict the Risk of Malignancy in Patients with “Indeterminate TIR3b” Cytology Nodules: A Prospective Study

The increase in the incidence of thyroid nodules with cytological findings of TIR3b requires the identification of predictive factors of malignancy. We prospectively evaluated 2160 patients from January 2018 to June 2022 and enrolled 103 patients with indeterminate cytology TIR3b nodules who underwent total (73 patients) and hemi-thyroidectomy (30 patients). Among them, 61 had a histological diagnosis of malignancy (30 classic papillary thyroid carcinoma, 19 had follicular papillary thyroid carcinoma variant, 3 had Hurtle cell carcinoma and 9 had follicular thyroid carcinoma), while 42 had a benign histology. Clinical, ultrasonographic and cytological characteristics were recorded. In addit…

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Thyrocytes--not innocent bystanders in autoimmune disease.

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Thyroid Cancer in the Pediatric Age in Sicily: Influence of the Volcanic Environment.

Background/Aim: Pediatric thyroid cancer (TC) is rare but its incidence is increasing. We analyzed incidence and characteristics of pediatric TC in Sicily and comparatively evaluated data from the volcanic and non-volcanic areas. Materials and Methods: All incident pediatric (0-19 years) TCs in Sicily between 2002-2009 were analyzed for the area of residence and compared to data for adults. Results: A total of 54 differentiated TCs (DTC) and nine medullary TCs were diagnosed in Sicily in children between 2002-2009. DTC age standardized rate for the world population (ASRw) was 0.8/105 in females and 0.2/105 in males, with a higher incidence in the volcanic area (ASRw=1.4/105 in females, 0.5/…

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Multimodal surgical and medical treatment for extensive rhinocerebral mucormycosis in an elderly diabetic patient: a case report and literature review

Diabetes is a well-known risk factor for invasive mucormycosis with rhinocerebral involvement. Acute necrosis of the maxilla is seldom seen and extensive facial bone involvement is rare in patients with rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis. An aggressive surgical approach combined with antifungal therapy is usually necessary. In this report, we describe the successful, personalized medical and surgical management of extensive periorbital mucormycosis in an elderly diabetic, HIV-negative woman. Mono- or combination therapy with liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) and posaconazole (PSO) and withheld debridement is discussed. The role of aesthetic plastic surgery to preserve the patient’s physical…

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Lacrimal glands herniation in patients with Graves’ Ophthalmopathy: an effective MRI-derived marker of disease activity

Aims and objectives Methods and materials Results Conclusion Personal information References

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Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer in Sicily: The Role of Environmental Characteristics

Background: Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is a rare but extremely aggressive cancer of the thyroid, contributing up to 30-40% of thyroid cancer-specific mortality. We analyzed ATC characteristics and survival rates in Sicily to evaluate the possible influence of environmental factors. With this aim data regarding ATC incidences in urban/rural and industrial, iodine deficient and volcanic vs. control areas were compared in Sicily as well as ATC data from Sicily and USA. Methods: Using the Sicilian Register of Thyroid Cancer (SRTC) database incidence, age, gender, tumor size and histotype, extrathyroidal extension, stage and coexistence with pre-existing differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) …

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Low bcl-2 expression and increased spontaneous apoptosis in T-lymphocytes from newly-diagnosed IDDM patients.

The bcl-2 gene product has been shown to regulate apoptotic cell death, and its dysregulation has been shown to induce several abnormalities in the immune system. No data exist regarding bcl-2 expression in autoimmune diseases, such as human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). We investigated bcl-2 protein expression by testing T lymphocytes from 15 newly-diagnosed (3 weeks) IDDM patients in comparison to 10 age-matched control subjects. The expression of bcl-2 on CD3+ lymphocyte subsets was investigated after membrane permeabilization by two- or three-colour immunofluorescence. When the percentage and mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of bcl-2+/CD3+ cells from normal individuals an…

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Possible Pathogenetic Relevance of Interleukin-1beta in "Destructive" Organ-specific Autoimmune Disease (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis)

Thyroid follicular cells (TFC) abundantly express a variety of immunologically relevant surface molecules in Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), for example, MHC antigens and adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1. Cytokines produced by infiltrating type 1 helper and cytotoxic T cells are importantly involved in de novo expression or up-regulation of such molecules. We recently demonstrated that TFC from HT patients almost invariably bear on their surface two additive functional molecules: Fas/Apo1/CD95, an important participant in apoptosis, and B7.1, a member of a family of "co-stimulatory" molecules that are crucial for efficient antigen presentation. To date, 12 out of 14 surgical HT thyroid speci…

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Additional file 4: of Human limbal fibroblast-like stem cells induce immune-tolerance in autoreactive T lymphocytes from female patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Jurkat cells as a positive control for apoptosis detection. (A) Untreated Jurkat cells (first row) or treated with activating anti-Fas for 4 or 24 h (second and third row, respectively) after AO/EB staining. The arrows indicate many apoptotic body formations, bright green dots in the nuclei as a consequence of chromatin condensation and nuclear fragmentation. Late apoptotic cells were observed with condensed and fragmented nuclei especially after 24 h of anti-Fas treatment. Original magnification: 40×. All pictures are representative of five independent experiments. (PDF 240 kb)

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Osmocellular Fas and Fas ligand interactions mediate thyrocyte destruction in Hashimoto's thyroiditis

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In Vitro Generation of Pancreatic Endocrine Cells from Human Adult Fibroblast-Like Limbal Stem Cells

Stem cells might provide unlimited supply of transplantable cells for β-cell replacement therapy in diabetes. The human limbus is a highly specialized region hosting a well-recognized population of epithelial stem cells, which sustain the continuous renewal of the cornea, and the recently identified stromal fibroblast-like stem cells (f-LSCs), with apparent broader plasticity. However, the lack of specific molecular markers for the identification of the multipotent limbal subpopulation has so far limited the investigation of their differentiation potential. In this study we show that the human limbus contains uncommitted cells that could be potentially harnessed for the treatment of diabete…

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BRAFV600E mutation, TIMP-1 upregulation, and NF-κB activation: closing the loop on the papillary thyroid cancer trilogy.

BRAFV600E is the most common mutation found in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP-1) and nuclear factor (NF)-κB have been shown to play an important role in thyroid cancer. In particular, TIMP-1 binds its receptor CD63 on cell surface membrane and activates Akt signaling pathway, which is eventually responsible for its anti-apoptotic activity. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether interplay among these three factors exists and exerts a functional role in PTCs. To this purpose, 56 PTC specimens were analyzed for BRAFV600E mutation, TIMP-1 expression, and NF-κB activation. We found that BRAFV600E mutation occurs selectively in PTC nodules an…

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Study of T-cell activation in Type I diabetic patients and pre-Type I diabetic subjects by cytometric analysis: Antigen expression defectin vitro

In Type I diabetes the observation of a decreased release of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and soluble IL-2 receptors by means of stimulated lymphocytes in vitro indicates that a primary immunoregulatory defect may be involved. To confirm this hypothesis we investigated the T-cell activation trend, evaluating the surface expression of IL-2 receptor (CD25), transferrin (CD71), HLA class II (DR), and CD69 phenotypes after in vitro stimulation with phytohemagglutinin (PHA; 1 and 10 micrograms/ml) and concanavalin A (12.5 micrograms/ml) in six newly diagnosed Type I diabetics and six islet cell- and insulin autoantibody-positive first-degree relatives. As controls were studied six long-standing Type I d…

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Lower insulin sensitivity differentiates hirsute from non-hirsute Sicilian women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Objective: It is well known that hyperandrogenism and insulin-resistance with or without compensatory hyperinsulinism are closely associated, but the Rotterdam Consensus has concluded that principally obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) should be evaluated for the metabolic syndrome. Our aim was to study insulin sensitivity in PCOS women with hirsutism regardless of obesity. Methods: Clinical characteristics, sex hormones and fasting- and after OGTT-glycemia and insulinemia, homeostatic model of insulin resistance (HOMA IR), and Matsuda index of insulin sensitivity were analyzed in 130 women with PCOS. Hirsutism has been evaluated through the Ferriman–Gallwey (FG) map scoring …

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In Vitro Identification and Characterization of CD133pos Cancer Stem-Like Cells in Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma Cell Lines

BackgroundRecent publications suggest that neoplastic initiation and growth are dependent on a small subset of cells, termed cancer stem cells (CSCs). Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma (ATC) is a very aggressive solid tumor with poor prognosis, characterized by high dedifferentiation. The existence of CSCs might account for the heterogeneity of ATC lesions. CD133 has been identified as a stem cell marker for normal and cancerous tissues, although its biological function remains unknown.Methodology/principal findingsATC cell lines ARO, KAT-4, KAT-18 and FRO were analyzed for CD133 expression. Flow cytometry showed CD133(pos) cells only in ARO and KAT-4 (64+/-9% and 57+/-12%, respectively). These …

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Risk Factors for Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Series From a Tertiary Referral Center for Thyroid Surgery and Literature Analysis

Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) is a very rare and extremely aggressive disease with a very poor prognosis. Several risk factors have been hypothesized, but there is no clear-cut literature data on it. We reviewed the literature concerning risk factors for ATC and analyzed the institutional database from 2005 to 2022. In total, 15 papers were suitable for review, while the retrospective data collection search, conducted on our institutional database, provided 13 results. In our experience, in agreement with literature data, ATC seems to be a neoplasm peculiar to old age (in our database, mean age is 72 years), with a higher prevalence in subjects with a low level of education and a long …

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Additional file 2: of Human limbal fibroblast-like stem cells induce immune-tolerance in autoreactive T lymphocytes from female patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

f-LSCs arrest T-cell division. (A) One-way mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) was carried out by seeding 2 × 105 of responder healthy PBMCs into 48-well plates (Corning) and adding 1 × 105 mytomycin-C pre-treated stimulator cells for a final volume of 500 μl of lymphocyte medium. Each responder and stimulator cell population was seeded in triplicate. When MLRs were cocultured with f-LSCs the allogenic activation was greatly reduced. Pictures are representative of five independent experiments. (B) Molecular detection of p27Kit and CCND1 mRNA by qRT-PCR. Results are shown as mean ± SD of three independent experiments; *p 

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The role of FAS/FASLig and apoptosis in β-cell death in animal models: relevance for human IDDM

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Descriptive Epidemiology of Human Thyroid Cancer: Experience From a Regional Registry and The “Volcanic Factor”

Thyroid cancer (TC), the most common endocrine tumor, has steadily increased worldwide due to the increase of the papillary histotype. The reasons for this spread have not been established. In addition to more sensitive thyroid nodule screening, the effect of environmental factors cannot be excluded. Because high incidences of TC were found in volcanic areas (Hawaii and Iceland), a volcanic environment may play a role in the pathogenesis of TC.In January 2002, the Regional Register for Thyroid Cancer was instituted in Sicily. With a population of approximately 5 million inhabitants with similar genetic and lifestyle features, the coexistence in Sicily of rural, urban, industrial, moderate-t…

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Additional file 5: of Human limbal fibroblast-like stem cells induce immune-tolerance in autoreactive T lymphocytes from female patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Immunomodulation mechanism played from BM-MSCs on healthy activated PBMCs. (A) Acitive-caspase-3 detection by FACS revealed weak induction of the apoptotic cascade in activated healthy PBMCs after 72 h of coculture with BM-MSCs. FACS histogram plots are representative of five experiments of identical design. (B) The expression percentage of the three activation markers (CD28, PD-1, CD69) in activated healthy PBMCs were assessed by flow cytometry and reported in the histogram. Samples were run after 72 h of incubation with or without BM-MSCs. (C) The CD4/CD8 ratio was calculated from data obtained by flow staining in samples of healthy activated PBMCs alone and after coculture with BM-MSCs. …

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Lacrimal gland herniation in Graves ophthalmopathy: a simple and useful MRI biomarker of disease activity

Lacrimal gland (LG) involvement in patients with Graves ophthalmopathy (GO) has been considered as a potential cause of the associated GO symptoms and different studies demonstrated the LG involvement in patients with GO than healthy controls. The aim of this study was to evaluate LG involvement, through measurement of its herniation, using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) index, in patients with different GO activities. Thirty-two consecutive Caucasian patients affected by GO were enrolled and grouped in group A (16 with inactive GO, CAS < 3) and B (16 with active GO, CAS ≥ 3) according to their GO activity. All patients underwent clinical-endocrinological assessment, a complete ocular e…

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Potential involvement of fas and its ligand in the pathogenesis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis

The mechanisms responsible for thyrocyte destruction in Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) are poorly understood. Thyrocytes from HT glands, but not from nonautoimmune thyroids, expressed Fas. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), abundantly produced in HT glands, induced Fas expression in normal thyrocytes, and cross-linking of Fas resulted in massive thyrocyte apoptosis. The ligand for Fas (FasL) was shown to be constitutively expressed both in normal and HT thyrocytes and was able to kill Fas-sensitive targets. Exposure to IL-1β induced thyrocyte apoptosis, which was prevented by antibodies that block Fas, suggesting that IL-1β-induced Fas expression serves as a limiting factor for thyrocyte destruction. Th…

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Additional file 3: of Human limbal fibroblast-like stem cells induce immune-tolerance in autoreactive T lymphocytes from female patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Inhibitory effect of BM-MSCs on PBMC proliferation. (A) PBMCs from healthy volunteers were stimulated with anti-CD3 for 72 h in the presence or absence of BM-MSCs (1:10 ratio). No activated PBMCs served as negative controls. Original magnification: 40×. Pictures are representative of at least five independent experiments (B). DNA content was assessed using PI staining and analyzed by flow cytometry. Analysis of cell cycle showed the 28 ± 2.7% of PBMCs after 72 h of activation in G2/S phase. The same cells in the presence of BM-MSCs became 15 ± 3.0% confirming the inhibitory action of BM-MSCs on PBMC proliferation. In the transwell system no significant inhibition of PBMC growing was observe…

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Non-functioning parathyroid cystic tumour: malignant or not? Report of a case

Parathyroid carcinoma (PC) is a very rare endocrine tumour, usually characterized by symptoms such as a neck mass, dysphonia, severe hypercalcemia exceeding 140 mg/L and elevated serum parathyroid hormone levels, even more than 5 times the upper limit of normal. Non-functioning parathyroid cancer is extremely rare and, in this case, its pre-operative diagnosis is often difficult. A 54-year old female patient, referring dysphagia and dysphonia, underwent neck ultrasound and neck CT. A left thyroid nodule, probably cystic, was found. It presented caudal extent on anterior mediastinum causing compression of the left lateral wall of the trachea. The preoperative calcemia was into the normal ran…

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40(th) EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes : Munich, Germany, 5-9 September 2004

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Differential regulation of Fas-mediated apoptosis in both thyrocyte and lymphocyte cellular compartments correlates with opposite phenotypic manifestations of autoimmune thyroid disease.

Several mechanisms are probably involved in determining the evolution of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) towards either hypothyroidism and the clinical syndrome known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) or toward hyperthyroidism and the symptoms of Graves' disease (GD). To gain further insight into such mechanisms we performed an exhaustive comparative analysis of the expression of key molecules regulating cell death (Fas, Fas ligand [FasL], Bcl-2) and apoptosis in both thyrocytes and thyroid infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) from patients with either GD or HT. GD thyrocytes expressed less Fas/FasL than HT thyrocytes, whereas GD TILs had higher levels of Fas/FasL than HT TILs. GD thyrocytes exp…

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BRAFV600E Mutation and p27kip1 Expression in Papillary Carcinomas of the Thyroid ≤1 cm and Their Paired Lymph Node Metastases

BACKGROUND. BRAFV600E mutation and p27kip1 expression have been introduced as novel indicators that may predict prognosis in different tumors, as well as in papillary thyroid carcinomas. METHODS. Tissue samples from 214 consecutive patients who underwent total or near-total thyroidectomy with histological diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) ≤1 cm were analyzed for BRAFV600E mutation by a real-time, allele-specific amplification and for p27kip1 expression by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS. The BRAFV600E mutation was detected in 88 of the tumors examined, with significant differences between groups with and without lymph node (LN) metastases; the mean age of patients with BRAFV600E …

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Additional file 1: of Human limbal fibroblast-like stem cells induce immune-tolerance in autoreactive T lymphocytes from female patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Immunophenotyping of BM-MSCs. (A) The immunological profile of BM-MSCs was assessed by flow cytometry before (upper panel) and after 48 h of cytokine-treatment (IL-1β, IL-6, and IFNγ, 500 U/ml) (lower panel) using the same Abs for f-LSC immune characterization. All histogram plots include the percentage of expression of each protein as representative value of five independent experiments. (PDF 572 kb)

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Relative Hypoleptinemia in poor controlled patients with Type 1 Diabetes

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Human limbal fibroblast-like stem cells induce immune-tolerance in autoreactive T lymphocytes from female patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

Background Due to their “natural immune privilege” and immunoregulatory properties human fibroblast-like limbal stem cells (f-LSCs) have acquired great interest as a potential tool for achieving immunotolerance. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) is the most common thyroid autoimmune disease and cause of hypothyroidism. To date, conventional hormone replacement therapy and unspecific immunosuppressive regimens cannot provide a definitive cure for HT subjects. We explored the immunosuppressant potential of human f-LSCs on circulating lymphomonocytes (PBMCs) collected from healthy donors and female HT patients. Methods We assessed the immunophenotyping of f-LSCs, both untreated and after 48 h of pr…

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Regulation of Apoptosis in Endocrine Autoimmunity

Dysregulation of apoptosis is associated with the pathogenesis of organ-specific autoimmune diseases, through altered target organ susceptibility. Apoptosis signaling pathways can be initiated through activation of death receptors such as Fas. A comparative analysis of the expression of Fas and FasL, the antiapoptotic molecule Bcl-2, and apoptosis in both thyrocytes and thyroid-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) from patients with either Graves' disease (GD) or Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) was performed. GD thyrocytes expressed less Fas than HT thyrocytes, whereas GD TILs had higher levels of Fas and FasL than HT TILs. GD thyrocytes expressed higher levels of Bcl-2 compared with HT thyrocytes.…

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CD4(+)IL-13(+) cells in peripheral blood well correlates with the severity of atopic dermatitis in children.

BACKGROUND In atopic dermatitis (AD) a Th1/Th2 imbalance has been reported, and interleukin (IL)-13 seems to play a pivotal role in the inflammatory network. We tried to assess the correlation between the immunological marker CD4(+)IL-13(+) and the clinical phase of extrinsic AD in children. METHODS Twenty children with AD were studied. Assessed parameters were: clinical severity (SCORAD index), total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE), blood eosinophil count, and percentage of CD4(+)IFNgamma(+), CD4(+)IL-4(+), CD4(+)IL-13(+) T cells. Determinations were carried out in the acute phase and after clinical remission were achieved. Ten nonatopic-matched children served as controls. RESULTS At baselin…

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