Frédéric Huet
PIK3R1 Mutations Cause Syndromic Insulin Resistance with Lipoatrophy
International audience; Short stature, hyperextensibility of joints and/or inguinal hernia, ocular depression, Rieger anomaly, and teething delay (SHORT) syndrome is a developmental disorder with an unknown genetic cause and hallmarks that include insulin resistance and lack of subcutaneous fat. We ascertained two unrelated individuals with SHORT syndrome, hypothesized that the observed phenotype was most likely due to de novo mutations in the same gene, and performed whole-exome sequencing in the two probands and their unaffected parents. We then confirmed our initial observations in four other subjects with SHORT syndrome from three families, as well as 14 unrelated subjects presenting wi…
Search for a gene responsible for Floating-Harbor syndrome on chromosome 12q15q21.1.
International audience; Floating-Harbor syndrome (FHS) is characterized by characteristic facial dysmorphism, short stature with delayed bone age, and expressive language delay. To date, the gene(s) responsible for FHS is (are) unknown and the diagnosis is only made on the basis of the clinical phenotype. The majority of cases appeared to be sporadic but rare cases following autosomal dominant inheritance have been reported. We identified a 4.7 Mb de novo 12q15-q21.1 microdeletion in a patient with FHS and intellectual deficiency. Pangenomic 244K array-CGH performed in a series of 12 patients with FHS failed to identify overlapping deletions. We hypothesized that FHS is caused by haploinsuf…
Clinical spectrum of eye malformations in four patients with Mowat-Wilson syndrome
Mowat-Wilson syndrome (MWS) is a rare genetic syndrome characterized by a specific facial gestalt, intellectual deficiency, Hirschsprung disease and multiple congenital anomalies. Heterozygous mutations or deletions in the zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox2 gene (ZEB2) cause MWS. ZEB2 encodes for Smad-interacting protein 1, a transcriptional co-repressor involved in TGF-beta and BMP pathways and is strongly expressed in early stages of development in mice. Eye abnormalities have rarely been described in patients with this syndrome. Herein, we describe four patients (two males and two females; mean age 7 years) with MWS and eye malformations. Ocular anomalies included, iris/retinal coloboma…
Delineation of the 3p14.1p13 microdeletion associated with syndromic distal limb contractures
International audience; Distal limb contractures (DLC) represent a heterogeneous clinical and genetic condition. Overall, 20–25% of the DLC are caused by mutations in genes encoding the muscle contractile apparatus. Large interstitial deletions of the 3p have already been diagnosed by standard chromosomal analysis, but not associated with a specific phenotype. We report on four patients with syndromic DLC presenting with a de novo 3p14.1p13 micro-deletion. The clinical features associated multiple contractures, feeding problems, developmental delay, and intellectual disability. Facial dysmorphism was constant with low-set posteriorly rotated ears and blepharophimosis. Review of previously r…
Further delineation of eye manifestations in homozygous 15q13.3 microdeletions including TRPM1: a differential diagnosis of ceroid lipofuscinosis.
The 15q13.3 heterozygous microdeletion is a fairly common microdeletion syndrome with marked clinical variability and incomplete penetrance. The average size of the deletion, which comprises six genes including CHRNA7, is 1.5 Mb. CHRNA7 has been identified as the gene responsible for the neurological phenotype in this microdeletion syndrome. Only seven patients with a homozygous microdeletion that includes at least CHRNA7, and is inherited from both parents have been described in the literature. The aim of this study was to further describe the distinctive eye manifestations from the analysis in the three French patients diagnosed with the classical 1.5 Mb homozygous microdeletion. Patients…
9q33.3q34.11 microdeletion: new contiguous gene syndrome encompassing STXBP1, LMX1B and ENG genes assessed using reverse phenotyping
International audience; The increasing use of array-CGH in malformation syndromes with intellectual disability could lead to the description of new contiguous gene syndrome by the analysis of the gene content of the microdeletion and reverse phenotyping. Thanks to a national and international call for collaboration by Achropuce and Decipher, we recruited four patients carrying de novo overlapping deletions of chromosome 9q33.3q34.11, including the STXBP1, the LMX1B and the ENG genes. We restrained the selection to these three genes because the effects of their haploinsufficency are well described in the literature and easily recognizable clinically. All deletions were detected by array-CGH …
Expanding the clinical phenotype of patients with a ZDHHC9 mutation.
In 2007, 250 families with X-linked intellectual disability (XLID) were screened for mutations in genes on the X-chromosome, and in 4 of these families, mutations in the ZDHHC9 gene were identified. The ID was either isolated or associated with a marfanoid habitus. ZDHHC9 encodes a palmitoyl transferase that catalyzes the posttranslational modification of NRAS and HRAS. Since this first description, no additional patient with a ZDHHC9 mutation has been reported in the literature. Here, we describe a large family in which we identified a novel pathogenic ZDHHC9 nonsense mutation (p.Arg298*) by parallel sequencing of all X-chromosome exons. The mutation cosegregated with the clinical phenotyp…
Autosomal recessive truncatingMAB21L1mutation associated with a syndromic scrotal agenesis
We report on a boy with a rare malformative association of scrotum agenesis, ophthalmological anomalies, cerebellar malformation, facial dysmorphism and global development delay. The reported patient was carrying a homozygous frameshift in MAB21L1 detected by whole-exome sequencing, considered as the most likely disease-causing variant. Mab21l1 knockout mice present a strikingly similar malformative association of ophthalmological malformations of the anterior chamber and preputial glands hypoplasia. We hypothesize that MAB21L1 haploinsufficiency cause a previously undescribed syndrome with scrotal agenesis, ophthalmological anomalies, facial dysmorphism and gross psychomotor delay as remar…
Excess of de novo variants in genes involved in chromatin remodelling in patients with marfanoid habitus and intellectual disability.
PurposeMarfanoid habitus (MH) combined with intellectual disability (ID) (MHID) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous presentation. The combination of array CGH and targeted sequencing of genes responsible for Marfan or Lujan–Fryns syndrome explain no more than 20% of subjects.MethodsTo further decipher the genetic basis of MHID, we performed exome sequencing on a combination of trio-based (33 subjects) or single probands (31 subjects), of which 61 were sporadic.ResultsWe identified eight genes with de novo variants (DNVs) in at least two unrelated individuals (ARID1B, ATP1A1, DLG4, EHMT1, NFIX, NSD1, NUP205 and ZEB2). Using simulation models, we showed that five genes (DLG4, NFIX, …
3q27.3 microdeletional syndrome: a recognisable clinical entity associating dysmorphic features, marfanoid habitus, intellectual disability and psychosis with mood disorder.
Abstract: Background Since the advent of array-CGH, numerous new microdeletional syndromes have been delineated while others remain to be described. Although 3q29 subtelomeric deletion is a well-described syndrome, there is no report on 3q interstitial deletions. Methods We report for the first time seven patients with interstitial deletions at the 3q27.3q28 locus gathered through the Decipher database, and suggest this locus as a new microdeletional syndrome. Results The patients shared a recognisable facial dysmorphism and marfanoid habitus, associated with psychosis and mild to severe intellectual disability (ID). Most of the patients had no delay in gross psychomotor acquisition, but ha…
In-Frame Mutations in Exon 1 of SKI Cause Dominant Shprintzen-Goldberg Syndrome
International audience; Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome (SGS) is characterized by severe marfanoid habitus, intellectual disability, camptodactyly, typical facial dysmorphism, and craniosynostosis. Using family-based exome sequencing, we identified a dominantly inherited heterozygous in-frame deletion in exon 1 of SKI. Direct sequencing of SKI further identified one overlapping heterozygous in-frame deletion and ten heterozygous missense mutations affecting recurrent residues in 18 of the 19 individuals screened for SGS; these individuals included one family affected by somatic mosaicism. All mutations were located in a restricted area of exon 1, within the R-SMAD binding domain of SKI. No mut…
Clinical reappraisal of SHORT syndrome withPIK3R1mutations: toward recommendation for molecular testing and management
SHORT syndrome has historically been defined by its acronym: short stature (S), hyperextensibility of joints and/or inguinal hernia (H), ocular depression (O), Rieger abnormality (R) and teething delay (T). More recently several research groups have identified PIK3R1 mutations as responsible for SHORT syndrome. Knowledge of the molecular etiology of SHORT syndrome has permitted a reassessment of the clinical phenotype. The detailed phenotypes of 32 individuals with SHORT syndrome and PIK3R1 mutation, including eight newly ascertained individuals, were studied to fully define the syndrome and the indications for PIK3R1 testing. The major features described in the SHORT acronym were not unive…
GLI3 is rarely implicated in OFD syndromes with midline abnormalities
A range of phenotypes including Greig cephalopolysyndactyly and Pallister-Hall syndromes (GCPS, PHS) are caused by pathogenic mutation of the GLI3 gene. To characterize the clinical variability of GLI3 mutations, we present a subset of a cohort of 174 probands referred for GLI3 analysis. Eighty-one probands with typical GCPS or PHS were previously reported, and we report the remaining ninety-three probands here. This includes nineteen probands (twelve mutations) who fulfilled clinical criteria for GCPS or PHS, forty-eight probands (sixteen mutations) with features of GCPS or PHS but who did not meet the clinical criteria (sub-GCPS and sub-PHS), twenty-one probands (six mutations) with featu…
Application of whole-exome sequencing to unravel the molecular basis of undiagnosed syndromic congenital neutropenia with intellectual disability
International audience; Neutropenia can be qualified as congenital when of neonatal onset or when associated with extra-hematopoietic manifestations. Overall, 30% of patients with congenital neutropenia (CN) remain without a molecular diagnosis after a multidisciplinary consultation and tedious diagnostic strategy. In the rare situations when neutropenia is identified and associated with intellectual disability (ID), there are few diagnostic hypotheses to test. This retrospective multicenter study reports on a clinically heterogeneous cohort of 10 unrelated patients with CN associated with ID and no molecular diagnosis prior to whole-exome sequencing (WES). WES provided a diagnostic yield o…
Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux du nouveau-né et de l’enfant
The clinical presentation, risk factors, causes, vital or functional prognosis, and acute management options for stroke occurring in neonates and children are specific, differing from those observed in young adults. Compared with the adult population, less is known about the epidemiology of stroke in the under-18 population where the disease could become more frequent because of advances in both neonatal resuscitation techniques for cerebral disorders and neuroimaging techniques enabling the diagnosis of small lesions. Clinical features are often delayed, especially in neonates, and unlike epilepsy or dystonia of the affected limb, which are frequent complications, aphasia is rather rare. T…
Homozygous SMN1 exons 1-6 deletion: pitfalls in genetic counseling and general recommendations for spinal muscular atrophy molecular diagnosis.
We report on a rare homozygous intragenic deletion encompassing exons 1-6 of the SMN1 gene in a patient with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) born into a consanguineous family. This exceptional configuration induced misinterpretation of the molecular defect involved in this patient, who was first reported as having a classic SMN1 exon 7 deletion. This case points out the possible pitfalls in molecular diagnosis of SMA in affected patients and their relatives: exploration of the SMN1 exon 7 (c.840C/T alleles) may be disturbed by several non-pathological or pathological variants around the SMN1 exon 7. In order to accurately describe the molecular defect in an SMA-affected patient, we propose to…
20 ans après: a second mutation in MAOA identified by targeted high-throughput sequencing in a family with altered behavior and cognition
Intellectual disability (ID) is characterized by an extraordinary genetic heterogeneity, with >250 genes that have been implicated in monogenic forms of ID. Because this complexity precluded systematic testing for mutations and because clinical features are often non-specific, for some of these genes only few cases or families have been unambiguously documented. It is the case of the X-linked gene encoding monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), for which only one nonsense mutation has been identified in Brunner syndrome, characterized in a single family by mild non-dysmorphic ID and impulsive, violent and aggressive behaviors. We have performed targeted high-throughput sequencing of 220 genes, includi…
Systematic search for neutropenia should be part of the first screening in patients with poikiloderma.
Poikiloderma occurs in a number of hereditary syndromes, the best known of which is Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (RTS). Differential diagnoses include Dyskeratosis Congenita (DC) with high genetic heterogeneity and Clericuzio-type Poikiloderma with Neutropenia (CPN) due to mutations in the C16orf57 gene. Mutations in the RECQL4 gene are only observed in two thirds of RTS patients. In this study, 10 patients referred for syndromic poikiloderma and negative for RECQL4 sequencing analysis were investigated for C16orf57 mutations. Two C16orf57 heterozygous nonsense mutations (p.W81X and p.Y89X) were identified in a 5-year-old female child presenting with generalized poikiloderma, dental dysplasia,…
Congenital neutropenia with retinopathy, a new phenotype without intellectual deficiency or obesity secondary toVPS13Bmutations
Over one hundred VPS13B mutations are reported in Cohen syndrome (CS). Most cases exhibit a homogeneous phenotype that includes intellectual deficiency (ID), microcephaly, facial dysmorphism, slender extremities, truncal obesity, progressive chorioretinal dystrophy, and neutropenia. We report on a patient carrying two VPS13B splicing mutations with an atypical phenotype that included microcephaly, retinopathy, and congenital neutropenia, but neither obesity nor ID. RNA analysis of the IVS34+2T_+3AinsT mutation did not reveal any abnormal splice fragments but mRNA quantification showed a significant decrease in VPS13B expression. RNA sequencing analysis up- and downstream from the IVS57+2T>C…
Unexpected substitution of dominant rotavirus G genotypes in French hospitalized children over five consecutive seasons.
International audience; The study was designed to evaluate the circulation of group A rotaviruses in French hospitalized children, and to detect unusual strains. This prospective study was conducted from 2001 to 2006 in children consulting for acute diarrhea at the pediatric emergency department in three French University Hospitals. The rotaviruses were detected by rapid test and genotyped by RT-PCR on the basis of their outer capsid proteins VP4 (P-type) and VP7 (G-type). The stools from 757 children were analyzed. G1P[8] strains were predominant (44.0%), followed by G9P[8] (17.7%), G3P[8] 13.1%, G4P[8] (9.5%), and G2P[4] (1.8%); mixed rotavirus infections occurred in 2.3%. G9 rotaviruses …
Compassionate use of everolimus for refractory epilepsy in a patient with MTOR mosaic mutation
Abstract The MTOR gene encodes the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), which is a core component of the PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling pathway. Postzygotic MTOR variants result in various mosaic phenotypes, referred to in OMIM as Smith-Kinsgmore syndrome or focal cortical dysplasia. We report here the case of a patient, with an MTOR mosaic gain-of-function variant (p.Glu2419Lys) in the DNA of 41% skin cells, who received compassionate off-label treatment with everolimus for refractory epilepsy. This 12-year-old-girl presented with psychomotor regression, intractable seizures, hypopigmentation along Blaschko's lines (hypomelanosis of Ito), asymmetric regional body overgrowth, and ocular anomali…
Detailed clinical, genetic and neuroimaging characterization of OFD VI syndrome.
Oral-facial-digital syndrome type VI (OFD VI) is characterized by the association of malformations of the face, oral cavity and extremities, distinguished from the 12 other OFD syndromes by cerebellar and metacarpal abnormalities. Cerebellar malformations in OFD VI have been described as a molar tooth sign (MTS), thus, including OFD VI among the "Joubert syndrome related disorders" (JSRD). OFD VI diagnostic criteria have recently been suggested: MTS and one or more of the following: 1) tongue hamartoma(s) and/or additional frenula and/or upper lip notch; 2) mesoaxial polydactyly of hands or feet; 3) hypothalamic hamartoma. In order to further delineate this rare entity, we present the neuro…
Hearing impairment as an early sign of alpha-mannosidosis in children with a mild phenotype: Report of seven new cases.
Alpha-mannosidosis (AM) is a very rare (prevalence: 1/500000 births) autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder. It is characterized by multi-systemic involvement associated with progressive intellectual disability, hearing loss, skeletal anomalies, and coarse facial features. The spectrum is wide, from very severe and lethal to a milder phenotype that usually progresses slowly. AM is caused by a deficiency of lysosomal alpha-mannosidase. A diagnosis can be established by measuring the activity of lysosomal alpha-mannosidase in leucocytes and screening for abnormal urinary excretion of mannose-rich oligosaccharides. Genetic confirmation is obtained with the identification of MAN2B1 muta…
Mutations in SLC13A5 Cause Autosomal-Recessive Epileptic Encephalopathy with Seizure Onset in the First Days of Life
International audience; Epileptic encephalopathy (EE) refers to a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of severe disorders characterized by seizures, abnormal interictal electro-encephalogram, psychomotor delay, and/or cognitive deterioration. We ascertained two multiplex families (including one consanguineous family) consistent with an autosomal-recessive inheritance pattern of EE. All seven affected individuals developed subclinical seizures as early as the first day of life, severe epileptic disease, and profound developmental delay with no facial dysmorphism. Given the similarity in clinical presentation in the two families, we hypothesized that the observed phenotype was due …
Additional evidence to support the role of the 20q13.33 region in susceptibility to autism
The oral-facial-digital syndrome gene C2CD3 encodes a positive regulator of centriole elongation
Centrioles are microtubule-based, barrel-shaped structures that initiate the assembly of centrosomes and cilia(1,2). How centriole length is precisely set remains elusive. The microcephaly protein CPAP (also known as MCPH6) promotes procentriole growth(3-5), whereas the oral-facial-digital (OFD) syndrome protein OFD1 represses centriole elongation(6,7). Here we uncover a new subtype of OFD with severe microcephaly and cerebral malformations and identify distinct mutations in two affected families in the evolutionarily conserved C2CD3 gene. Concordant with the clinical overlap, C2CD3 colocalizes with OFD1 at the distal end of centrioles, and C2CD3 physically associates with OFD1. However, wh…
The DYRK1A gene is a cause of syndromic intellectual disability with severe microcephaly and epilepsy.
Background DYRK1A plays different functions during development, with an important role in controlling brain growth through neuronal proliferation and neurogenesis. It is expressed in a gene dosage dependent manner since dyrk1a haploinsufficiency induces a reduced brain size in mice, and DYRK1A overexpression is the candidate gene for intellectual disability (ID) and microcephaly in Down syndrome. We have identified a 69 kb deletion including the 5′ region of the DYRK1A gene in a patient with growth retardation, primary microcephaly, facial dysmorphism, seizures, ataxic gait, absent speech and ID. Because four patients previously reported with intragenic DYRK1A rearrangements or 21q22 microd…
What do French patients and geneticists think about prenatal and preimplantation diagnoses in Marfan syndrome?
Objectives Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant connective tissue disorder with manifestations mainly involving the skeletal, ocular, and cardiovascular systems. The phenotypic variability observed in MFS makes genetic counselling difficult. Prenatal diagnosis (PND) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis are technically feasible when a causal mutation is identified, but both raise many ethical questions in this condition. Little is known about opinions and practices in such reproductive issues in MFS. The goal of this study was to report on patients' points of view and geneticists' standard practices. Methods Two different questionnaires were produced. Results Fifty geneticists fil…
Expanding the Phenotype Associated with NAA10-Related N-Terminal Acetylation Deficiency
International audience; N-terminal acetylation is a common protein modification in eukaryotes associated with numerous cellular processes. Inherited mutations in NAA10, encoding the catalytic subunit of the major N-terminal acetylation complex NatA have been associated with diverse, syndromic X-linked recessive disorders, whereas de novo missense mutations have been reported in one male and one female individual with severe intellectual disability but otherwise unspecific phenotypes. Thus, the full genetic and clinical spectrum of NAA10 deficiency is yet to be delineated. We identified three different novel and one known missense mutation in NAA10, de novo in 11 females, and due to maternal…
De novo 15q21.1q21.2 deletion identified through FBN1 MLPA and refined by 244K array-CGH in a female teenager with incomplete Marfan syndrome
International audience; Interstitial deletions involving the 15q21.1 band are very rare. Only 4 of these cases have been studied using molecular cytogenetic techniques in order to confirm the deletion of the whole FBN1 gene. The presence of clinical features of the Marfan syndrome (MFS) spectrum associated with mental retardation has been described in only 2/4 patients. Here we report on a 16-year-old female referred for suspicion of MFS (positive thumb and wrist sign, scoliosis, joint hyperlaxity, high-arched palate with dental crowding, dysmorphism, mitral insufficiency with dystrophic valve, striae). She had therefore 3 minor criteria according to the Ghent nosology. She also had speech …
A new family with an SLC9A6 mutation expanding the phenotypic spectrum of Christianson syndrome
Using targeted next generation sequencing, we have identified a splicing mutation (c.526-9_526-5del) in the SLC9A6 gene in a 9-year-old boy with mild intellectual disability (ID), microcephaly, and social interaction disabilities. This intronic microdeletion leads to the skipping of exon 3 and to an in-frame deletion of 26 amino acids in the TM4 domain. It segregates with cognitive impairment or learning difficulties in other members of the family. Mutations in SLC9A6 have been reported in X-linked Christianson syndrome associating severe to profound intellectual deficiency and an Angelman-like phenotype with microcephaly, absent speech, ataxia with progressive cerebellar atrophy, ophthalmo…
Clinical and molecular spectrum of renal malformations in Kabuki syndrome.
International audience; OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency and types of renal malformations, and to evaluate renal function in a cohort of patients with Kabuki syndrome (KS). STUDY DESIGN: Renal ultrasound scans and plasma creatinine measurements were collected from a French cohort of 94 patients with genotyped KS. Renal function was evaluated based on the estimated glomerular filtration rate. A genotype-phenotype study was conducted for renal and urinary tract malformations. RESULTS: Renal malformations were present in 22% of cases, and urinary tract anomalies were present in 15%. Renal malformations were observed in 28% of the MLL2 mutation-positive group and in 0% of the MLL2 mutation…
Loss-of-Function Mutations in UNC45A Cause a Syndrome Associating Cholestasis, Diarrhea, Impaired Hearing, and Bone Fragility
International audience; Despite the rapid discovery of genes for rare genetic disorders, we continue to encounter individuals presenting with syndromic manifestations. Here, we have studied four affected people in three families presenting with cholestasis, congenital diarrhea, impaired hearing, and bone fragility. Whole-exome sequencing of all affected individuals and their parents identified biallelic mutations in Unc-45 Myosin Chaperone A (UNC45A) as a likely driver for this disorder. Subsequent in vitro and in vivo functional studies of the candidate gene indicated a loss-of-function paradigm, wherein mutations attenuated or abolished protein activity with concomitant defects in gut dev…
Heterozygous deletion of the LRFN2 gene is associated with working memory deficits
International audience; Learning disabilities (LDs) are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of diseases. Array-CGH and high-throughput sequencing have dramatically expanded the number of genes implicated in isolated intellectual disabilities and LDs, highlighting the implication of neuron-specific post-mitotic transcription factors and synaptic proteins as candidate genes. We report a unique family diagnosed with autosomal dominant learning disability and a 6p21 microdeletion segregating in three patients. The 870 kb microdeletion encompassed the brain-expressed gene LRFN2, which encodes for a synaptic cell adhesion molecule. Neuropsychological assessment identified selective w…
Loss of function mutation in the palmitoyl-transferase HHAT leads to syndromic 46,XY disorder of sex development by impeding Hedgehog protein palmitoylation and signaling
The Hedgehog (Hh) family of secreted proteins act as morphogens to control embryonic patterning and development in a variety of organ systems. Post-translational covalent attachment of cholesterol and palmitate to Hh proteins are critical for multimerization and long range signaling potency. However, the biological impact of lipid modifications on Hh ligand distribution and signal reception in humans remains unclear. In the present study, we report a unique case of autosomal recessive syndromic 46,XY Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) with testicular dysgenesis and chondrodysplasia resulting from a homozygous G287V missense mutation in the hedgehog acyl-transferase (HHAT) gene. This mutation…
Associations between cognitive performance and the rehabilitation, medical care and social support provided to French children with Prader-Willi syndrome
International audience; Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic neurodevelopmental disorder with a characteristic behavioural phenotype. A multidisciplinary approach to care is required to prevent multiple medical complications in individuals affected by PWS. The aim of this study was to describe the rehabilitation, medical care, educational and social support provided to school-aged French PWS patients with varying neuropsychological profiles. Data were obtained from a French multicentre study that included patients aged 4-20 years with diverse genetic syndromes. Nineteen PWS subjects with a mean age of 9.2 years were included. The mean full-scale intellectual quotient (IQ) was 58 (W…
VEB-1 in Achromobacter xylosoxidans from Cystic Fibrosis Patient, France
Multidrug-resistant Achromobacter xylosoxidans was recovered from the sputum of a patient with cystic fibrosis. The VEB-1 extended-spectrum β-lactamase was detected on a class 1 integron. This first report of a VEB-1–producing isolate in this population requires further investigation to determine its distribution.
Pathology of Rotavirus-driven Multiple Organ Failure in a 16-month-old Boy
International audience; Autopsy investigation of a fatal case of rotavirus severe acute gastroenteritis and multiple organ failure in a 16-month boy with previous intrauterine growth retardation showed colocalization of nonstructural and structural rotavirus proteins within viroplasms in nephrons. This case brings new insights into extraintestinal rotavirus infection and new clues to its abilities to bind to human histo-blood group antigens.
Reducing diagnostic turnaround times of exome sequencing for families requiring timely diagnoses
IF 2.137; International audience; BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:Whole-exome sequencing (WES) has now entered medical practice with powerful applications in the diagnosis of rare Mendelian disorders. Although the usefulness and cost-effectiveness of WES have been widely demonstrated, it is essential to reduce the diagnostic turnaround time to make WES a first-line procedure. Since 2011, the automation of laboratory procedures and advances in sequencing chemistry have made it possible to carry out diagnostic whole genome sequencing from the blood sample to molecular diagnosis of suspected genetic disorders within 50 h. Taking advantage of these advances, the main objective of the study was to impr…
Osteo-Oto-Hepato-Enteric Syndrome (O2HE) is caused by loss of function mutations in UNC45A
AbstractDespite the rapid discovery of genes for rare genetic disorders, we continue to encounter individuals presenting with hitherto unknown syndromic manifestations. Here, we have studied four affected people in three families presenting with cholestasis, congenital diarrhea, impaired hearing and bone fragility, a clinical entity we have termed O2HE (Osteo-Oto-Hepato-enteric) syndrome. Whole exome sequencing of all affected individuals and their parents identified biallelic mutations in Unc-45 Myosin Chaperone A (UNC45A), as a likely driver for this disorder. Subsequent in vitro and in vivo functional studies of the candidate gene indicated a loss of function paradigm, wherein mutations …
Intragenic FMR1 disease-causing variants: a significant mutational mechanism leading to Fragile-X syndrome
International audience; Fragile-X syndrome (FXS) is a frequent genetic form of intellectual disability (ID). The main recurrent mutagenic mechanism causing FXS is the expansion of a CGG repeat sequence in the 5'-UTR of the FMR1 gene, therefore, routinely tested in ID patients. We report here three FMR1 intragenic pathogenic variants not affecting this sequence, identified using high-throughput sequencing (HTS): a previously reported hemizygous deletion encompassing the last exon of FMR1, too small to be detected by array-CGH and inducing decreased expression of a truncated form of FMRP protein, in three brothers with ID (family 1) and two splice variants in boys with sporadic ID: a de novo …
Clinical severity and molecular characteristics of circulating and emerging rotaviruses in young children attending hospital emergency departments in France
International audience; Group A rotavirus (RVA) is the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis in young children worldwide. A prospective surveillance network has been set up to investigate the virological and clinical features of RVA infections and to detect the emergence of potentially epidemic strains in France. From 2009 to 2014, RVA-positive stool samples were collected from 4800 children <5 years old attending the paediatric emergency units of 16 large hospitals. Rotaviruses were then genotyped by RT-PCR with regard to their outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7. Genotyping of 4708 RVA showed that G1P[8] strains (62.2%) were predominant. The incidence of G9P[8] (11.5%), G3P[8] (10.4%) and …