Juan A. Castillo-garit
Applications of Bond-Based 3D-Chiral Quadratic Indices in QSAR Studies Related to Central Chirality Codification
The concept of bond-based quadratic indices is generalized to codify chemical structure information for chiral drugs, making use of a trigonometric 3D-chirality correction factor. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this novel approach in drug design, we have modeled several well-known data sets. In particularly, Cramer's steroid data set has become a benchmark for the assessment of novel QSAR methods. This data set has been used by several researchers using 3D-QSAR approaches. Therefore, it is selected by us for the shake of comparability. In addition, to evaluate the effectiveness of this novel approach in drug design, we model the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activity o…
<strong>Predicting Proteasome Inhibition using Atomic Weighted Vector and Machine Learning</strong>
Ubiquitin/Proteasome System (UPS) is a highly regulated mechanism of intracellular protein degradation and turnover. Through the concerted actions of a series of enzymes, proteins are marked for proteasomal degradation by being linked to the polypeptide co-factor, ubiquitin. The UPS participates in a wide array of biological functions such as antigen presentation, regulation of gene transcription and the cell cycle, and activation of NF-κB. Some researchers have applied QSAR method and machine learning in the study of proteasome inhibition (EC50(µmol/L)), such as: the analysis of proteasome inhibition prediction, in the prediction of multi-target inhibitors of UPP and in the prediction of p…
Predicting antitrichomonal activity: A computational screening using atom-based bilinear indices and experimental proofs
Existing Trichomonas vaginalis therapies are out of reach for most trichomoniasis people in developing countries and, where available, they are limited by their toxicity (mainly in pregnant women) and their cost. New antitrichomonal agents are needed to combat emerging metronidazole-resistant trichomoniasis and reduce the side effects associated with currently available drugs. Toward this end, atom-based bilinear indices, a new TOMOCOMD-CARDD molecular descriptor, and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were used to discover novel, potent, and non-toxic lead trichomonacidal chemicals. Two discriminant functions were obtained with the use of non-stochastic and stochastic atom-type bilinear in…
Microesferas de ácido poliláctico marcadas con 166Ho. Una alternativa frente a las de 90Y en el tratamiento del carcinoma hepático mediante radioembolización
Los tumores hepáticos constituyen un importante problema de salud a nivel mundial que en multitud de ocasiones va asociado a patologías previas y factores de riesgo como las hepatitis víricas B y C, el consumo excesivo de alcohol y el aumento de casos de esteatohepatitis no alcohólica, cada vez más relevante en los países industrializados.En hepatocarcinomas no susceptibles de resección quirúrgica, la braquiterapia se está mostrando muy eficaz frente a la quimioterapia sistémica y transarterial, por lo que se desarrollan nuevos tratamientos locorregionales mínimamente invasivos y con menor toxicidad.La radioembolización hepática es una forma de braquiterapia consistente en la administración…
Tyrosinase Enzyme: 1. An Overview on a Pharmacological Target
The tyrosinase enzyme (EC is an oxidoreductase inside the general enzyme classification and is involved in the oxidation and reduction process in the epidermis. These chemical reactions that the enzyme catalyzes are of principal importance in the melanogenesis process. This process of melanogenesis is related to the melanin formation, a heteropolymer of indolic nature that provides the different tonalities in the skin and helps to the protection from the ultraviolet radiation. However, a pigment overproduction, come up by the action of the tyrosinase, can cause different disorders in the skin related to the hyperpigmentation. Several studies mainly focused on the characteristics …
Comparative study to predict toxic modes of action of phenols from molecular structures.
Quantitative structure-activity relationship models for the prediction of mode of toxic action (MOA) of 221 phenols to the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis using atom-based quadratic indices are reported. The phenols represent a variety of MOAs including polar narcotics, weak acid respiratory uncouplers, pro-electrophiles and soft electrophiles. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and four machine learning techniques (ML), namely k-nearest neighbours (k-NN), support vector machine (SVM), classification trees (CTs) and artificial neural networks (ANNs), have been used to develop several models with higher accuracies and predictive capabilities for distinguishing between four MOAs. M…
Ligand-based discovery of novel trypanosomicidal drug-like compounds: In silico identification and experimental support
Abstract Two-dimensional bond-based linear indices and linear discriminant analysis are used in this report to perform a quantitative structure–activity relationship study to identify new trypanosomicidal compounds. A database with 143 anti-trypanosomal and 297 compounds having other clinical uses, are utilized to develop the theoretical models. The best discriminant models computed using bond-based linear indices provides accuracies greater than 90 for both training and test sets. Our models identify as anti-trypanosomals five out of nine compounds of a set of already-synthesized substances. The in vitro anti-trypanosomal activity of this set against epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi…
Thorough evaluation of OECD principles in modelling of 1-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6-(phenylthio)thymine derivatives using QSARINS.
The human immunodeficiency virus is a lethal pathology considered as a worldwide problem. The search for new strategies for the treatment of this disease continues to be a great challenge in the scientific community. In this study, a series of 107 derivatives of 1-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6-(phenylthio)thymine, previously evaluated experimentally against HIV-I reverse transcriptase, was used to model antiretroviral activity. A model of linear regression, implemented in the QSARINS software, was developed with a genetic algorithm for variable selection. The fit of its parameters was good and exhaustive validation, according to the OECD regulatory principles, was performed. Also, the applica…
Protein linear indices of the ‘macromolecular pseudograph α-carbon atom adjacency matrix’ in bioinformatics. Part 1: Prediction of protein stability effects of a complete set of alanine substitutions in Arc repressor
Abstract A novel approach to bio-macromolecular design from a linear algebra point of view is introduced. A protein’s total (whole protein) and local (one or more amino acid) linear indices are a new set of bio-macromolecular descriptors of relevance to protein QSAR/QSPR studies. These amino-acid level biochemical descriptors are based on the calculation of linear maps on R n [ f k ( x m i ) : R n → R n ] in canonical basis. These bio-macromolecular indices are calculated from the kth power of the macromolecular pseudograph α-carbon atom adjacency matrix. Total linear indices are linear functional on R n . That is, the kth total linear indices are linear maps from R n to the scalar R [ f k …
Prediction of Aquatic Toxicity of Benzene Derivatives to Tetrahymena pyriformis According to OECD Principles
Background: Many QSAR studies have been developed to predict acute toxicity over several biomarkers like Pimephales promelas, Daphnia magna and Tetrahymena pyriformis. Regardless of the progress made in this field there are still some gaps to be resolved such as the prediction of aquatic toxicity over the protozoan T. pyriformis still lack a QSAR study focused in accomplish the OECD principles. Methods: Atom-based quadratic indices are used to obtain quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models for the prediction of aquatic toxicity. Our models agree with the principles required by the OECD for QSAR models to regulatory purposes. The database employed consists of 392 substitut…
Atom-based 3D-chiral quadratic indices. Part 2: prediction of the corticosteroid-binding globulinbinding affinity of the 31 benchmark steroids data set.
A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study to predict the relative affinities of the steroid 'benchmark' data set to the corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) is described. It is shown that the 3D-chiral quadratic indices closely correlate with the measured CBG affinity values for the 31 steroids. The calculated descriptors were correlated with biological data through multiple linear regressions. Two statistically significant models were obtained when non-stochastic (R = 0.924 and s = 0.46) as well as stochastic (R = 0.929 and s = 0.46) 3D-chiral quadratic indices were used. A leave-one-out (LOO) approach to model validation is used here; the best results obtained in the cr…
Atom-Based Quadratic Indices to Predict Aquatic Toxicity of Benzene Derivatives to <i>Tetrahymena pyriformis</i>
The non-stochastic and stochastic atom-based quadratic indices are applied to develop quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models for the prediction of aquatic toxicity. The used dataset, consisting of 392 benzene derivatives for which toxicity data to the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis were available, is divided into training and test sets. The obtained multiple linear regression models are statistically significant (R2 = 0.787 and s = 0.347, R2 = 0.806 and s = 0.329, for non-stochastic and stochastic quadratic indices, respectively) and show rather good stability in a cross-validation experiment (q2 = 0.769 and scv = 0.357, q2 = 0.791 and scv = 0.337, correspondingly). In a…
Computational discovery of novel trypanosomicidal drug-like chemicals by using bond-based non-stochastic and stochastic quadratic maps and linear discriminant analysis.
Herein we present results of a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies to classify and design, in a rational way, new antitrypanosomal compounds by using non-stochastic and stochastic bond-based quadratic indices. A data set of 440 organic chemicals, 143 with antitrypanosomal activity and 297 having other clinical uses, is used to develop QSAR models based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Non-stochastic model correctly classifies more than 93% and 95% of chemicals in both training and external prediction groups, respectively. On the other hand, the stochastic model shows an accuracy of about the 87% for both series. As an experiment of virtual lead generation, the …
Multiple Linear Regression to predict larvicidal activity against <em>Aedes aegypti </em>mosquito
Vector-borne diseases are one of the important health problems in most tropical countries. Aedes aegypti is an important vector for transmission of dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, arthritis, and Zika fever. According to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that Ae. aegypti causes 50 million infections and 25,000 deaths per year. The emerging scenario highlights that the eco-friendly and effective control measures for mosquito vectors is of crucial importance. One of the most effective vector control measures has been the use of larvicidal compounds however; this success was short lived due to development of resistance against them in many mosquito strains, ecological imbalance …
Bond-based bilinear indices for computational discovery of novel trypanosomicidal drug-like compounds through virtual screening
Two-dimensional bond-based bilinear indices and linear discriminant analysis are used in this report to perform a quantitative structure-activity relationship study to identify new trypanosomicidal compounds. A data set of 440 organic chemicals, 143 with antitrypanosomal activity and 297 having other clinical uses, is used to develop the theoretical models. Two discriminant models, computed using bond-based bilinear indices, are developed and both show accuracies higher than 86% for training and test sets. The stochastic model correctly indentifies nine out of eleven compounds of a set of organic chemicals obtained from our synthetic collaborators. The in vitro antitrypanosomal activity of …
Enzimas de la biosíntesis del virus SARS-CoV-2 como dianas potenciales para el descubrimiento de nuevos antivirales
La aparición de la pandemia producida por la COVID-19 (enfermedad producida por coronavirus 2019), cuyo agente causal es el SARS-CoV-2, ha provocado una gran preocupación a nivel mundial. Esta emergencia sanitaria ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad urgente que existe de desarrollar o bien una nueva vacuna o bien agentes terapéuticos antivirales que permitan combatir al SARS-CoV-2. El reposicionamiento de fármacos es una de las estrategias más rápidas y prácticas de identificar rápidamente nuevos fármacos que permitirían prevenir, controlar o incluso erradicar el virus. Encontrar agentes terapéuticos que actúen directamente sobre enzimas específicas que tengan un rol esencial en la replica…
An approach to identify new antihypertensive agents using Thermolysin as model: In silico study based on QSARINS and docking
Thermolysin is a bacterial proteolytic enzyme, considered by many authors as a pharmacological and biological model of other mammalian enzymes, with similar structural characteristics, such as angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase. Inhibitors of these enzymes are considered therapeutic targets for common diseases, such as hypertension and heart failure. In this report, a mathematical model of Multiple Linear Regression, for ordinary least squares, and genetic algorithm, for selection of variables, are developed and implemented in QSARINS software, with appropriate parameters for its fitting. The model is extensively validated according to OECD standards, so that its robust…
Atom-based non-stochastic and stochastic bilinear indices: Application to QSPR/QSAR studies of organic compounds
The recently introduced bilinear indices are applied to the QSAR/QSPR studies of heteroatomic molecules. These novel atom-based molecular fingerprints are used to predict the boiling point of 28 alkyl-alcohols and partition coefficient, specific rate constant and antibacterial activity of 34 2-furylethylenes derivatives. The obtained models are statistically significant and show rather very good stability in a cross-validation experiment. The comparison with other approaches exposes a good behavior of our method in this QSPR studies. The obtained results suggest that with the present method, it is possible to obtain a good estimation of physical, chemical and physicochemical properties for …
Computational identification of chemical compounds with potential anti-Chagas activity using a classification tree
Chagas disease is endemic to 21 Latin American countries and is a great public health problem in that region. Current chemotherapy remains unsatisfactory; consequently the need to search for new drugs persists. Here we present a new approach to identify novel compounds with potential anti-chagasic action. A large dataset of 584 compounds, obtained from the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative, was selected to develop the computational model. Dragon software was used to calculate the molecular descriptors and WEKA software to obtain the classification tree. The best model shows accuracy greater than 93.4% for the training set; the tree was also validated using a 10-fold cross-validation p…
Identification In Silico and In Vitro of Novel Trypanosomicidal Drug-Like Compounds
Atom-based bilinear indices and linear discriminant analysis are used to discover novel trypanosomicidal compounds. The obtained linear discriminant analysis-based quantitative structure–activity relationship models, using non-stochastic and stochastic indices, provide accuracies of 89.02% (85.11%) and 89.60% (88.30%) of the chemicals in the training (test) sets, respectively. Later, both models were applied to the virtual screening of 18 in-house synthesized compounds to find new pro-lead antitrypanosomal agents. The in vitro antitrypanosomal activity of this set against epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi is assayed. Predictions agree with experimental results to a great extent (16/18…
Computational Identification of Chemical Compounds with Potential Activity against Leishmania amazonensis using Nonlinear Machine Learning Techniques.
Leishmaniasis is a poverty-related disease endemic in 98 countries worldwide, with morbidity and mortality increasing daily. All currently used first-line and second-line drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis exhibit several drawbacks including toxicity, high costs and route of administration. Consequently, the development of new treatments for leishmaniasis is a priority in the field of neglected tropical diseases. The aim of this work is to develop computational models those allow the identification of new chemical compounds with potential anti-leishmanial activity. A data set of 116 organic chemicals, assayed against promastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis, is used to develop the the…
Identification <i>In Silico</i> and <i>In Vitro</i> of Novel Trypanosomicidal Drug-like Compounds
Atom-based bilinear indices and linear discriminant analysis are used to discover novel trypanosomicidal compounds. The obtained linear discriminant analysis-based quantitative structure–activity relationship models, using non-stochastic and stochastic indices, provide accuracies of 89.02% (85.11%) and 89.60% (88.30%) of the chemicals in the training (test) sets, respectively. Later, both models were applied to the virtual screening of 18 in-house synthesized compounds to find new pro-lead antitrypanosomal agents. The in vitro antitrypanosomal activity of this set against epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi is assayed. Predictions agree with experimental results to a great extent (16/18…
Dry selection and wet evaluation for the rational discovery of new anthelmintics
Helminths infections remain a major problem in medical and public health. In this report, atom-based 2D bilinear indices, a TOMOCOMD-CARDD (QuBiLs-MAS module) molecular descriptor family and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were used to find models that differentiate among anthelmintic and non-anthelmintic compounds. Two classification models obtained by using non-stochastic and stochastic 2D bilinear indices, classified correctly 86.64% and 84.66%, respectively, in the training set. Equation 1(2) correctly classified 141(135) out of 165 [85.45%(81.82%)] compounds in external validation set. Another LDA models were performed in order to get the most likely mechanism of action of anthelmin…
Isolation and characterization of extracellular vesicles in Candida albicans
Background : The occurrence of systemic infections due to C. albicans has increased especially in critically ill patients. In fungal infections, secretory mechanisms are key events for disease establishment. Recent findings demonstrate that fungal organisms release many molecular components to the extracellular space in extracellular vesicles. Aims: We develop a method to obtain exosomes from yeast cultures of the Candida albicans . Methods : Yeast strains used in this work were C. albicans SC5314, C. parapsilosis (ATCC 22019) and C. krusei (ATCC 6258). Yeasts were grown at 37.º in liquid YPD medium. The cell cultures were centrifuged and the supernatant filtered through sterile nitrocellul…
Estimation of ADME Properties in Drug Discovery: Predicting Caco-2 Cell Permeability Using Atom-Based Stochastic and Non-stochastic Linear Indices
The in vitro determination of the permeability through cultured Caco-2 cells is the most often-used in vitro model for drug absorption. In this report, we use the largest data set of measured P(Caco-2), consisting of 157 structurally diverse compounds. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was used to obtain quantitative models that discriminate higher absorption compounds from those with moderate-poorer absorption. The best LDA model has an accuracy of 90.58% and 84.21% for training and test set. The percentage of good correlation, in the virtual screening of 241 drugs with the reported values of the percentage of human intestinal absorption (HIA), was greater than 81%. In addition, multiple …
A Simple Method to Predict Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability of Drug- Like Compounds Using Classification Trees
Background: To know the ability of a compound to penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a challenging task; despite the numerous efforts realized to predict/measure BBB passage, they still have several drawbacks. Methods: The prediction of the permeability through the BBB is carried out using classification trees. A large data set of 497 compounds (recently published) is selected to develop the tree model. Results: The best model shows an accuracy higher than 87.6% for training set; the model was also validated using 10-fold cross-validation procedure and through a test set achieving accuracy values of 86.1% and 87.9%, correspondingly. We give a brief explanation, in structural terms, o…
Prediction of potential environmental toxicity of chemicals in <em>Lactuca sativa</em> seed germination using computational tools
The main aim of the study was to develop quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models for the prediction of phytotoxicity effects of chemical compounds on the Lactuca sativa seeds germination. A database of 73 compounds, assayed against L. sativa and Dragon’s molecular descriptors are used to obtain a QSAR model for the prediction of the phytotoxicity. The model is carried out with QSARINS software and validated according to OECD principles. The best model showed good value for the determination coefficient (R2 = 0.917) and others parameters appropriate for fitting (s = 0.256 and RMSEtr= 0.236). The validation results confirmed that the model has good robustness and stability …
State of the Art Review and Report of New Tool for Drug Discovery
BACKGROUND There are a great number of tools that can be used in QSAR/QSPR studies; they are implemented in several programs that are reviewed in this report. The usefulness of new tools can be proved through comparison, with previously published approaches. In order to perform the comparison, the most usual is the use of several benchmark datasets such as DRAGON and Sutherland's datasets. METHODS Here, an exploratory study of Atomic Weighted Vectors (AWVs), a new tool useful for drug discovery using different datasets, is presented. In order to evaluate the performance of the new tool, several statistics and QSAR/QSPR experiments are performed. Variability analyses are used to quantify the…
A novel approach to predict aquatic toxicity from molecular structure
The main aim of the study was to develop quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models for the prediction of aquatic toxicity using atom-based non-stochastic and stochastic linear indices. The used dataset consist of 392 benzene derivatives, separated into training and test sets, for which toxicity data to the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis were available. Using multiple linear regression, two statistically significant QSAR models were obtained with non-stochastic (R2=0.791 and s=0.344) and stochastic (R2=0.799 and s=0.343) linear indices. A leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation procedure was carried out achieving values of q2=0.781 (scv=0.348) and q2=0.786 (scv=0.350), respecti…
In silicoAntibacterial Activity Modeling Based on the TOMOCOMD-CARDD Approach
In the recent times, the race to cope with the increasing multidrug resistance of pathogenic bacteria has lost much of its momentum and health professionals are grasping for solutions to deal with the unprecedented resistance levels. As a result, there is an urgent need for a concerted effort towards the development of new antimicrobial drugs to stay ahead in the fight against the ever adapting bacteria. In the present report, antibacterial classification functions (models) based on the topological molecular computational design-computer aided >rational> drug design (TOMOCOMD-CARDD) atom-based non-stochastic and stochastic bilinear indices are presented. These models were built using the li…
Atom-based Stochastic and non-Stochastic 3D-Chiral Bilinear Indices and their Applications to Central Chirality Codification
Abstract Non-stochastic and stochastic 2D bilinear indices have been generalized to codify chemical structure information for chiral drugs, making use of a trigonometric 3D-chirality correction factor. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this novel approach in drug design we have modeled the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activity of perindoprilate's σ-stereoisomers combinatorial library. Two linear discriminant analysis models, using non-stochastic and stochastic linear indices, were obtained. The models had shown an accuracy of 95.65% for the training set and 100% for the external prediction set. Next the prediction of the σ-receptor antagonists of chiral 3-(3-hydroxypheny…
<strong>New tool useful for drug discovery validated through benchmark datasets</strong>
Atomic Weighted Vectors (AWVs) are vectors that contain the codified information of molecular structures, which can apply to a set of Aggregation Operators (AOs) to calculate total and local molecular descriptors (MDs). This article presents an exploratory study of a new tool useful for drug discovery using different datasets, such as DRAGON and Sutherland’s datasets, as well as their comparison with other well-known approaches. In order to evaluate the performance of the tool, several statistics and QSAR/QSPR experiments were performed. Variability analyses are used to quantify the information content of the AWVs obtained from the tool, by the way of an information theory-based algorithm. …
Bond-based 3D-chiral linear indices: Theory and QSAR applications to central chirality codification
The recently introduced non-stochastic and stochastic bond-based linear indices are been generalized to codify chemical structure information for chiral drugs, making use of a trigonometric 3D-chirality correction factor. These improved modified descriptors are applied to several well-known data sets to validate each one of them. Particularly, Cramer's steroid data set has become a benchmark for the assessment of novel quantitative structure activity relationship methods. This data set has been used by several researchers using 3D-QSAR approaches such as Comparative Molecular Field Analysis, Molecular Quantum Similarity Measures, Comparative Molecular Moment Analysis, E-state, Mapping Prope…
Prediction of acute toxicity of phenol derivatives using multiple linear regression approach for Tetrahymena pyriformis contaminant identification in a median-size database
In this article, the modeling of inhibitory grown activity against Tetrahymena pyriformis is described. The 0-2D Dragon descriptors based on structural aspects to gain some knowledge of factors influencing aquatic toxicity are mainly used. Besides, it is done by some enlarged data of phenol derivatives described for the first time and composed of 358 chemicals. It overcomes the previous datasets with about one hundred compounds. Moreover, the results of the model evaluation by the parameters in the training, prediction and validation give adequate results comparable with those of the previous works. The more influential descriptors included in the model are: X3A, MWC02, MWC10 and piPC03 wit…
Machine learning-based models to predict modes of toxic action of phenols to Tetrahymena pyriformis.
The phenols are structurally heterogeneous pollutants and they present a variety of modes of toxic action (MOA), including polar narcotics, weak acid respiratory uncouplers, pro-electrophiles, and soft electrophiles. Because it is often difficult to determine correctly the mechanism of action of a compound, quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) methods, which have proved their interest in toxicity prediction, can be used. In this work, several QSAR models for the prediction of MOA of 221 phenols to the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis, using Chemistry Development Kit descriptors, are reported. Four machine learning techniques (ML), k-nearest neighbours, support vector…
Atom, atom-type and total molecular linear indices as a promising approach for bioorganic and medicinal chemistry: theoretical and experimental assessment of a novel method for virtual screening and rational design of new lead anthelmintic.
Abstract Helminth infections are a medical problem in the world nowadays. In this paper a novel atom-level chemical descriptor has been applied to estimate the anthelmintic activity. Total and local linear indices and linear discriminant analysis were used to obtain a quantitative model that discriminates between anthelmintic and non-anthelmintic drug-like compounds. The discriminant model has an accuracy of 90.11% in the training set, with a high Matthews’ correlation coefficient (MCC = 0.80). To assess the robustness and predictive power of the obtained model, internal (leave-n-out) and external validation process was performed. The QSAR model correctly classified 88.55% of compounds in t…
In silico Antibacterial Activity Modeling Based on the TOMOCOMD-CARDD Approach
In the recent times, the race to cope with the increasing multidrug resistance of pathogenic bacteria has lost much of its momentum and health professionals are grasping for solutions to deal with the unprecedented resistance levels. As a result, there is an urgent need for a concerted effort towards the development of new antimicrobial drugs to stay ahead in the fight against the ever adapting bacteria. In the present report, antibacterial classification functions (models) based on the topological molecular computational design-computer aided ‘‘rational’’ drug design (TOMOCOMD-CARDD) atom-based non-stochastic and stochastic bilinear indices are presented. These models were built using the …