Anne Vuillemin

HEB831749_Supplemental_Appendix_1 – Supplemental material for Health Promotion Interventions in Sports Clubs: Can We Talk About a Setting-Based Approach? A Systematic Mapping Review

Supplemental material, HEB831749_Supplemental_Appendix_1 for Health Promotion Interventions in Sports Clubs: Can We Talk About a Setting-Based Approach? A Systematic Mapping Review by Susanna Geidne, Sami Kokko, Aoife Lane, Linda Ooms, Anne Vuillemin, Jan Seghers, Pasi Koski, Michal Kudlacek, Stacey Johnson and Aurélie Van Hoye in Health Education & Behavior

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HEB831749_Supplemental_Appendix_2 – Supplemental material for Health Promotion Interventions in Sports Clubs: Can We Talk About a Setting-Based Approach? A Systematic Mapping Review

Supplemental material, HEB831749_Supplemental_Appendix_2 for Health Promotion Interventions in Sports Clubs: Can We Talk About a Setting-Based Approach? A Systematic Mapping Review by Susanna Geidne, Sami Kokko, Aoife Lane, Linda Ooms, Anne Vuillemin, Jan Seghers, Pasi Koski, Michal Kudlacek, Stacey Johnson and Aurélie Van Hoye in Health Education & Behavior

research product

Health Promotion Interventions in Sports Clubs: Can We Talk About a Setting-Based Approach? A Systematic Mapping Review

Many researchers and authorities have recognized the important role that sports clubs can play in public health. In spite of attempts to create a theoretical framework in the early 2000s, a thorough understanding of sports clubs as a setting for health promotion (HP) is lacking. Despite calls for more effective, sustainable, and theoretically grounded interventions, previous literature reviews have identified no controlled studies assessing HP interventions in sports clubs. This systematic mapping review details how the settings-based approach is applied through HP interventions in sports clubs and highlights facilitators and barriers for sports clubs to become health-promoting settings. In…

research product

Health promoting sports federations : theoretical foundations and guidelines

Background: Researchers and policy-makers have highlighted that the potential for organized sports to promote health has been underexploited. Sports clubs have limited capacity to promote health due to their voluntary nature and have called for support from their national sports federations. The present article provides guidelines, based on the theoretical principles of health promoting sports clubs and an analysis of practical tools and proven strategies, to support national sports federations to invest in health promotion (HP). Methods: A qualitative iterative study was undertaken, based on five 2-h meetings of a group of 15 international researchers in HP in sports clubs. Notes and minut…

research product

Measuring health promotion in a sports club setting: a modified Delphi study

Abstract Background The settings-based approach has become an increasing focus in health promotion since the World Health Organization’s 1986 Ottawa Charter. Schools and cities have implemented this approach, but development within sports clubs is limited. Thus, an internationally validated measurement of health promotion within this setting is lacking. Methods A modified Delphi study was completed to develop an international evaluation tool grounded in the settings-based approach. Expert panelists from academia, sports and health sectors were invited to participate in 3 online rounds. Items were generated or selected based on 3 prior Delphi-based studies and 2 nationally validated scales. …

research product

Activité physique : contextes et effets sur la santé - Synthèse et recommandations

1L’activité physique peut s’effectuer dans différents contextes.Elle peut être liée à l’activité professionnelle, se pratiquer àl’occasion de loisirs ou au cours de travaux domestiques et égalements’intégrer aux déplacements.Pour une grande partie de la population, l’exercice physiquen’est plus aujourd’hui associé aux activités professionnelles etaux déplacements de la vie quotidienne. L’accroissementdu travail sédentaire et des activités récréatives physiquementpassives (télévision, jeux vidéo…) a diminué la dépenseénergétique venant équilibrer les apports. L’activité physiquedépend donc principalement chez l’adulte de sa motivationà la pratiquer au cours de ses loisirs de manière spontané…

research product

Measuring Health Promotion in Sports Club Settings: A Modified Delphi Study

Settings-based approaches have become an increasing health promotion focus since the World Health Organization’s 1986 Ottawa Charter. While schools, cities, and prisons have implemented this approach, its development within sports environments is recent. Sports are a popular leisure-time activity, requiring validated tools to measure health promotion activity. This study’s aim was to develop a measurement tool based on international consensus that measures perceptions of health promotion within sports clubs. It is grounded in the settings-based approach and builds on theory from previous works expanding their context and knowledge. An online, three-round international Delphi study was cond…

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