On the arithmetic of a family of degree-two K3 surfaces
Let $\mathbb{P}$ denote the weighted projective space with weights $(1,1,1,3)$ over the rationals, with coordinates $x,y,z,$ and $w$; let $\mathcal{X}$ be the generic element of the family of surfaces in $\mathbb{P}$ given by \begin{equation*} X\colon w^2=x^6+y^6+z^6+tx^2y^2z^2. \end{equation*} The surface $\mathcal{X}$ is a K3 surface over the function field $\mathbb{Q}(t)$. In this paper, we explicitly compute the geometric Picard lattice of $\mathcal{X}$, together with its Galois module structure, as well as derive more results on the arithmetic of $\mathcal{X}$ and other elements of the family $X$.
Rationalizability of square roots
Abstract Feynman integral computations in theoretical high energy particle physics frequently involve square roots in the kinematic variables. Physicists often want to solve Feynman integrals in terms of multiple polylogarithms. One way to obtain a solution in terms of these functions is to rationalize all occurring square roots by a suitable variable change. In this paper, we give a rigorous definition of rationalizability for square roots of ratios of polynomials. We show that the problem of deciding whether a single square root is rationalizable can be reformulated in geometrical terms. Using this approach, we give easy criteria to decide rationalizability in most cases of square roots i…
Rationalizability of square roots
Feynman integral computations in theoretical high energy particle physics frequently involve square roots in the kinematic variables. Physicists often want to solve Feynman integrals in terms of multiple polylogarithms. One way to obtain a solution in terms of these functions is to rationalize all occurring square roots by a suitable variable change. In this paper, we give a rigorous definition of rationalizability for square roots of ratios of polynomials. We show that the problem of deciding whether a single square root is rationalizable can be reformulated in geometrical terms. Using this approach, we give easy criteria to decide rationalizability in most cases of square roots in one and…
Bhabha Scattering and a special pencil of K3 surfaces
We study a pencil of K3 surfaces that appeared in the $2$-loop diagrams in Bhabha scattering. By analysing in detail the Picard lattice of the general and special members of the pencil, we identify the pencil with the celebrated Ap\'ery--Fermi pencil, that was related to Ap\'ery's proof of the irrationality of $\zeta(3)$ through the work of F. Beukers, C. Peters and J. Stienstra. The same pencil appears miraculously in different and seemingly unrelated physical contexts.
Arithmetic and geometry of a K3 surface emerging from virtual corrections to Drell–Yan scattering
We study a K3 surface, which appears in the two-loop mixed electroweak-quantum chromodynamic virtual corrections to Drell--Yan scattering. A detailed analysis of the geometric Picard lattice is presented, computing its rank and discriminant in two independent ways: first using explicit divisors on the surface and then using an explicit elliptic fibration. We also study in detail the elliptic fibrations of the surface and use them to provide an explicit Shioda--Inose structure. Moreover, we point out the physical relevance of our results.
Arithmetic and geometry of a K3 surface emerging from virtual corrections to Drell--Yan scattering
We study a K3 surface, which appears in the two-loop mixed electroweak-quantum chromodynamic virtual corrections to Drell--Yan scattering. A detailed analysis of the geometric Picard lattice is presented, computing its rank and discriminant in two independent ways: first using explicit divisors on the surface and then using an explicit elliptic fibration. We also study in detail the elliptic fibrations of the surface and use them to provide an explicit Shioda--Inose structure. Moreover, we point out the physical relevance of our results.