Ruggero Forte
Conceptual design of the main Ancillary Systems of the ITER Water Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket System
Abstract The Water Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket System (WCLL TBS) is one of the EU Test Blanket Systems candidate for being installed and operated in ITER. In view of its Conceptual Design Review by F4E and ITER Organization (IO), planned for mid-September 2020, several technical activities have been performed in the areas of WCLL TBS Ancillary Systems design. In this article the outcomes of the conceptual design phase of the four main Ancillary Systems of WCLL TBS, namely the Water Cooling System (WCS), the Coolant Purification System (CPS), the PbLi loop and the Tritium Extraction System (TES), are reported and critically discussed. In particular, for each Ancillary System hereafter a…
Modeling of ITER TF cooling system through 2D thermal analyses and enthalpy balance
Abstract The winding pack of the ITER Toroidal Field (TF) coils is composed of 134 turns of Nb3Sn Cable in Conduit Conductor (CICCs) wound in 7 double pancakes and cooled by supercritical helium (He) at cryogenic temperature. The cooling of the Stainless Steel (SS) case supporting the winding pack is guaranteed by He circulation in 74 parallel channels. A 2D approach to compute the temperature distribution in the ITER TF winding pack is here proposed. The TF is divided in 32 poloidal segments, for each segment the corresponding 2D model is built and a thermal analysis is performed applying the corresponding nuclear heating computed with MCNP code considering the latest design updates, such …
On the effects of the Double-Walled Tubes lay-out on the DEMO WCLL breeding blanket module thermal behavior
Abstract The EU-DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead Breeding Blanket (WCLL BB) concept foresees liquid Pb-15.7Li eutectic alloy as breeder and neutron multiplier, whereas pressurized subcooled water as coolant, with operative conditions typical of the PWR fission reactors (temperature in the range of 295–328 °C and pressure of 15.5 MPa). The cooling down of the BB is guaranteed by means of two separated cooling circuits: the one consisted in square channels housed within the complex of Side Walls and First Wall, and the one composed of a set of Double-Walled Tubes (DWTs) submerged in the Breeding Zone (BZ) and deputed to remove heat power therein generated. A parametric thermal study has been ca…
Parametric thermal analysis for the optimization of Double Walled Tubes layout in the Water Cooled Lithium Lead inboard blanket of DEMO fusion reactor
Abstract Within the roadmap that will lead to the nuclear fusion exploitation for electric energy generation, the construction of a DEMOnstration (DEMO) reactor is, probably, the most important milestone to be reached since it will demonstrate the technological feasibility and economic competitiveness of an industrial-scale nuclear fusion reactor. In order to reach this goal, several European universities and research centres have joined their efforts in the EUROfusion action, funded by HORIZON 2020 UE programme. Within the framework of EUROfusion research activities, ENEA and University of Palermo are involved in the design of the Water-Cooled Lithium Lead Breeding Blanket (WCLL BB), that …
Optimization of the breeder zone cooling tubes of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket
Abstract The determination of an optimal configuration for the breeder zone (BZ) cooling tubes is one of the most important issues in the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) breeding blanket R&D activities, since BZ cooling tubes spatial distribution should ensure an efficient heat power removal from the breeder, avoiding hotspots occurrence in the thermal field. Within the framework of R&D activities supported by the HORIZON 2020 EUROfusion Consortium action on the DEMO WCLL breeding blanket design, a campaign of parametric analyses has been launched at the Department of Energy, Information Engineering and Mathematical Models of the University of Palermo (DEIM), in close cooperation with…
Damping effect on the ITER vacuum vessel displacements during slow downward locked and rotating asymmetric vertical displacement events
Abstract In this paper, we present the electromechanical coupled analysis of the ITER vacuum vessel in case of slow downward locked and rotating Asymmetric VDEs. The numerical model for simulating the AVDE includes the asymmetric distribution of the halo currents obtained by a suitable 3D kink perturbation of a slow VDE downward computed by the 2D code DINA. In the case of a rotational AVDE, the rotation frequency of the kink asymmetry has been chosen to be ω = 2π × 5 rad/s. The model includes the mesh of the main passive components facing the plasma. The whole torus (360 degrees) has been discretized. It is shown that the very high complexity of the numerical model can be suitably treated.…
Updated design and integration of the ancillary circuits for the European Test Blanket Systems
The validation of the key technologies relevant for a DEMO Breeding Blanket is one of the main objectives of the design and operation of the Test Blanket Systems (TBS) in ITER. In compliance with the main features and technical requirements of the parent breeding blanket concepts, the European TBM Project is developing the HCLL (Helium Cooled Lithium Lead) and HCPB (Helium Cooled Pebble Bed)-TBS, focusing in this phase on the design life cycle and on R&D activities in support of the design. The TBS ancillary systems are mainly circuits devoted to the removal of thermal power and to the extraction and recovery of the tritium generated in the Test Blanket Modules. They are: • The Helium C…
Structural assessment of the EU-DEMO WCLL Central Outboard Blanket segment under normal and off-normal operating conditions
Abstract Within the framework of the EUROfusion design activities concerning the EU-DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) system, a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo with the aim of investigating the structural behaviour of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) Central Outboard Blanket (COB) segment. The assessment has been performed considering three different loading scenarios: the Normal Operation (NO), the Over-Pressurization (OP) and the Upward Vertical Displacement Event (VDE-up). In particular, NO scenario represents the loading case referring to the nominal operating conditions, whereas the OP scenario refers to the loading conditions due to an in-box LOCA…
Thermal-hydraulic and thermo-mechanical simulations of Water-Heavy Liquid Metal interactions towards the DEMO WCLL breeding blanket design
Abstract The Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket concept foresees the eutectic lithium-lead (Pb-15.7Li) alloy being cooled by pressurized sub-cooled water (temperature 295–328 °C; pressure 15.5 MPa) flowing in double wall tubes. Therefore, the interaction between the Pb-15.7Li and water (e.g. tube rupture) represents one of the main safety concerns for the design and safety analysis. Available LIFUS5/Mod2 experimental data are employed to assess the performances of thermal-hydraulic and thermo-mechanic codes. Thermal-hydraulic simulations, by SIMMER-III code, are focused on the prediction of the thermodynamic interaction among the fluids. ABAQUS Finite Element code, used for the desi…
On the impact of the heat transfer modelling approach on the prediction of EU-DEMO WCLL breeding blanket thermal performances
Abstract The Water-Cooled Lithium-Lead Breeding Blanket is a key component of a fusion power plant, in charge of ensure Tritium production, shield Vacuum Vessel and magnets and remove the heat power deposited by radiation and particles arising from plasma. The last function is fulfilled by First Wall and Breeding Zone independent cooling systems. Several layouts of BZ coolant system have been investigated in the last years to identify a configuration that might guarantee EUROFER temperature below the limit (550 °C) and good thermal-hydraulic performances (i.e. water outlet temperature of 328 °C). A research activity is conducted to study and compare different modelling approaches to simulat…
On the optimization of the first wall of the DEMO water-cooled lithium lead outboard breeding blanket equatorial module
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activities a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo in order to investigate the thermo-mechanical performances of the DEMO water-cooled lithium lead (WCLL) breeding blanket first wall (FW). The research campaign has been mainly focused on the optimization of the FW geometric configuration in order to maximize the heat flux it may safely withstand fulfilling all the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical requirements foreseen by safety codes. Attention has been focused on the FW flat concept endowed with square cooling channels and the potential influence of its four main geometrical parameters on its thermo-mechanical p…
Recent progress in developing a feasible and integrated conceptual design of the WCLL BB in EUROfusion project
The water-cooled lithium-lead breeding blanket is in the pre-conceptual design phase. It is a candidate option for European DEMO nuclear fusion reactor. This breeding blanket concept relies on the liquid lithium-lead as breeder-multiplier, pressurized water as coolant and EUROFER as structural material. Current design is based on DEMO 2017 specifications. Two separate water systems are in charge of cooling the first wall and the breeding zone: thermo-dynamic cycle is 295–328 °C at 15.5 MPa. The breeder enters and exits from the breeding zone at 330 °C. Cornerstones of the design are the single module segment approach and the water manifold between the breeding blanket box and the back suppo…
Nuclear performances of the water-cooled lithium lead DEMO reactor: Neutronic analysis on a fully heterogeneous model
Abstract The development of a conceptual design for the Demonstration Fusion Power Reactor (DEMO) is a key issue within the EUROfusion roadmap. The DEMO reactor is designed to produce a fusion power of about 2 GW and generate a substantial amount of electricity, relying on a closed tritium fuel cycle: it implies that the breeding blanket (BB) shall guarantee a suitable tritium production to enable a continuous operation without any external supply. The Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) concept is a candidate for the DEMO BB: it uses liquid Lithium Lead as breeder and neutron multiplier and water in PWR condition as coolant. The neutronics analyses carried out in the past have been performed …
Radiation effects on stress evolution and dimensional stability of large fusion energy structures
Abstract We assess the effects of neutron irradiation on the deformation and stress evolution of large-scale fusion energy structures. This is accomplished through non-linear finite element structural analysis of the coupled thermal and mechanical fields at the Beginning-Of-Life (BOL), at 45 dpa, and at 90 dpa. Radiation effects include volumetric swelling and the influence of radiation on the mechanical properties. The system studied here is a large section of a full inboard module of an integrated structure comprising the First Wall and Blanket (FW/B) of a Dual Cooled Lithium-Lead (DCLL) energy conversion unit in the Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF). The structural material is the f…
Numerical assessment of the thermomechanical behaviour of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead inboard blanket equatorial module
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activity, a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo, in close cooperation with ENEA labs, in order to assess the thermo-mechanical performances of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) inboard blanket equatorial module, whether properly integrated within its whole inboard segment. In particular, a detailed 3D model of this segment, including all the other modules, the back-supporting structure and the attachment system, has been considered in order to realistically simulate the boundary conditions affecting the equatorial module behaviour. The study has been focused on the investigation of the module thermo-mech…
On the thermal-hydraulic performances of the DEMO divertor cassette body cooling circuit equipped with a liner
Abstract In the framework of the Work Package DIV 1 - “Divertor Cassette Design and Integration” of the EUROfusion action, a research campaign has been jointly carried out by University of Palermo and ENEA to investigate the steady-state thermal-hydraulic performances of the DEMO divertor cassette cooling system. The research activity has been focussed onto the most recent design of the Cassette Body (CB) cooling circuit, consistent with the DEMO baseline 2017 and equipped with a liner, whose main function is to protect the underlying vacuum pump CB opening from plasma radiation. The research campaign has been carried out following a theoretical-computational approach based on the finite vo…
Multi-Module vs. Single-Module concept: Comparison of thermomechanical performances for the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activity an intense research campaign has been performed at the University of Palermo, in close cooperation with ENEA labs and KIT, in order to compare the thermomechanical performances of the Back Supporting Structure (BSS) of Multi-Module and Single-Module concepts of DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket (WCLL). To this purpose, detailed 3D models of the DEMO WCLL right inboard and central outboard segments, including detailed BSS and simplified First Wall and structures according to the two concepts, have been set-up. The study has been performed considering the Normal Operation and Central Major Disruption steady state loading s…
Structural assessment of a whole toroidal sector of the HELIAS 5-B breeding blanket
Abstract The European roadmap for the realization of fusion energy considers the stellarator line as a possible long-term alternative to a tokamak DEMO. In this context, from the plasma physics standpoint, the most promising option is a five-field period power plant called HELIcal-axis Advanced Stellarator (HELIAS) 5-B. In order to allow the electricity production, the HELIAS 5-B reactor must be endowed with a breeding blanket (BB). Hence, in this paper, the advancements in the HELIAS 5-B BB design are reported. In particular, the structural assessment of a whole BB period, extending along toroidal direction for 72 °, is depicted. A geometric configuration encompassing dummy BB segments has…
Multiphysics Optimization for Water-Cooled Breeding Blanket Design Enhancement
The commercial feasibility of the first fusion power plant generation adopting D-T plasma is strongly dependent upon the self-sustainability in terms of tritium fueling. Within such a kind of reactor, the component selected to house the tritium breeding reactions is the breeding blanket, which is further assigned to heat power removal and radiation shielding functions. As a consequence of both its role and position, the breeding blanket is heavily exposed to both surface and volumetric heat loads and, hence, its design requires a typical multiphysics approach, from the neutronics to the thermo-mechanics. During last years, a great deal of effort has been put in the optimization of the breed…
Multiphysics Optimization for First Wall Design Enhancement in Water-Cooled Breeding Blankets
Abstract The commercial feasibility of the first fusion power plant generation adopting D-T plasma is strongly dependent upon the self-sustainability in terms of tritium fuelling. Within such a kind of reactor, the component selected to house the tritium breeding reactions is the breeding blanket, which is further assigned to heat power removal and radiation shielding functions. As a consequence of both its role and position, the breeding blanket is heavily exposed to both surface and volumetric heat loads and, hence, its design requires a typical multiphysics approach, from the neutronics to the thermo-mechanics. During last years, a great deal of effort has been put in the optimization of…
F4E load transfer procedure among finite element models different in topology or in discretization
Abstract In this paper, a methodology developed in Fusion for Energy (F4E) for interpolating mechanical loads both between compatible (i.e. from solid to solid models different in discretization) and incompatible (e.g. from solid models to shell/beam models) FE models is described. This novel procedure is able of transferring a force vector field (i.e. Lorentz forces) from a three-dimensional solid mesh (e.g. electromagnetic model) onto a target mesh (e.g. mechanical model), being it either three-dimensional solid or simplified beam/shell model. This interpolation procedure is developed with the aim of preserving both the global and local mechanical equilibrium of the system in terms of res…
Conceptual design of the enhanced coolant purification systems for the European HCLL and HCPB test blanket modules
Abstract The Coolant Purification Systems (CPSs) is one of the most relevant ancillary systems of European Helium Cooled Lead Lithium (HCLL) and Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) Test Blanket Modules (TBMs) which are currently in the preliminary design phase in view of their installation and operation in ITER. The CPS implements mainly two functions: the extraction and concentration of the tritium permeated from the TBM modules into the primary cooling circuit and the chemistry control of helium primary coolant. During the HCLL and HCPB-TBSs (Test Blanket Systems) Conceptual Design Review (CDR) in 2015 it was recognized the need of reducing the tritium permeation into the Port Cell #16 of ITE…
Parametric study of the influence of double-walled tubes layout on the DEMO WCLL breeding blanket thermal performances
Abstract Within the framework of the EUROfusion activities regarding the EU-DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) concept, the University of Palermo is long-time involved, in close cooperation with ENEA, in the design of the Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) BB, that is one of the two concepts under consideration for the DEMO reactor. It is mainly characterized by a liquid lithium-lead eutectic alloy acting as breeder and neutron multiplier, as well as by subcooled pressurized water flowing as coolant under PWR-like conditions (pressure of 15.5 MPa and inlet/outlet temperatures of 295 °C/328 °C). A research campaign has been recently carried out to study the potential influence of the Breeding Zone coo…
Development of a Two-Dimensional Simplified Tool for the Analysis of the Cooling of the ITER TF Winding Pack
The cooling of the ITER toroidal field (TF) coils winding pack is guaranteed by the circulation of supercritical helium (He) in seven hydraulic circuits corresponding to the Nb3Sn cable in conduit conductors, and in 74 channels devoted to the cooling of the stainless steel case supporting the winding pack. A tool entirely developed inside ANSYS with the APDL language has been created with the aim of computing the temperature distribution in the TF winding pack in different poloidal locations. The tool also allows the assessment of the He temperature during plasma operation in the case cooling channels. The considered heat load is the volumetric nuclear heating computed with the MCNP code in…
Preliminary design of the top cap of DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding blanket segments
Abstract Within the framework of EUROfusion R&D activity, a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo, in close cooperation with ENEA labs, in order to preliminary design the top cap foreseen for the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) breeding blanket segments. Due to the high heat and pressure loads acting on such component, its design results particularly demanding and a specific multi-physics approach is needed, covering several aspects from thermal-hydraulics to structural assessments. Preliminary detailed CAD model of the cap integrated into the upper region of the WCLL breeding blanket outboard central segment has been set-up, equipped with proper cooling …
Recent Progress in the WCLL Breeding Blanket Design for the DEMO Fusion Reactor
The water-cooled lithium-lead (PbLi) breeding blanket is one of the candidate systems considered for the implementation in the European Demonstration Power Plant (DEMO) nuclear fusion reactor. This concept employs PbLi liquid metal as tritium breeder and neutron multiplier, water pressurized at 15.5 MPa as the coolant, and EUROFER as the structural material. The current design is based on the single module segment approach and follows the requirements of the DEMO-2015 baseline design. The module is constituted by a basic toroidal-radial cell that is recursively repeated along the poloidal direction where the liquid metal flows along a radial-poloidal path. The heat generated by the fusion r…
On the effect of stiffening plates configuration on the DEMO Water Cooled Lithium Lead Breeding Blanket module thermo-mechanical behaviour
Abstract Within the framework of the pre-conceptual design of the EU-DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) supported by EUROfusion action, results of the research activities carried out in the last years have highlighted that changes in the proposed Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) BB design have to be considered, especially as to the liquid breeder circulation path within the BB module. Therefore, in view of the definition of a final WCLL BB module layout, a parametric campaign of numerical analyses has been carried out at the University of Palermo in order to assess the impact of different SPs configurations on the module thermo-mechanical performances. To this purpose, attention has been focussed o…