A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Single Truck and Trailer Routing Problem with Satellite Depots
International audience; In the single truck and trailer routing problem with satellite depots (STTRPSD), a truck with a detachable trailer based at a main depot must serve the demand of a set of customers accessible only by truck. Therefore, before serving the customers, it is necessary to detach the trailer in an appropriate parking place (called either a satellite depot or a trailer point) and transfer goods between the truck and the trailer. This problem has applications in milk collection for farms that cannot be reached using large vehicles. In this work we present an integer programming formulation of the STTRPSD. This formulation is tightened with several families of valid inequaliti…
Split-Delivery Capacitated Arc-Routing Problem: Lower Bound and Metaheuristic
International audience; This paper proposes lower and upper bounds for the split-delivery capacitated arc-routing problem (SDCARP), a variant of the capacitated arc-routing problem in which an edge can be serviced by several vehicles. Recent papers on related problems in node routing have shown that this policy can bring significant savings. It is also more realistic in applications such as urban refuse collection, where a vehicle can become full in the middle of a street segment. This work presents the first lower bound for the SDCARP, computed with a cutting plane algorithm and an evolutionary local search reinforced by a multistart procedure and a variable neighborhood descent. Tests on …
A Branch-and-Cut method for the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem
International audience; Recent researches in the design of logistic networks have shown that the overall distribution cost may be excessive if routing decisions are ignored when locating depots. The Location-Routing Problem (LRP) overcomes this drawback by simultaneously tackling location and routing decisions. The aim of this paper is to propose an exact approach based on a Branch-and-Cut algorithm for solving the LRP with capacity constraints on depots and vehicles. The proposed method is based on a zero-one linear model strengthened by new families of valid inequalities. The computational evaluation on three sets of instances (34 instances in total), with 5–10 potential depots and 20–88 …
Lower and upper bounds for the mixed capacitated arc routing problem
This paper presents a linear formulation, valid inequalities, and a lower bounding procedure for the mixed capacitated arc routing problem (MCARP). Moreover, three constructive heuristics and a memetic algorithm are described. Lower and upper bounds have been compared on two sets of randomly generated instances. Computational results show that the average gaps between lower and upper bounds are 0.51% and 0.33%, respectively.