Tatjana Koke

Using Problem-focused Approach to Nurture Creativity and Entrepreneurship among Students

Abstract This paper discusses the use of a problem-focused approach to nurture creativity and entrepreneurship among students in a school setting. The study sample consisted of three groups of students (age 16 years old) from three secondary schools in Malaysia. The participants consist of 25–35 students from each school (n=95). The data collection took place during three workshops, which were conducted using a problem-focused approach, with participants from each school. At the end of each workshop, participants were asked to fill in an electronic diary about their experience. The participants’ reflections after the first workshop were analysed to identify the use of a problem-focused appr…

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Understanding entrepreneurship development in Latvia: a cross-disciplinary approach

This paper analyses economic and educational challenges on the way of understanding and formation of entrepreneurship in Latvia in its almost 20-year long post socialistic period. Along with the state support programmes for small business development, entrepreneurship as a new concept is researched integrating as well the world experience in this field. It is shown that entrepreneurship is a dynamic system of the components determined in mixed methods research. The elaborated holistic functional-structural model of entrepreneurship illustrates that entrepreneurship can be developed holistically as a system when students identify, generate and realise opportunities into new personal, social …

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Does Competence-Oriented Higher Education Lead to Students’ Competitiveness?

XXI a. būdingi netikrumo sudėtingumo issūkiai, kurie yra postmodernaus gyvenimo ypatumai. Esant pasaulinei ekonomikos krizei labai svarbu turėti aukstąjį issilavinimą, kuris yra didžiulis studentų kompetencijos kėlimo potencialas, o sis sudaro visos tautos kompetencijos pagrindą. Kadangi studentų kompetencijos puoselėjimas glaudžiai susijes su jų verslumo augimu, straipsnyje aptariami kai kurie daktaro disertacijos „Studentų verslumo ugdymas mokymo procese“ (Oganisjana, 2010 b) tyrimai, atkreipiamas dėmesys į siuolaikinio aukstojo mokslo tikslą ugdyti studentų verslumą ir kompetenciją. Verslumo tikslai tradiciskai susije su ekonomika, verslu, vadyba, psichologija, sociologija ir antropologi…

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