L. Sinclair

Isomeric 13/2+ state in 201Fr

We have identified an isomeric state in 201Fr for which we propose a spin and parity of 13/2 +, and interpret it as arising from the π(i13/2 ) configuration. A half-life of 720(40) ns was measured, corresponding to B(M2) = 0.17(2) W.u., in good agreement with those of other 13/2 + → 9/2 − [π(i13/2 ) → π(h9/2 )] transitions observed in other nuclei in the region. The nuclei of interest were produced in a fusion-evaporation reaction and their decay properties were investigated using the GREAT spectrometer at the focal plane of the RITU gas-filled recoil separator. peerReviewed

research product

β decay of Ni75 and the systematics of the low-lying level structure of neutron-rich odd- A Cu isotopes

Background: Detailed spectroscopy of neutron-rich odd-A Cu isotopes is of great importance for studying the shell evolution in the region of Ni78. While there is experimental information on excited states in Cu69−73,77,79 isotopes, the information concerning Cu75 is very limited. Purpose: Experimentally observed single-particle, core-coupling, and proton-hole intruder states in Cu75, will complete the systematics of these states in the chain of isotopes. Method: Excited states in Cu75 were populated in the β decay of Ni75 isotopes. The Ni nuclei were produced by the in-flight fission of U238 projectiles, and were separated, identified, and implanted in a highly segmented Si detector array f…

research product

Is Seniority a Partial Dynamic Symmetry in the First $\nu g_{9/2}$ Shell?

The low-lying structures of the midshell νg9/2 Ni isotopes 72Ni and 74Ni have been investigated at the RIBF facility in RIKEN within the EURICA collaboration. Previously unobserved low-lying states were accessed for the first time following β decay of the mother nuclei 72Co and 74Co. As a result, we provide a complete picture in terms of the seniority scheme up to the first (8+) levels for both nuclei. The experimental results are compared to shell-model calculations in order to define to what extent the seniority quantum number is preserved in the first neutron g9/2 shell. We find that the disappearance of the seniority isomerism in the (81+) states can be explained by a lowering of the se…

research product

Isomeric 13/2+ (νi13/2−1) state in 211Th

Using a fusion-evaporation reaction and a gas-filled recoil separator, an isomeric state [T12=83(8)μs] with a most likely spin and parity of 132+ has been identified in Th211. The isomeric state is mainly depopulated via a hindered internal M2 transition [B(M2)=0.0025(5) W.u.], but also a weak α-decay branch of 4(3)% was observed. The present observations fit well to the systematic pattern set by the previously identified states of the same spin and parity in this region of the nuclear chart. peerReviewed

research product

Spectroscopy of 161Hf from low to high spin

Excited states in the neutron-deficient nucleus 161 72Hf89 have been populated using the 118Sn(48Ti,5n) 161Hf and 110Pd(56Fe,5n) 161Hf fusion-evaporation reactions at 240 and 270 MeV, respectively. The level scheme for 161Hf has been extended with the observation of new band structures and an I π = (13/2+) isomeric state with a half-life of 4.8(2) μs has been identified. The decay path from this isomer to the (7/2−) ground state is established. The yrast band, based on the (13/2+) isomeric state, is extended up to (73/2+) and side band structures are identified up to (69/2−) and (55/2−). Quasiparticle assignments for these rotational structures are made on the basis of their alignment prope…

research product

Spectroscopy on the proton drip-line: Probing the structure dependence of isospin nonconserving interactions

J. Henderson et al. ; 4 pags. ; 4 figs. ; PACS number(s): 21.10.Re, 21.60.Cs, 23.20.Lv, 27.50.+e

research product

Exploring the boundaries of the nuclear landscape : α-decay properties of 211Pa

Employing the recoil ion transport unit (RITU) and a fusion-evaporation reaction, the α decay of 211Pa has been identified via the implantation-decay correlation technique through observation of chains up to four consecutive decays. An α-particle energy and half-life of 8320(40) keV and 3.8+4.6−1.4 ms, respectively, were measured, corresponding to favored α decay. In addition, more precise α-decay properties of 212Pa and 213Pa were obtained due to accumulated statistics. The present data were compared to those predicted by selected atomic mass models and it was used to estimate the possibility of observing proton emission from these isotopes. peerReviewed

research product

Nuclear structure of Te isotopes beyond neutron magic number N=82

15 pags., 10 figs., 4 tabs.

research product

Spectroscopy of Kr70 and isospin symmetry in the T=1 fpg shell nuclei

The recoil-β tagging technique has been used in conjunction with the 40 Ca(32 S ,2n) reaction at a beam energy of 88 MeV to identify transitions associated with the decay of the 2 + and, tentatively, 4 + states in the nucleus 70 Kr. These data are used, along with previously published data, to examine the triplet energy differences (TED) for the mass 70 isobars. The experimental TED values are compared with shell model calculations, performed with the JUN45 interaction in the fpg model space, that include a J = 0 isospin nonconserving (INC) interaction with an isotensor strength of 100 keV. The agreement is found to be very good up to spin 4 and supports the expectation for analog states th…

research product

Low-lying excitations in Ni 72

A. I. Morales et al.; 14 págs.; 9 figs.; 3 tabs.

research product