Davide Testa
Anabolic steroid abuse and dependence: psychiatric effects in adolescents and young adults
Addictions substance free during lifespan
The addictions substance free is an umbrella definition comprises internet addiction, sexual addiction, gambling pathological, workholism, videogames and computer addiction. Actually, the technological addictions is frequent in young adolescents. The term Digital Natives indicates the children born in an information system of learning and communication different from that of the generations previous. This temporal range was strongly characterized by growing presence of technological communication toolsin daily life. The effects of hyper-exposition to technological tools tend to create a relational virtuality without a body is born,therefore, already within the family ties and during adolesc…
Neuropsychological Assessment In Children With Duchenne De Boulogne Muscular Dystrophy
The quality of life in the girls with Rett Syndrome
Motor disabilities in the Rett Syndrome
La qualità della vita in soggetti in età evolutiva affetti da patologie renali croniche
Atra. Renai pathologies bave an hard impact on ili children's life style, psychic and physical development. Inthelastyears, evenif medicai cures allowed these children to live longer and to bave a better quality of life, today both their families and themselves bave to face a lot of difficulties due to thè kind of pathology. These cbildren show behaviour troubles, bad sociability, aggressiveness, poorschool performance, anxiety and depression, and then thè subjects with chronic renai failure show a retard in neurological and cognitive development In this study we evatuated thè impact that thè chronic renai illness has on children and adolescente' quality life. Methods. Por this study, we ba…
Infantile autism and Duchenne de Boulogne Muscular Dystrophy
AIM: Since the 1950s, the problem of how to evaluate creativity has been addressed in studies on the definition of measurement criteria and on the relationship between intelligence and creative thinking. Many revealed cognitive and relational disorders in preterm infants, particularly in preterm very low birth weight infants (birth weight 2500 g. The test battery included: Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TCTT); WISC-R intelligence test; Goodenough Human Figure Drawing Test. RESULTS: Statistical analysis (Mann-Whitney U test) showed a statistically significant difference (P>0.05) between the 2 groups; scores for figure originality, figure fluidity and figure elaboration were consistently…
Nuove dipendenze del terzo millennio: l'utilizzo di steroidi anabolizzanti come sostanza d'abuso
Obiettivo. L'abuso di sostanze anabolizzanti si sta configurando come un problema di rilevanza psicosociale. L'uso di steroidi anabolizzanti in questi ultimi anni si è spostato dalla pratica sportiva professionale allo sport amatoriale e ad ambiti occupazionali particolari (buttafuori, modelli, ect.). La letteratura indica l'assuntore di steroidi come un poliassuntore che mette in atto condotte pericolose e aggressive per sé e per gli altri. L'obiettivo di questo studio è indagare le abitudini, le condotte di vita e il profilo psicologico di un gruppo di soggetti che frequentano centri sportivi nella città di Palermo (Italia), per verificare come l'utilizzo sconsiderato di sostanze anaboliz…
Intellectual disabilities and physical education
Merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy.
Memory deficit of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Several studies on intelligence of children suffering from Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) found impairments in linguistic functions and memory. Memory deficit mainly involves long-term memory; short-term memory impairment was also present, even if less frequently. Some studies tried to establish a correlation between the distal deletion of the dystrophin gene and low intelligence levels. The present study investigated the neuropsychological performance in a group of DMD children (26 subjects); neuropsychological tests included: Wechsler intelligence scale for children-revised; Raven’s progressive matrices test; Rey’s complex figure test; memory and digit span tests; Benton’s visual reten…
Evolving role of physical education on psycho-motor development in children with disabilities
Introduction: Functional non-retentive fecal soiling (FNRFS), or encopresis without constipation, is a common problem in pediatric age. FNRFS is associated with high levels of distress for both children and parents and with emotional disorders in about 30%-50% of affected children. This study aimed to evaluate stressors on a sample of children with FNRFS comparing to a group of typical devolpment children (TDC). Methods:154 subjects participated in the study: 56 FNRFS children (37 males; mean age 10.87 years ± 1.68); 98 TDC (65 males; mean age 11.3 years ± 1.85). All participants were evaluated for the presence of stressful events (LCU) using the Coddington Life Events Scales (CLES). Result…
SINDROME DI DOWN E SPORT: L'attività motoria per il recupero delle funzioni cognitive in età evolutiva
Contesto: Questo lavoro ha esaminato l'efficacia di un programma di allenamento integrato (allenatore e famiglia) in tre bambini con sindrome di Down, per migliorare le loro abilità motorie e cognitive, in particolare il tempo di reazione e la memoria di lavoro. Metodi: Il programma di allenamento integrato è stato utilizzato in tre bambini, due ragazzi (M1, con una età cronologica di 10,3 anni e di età mentale di 4,7 anni; M2, con una età cronologica di 14,6 anni e l'età mentale di meno di 4 anni) e una ragazza (F1, età cronologica 14,0 anni e un'età mentale di meno di 4 anni). Risultati: miglioramenti nei punteggi delle capacità motorie sono stati visti dopo il periodo di formazione. Magg…
Dystrophie Musculaire de Duchenne de Boulogne:analyse neuropsychologique
Risk behaviors among young people. Evaluation and descriptive analysis.
AIM: Risk behaviours--as they are defined by specialist literature for the damage these behaviours cause to young people's health and/or life--are getting more and more frequent among young people. They range from self-injuring behaviours to the consequences of a precocious, high-risk and/or promiscuous sexual activity, from abnormal eating behaviours to the deaths from fun. METHODS: The inquiry concerned a group of university students (100 males and 100 females), selected at random from the Faculties of Medicine and Surgery, Psychology, Economy and Jurisprudence of the University of Palermo, who were asked to answer a questionnaire composed of 91 questions and structured in 4 sections. The…