Giovanni Incalcaterra

Effects of transparent polyethylene mulching and different planting densities on tomato grown for processing

Tomato cultivation is steadily increasing in the Sicilian countryside where careful management of clay soils alows successful yields. The crop is estabished in the first week of May an rainfall is adeguate to obtain a sufficient production without irrigation. In these areas a recent development in tomato production for processing is the use of transparent polyethylen mulching. The aim of this study was to verify the effects of transparent PE mulching vs. bare soil and of three different plant densities (0.74, 1.1 or 2.2 plants/m2) on a tomato crop in the Sicilian countryside. Applying PE mulch and planting at a density of 2.2 plants/m2 resulted in the highest yield (58.6 t/ha). The lowest p…

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Reperimento e valutazione di popolazioni di carciofo in Sicilia

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Use of organic fertilizers for lettuce plug plant production

Vegetable crop production in conventional intensive agricultural systems commonly implies high fertilization rates. Recent data show that the worldwide demand for organically grown products is expanding rapidly. Increasing interest in organic vegetable production has lead to a need to produce seedlings organically. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of organic fertilizers applied to lettuce seedlings on plant growth and yield. Romaine lettuce seeds of cultivar Gretta R were sown on March 2007 in polystyrene plug trays in a unheated greenhouse in the Northern coast of Sicily. At the second leaf stage, seedlings were saturated with solutions containing vario…

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Risposta bioproduttiva di ecotipi diversi di lagenaria (Lagenaria siceraria Mol. Stand.) in Sicilia

research product

Plug plant fertilization and planting density affect onion productivity in sicily

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different planting density and different levels of plug plant fertilization on onion production in Sicily. Onion landrace ‘Bisacquino’ was sown in the first week of January 2006 in a unheated greenhouse in polystyrene plug trays. Seedlings were fertigated with the following three different solutions containing (in mg l-1) 800 N - 400 P - 400 K, 1200 N - 600 P - 600 K or 1600 N- 800 P - 800 K. Trays were subirrigated with the nutrient solution both at one leaf stage and 10 days prior transplanting. Plug plants were field transplanted in the Sicilian hilly countryside. The plugs consisting of one, two, or three onion plants were set 20 cm a…

research product

Valutazione di ecotipi siciliani di melone d'inverno coltivati in regime seccagno

The increasing cultivation of hybrid melon cultivars has caused the loss of several Sicilian landraces characterized by a high level of diversity, tolerance to environmental stress, disease resistance, and high quality fruits. Although the majority of hybrid melon fields in the Sicilian countryside are nowadays irrigated, many farmers are still growing melon landraces without irrigation. In this trial, eight Sicilian landraces of winter melon (Cucumis melo L. var. inodorus Naud.) with yellow skin and three with white skin were compared with the commercial cultivar Helios. Plants were grown at a density of 2080 plants ha-1. without irrigation. ‘Locale di Ustica’ and ‘Giallo di Recattivo’ gav…

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Epoche d'impianto e sistemi di allevamento del Fagiolo "a Badda"

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Biodiversità del melone d'inverno (Cucumis melo Var. Inodorus Naud.) in Sicilia

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Studi su ecotipi diversi di Lagenaria (Lagenaria siceraria Mol. Standl.) coltivati in Sicilia.

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Effetti delle eopche d'impianto sulla produttività del melone invernale "Ecotipo Purceddu"

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Efficacia dei pronubi sulla produttività del melone d'inverno( Cucumis melo var. inodorus) in coltura protetta.

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Agronomic response of winter melon (Cucumis Melo Inodorus Naud) to biodegradable and polyethylene film mulches, and different planting densities

The winter melon is widely grown in the open field in Sicily on about 6000 hectares. Plants are grown in the coutryside without irrigation as the annual rain precipitation provides sufficient water for the crop. In the last decades the use of plastic mulches are necessity of removal and dispostal after usage. The objective of this research was to evaluate effects of polyethylene and biodegradable films (transparent or black) in combination with two planting densities, 2667 plants/ha-1 (1plant/hill) or 5334 plants/ha -1 (2 plants/hill) on yield, fruit size, quality and earliness of winter melon. All mulches markedly increased early and total yields in comparison to unmulched plots. The best …

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Tecniche agronomiche, aspetti varietali e caratterizzazione del melone d'inverno.

tecniche agronomiche

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Valutazione di ecotipi di melone d’inverno nella Sicilia occidentale

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Conservazione dei frutti di melone d'inverno. meridionale.

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The use of floating cover directly applied on top of the crop is rapidly increasing on leafy vegetables like lettuce as a simple, inexpensive and effective technique to induce earliness. Two lettuce types, ‘Iceberg’ and ‘Romaine’, under two different crop management systems (black plastic mulch and black plastic mulch combined with floating cover) were tested in Sicily in 2007. Plug type transplants were planted at the end of January on double rows. The nonwoven floating cover was applied after transplanting. Maximum and minimum air temperatures below the floating cover during the growing period were in the average 5 and 1.5°C higher than those without cover. Lettuces mulched and protected …

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Effetti della dose di azoto su produzione e qualità di melone invernale

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Effects of Increasing Doses of Nitrogen Fertilization on Winter Melon Production in the Western Coast of Sicily

The winter melon is largely grown in the open field in the Mediterranean island of Sicily on about 6000 hectares. Nitrogen fertilization is a key aspect of a winter melon cultural system as it can dramatically improve fruit production and play a crucial role on fruit quality attributes such as fruit size, colour and uniformity. An experiment was performed to determine the influence of increasing doses of nitrogen fertilization on fruit yield and quality of winter melon. The trial was conducted in the north-western coast of Sicily near Buseto Palizzolo in the province of Trapani, 250-m elevation. Plug type transplants cv. Helios were planted in the first week of May. A transparent polyethyle…

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La coltivazione del melone e dello zucchino in pien'aria in Italia. Workshop sulle colture orticole di pien’aria

research product

Valutazione di diversi sesti di impianto del fagiolo "Badda"

Two bean ecotypes, termed ‘Badda bianca’ and ‘Badda nera’ according to the seed colour, have been grown since a long time near two villages, Polizzi Generosa and Castellana Sicula in the Madonie mountains (Sicily). An experimental trial was carried out to compare the effects of four different row distances (90, 120, 150 or 180 cm) and three plant densities (2, 4 or 6 plants per hole) on yield, number of seeds per pod, seed weight. Total yields on plots with row spacing of 90, 120, or 150 cm were significantly higher than that on plots with plants spaced 180 cm apart. Yield per plant lowered as plant density increased. Number of seeds per pod and seed weight were not affected by the treatmen…

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Ricerche sugli investimenti unitari del Cavolfiore in Sicilia.

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Effetti delle epoche d'impianto sulla produttività del melone invernale ecotipo "Purceddu"

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Valutazione agronomica di popolazioni di 'Cavolfiore Verde di Palermo' sottoposte ad epoche d'impianto diversificate

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Influence of different pollinators on Winter melon grown under polyethyle tunnels

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Effetti del portinnesto sulla produttività della mini anguria

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Effetti della rincalzatura e degli investimenti unitari sulla produttività del finocchio

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Effetti del portinnesto sulla produttività e sulla qualità dell'anguria.

The research aims to investigate the effects of different rootstocks on productive and qualitative aspects of two watermelon cultivars: Dumara, that produces big fruits and Minirossa that produces smaller fruits. For each cultivar, a randomized complete-block design was used with 3 replications to compare the following six grafting combinations: grafted plants into five rootstocks (Elsi, RS 841, Shintosa, Lagenaria corta, Anguria selvatica) and ungrafted plants. The highest yield of both cultivars was obtained with RS 841 while the lowest was observed with not grafted plants and grafted on elsi. However, using Elsi as rootstock, the plants gave fruits of greatest size. the best quality para…

research product

Epoche d'impianto e sistemi di allevamento per il fagiolo "Badda"

The bean landrace"Badda" has been cultivated since long ago in the Madonie mountains in the northern side of Sicily.It is characterized by a bush indeterminate habit and comprises two ecoty termed 'Badda bianca ' and 'Badda nera' according to the seed colour. This paper describes the results of a study on the effects of four sowing dates (June 15 and 30, July 15 and 30) and two vertical training sustems 8a frame of Arundo donax dry canes or a trellis consisting of several strands of wire) on productivity of the phaseolus landrace 'Badda bianca'. Marketable yields obtained from 15 june sowing were significantly higher than those from June 30 and July 15 sowing dates which in turn were signif…

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Valutazione bioagronomica di ecotipi di carciofo afferenti al ‘Violetto Spinoso di Sicilia’

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Espressioni della biodiversità del melone d'inverno (Cucumis melo var. inodorus Naud.) coltivato in Sicilia.


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Plastic mulching is currently used in many areas of the world for growing warm-season crops such as tomatoes, peppers, melons and water melons. The winter melon is widely grown in Sicily on about 6000 hectares. Plants are grown in the open field during the spring-summer months. In the last decades, mulching plastic films have enhanced winter melon early and total yields in Sicily. However, the disadvantage of polyethylene plastic mulches is that they have to be removed and disposed of after use. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of polyethylene (PE) and biodegradable mulching films on yield, fruit size and quality of several winter melon genotypes. Sicilian landraces (‘Cartuc…

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Effects of Plastic mulch and floating cover on lettuce production in Sicily

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Risposta del melone invernale alla pacciamatura con film organico.

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Pacciamatura e densità d’impianto dell’anguria nell’interno collinare siciliano

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Influenza della nutrizione minerale in vivaio e del volume degli alveoli sulla produttività della cipolla

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Apis mellifera L. nell'impollinazione del melone d'inverno (Cucumis melo L. var. inodorus Naud) sotto tunnel in Sicilia occidentale.

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Effetto della concimazione in vivaio e della densità d'impianto sulla produttività della cipolla.

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Conservabilità dei bulbi di ecotipi di cipolla

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Reperimento e valutazione di ecotipi di cipolla

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