G. La Loggia
Annual flow duration curves assessment in ephemeral small basins
Flow duration curve (FDC) represents a comprehensive signature of temporal runoff variability often used to synthesize catchment rainfall-runoff responses. A new model, the ModABa (MODel for Annual flow duration curves assessment in ephemeral small BAsins), is here introduced. It can be thought as a wide mosaic whose tesserae are frameworks, models or conceptual schemes separately developed in different studies and harmoniously interconnected with the final aim of reproducing the annual FDC in intermittent small catchments. Two separated seasons within the hydrological year are distinguished: a dry season, characterized by absence of streamflow, and a non-zero season. Streamflow is disaggre…
Analysis of intermittent supply systems in water scarcity conditions and evaluation of the resource distribution equity indices
Generally, urban water distribution shortage situations are solved by introducing discontinuous service and rationing the available water resources. This approach is widely adopted, not only in developing countries but also in developed ones, for solving short term scarcity conditions which can be caused by unpredicted drought periods. Intermittent distribution has the advantage of requiring small financial efforts but it leads to network operating conditions that are very far from the usual design ones. With the aim to analyse and describe the water supply network behaviour in intermittent conditions, a network hydraulic model has been set up in which both user and manager dependent regula…
Studio dell’incertezza connessa con l’analisi prestazionale di un sistema di drenaggio urbano
Modellazione in continuo dell’umidità del suolo e dell’evapotraspirazione effettiva mediante l’uso di un modello accoppiato energetico/idrologico
A model of the filling process of an intermittent distribution network
In many countries, private tanks are acquired by users to reduce their vulnerability to intermittent supply. The presence of these local reservoirs modifies the user demand pattern and usually increases user water demand at the beginning of the service period depending on the tank filling process. This practice is thus responsible for the inequality that occurs among users: those located in advantaged positions of the network are able to obtain water resources soon after the service period begins, while disadvantaged users have to wait much longer, after the network is full. This dynamic process requires the development of ad hoc models in order to obtain reliable results. This paper discus…
On the relationship between some production parameters and a vegetation index in viticulture
The use and timing of many agronomical practices such as the scheduling of irrigation and harvesting are dependent on accurate vineyard sampling of qualitative and productive parameters. Crop forecasting also depends on the representativeness of vineyard samples during the whole phenological period. This manuscript summarizes the last two years of precision viticulture in Sicily (Italy); agronomic campaigns were carried out in 2012 and 2013 within the "Tenute Rapitalà" and "Donnafugata" farms. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index derived from satellite images (RapidEye) acquired at berry set, pre-veraison and ripening phenological stages (occurred at June, July and August respectively) ha…
A mathematical model to evaluate apparent losses due to meter under-registration in intermittent water distribution networks
Apparent losses consist of water volume drawn from the network, consumed by users but not paid for. Those due to water meter under-registration were evaluated by means of a mathematical model able to analyse the complexity of intermittent supply systems with private tanks. This supply scheme is very common in the Mediterranean area where unexpected water shortage often happens and intermittent water supply is a common practice. In order to analyse such complex systems, a demand model, reproducing the effect of private tanks, and an apparent losses module were developed and coupled with an hydraulic network model based on the Global Gradient Algorithm (GGA). In distribution networks pressure…
Comparative analysis of different techniques for spatial interpolation of rainfall data to create a serially complete monthly time series of precipitation for Sicily, Italy
Abstract The availability of good and reliable rainfall data is fundamental for most hydrological analyses and for the design and management of water resources systems. However, in practice, precipitation records often suffer from missing data values mainly due to malfunctioning of raingauge for specific time periods. This is an important issue in practical hydrology because it affects the continuity of rainfall data and ultimately influences the results of hydrologic studies which use rainfall as input. Many methods to estimate missing rainfall data have been proposed in literature and, among these, most are based on spatial interpolation algorithms. In this paper different spatial interpo…
Modelli di previsione del consumo idrico istantaneo sulla base di reti neurali
The Effect of Damage Functions on Urban Flood Damage Appraisal
Flooding damage appraisal can been obtained by interpolating real damage data caused by historical flooding events or accounting the effects of a flood in terms of the depreciation of assets. Most often, the expected damage is evaluated by means of damage functions describing the relationship occurring between the damage and hydraulic characteristics of flood. The present paper aims to evaluate the uncertainty linked to the choice of the depth-damage function adopted in the flood damage analysis. Several possible depth-damage function formulations were selected in literature and applied to historical flooding events monitored in the "Centro Storico" catchment in Palermo (Italy). (C) 2013 Th…
Applications of a remote sensing-based two-source energy balance algorithm for mapping surface fluxes without in situ air temperature observations
Abstract The two-source energy balance (TSEB) model uses remotely sensed maps of land–surface temperature (LST) along with local air temperature estimates at a nominal blending height to model heat and water fluxes across a landscape, partitioned between dual sources of canopy and soil. For operational implementation of TSEB, however, it is often difficult to obtain representative air temperature data that are compatible with the LST retrievals, which may themselves have residual errors due to atmospheric and emissivity corrections. To address this issue, two different strategies in applying the TSEB model without requiring local air temperature data were tested over a typical Mediterranean…
Liner Poliolefinici nella produzione di canalizzazioni e manufatti in calcestruzzo
The impact of in-canopy wind profile formulations on heat flux estimation in an open orchard using the remote sensing-based two-source model
Abstract. For open orchard and vineyard canopies containing significant fractions of exposed soil (>50%), typical of Mediterranean agricultural regions, the energy balance of the vegetation elements is strongly influenced by heat exchange with the bare soil/substrate. For these agricultural systems a "two-source" approach, where radiation and turbulent exchange between the soil and canopy elements are explicitly modelled, appears to be the only suitable methodology for reliably assessing energy fluxes. In strongly clumped canopies, the effective wind speed profile inside and below the canopy layer can strongly influence the partitioning of energy fluxes between the soil and vegetation co…
Uncertainty connected with design rainfall for urban flood risk evaluation
Assessment of Modelling Structure and Data Availability Influence on Urban Flood Damage Modelling Uncertainty
Abstract In modelling application, different model structures may be equally reliable in terms of calibration ability but they may produce different uncertainty levels; moreover, available data during model calibration may influence the uncertainty linked to the predictions of the same modelling structure. In the present paper, Bayesian model-averaging was applied to several flood damage estimation models in order to identify the best model combination for urban flooding distribution analysis in Palermo city center (Italy). During the analysis, was taken into account the effect of the available data growth on the model uncertainty with respect to the different combination of models outputs.
Reliability of sewer system performance analysis
Using very high resolution (VHR) imagery within a GEOBIA framework for gully mapping: an application to the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
AbstractGully erosion is a form of accelerated erosion that may affect soil productivity, restrict land use, and lead to an increase of risk to infrastructure. An accurate mapping of these landforms can be difficult because of the presence of dense canopy and/or the wide spatial extent of some gullies. Even where possible, mapping of gullies through conventional field surveying can be an intensive and expensive activity. The recent widespread availability of very high resolution (VHR) imagery has led to a remarkable growth in the availability of terrain information, thus providing a basis for the development of new methodologies for analyzing Earth's surfaces. This work aims to develop a ge…
CARE-S: un sistema di supporto alle decisioni per la riabilitazione delle reti drenanti urbane
Effetto combinato di cambiamenti climatici ed urbanizzazione sugli estremi di portata
Il termine “cambiamento idrologico” (hydrological change) è spesso utilizzato per sintetizzare quell’insieme di alterazioni della risposta idrologica dei bacini indotte da fattori naturali o antropici. ll ruolo fondamentale di tali alterazioni nel determinare fenomeni di dissesto ha stimolato l’International Association of Hydrological Scienses (IAHS) a dedicare la decade scientifica 2013-2022 (denominata “Phanta Rhei”) ai cambiamenti idrologici e all’analisi dei diversi fattori perturbanti. I cambiamenti climatici e l’urbanizzazione sono fra i fattori antropici perturbanti più influenti e, allo stesso tempo, più diffusi a livello globale. Il cambiamento climatico è stato abbondantemente st…
Design storm prediction and hydrologic modeling using a Web-GIS approach on a Free software platform
Abstract The aim of this work has been to implement a set of procedures useful to automatise the evaluation, the design storm prediction and the flood discharge associated with a selected risk level. For this purpose a Geographic Information System has been implemented using Grass 5.0. One of the main topics of such a system is a georeferenced database of the highest intensity rainfalls and their assigned duration recorded in Sicily. This database contains the main characteristics for more than 250 raingauges, as well as the values of intense rainfall events recorded by these raingauges. These data are managed through the combined use of the PostgreSQL and GRASS-GIS 5.0 databases. Some of t…
Esperienze operative su sistemi di fognatura
Mapping evapotranspiration on vineyards: The Sentinel-2 potentiality
stimation of actual evapotranspiration in Sicilian vineyards, is an emerging issue since these agricultural systems. Indeed unlike other agricultural species (Vitis vinifera L. ) are generally cultivated under mild water stress, in order to enhance quality (Guadillère et al. , 2002. This has significant impacts on the management of the scarce water resources of the region. The choice of the most appropriate methodology for assessing water use in these systems is still an issue of debating, due to the complexity of canopy and root systems and for their high spatial fragmentation. In vineyards, quality and quantity of the final product are dependent on the controlled stress conditions to be s…
Sensitivity analysis on the relationship between vegetation growth and multi-polarized radar data
Spatially distributed soil moisture is required for watershed applications such as drought and flood prediction, crop irrigation scheduling, etc. In particular, an accurate assessment of the spatial and temporal variation of soil moisture is necessary to improve the predictive capability of runoff models, and for improving and validating hydrological processes forecasting. In recent years, several models have been developed in order to retrieve soil moisture using RADAR data. However, these models need precise prior knowledge about surface roughness. Within this framework, the present research aims to investigate the capabilities of multi polarimetric RADAR images to overcome the use of in …
Definition of Water Meter Substitution Plans based on a Composite Indicator
This paper presents a water meter substitution plan based on a composite "Replacement indicator" which was defined and compared with common substitution strategies based on meter age and on run-to-fail approaches. The methodology was applied to one of the 17 sub-networks in which the Palermo city water distribution network (Italy) is divided. The analysis was carried out considering a substitution budget limitation and the results showed that the use of "Replacement indicator" outperform the classical substitution strategies based on meter age because it takes into account some other variables that may affect meter precision and wearing. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The SESAMO early warning system for rainfall-triggered landslides
The development of Web-based information systems coupled with advanced monitoring systems could prove to be extremely useful in landslide risk management and mitigation. A new frontier in the field of rainfall-triggered landslides (RTLs) lies in the real-time modelling of the relationship between rainfall and slope stability; this requires an intensive monitoring of some key parameters that could be achieved through the use of modern and often low-cost technologies. This work describes an integrated information system for early warning of RTLs that has been deployed and tested, in a prototypal form, for an Italian pilot site. The core of the proposed system is a wireless sensor network coll…
Assessment of water shortage in urban areas
Recent history has demonstrated that extreme hydrological events such as floods and droughts can create additional stress on water supplies essential for human and ecosystem health. As stated several times by European Environmental Agency, the prudent and efficient use of water is thus an important issue in Europe and a number of policies and mechanisms have been used or have been formulated to ensure sustainable use of water in the long term. Urban uses are responsible of almost the 17% of the total European fresh water consumption and they are rapidly growing depending on the extension of urban areas and concentration of population in cities. The present chapter will discuss the phases in…
Assessing daily actual evapotranspiration through energy balance: an experiment to evaluate the selfpreservation hypothesis with acquisition time
An operational use of the actual evapotranspiration estimates requires the integration from instantaneous to daily values. This can commonly be achieved under the hypothesis of daytime self-preservation of the evaporative fraction. In this study, it has been evaluated the effect of this assumption on the assessment of daily evapotranspiration from proximity sensing images acquired at hourly intervals over a homogeneous olive groove. Results have been validated by comparison with observations made by a micrometeorological (EC-flux tower) and an eco-physiological (sap flux) sensor. SEBAL model has been applied to thermal and multispectral images acquired during a clear day on August 2009 trou…
Coupling two radar backscattering models to assess soil roughness and surface water content at farm scale
Remote sensing techniques are useful for agro-hydrological monitoring at the farm scale because the availability of spatially and temporally distributed data improves agricultural models for irrigation and crop yield optimization under water scarcity conditions. This research focuses on the surface water content retrieval using active microwave data. Two semi-empirical models were chosen as these showed the best performances in simulating cross and co-polarized backscatter. Thus, these models were coupled to obtain reliable assessments of both soil water content and soil roughness. The use of the coupled model enables one to avoid using roughness measured in situ. Remote sensing images and …
Surface soil humidity retrieval by means of a semi-empirical coupled SAR model
In the last years, the availability of new technologies of Earth Observation encouraged researches to use integrated approaches for environmental monitoring. Even for agro-hydrological applications, remotely sensed data are available on wide areas allowing the retrieval of cost-effective and representative estimation of high spatial and temporal variability of the soil-vegetation system variables. In particular, soil water content plays an important role determining the partition of precipitation between surface runoff and infiltration and, moreover, influences the distribution of the incoming radiation between latent and sensible heat flux. As a consequence, distributed soil water content …
Analysis of the impact of intermittent distribution by modelling the network-filling process
In many countries, users acquire private tanks to reduce their vulnerability to water scarcity. In such conditions, water managers often apply intermittent distribution in order to reduce the water volumes supplied to the users. This practice modifies the hydraulic behaviour of the network and determines competition among users that need to collect enough water resource for their uses. Intermittent distribution is thus responsible for the inequality that can occur among users: those located in advantaged positions of the network are able to obtain water resources soon after the service period begins, while others have to wait much longer, after the network is full. This paper analyses the i…
Annual runoff regional frequency analysis in Sicily
Abstract This paper performs annual runoff frequency analysis in Sicily, Italy using the index runoff method. Homogeneous regions, not necessarily defined by geographical boundaries but sharing common features from a morphologic and climatic standpoint, have been identified. For each region a single probability distribution function can be fitted to the available annual runoff data scaled by the index runoff. Starting from an initial dataset of 105 hydrometric stations, 57 stations have been selected using heuristic criteria associated with the Hosking and Wallis’s discordancy measure. The Mantel tests have been then applied to find out the physical and morphological parameters best correla…
Affidabilità dell’analisi prestazionale di un sistema di drenaggio urbano
Influence of hydrodynamic conditions on the production and fate ofPosidonia oceanicain a semi-enclosed shallow basin (Stagnone di Marsala, Western Sicily)
An integrated approach using hydrodynamic and transport numerical models, lepidochronology and stable isotope analysis was used to investigate how local hydrodynamic conditions influence the primary production and fate of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in a Mediterranean semi-enclosed marine system (Stagnone di Marsala). The water mass exchange aptitude of different sectors of the basin was analysed, and data collected were used to select two sectors (colonized by Posidonia oceanica showing the lowest and highest water exchange values) for biological analyses. According to the mean dispersal coefficient differences simulated by the hydrodynamic model, growth rate and primary production of …
Co-evolution of hydrological components under climate change scenarios in the Mediterranean area
ABSTRACT The Mediterranean area is historically characterized by high human pressure on water resources. Today, while climate is projected to be modified in the future, through precipitation decrease and temperature increase, that jointly and non-linearly may affect runoff, concerns about water availability are increasing. For these reasons, quantitative assessment of future modifications in the mean annual water availability are important; likewise, the description of the future interannual variability of some hydrological components such as runoff and evapotranspiration are highly wished for water management and ecosystems dynamics analyses. This study investigates at basin spatial scale …
A water demand model by means of the artificial neural networks method
Un modello previsionale della domanda idrica istantanea in condizioni di scarsità
Urban drainage performance analysis for flooding mitigation
The classification of submerged vegetation using hyperspectral MIVIS data
The aim of this research is to use hyperspectral MIVIS data to map the Posidonia oceanica prairies in a coastal lagoon (Stagnone di Marsala). It is approximately 12 km long and 2 km wide and is linked to the open sea by two shallow openings. This environment is characterised by prairies of phanerogams, the most common of which is Posidonia oceanica, an ideal habitat for numerous species of fish, molluscs and crustaceans. A knowledge of the distribution of submerged vegetation is useful to monitor the health of the lagoon. In order to classify the MIVIS imagery, the attenuation effects of the water column have been removed from the signal using Lyzenga’s technique. A comparison between class…
Evaluation of the apparent losses caused by water meter under-registration in intermittent water supply
Apparent losses are usually caused by water theft, billing errors, or revenue meter under-registration. While the first two causes are directly related to water utility management and may be reduced by improving company procedures, water meter inaccuracies are considered to be the most significant and hardest to quantify. Water meter errors are amplified in networks subjected to water scarcity, where users adopt private storage tanks to cope with the intermittent water supply. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of two variables influencing the apparent losses: water meter age and the private storage tank effect on meter performance. The study was carried out in Palermo (Italy). Th…
Valutazione delle perdite apparenti di un piccolo distretto della rete di distribuzione della città di Palermo: analisi sperimentale e modellistica
Urban drainage and sustainable cities: how to achieve flood resilient societies?
This paper tries to describe the main developments of urban flood forecasting and modelling. Currently, several new technologies are available for flood monitoring, modelling and mitigation and several paradigms suggest the adoption of greener approaches to urban storm water management. These tools and new approaches can be easily adaptable to new developments where the entire urban drainage system can be suited to follow a more sustainable way to drain storm water. The challenge for the future is instead aimed to apply this new philosophy to existing urban areas where the application of new tools and technologies requires high costs and such approaches have to be prepared by constructing a…
Evaluation of the water scarcity energy cost
Planktothrix rubescens in freshwater reservoirs: The Sentinel-2 potentiality for mapping phycocyanin concentration
In December 2006 blooms of Planktothrix rubescens were found in the Prizzi reservoir in Sicily. P. rubescens is sadly famous for producing microcystins (MC), which are harmful hepatotoxins. Recently (2006) P. rubescens has been found in the Pozzillo, Nicoletti, Ancipa, Prizzi and Garcia reservoirs. This paper compares the optical properties of the water of an infested reservoir and those of a clear water reservoir. Furthermore it evaluates an empirical method based on bands product to evaluate the phycocyanin cell density from MODIS, Landsat ETM+ and Sentinel-2 images. Spectroradiometric field campaigns were carried out in February/March 2008 to quantify the spectral transparencies of two w…
Daily streamlow prediction with uncertainty in ephemeral catchments using the GLUE methodology
Abstract The Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) approach is presented here as a tool for estimating the predictive uncertainty of a rainfall–runoff model. The GLUE methodology allows to recognise the possible equifinality of different parameter sets and assesses the likelihood of a parameters set being acceptable simulator when model predictions are compared to observed field data. The results of the GLUE methodology depend greatly on the choice of the likelihood measure and on the choice of the threshold which determines if a parameters set is behavioural or not. Moreover the sampling size has a strong influence on the uncertainty assessment of the response of a rainfall–…
Study of vegetation evolution in Sicily using time series analysis of remote sensing and climatic data.
During last 10 years, several studies confirmed that drought phenomena are affecting southern Mediterranean areas. One of the effects of a persistent drought is a modification of the vegetation cover and biomass. The aim of our research is to investigate and monitor the evolution of this phenom- enon in Sicily using remote sensing techniques. To do this, a data set of NOAA-AVHRR multispectral images, acquired monthly from 1988 to 2005, has been calibrated and processed. A time series analysis (TSA) has been applied both on the NDVI and precipitation data sets in order to study the main characteristics of vegetation distribution during the period under investigation and to compare the vegeta…
Impact of rainfall data resolution in time and space on the urban flooding evaluation
ABSTRACT Climate change and the modification of urban environment increase the frequency and the impact of flooding rising the interest of researchers and practitioners on this topic. Usually flooding frequency analysis in urban areas are indirectly carried out by adopting advanced hydraulic models to simulate long historical rainfall series or design storms. However their results are affected by a grade of uncertainty which has been much investigated in recent years. One of the most critical source of uncertainty inherent to hydraulic model results is linked to the imperfect knowledge of the rainfall input data both in time and space. Several studies show that hydrological modelling in urb…
The impact of in-canopy wind profile formulations on heat flux estimation using the remote sensing-based two-source model for an open orchard canopy in southern Italy
Abstract. For open orchard and vineyard canopies containing significant fractions of exposed soil (>50%), typical of Mediterranean agricultural regions, the energy balance of the vegetation elements is strongly influenced by heat exchange with the bare soil/substrate. For these agricultural systems a "two-source" approach, where radiation and turbulent exchange between the soil and canopy elements are explicitly modelled, appears to be the only suitable methodology for reliably assessing energy fluxes. In strongly clumped canopies, the effective wind speed profile inside and below the canopy layer can highly influence the partitioning of energy fluxes between the soil and vegetation comp…
Daily evapotranspiration assessment by means of residual surface energy balance modeling: A critical analysis under a wide range of water availability
Summary An operational use of the actual evapotranspiration assessed by remote sensing approaches requires the integration of instantaneous fluxes to daily values. This is commonly achieved under the hypotheses of daytime self-preservation of evaporative fraction and negligible daily ground heat flux. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of these assumptions on estimate daily evapotranspiration over a full phenological cycle, including phases characterized by significant changes both in net radiation and vegetation cover. To assess the reliability of these hypotheses, the observations made by a flux tower, installed within a homogeneous field of cereal located in the valley part …
Reti bayesiane per l’indentificazione delle migliori strategie di gestione idraulica di un bacino urbano
Uncertainty evaluation of design rainfall for urban flood risk analysis
A reliable and long dataset describing urban flood locations, volumes and depths would be an ideal prerequisite for assessing flood frequency distributions. However, data are often piecemeal and long-term hydraulic modelling is often adopted to estimate floods from historical rainfall series. Long-term modelling approaches are time- and resource-consuming, and synthetically designed rainfalls are often used to estimate flood frequencies. The present paper aimsto assess the uncertainty of such an approach and for suggesting improvements in thedefinition of synthetic rainfall data for flooding frequency analysis. According to this aim, a multivariate statistical analysis based on a copulameth…
Modeling of distribution network filling process during intermittent supply
Comparison between energy balance and mass balance models for actual evapotranspiration assessment
The assessment of the water needs for a specific crop has a fundamental importance in the management of water resources. The application of empirical models able to retrieve estimates of the actual evapotranspiration (ETa) to assess the need for water could give a valid tool for the planning of water supply, avoiding unnecessary water losses. In this context, two independent models for estimating actual evapotranspiration were compared. The first model is based on an energy balance and uses remotely sensed data and ancillary data from weather stations to assess the ETa. The second model also uses remotely sensed data and climatic data on a daily basis from a weather network. Field measureme…
Programmazione e gestione dei sistemi acquedottistici in condizioni di scarsità di risorsa
Critical analysis of thermal inertia approaches for surface soil water content retrieval
The “thermal inertia” method to retrieve surface soil water content maps on bare or sparsely-vegetated soils is analysed. The study area is a small experimental watershed, where optical and thermal images (in day and night time) and in situ data were simultaneously acquired. The sensitivity of thermal inertia to the phase difference between incoming radiation and soil temperature is demonstrated. Thus, to obtain an accurate value of the phase difference, the temporal distance between thermographs using a three-temperature approach is evaluated. We highlight when a cosine correction of the temperature needs to be applied, depending on whether the thermal inertia formulation includes two gene…
Uncertainty in urban flood damage assessment due to urban drainage modelling and depth-damage curve estimation
Due to the increased occurrence of flooding events in urban areas, many procedures for flood damage quantification have been defined in recent decades. The lack of large databases in most cases is overcome by combining the output of urban drainage models and damage curves linking flooding to expected damage. The application of advanced hydraulic models as diagnostic, design and decision-making support tools has become a standard practice in hydraulic research and application. Flooding damage functions are usually evaluated by a priori estimation of potential damage (based on the value of exposed goods) or by interpolating real damage data (recorded during historical flooding events). Hydrau…
Uncertainty analysis in sewer systems performance evaluation
In recent years, in order to analyse complex urban drainage systems and to identify the most effective measures for improving their efficiency, many parameters, or indicators, have been defined and many methodologies have been proposed in order to quantify sewer systems performance in the most objective and general way. However, some uncertainty arises in these methodologies due to choices which the user has to take in applying the procedure. Thus, performance analysis results are affected by operator experience and they are mainly useful for comparison between different scenarios applied to the same system. In the present paper, a statistical analysis of sewer systems performance has been …
Il controllo distribuito dei deflussi meteorici in ambiente urbano: le esperienze brasiliane ed italiane, le problematiche e le prospettive.
User water consumption is usually measured by volumetric water meters. Water meters also provide indispensable data used by the utilities for issuing bills, obtaining the system water balance, identifying failures in the network, water theft and anomalous user behaviour. Therefore, the utilities rely on such instruments for the technical and economic management of water systems. Despite their importance, water meters are characterised by relevant intrinsic errors that are responsible for a part of so-called apparent losses, i.e. water volumes reaching a final user without being accounted for. The aim of this paper is to provide a water meter management tool that analyses the meters performa…
Soil water content assessment: Seasonal effects on the triangle method
Among indirect estimations of the soil water content in the upper layer, the "triangle method" is based on the relationship between the optical and thermal features sensed via Earth Observation. These features are controlled by water content at surface and within root zone, but also by meteorological forcing including air temperature and humidity, and solar radiation. Night and day-time MODIS composite land-surface temperature (LST) allowed applying the thermal admittance version of the method; by taking into account the temporal admittance of the soil, this version was previously found achieving high accuracy in estimate the soil water content at high spatial resolution within a short time…
Regional flow duration curves for ungauged sites in Sicily
Abstract. Flow duration curves are simple and powerful tools to deal with many hydrological and environmental problems related to water quality assessment, water-use assessment and water allocation. Unfortunately the scarcity of streamflow data enables the use of these instruments only for gauged basins. A regional model is developed here for estimating flow duration curves at ungauged basins in Sicily, Italy. Due to the complex ephemeral behaviour of the examined region, this study distinguishes dry periods, when flows are zero, from wet periods using a three parameters power law to describe the frequency distribution of flows. A large dataset of streamflows has been analysed and the param…
Testing two temporal upscaling schemes for the estimation of the time variability of the actual evapotranspiration
Temporal availability of grapes actual evapotranspiration is an emerging issue since vineyards farms are more and more converted from rainfed to irrigated agricultural systems. The manuscript aims to verify the accuracy of the actual evapotranspiration retrieval coupling a single source energy balance approach and two different temporal upscaling schemes. The first scheme tests the temporal upscaling of the main input variables, namely the NDVI, albedo and LST; the second scheme tests the temporal upscaling of the energy balance output, the actual evapotranspiration. The temporal upscaling schemes were implemented on: i) airborne remote sensing data acquired monthly during a whole irrigatio…
Flood frequency analysis for an urban watershed: comparison between several statistical methodologies simulating synthetic rainfall events
To obtain the flooding frequency distribution for an urban watershed, different methods based on simulations of synthetic rainfall events were compared with an empirical analysis of the flooding data and with the results of long-term simulations. A copula-based multivariate statistical analysis of the main hydrological variables was proposed to generate synthetic hyetographs. Two different approaches were adopted to assess a temporal pattern to the synthetic rainfall: one analyses all available historical rainfall patterns, and another adopts the cluster analysis in three different variants to reduce the computational effort of the analysis. To test the methodology reliability, the analysis…
CALYPSO, a permanent and operational network of High-Frequency radar observing systems for real-time monitoring of surface currents in the Malta-Sicily channel
Illegal migration often results in dramatic loss of lives that can be avoided with timely Search and Rescue (SAR) interventions; such SAR services require accurate information such as on sea-state and operational tools such as trajectory forecasting for floating objects at sea. The maritime transport of oil crossing this region accounts for 25% of the global maritime traffic and for nearly 7% of the world oil accidents over the last 25 years. In combination with localized oil extraction plants existing in the shelf zones this situation presents a serious threat to both the open-sea and coastal-zone habitats, with consequent impacts on local economic activities as tourism and fisheries, impa…
Analisi e previsione dei consumi idrici urbani attraverso l’applicazione di modelli a rete neurale
Comparison of different stochastic models for urban water demand forecasting in drought conditions
Incertezza nella valutazione del danno da allagamento in ambiente urbano
Sistemi di monitoraggio meteorologico per l'analisi del campo di precipitazione in aree urbane finalizzati al preannuncio precoce di dissesti idrogeologici
Lo sviluppo dei sistemi informativi territoriali, insieme con quello di avanzate tecniche di monitoraggio ambientale, potrebbe risultare molto utile nell'ambito del preavviso e/o della mitigazione del rischio idrogeologico. Questo lavoro presenta un sistema integrato per il preannuncio del rischio idrogeologico il cui punto di forza risiede in un sistema di monitoraggio climatico e idrologico/geotecnico costituito da diversi sensori wireless che registrano una serie di informazioni relative a grandezze di tipo meteorologico, idrologico e geotecnico. I dati registrati e inviati ad una piattaforma web sono utilizzati per alimentare una rete neurale artificiale, opportunamente creata e addestr…
Identifiability analysis for pressure sensors positioning
The identifiability analysis is investigated as sampling design method aimed to the leakage detection in looped water distribution networks. The preliminary ranking of the candidate nodes for the pressure sensors positioning is performed by running several hydraulic simulations and calculating sensitivity functions. The reduced subset of nodes and their sensitivities are then used to perform the identifiability analysis by calculating the collinearity index which provides the maximum number of sensors and their location into the network. The index selects the nodes according to their sensitivities to several leakages scenarios, simulated in EPANET by changing the emitter coefficient of the …
Generazione di ietogrammi sintetici per l’analisi di frequenza degli allagamenti in ambiente urbano
Rainfall statistics changes in Sicily
Abstract. Changes in rainfall characteristics are one of the most relevant signs of current climate alterations. Many studies have demonstrated an increase in rainfall intensity and a reduction of frequency in several areas of the world, including Mediterranean areas. Rainfall characteristics may be crucial for vegetation patterns formation and evolution in Mediterranean ecosystems, with important implications, for example, in vegetation water stress or coexistence and competition dynamics. At the same time, characteristics of extreme rainfall events are fundamental for the estimation of flood peaks and quantiles which can be used in many hydrological applications, such as design of the mos…
A sensitivity analysis of a surface energy balance model to LAI (Leaf Area Index)
The LAI is a key parameter in hydrological processes, especially in the physically based distribution models. It is a critical ecosystem attribute since physiological processes such as photosynthesis, transpiration and evaporation depend on it. The diffusion of water vapor, momentum, heat and light through the canopy is regulated by the distribution and density of the leaves, branches, twigs and stems. The LAI influences the sensible heat flux H in the surface energy balance single source models through the calculation of the roughness length and of the displacement height. The aerodynamic resistance between the soil and within-canopy source height is a function of the LAI through the rough…