S. Baba

Postersitzung 7: Urologische Tumoren — Grundlagenforschung

Nach Ureterosigmoidostomie (UST) wurde bis 1986 uber 79 im Anastomosenbereich entstandene Adenocarcinome berichtet. Zwei entsprechende Carcinome sind im Colon-Conduit, vier im Ileum-Conduit beschrieben [6, 10]. Die Carcinomentstehung, insbesondere nach Ureterosigmoidostomie, wird meist auf eine durch gemeinsame Ableitung von Stuhl und Urin induzierte endogene Nitrosaminsynthese im Darm zuruckgefuhrt [9]. Crissey [3, 4] beschrieb 1980 in einem von ihm inaugurierten Rattenmodell in 66% eine Carcinomentstehung bei gemeinsamer Ableitung von Urin und Stuhl im Darm. Die Latenzzeit betrug 8–11 Monate. Bei Gittes [5] entstanden bei der Weiterfuhrung dieses Modells in 80% Carcinome nach 8–12 Monaten…

research product

The Effects of Chlorotrianisene (Tace) on Kinetics of 3H-testosterone Metabolism in Patients with Carcinoma of the Prostate

Summary— Alterations in the metabolism of testosterone and plasma levels of testosterone, luteinising hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin and oestradiol were studied in 6 patients with newly diagnosed prostatic carcinoma before and during treatment with chlorotrianisene at a daily dosage of 48 mg for 14 days. Parameters of plasma kinetics were determined according to the single injection technique and the 2-compartment model, and the plasma hormones by radioimmunoassay. Chlorotrianisene altered neither plasma levels of testosterone, gonadotrophins, prolactin and oestradiol, nor metabolic clearance rate, production rate and other kinetic parameters of testosterone. Th…

research product

In vivo studies on the antiandrogenic effects of cimetidine versus cyproterone acetate in rats

To investigate the antiandrogenic action of cimetidine in vivo, prostatic androgen uptake and metabolism, spermatogenesis, morphology of the prostate and testes, and plasma hormone levels were studied using Sprague-Dawley rats, and the results were compared with the effects of cyproterone acetate or castration. Cimetidine and cyproterone acetate caused significant reduction in the weights of the ventral prostate and testes. The changes of ventral prostate were accompanied by a dose-related epithelial atrophy. No adverse effect on spermatogenesis was observed after treatment with cimetidine at daily doses of 50 mg/kg or cyproterone acetate of 10 mg/kg. Although cimetidine treatment induced a…

research product